This guide gives an explanation of how the names listed in the next section were transliterated for the English Edition.
As mentioned in the Foreword to the English Edition, transliterating names and surnames from one language to another is a difficult task. In the case of Jews from Poland, the names have gone through several language changes over time, making it particularly difficult to ascertain which is the right spelling-if one exists. The policy we adopted for the book and for this list was to spell names (using sources such as indexes of vital records, business directories, and Yad Vashem pages of testimony) as they most probably were in prewar Działoszyce. This was done in order to make it easier for researchers to trace their ancestors back to Poland and find official records there. Certain Hebrew letters can be transliterated differently depending on the vowel signs and the letters around them. For instance, Aleph may be transliterated A, E, or O, Therefore, in searching through the list of martyrs, one should examine all the different sections of the list in order to avoid missing any relevant names. As is the custom in Poland, the feminine surname endings cka and ska have been used for women (Rolnicka, Wdowińska) rather than the masculine surname endings cki and ski (Rolnicki, Wdowiński). Thus, in such cases, the women's names appear before the men's. For Hebrew given names such as Elihu, Elimelech, Eliezer, and Menachem, the transliterated form given here is the Yiddish equivalent that was most probably used in Działoszyce-i.e., Eliasz, Mejlech, Lejzor, and Nuchim. In the original edition, the list of martyrs was in alphabetic order according to the Hebrew alphabet. The list here is in alphabetic order according to the English alphabet. |
Fay and Julian Bussgang Editors of the English Edition |
This list was compiled through a world-wide questionnaire among surviving former residents of Działoszyce. The committee made strenuous efforts to ensure that every single person's name was collected and that no one was forgotten. However, since there is no archive for the community, the only source was our memories, which makes it certain that many people were forgotten. May the memory of those forgotten and missing be blessed forever. [2] |
Abramowicz, Perec and Chana (b. [born] Cudzynowska) |
Ajzen, Chaim Lejzor, Dwosia, and children Rywka, Szmul Hersz (ritual slaughterer) and seven children |
Akerman, Majer, Pesela, Kalman, and Sura |
Akerman, Zelig and Szajndla |
Akurant, Laja, Estera, and Dawid |
Alter, Icek, Basia, Simek, and Hela |
Altman, Becalel, wife Ruchla, and son Szyja |
Ankerman, Mania |
Arkusz, Chaja (b. Gerstenfeld), and children Estera and Dawid |
Arkusz, Josek and wife Gitla (b. Dziewięcka) |
Aspis, Bajla [see Wajnryb] [3] |
Aspis, Icek and Marjem, Wolf, Szmul, Abram, Bajla |
Aspis, Wolf, Szmul, Abram, Bajla, Marjem |
Index |
Balderman, Abram, wife Pesela (b. Groswald), and children Szmul, Jakób, and Lejzor |
Balicki, Abram Lejzor, wife Rela, children Ajdla, Nacha, Lewi, Perec, Mejlech, Chana |
Banach, Abram and Laja |
Banach, Abram Hersz |
Banach, Dawid, wife Bajla, daughter Małka |
Banach, Szmul, Kajla, Kopel, and Josek |
Bejski, Bencion, wife Sura (b. Ptaśnik), daughter Marjem Ruchla |
Bergman, Jakób |
Biegacz, Ber, Mote, Bluma, Ruchla, Sura |
Biegacz, Jechiel Chaim |
Biegacz, Szmaja |
Binsztok, Sura [see Kamierski] |
Biter, Abram Szlama, wife Małka, and children Jakób and Rajzla |
Biter, Moszek, Motel, and Laja |
Biter, Symcha and wife Estera |
Blada, Golda, Abram Szulim, and Jachwet |
Blat, Abram Moszek and wife Złata Perla, children Aron, Dobcia, Jonas, Zajnwel, Pola, Majer, Sura, Jakób Icek, and Lejzor |
Blat, Brajndla, Icek, and Mejlech |
Blat, Hercke, wife Chanka, Bajla and Moszek Chaim |
Blat, Mejlech, wife Rywka, and children Motel and Balcia |
Blat, Rywka [see Rożenek] |
Brandys, Abram, wife Hindela (b. Waga) |
Brandys, Kopel and family |
Brandys, Lejbuś, wife Chana, and children Moszek, Laja, Rafał, and Szlama |
Bratkiewicz, Josek, Sura Mindla |
Bratkiewicz, Mordka, Mindla, Zysla, Zelig, Marjem, Witla |
Brener, Becalel, Sura, Szlama, Simek |
Brener, Binem, Bluma, Icek Chaim, Sura Brajndla, Chaja, Ze'ev Aron |
Brener, Sura Brajndla [see Nusbaum] |
Brojgies, Alter Wowcze [Wolf], Salka, Rojza |
Brojgies, Aron and wife Estera |
Brojgies, Berl, wife Fajga, daughters Zysla and Tauba |
Brojgies, Chana, and children Berl and Rojza |
Brojgies, Tauba [see Secemski] |
Brojgies, Tauba, Sura, Motel, Ruchla |
Brojgies, Zysla [see Gdański] |
Bugajski, Judel and Blima |
Bursztyn, Bencion; Bursztyn, Jechiel |
Bursztyn, Moszek, wife Chawa (b. Dula), and children Rojza, Szymon, and Cyla |
Index |
Chaba, Fela, Moszek, Szyja, Jakób |
Chaba, Michał, Mindla, Fajwel, Jakób, Marjem, Chana Ruchla |
Chaba, Ruchla, Rajzla, Abram Lejzor, Mordka, Dawid, and Aron |
Chałupowicz, Chaim, wife Luba (b. Prasa), and daughters |
Charmac, Chuna, wife Chawa, children Chaim Dawid, Chana, and Estera |
Chęcinski, Efroim and family |
Chęcinski, Izrael, Chaja, Szoszana, Moszek, Fajwel, and Majer |
Cudzynowska, Chana [see Abramowicz] |
Cudzynowska, Chawa, Chaskiel Zachariasz, Josek, Zysel |
Cudzynowska, Rywka [see Spokojny] |
Cudzynowski, Chaim, wife Szajndla (b. łataś), children Szymon Eliasz, Lejzor, Bracha |
Cudzynowski, Dawid, Małka, Chana, Bracha, Wolf, Zysel Akiwa, Bajla |
Cudzynowski, Josek, wife Estera (b. Mendlowicz), and daughter Pola |
Cudzynowski, Josek, Zysla, Jachwet, Szymon, Dawid, Laja, Estera |
Cudzynowski, Josek, Zysla, Laja, Estera, Dawid, Drezla, Ruchla, Sura, Szmul |
Cudzynowski, Mordka Josek |
Cukierman, Aron, Abram Jakób |
Cukierman, Dawid, Henia |
Cukierman, Izrael |
Cukierman, Jakób, Chaja, Josek, Witla, Chana |
Cukierman, Kalman, wife Mala, and children |
Cukierman, Zajdel |
Cukierwar, Marjem |
Cycowski, Juda Lejbuś, Frymeta, Sura, Rywka, Estera Bajla, Dwojra, Zerach, Mendel, Frajda, Henia |
Czarkowski, Manela and wife Estera Laja |
Czarnocha, Berl, Małka, and family |
Czarnocha, Beryl and wife Małka |
Czarnocha, Chaja, and three children |
Czarnocha, Sender and family |
Czarny, Szmul, Ruchla, Laja, Ajdla |
Czeska, Dwosia (b. Ptaśnik), Henia, Abram, Sura, Chana, Tauba |
Czeska, Sura, children Abram, Chana |
Czosnek, Jakób, Chana, Bluma Marjem, Moszek |
Czosnek, Jakób, Zelda, Zvi [Hersz], Frania, Cyla, Moszek |
Czosnek, Lejzor, Laja, Majer, Bluma, Szmul |
Czosnek [see also Hesznik] |
Index |
Dąbrowska, Tauba, Cypora, Bajla, Benjamin, Chaim Majer, Motel |
Dąbrowski, Szlama; Dąbrowska, Ita; Dąbrowski, Benjamin |
Dafner, Dawid and family |
Dafner, Laja |
Drobiarz, Chana Perla, and children Rajzla, Abram Icek, Zvi [Hersz] |
Drobiarz, Estera and family |
Drobiarz, Gitla, and family Hinda, Estera, Abram Icek, Bluma |
Drobiarz, Majer, wife Sura (b. Prasa), and daughters Bluma and Rajzla |
Drobiarz, Mordka and family |
Dula, Abram, wife Frajdla-Nisza, children Bajla, Chana, Szmul, and Aron |
Dula, Chawa [see Bursztyn] |
Dula, Cypora (Fajgla) |
Dula, Jonatan |
Dula, Juda, wife Estera, children Bajla, Wolf, Kalman, Frymeta, and Fela |
Dula, Kalman and Chawa |
Dula, Lejbuś and Rywka |
Dula, Marjem, and daughters |
Dula, Mendel and Perla |
Dula, Mordka |
Dula, Ze'ev [Wolf], wife Mala, and daughter |
Dziewięcka, Chawa, and two children |
Dziewięcka, Gitla [see Arkusz] |
Dziewięcki, Chaim Josek, Nacha, Chendla |
Dziewięcki, Efroim, wife, and son |
Dziewięcki, Herszel |
Dziewięcki, Jekutiel |
Dziewięcki, Szlama, wife Sura, and son |
Index |
Edelist, Chuna, wife Zysla, and children Lejbcia and Mindla |
Edelist, Gabriel; Edelist, Estera; Edelist, Dina |
Edelist, Jekiel and family, Dwosia, and Sima |
Elwing, Jakób and family, ztsl [righteous of blessed memory], head of the Skalbmierz Jewish community, president of the local Beit Din [Jewish court] |
Epsztajn, Alta, Estera Pajcia |
Epsztajn, Eliejzor the Levite, the grand rabbi, direct descendant of the grand rabbi from Neustadt, fifth generation from the author of the Maor Vashemesh |
Epsztajn, Frymeta, the righteous and renowned wife of the grand rabbi. She was famous for righteous acts. She was the daughter of the grand rabbi, the wondrous teacher, Rabbi Jakób Moszek Safrin from Komarno, fourth generation from the grand rabbi, Ajzykl, the great kabalist of Komarno; son Josek Dawid, grand rabbi of Sokołów, Galicia |
Epsztajn, Jonatan |
Epsztajn, Rabbi Icek Ajzyk and family from łód |
Epsztajn, Rabbi Izrael and family, grand rabbi in łód |
Erlich, Zvi [Hersz] Mordka, Cyna, Rywen, Estera, Gita |
Index |
Fajgenblat, Itka |
Fajner, Josek Kalman Chaim, and sister |
Fajner, Necha [see Rajzfeld] |
Federman, Jetla |
Federman, Wolf and family |
Ferenc, Herzl |
Fink, Jakób |
Fiszler, Dawid, Bajla, Moszek, Chanan, Lejzor |
Fiszler, Josek Juda, wife Frajdla Estera, and Szmul |
Fiszler, Josek, Frajdla, Mendel Dawid, Perla, Juda, Pinkus |
Fiszler, Kalman Szymon, Telcia, Bluma |
Fiszler, Pinkus, Bracha, Bajla, Mendel, Szabsia |
Flaum, Josek, wife Chaja, daughters Chana and Dina |
Florenc, Marjem [see Zyngier] |
Frajman, Chaja, Nechama, Izrael |
Frajman, Chawa (daughter of Icek Zvi), and children Róża, Chaja, Ruchla, Sura, Ita, Frajda Małka, Nuchim, Chaskiel, Kalonymos Kalman |
Frajman, Estera, Chana |
Frajman, Menachem, Chana, Szlama |
Frajman, Mendel, wife Zysla, sons Chaim and Szymon |
Frajman, Pinkus, wife, and children Dawid, Lejbl, Abram |
Frajman, Purna [Pojra?], and children Abram, Icek, and Szymon |
Frajn, Moszek and family |
Frajn, Nusyn and family |
Frajnd, Alter (ritual slaughterer), Cyrka, Jekiel, Chawa, and daughter Golda |
Frenkel, Chaim, wife Rywka (b. Lewkowicz), children Jakób, Majer |
Frenkel, Josek Chaim, wife Gitla (b. Jutrzenka), Dawid, Witla, Mala, and Bajla |
Frydberg, Icek Majer (ritual slaughterer), wife, and daughter |
Frydman, Jonas and family |
Frydman, Naftali, Eli, Frajda, Chaim |
Frydman, Symcha, Bajla, Chana Brajndla, Rywka, Ruchla, Mirla |
Frydrych, Dawid, wife Zlota (b. łataś), Jenta |
Fuks, Icze, wife Chawa (b. Szliwińska), and children |
Index |
Garbarz, Arysz, wife Bluma, and children Fajgla, Henia, Pesla, Binem, and Hinda |
Garfinkiel, Dawid, wife Ruchla (b. Grycman), children Jakób, Anszel, Fania |
Garfinkiel, Majer, wife, and children Dwojra and Estera, and son Jechiel |
Gdańska, Brajndla, husband, and children Izrael and Dawid |
Gdański, Rachmiel, wife Zysla (b. Brojgies), children Sura, Jechiel, Dawid |
Gelbart, Nuchim, wife Sura, daughters Frymeta and Rywka |
Gelibter, Bajla |
Gelibter, Icek and family |
Gerszonowicz, Lejb, Izrael, Chana, Henia, Bajla, Moszek, Aron, Dwosia, Jakób, Fajgla |
Gersztenfeld, Chaja [see Arkusz] |
Gertler, Salomea, and children Leopold, Eugenia, and Jonas |
Glajt, Balcia |
Glajt, Hersz Lejb, wife Fajgla, and children Laja and Racla |
Glajt, Izrael and wife Balcia |
Glajt, Pejsach and Golda |
Glajt, Szlama, wife Chana, and child Moszek |
Glazman, Juda, wife Sura, and daughter Chana |
Głodna, Marjem Laja |
Goldfrajnd, Frajda |
Goldkorn, Herszel and Chawa |
Goldkorn, Szmul and wife, and children Szlama Berysz and Ruchla |
Goldkorn, Zysla [see Wdowiński] |
Gotfryd, Aba, Małka, Josek, Perec |
Granetman, Abysz, wife Fajgela (b. Szwimer), children Bajla, Rajza, and Szulim |
Grosfeld, Chaja |
Groswald, Juda Lejb, wife Ruchla, and children Dawid, Jakób, Nuchim, and Szabsia |
Groswald, Pesela [see Balderman] |
Grycman, Małka |
Grycman, Ruchla [see Garfinkiel] |
Gryner, Berl |
Gryner, Lejzor, and child Berl |
Gryner, Szlama, and children Berl and Chana |
Grześ, Laja [see Miller] |
Gutenberg, Moszek and Zysla |
Index |
Halpern, Abram, Chaja Mania, Estera, Perla, Szyja Heszel, Nuchim Majer, Szajndla |
Herc, Cyrla [see Rodał] |
Hercberg, Pejsach, Genia |
Herszlowicz, Abram |
Herszlowicz, Abram, Chana, and Hercke |
Herszlowicz, Hercke, Fajgla, and sister |
Heshnik [Czosnek?], Lejbuś |
Honigsberg, Michał, Szlama, Jentla, Kalman, Estera |
Horowicz, Gerszon, Małka Laja, Jentla, Frymeta, Chana |
Horowicz, Rajzla |
Index |
Ickowicz, Wolf and family |
Iserowski, Moszek Fiszel and Chaja |
Izraelowicz, Eliasz, Mindla, Tuwia |
Index |
Jakubowicz, Kopel, Estera, Jakób |
Jakubowicz, Mordka Lejb and family |
Jakubowicz, Zyskind, wife, and children |
Jasny, Aron, Frymeta, Hinda, Sura, Bajla, Ita, Chaim, Bronia, Mejlech |
Jasny, Zvi [Hersz], Sura, Nuchim, Chawa, Hela |
Jura, Szmaja and family |
Jurysta, Aron and family |
Jurysta, Chanandel |
Jurysta, Icek, Estera, Mordka, Jakób |
Jurysta, Judel and family |
Jurysta, Sandel and family |
Jurysta, Symcha, wife Szajndla, children Chaim Dawid, Dwojra, Abram Aba, Perla, and Szmul |
Jutrzenka, Abram, Mirla, and children |
Jutrzenka, Chaim Chaskiel, Naomi, Izrael, Cyrla, Lejbl and family |
Jutrzenka, Gitla [see Frankel] |
Jutrzenka, Icek, Chana, Pincia, Szulim, Ita |
Jutrzenka, Jekiel, wife Cwetela (b. Skrzypek) |
Jutrzenka, Michał, wife Rajzla, Naomi and sisters |
Jutrzenka, Szmul, Fajgla, Witla, Estera, Moszek |
Index |
Kac, Kalman |
Kac, Moszek |
Kac, Paltjel, Mendel, Cypora |
Kac, Rywka |
Kaczka, Gabriel, wife Laja, children Szlama and Chaim |
Kajzer, Chaim, Chawa |
Kajzer, Mordka, Cyrla, Berysz, Chana, Chaja, Chawa, Herszel |
Kamelgart, Josek, wife Szoszana, children Izrael, Jakób, Moszek, Chana, Michał |
Kamrat, Kajla [see Rafałowicz] |
Kamierska, Sura (b. Binsztok) |
Kamierski, Abram Aba, wife Gelcia, children Rojza, Cypora, Izrael, Perec, and Jakób |
Kamierski, Godal, Jekiel |
Kamierski, Lejzer and family |
Kamierski, Szlama, Laja |
Kińryś, Kalman and Szajndla |
Kińryś, Szlama and Estera |
Kirszenbaum, Jehudit |
Klajner, Szmul, Szyfra |
Klajnman, Izrael and family |
Klajnman, Jonatan (ritual slaughterer) and family |
Klajnman, Mejlech and family |
Kminkowski, Moszek and Sura |
Kohn, Abram and Rywka |
Kołatacz, Ajdla, Jenta, Mania, Sejwa, Dolek |
Kołatacz, Cypora [see Wdowiński] |
Kołatacz, Icek |
Kopeć, Icek, Mania, Josek, Rywka, Kalman |
Kopeć, Kalman son of Aba |
Kopeć, Nusyn; Kopeć, Bluma; Kopeć, Chawa; Kopeć, Josek; Kopeć, Szyja; Kopeć, Sura |
Kopeć, Szewa and children |
Kopeć, Szoszana [see Krelman] |
Kopeć, Zvi [Hersz] |
Koma, Anszel, wife Mechla (b. Lis), and children Fajgla, Icek, Josek, Joel Berl, Itka, Estera, and Bluma |
Koma, Chaim, and sister Chana Cyrla and their families |
Koma, Icek and family |
Koma, Rabbi Abram Dayan, ztsl [righteous of blessed memory], and wife Chaja, and children |
Krajcer, Jakób, Tyla, Hadassa, Frymeta, Chana, Izrael, Moszek, Anna, Laja |
Krelman, Bluma [see Zalcman] |
Krelman, Jachwet [see Ryba] |
Krelman, Jakób Zvi [Hersz]; Krelman, Szoszana (b. Kopeć) |
Krzesiwo, Henoch, wife Estera, children Gitla, Aron, Jechiel, Hersz, Itla |
Krzykacz [see Skrzykacz] |
Kulimek, Herszel, Hinda, and children |
Kulimek, Mejlech, wife Rywka, and eight children |
Kurland, Moryc, Rajza, Lasia, Heniek |
Kwalwaser, Mordka, wife Bajla, Rywen, Abram, Josek, Mindzia |
Index |
Langer, Ajzyk, Wolf |
Łataś, Abram, Bluma, Jenta Brajndla |
Łataś, Masza, Jenta Serca |
Łataś, Szajndla [see Cudzynowska] |
Łataś, Złata [see Frydrych] |
Łaniarz, Gitla Tauba |
Łaznowska, Małka, Hela and siblings |
Lejzorowicz, Benjamin, Jakób, Ze'ev [Wolf], Gita, Fryma |
Lejzorowicz, Rywka, Ruchla |
Lejzorowicz, Zvi [Hersz] |
Leszman, Jakób, wife Mania (b. Ptaśnik), children Dov [Ber], Rojza, Dawid, Gitla, Izrael, Ita |
Leszman, Juda, and son Izrael |
Lewit, Moszek, Benjamin and family |
Lewkowicz, Abram, Chana |
Lewkowicz, Aron, wife Chaja Sprynca, children Mindla, Fajgla, Rajzla, Josek, Kalman |
Lewkowicz, Dwojra |
Lewkowicz, Kajla, and children |
Lewkowicz, Rachmiel, Dawid |
Lewkowicz, Rywka [see Frenkel] |
Lewkowicz, Szmul Jakób, Sura Rajzla, Rojza, Chanandel, Moszek, Herszel, Małka, Bluma, and Dawid |
Lewkowicz, Zalman, wife, and five children |
Lichtig, Estera [see Pryzant] |
Lichtig, Szlama |
Lida, Arje Lejbuś, Szoszana, Bluma, Małka |
Lida, Chaim Zvi [Hersz], Chaja Sura, Juda Arje, Ze'ev [Wolf], Herzl, Lewi, Dwojra, Menachem Mendel, Izrael |
Lida, Chana and family |
Lida, Laja and family |
Lipman, Mordka, Aszer Lejzor Eli Iser Henoch Aba, Szymon Icek Zelig |
Lipman, Mordka, Zelig, Aba, Szymszel, Icek, Eliasz Iser |
Lis, Jakób, Fajgla |
Lis, Mechla [see Koma] |
Lokaj, Abram and family |
Lokaj, Herszel, wife Ruchla, children Izrael, Abram, Rafał, Szajndla |
Lokaj, Taubele [see Prasa] |
Lublin, Lejb, Sura, Lejzor |
Index |
Majerczyk, Abram |
Majerczyk, Chana and family |
Majerczyk, Fajgla [see Spiro] |
Majerczyk, Gela |
Majerczyk, Marjemcia? |
Majerczyk, Moszek Aron, Cyrka, Rywka, Henia, Ruchla |
Majerczyk, Naftali, Rywka, Fajgla, Gitla |
Majerczyk, Rywka, Gitla |
Majtek, Chaim, Szyfra |
Majtek, Jakób, Moszek Fiszel |
Majtek, Michał, wife Bajla (b. Natansohn), and children |
Malc, Chana and family |
Malc, Herszel, Rywka, Ruchla, Dawid |
Mandelbaum, Dawid and Sonia |
Mandelbaum, Jakób, wife Szajndla, and son Herszel |
Mandelbaum, Josek Juda, wife Fajgla, and daughter Bajla |
Mendlowicz, Estera [see Cudzynowski) |
Miller, Herszel, wife Laja (b. Grześ), Bajla, Doba, Szmul, Dwojra, Gitla, Jakób |
Minc, Szmerl, Bajla, Hersz Lejb, Fajgla, Chaja |
Miodownik, Josek Baruch, Kajla, Izrael, Jechiel, Kalmisz, and Motel |
Moher, Herszel, Małka, Bluma, Rajzla, Lejbl, Szlama, Chancia |
Moneta, Jakób, wife Zysla (b. Zmyślana), and two children |
Morowicki, Izrael, Ruchla, Hinda, Lipa, Benjamin, Rojza, Abram, Bajla, Dawid, Laja |
Moszenberg, Aszer, Ruchla, Lejzor, Chaim, Chana |
Moszkowicz, Hendel, Gela |
Mur, Mania |
Index |
Nagelblat, Chaim Majer, Genendel, Sura Laja, Gitla, Chana, Frajda, Rywka |
Nagelblat, Szmul, Bronia, Icek, Jakób, Gitla |
Najman, Brajndla |
Natansohn, Abram, Fela, Bajla, Szmul |
Natansohn, Bajla [see Majtek] |
Natansohn, Judel, Mindla, Balcia, Wolf |
Natansohn, Kalman, wife, and daughter |
Natansohn, Moszek Fiszel, Mordka, Wolf, Majer |
Natansohn, Sura, Mindla, and Bajla |
Niemowa, Icek, wife Rywka, children Marjem, Sima, Lejb, Wolf |
Nifkier, Wita, Bronia (b. Sztajer), Josek, Nadzia (b. Rajzfeld) |
Nożycer, Hercke, wife Sura, and sons Herszel and Max |
Nożycer, Lejbuś, Sura, Zysel, Zysma, Judel |
Nusbaum, Lejb, Ela, Estera, Sura Brajndla (b. Brener) |
Nusbaum, Moszek |
Index |
Obarzańska, Golda and family |
Opozdower, Lejbl, Rywka (b. Warszawiak), and children |
Ostry, Chaskiel, wife Chaja (b. Prasa), and children Bracha and Izrael Lejb |
Ostry, Mordka, wife Cypora, and children Małka, Abram, Bluma, Ruchla, Estera, and Nusyn |
Ostry, Mordka, wife Estera Frymeta, and children Efroim Zalman, Chaja Sura, Laja Chana, and Frajdla |
Owsiany, Chaim, Gitla, and Szymon |
Owsiany, Majer, Rywka, and children |
Owsiany, Zalman |
Index |
Pałasznicka, Dora and family |
Pałasznicka, Frania |
Pałasznicka, Sura and family |
Pałasznicki, Dawid, wife Fajgla (b. Tajtelbaum), and daughter Rojza |
Paserman, Hinda |
Pasternak, Sala and family |
Piekarz, Juda and Sura |
Piekarz, Juda, Ruchla |
Piekarz, Szmul Joel, Estera, Chana, Juda |
Piekarz, Szmul, Rochma, Batszewa, and families |
Pilc, Szulim and family |
Pińczowski, Benjamin and family |
Płatkiewicz, Izrael, Rojza |
Płatkiewicz, Jentla |
Płatkiewicz, Jeta and family |
Polska, Chana [see żydowąs] |
Półtora, Estera [see Rafałowicz] |
Pomeranc, Abram and family |
Pomeranc, Gitla, Lejbl Arje, Mala |
Pomeranc, Izrael |
Pomeranc, Moszek Dawid |
Potok, Aron, Mala, Abram, Sima |
Prajs, Dawid and wife Gita |
Prajs, Szmerl, wife Bluma, sons Icek Hersz |
Prasa, Chaja [see Ostry] |
Prasa, Luba [see Chałupowicz] |
Prasa, Sura [see Drobiarz] |
Prasa, Szmul Johanan, wife Alta (b. Rafałowicz), children Chaim Symcha, Mordka, Bluma, Sura |
Prasa, Taubele (b. Lokaj), daughter Rajzela |
Profesorska, Dwojra |
Profesorski, Alter and family |
Pryzant, Jakób, Estera (b. Lichtig), Alte Jechiel |
Przędza, Josek, wife Marjem (b. Zmyślana) |
Przewonik, Josek and Mina |
Ptaśnik, Abram and Ita |
Ptaśnik, Benjamin, Adela, Chana, Abram Dawid, Estera, Mordka |
Ptaśnik, Chana [see Retman] |
Ptaśnik, Dwosia [see Czeska] |
Ptaśnik, Izrael Szaja, wife Ruchla, son Zysza, daughter Frymcia and daughter |
Ptaśnik, Jechiel and Rela |
Ptaśnik, Lejbuś and wife |
Ptaśnik, Mania [see Leszman] |
Ptaśnik, Mordka |
Ptaśnik, Mordka, Frymcia, Zvi Herszele |
Ptaśnik, Sura [see Bejski] |
Ptaśnik, Szmul, and children Róża and Dov [Ber] |
Pułka, Moszek, Ruchla |
Pułka, Sandel, Gela, Chana |
Index |
Rafałowicz, Abram; Rafałowicz, Jakób |
Rafałowicz, Alta [see Prasa] |
Rafałowicz, Chaim, Dawid, Rojza, Gela, and children Tuwia, Szmul Hersz, Alte, Estera |
Rafałowicz, Estera (Półtora) |
Rafałowicz, Hoiwisz, wife Chanka, children Majer, Abram Zajda |
Rafałowicz, Izrael Gabriel, Mordka, Frajda, Dov [Ber], and Sura |
Rafałowicz, Jakób, wife Sura |
Rafałowicz, Josek, Perec, Abram, Szajndla, Wolf, Rajzla and husband |
Rafałowicz, Kajla (Kamrat) |
Rafałowicz, Krajndla (Spokojny) |
Rafałowicz, Moszek, Chanka, Majer, Zeidel |
Rafałowicz, Szmul and Brajna, sons Jechiel and Ze'ev [Wolf] |
Rafałowicz, Zalman, wife Chana, children Nuta, Moszek, and Nuchim |
Rafałowicz, Zvi [Hersz] and Bajla, children Jechiel and Ze'ev [Wolf] |
Rajzfeld, Abram, Moszek, Nachman, Sima, Chaim, Kalman, Luba |
Rajzfeld, Beni |
Rajzfeld, Chawa; Rajzfeld, Fela; Rajzfeld, Moszek |
Rajzfeld, Dov Zvi [Ber Hersz], Necha (b. Fajner), Sura Szajndla, Ninka |
Rajzfeld, Icek, Sura, sons Mordka and Szaja |
Rajzfeld, Jonas and Ruchla, daughters Necha and Hela |
Rajzfeld, Mordka, Perla, and children Szmul and Juda Lejb |
Rajzfeld, Moszek, son of Herszel |
Rajzfeld, Nadzia [see Nifkier] |
Rajzfeld, Necha (daughter of Dawid Gustaw) |
Rajzfeld, Ruchla (Rotenberg) |
Rajzfeld, Sima (married name Zylberberg), children Necha and Szmul |
Rajzfeld, Szyfra, and children Necha, Kalman, Ze'ev [Wolf] |
Rajzman, Dov [Ber], Czarna, Zvi [Hersz] |
Rakowski, Josek, Chana, Chaim, Jakób Kopel, Frajda, Rajza, Frymeta, Szmul Hersz |
Rakowski, Moszek Dawid, Perla, Henia, Cyrla, Jechiel, Josek, Zelda, Frymeta, Izrael |
Retman, Chaim, wife Chana (b. Ptaśnik), and child Marjem and children Złata, Gitla, Abram |
Retman, Josek |
Rodał, Izrael Jakób, Moszek, Icek Juda, Cyrla (b. Herc) |
Rolnicki, Eliasz, Ruchla, Chawa, Mira, Frajda, Icek, Marian, Mania |
Rolnicki, Ludwik, Julek |
Rolnicki, Nusyn, Chaim Aron, Fajgla, Aba |
Rotenberg, Ruchla [see Rajzfeld] |
Rotner, Chana Sura, Estera, Gerszon, Laja, Chaim Różany, Josek, wife Marjem, and children Frania, Dawid, Regina, Fela, Wolf |
Rozdział, Abram, Bajla, Zysla, Rywka, Zelda, Chana, Szyfra, Dawid, Chaja, Sura, Izrael |
Rozdział, Szlama, Ruchla, Berl, Alter, Bluma, Jakób, Mendel |
Rozenblum, Joel, wife Mirla, children Abram, Ira, Kalman Icek, Lejbuś Wolf, Szymon, Ezriel, Szabsia |
Rożenek, Cypora |
Rożenek, Dawid, Chana, Jechiel Motel |
Rożenek, Estera and children |
Rożenek, Fajwel, Mala, Abram, Motel, Szmul |
Rożenek, Fajwel, Szraga, wife Rywka (b. Blat), and children Mejlech, Zysla, Marjem, Golda |
Rożenek, Marjem |
Rożenek, Mordka |
Rożenek, Moszek, Kalcia, Mania, Sura, Róża |
Rożenek, Szmul, Jeta, Sura, Motel, Frymeta |
Rożenek, Wolf, Fajga, Frymcia, Sura, Laja, Mordka |
Rozenfrucht, Moszek Hersz and family |
Różycki, Pejsach, Machla |
Rubin, Estera |
Ryba, Chaim Lejb, Chawa |
Ryba, Fajwisz |
Ryba, Hersz and wife |
Ryba, Izrael and family |
Ryba, Sender and Jachwet (b. Krelman), Dobcia, Ruchla, Cypora |
Ryba, Szmul |
Ryba, Zelig, wife Małka, and children Krajndla and Kopel |
Ryndhorn, Dawid, Rywka Sura (from Kazimierz) |
Ryndhorn, Menasze, Róża, Dawid Kalman (from Kazimierz) |
Index |
Salomon, Jechiel Dawid, Tauba, Ruchla, Laja, Majer, Josek Lejb, Szmul |
Salomon, Jechiel, Tauba, Szmul, Ruchla |
Secemska, Tauba (b. Brojgies) |
Secemski, Aron Josek and Sura |
Secemski, Mendel, Sura, Dawid, Witla, Chana |
Skop, Alter and family |
Skop, Lejzor and Sura |
Skop, Nusyn and family |
Skop, Szaja and family |
Skop, Wolf and wife, son Jakób and sisters |
Skóra, Wolf |
Skórecki, Jakób, Hinda, Aron, Marjem, Szmul, Frania, Batia, Helena, Moszek |
Skórecki, Josek, Binem, Moszek, Marjem, Chana |
Skrzykacz [Krzykacz?], Mendel, Krajndla, Izrael Zysel |
Skrzypek, Cwetela [see Jutrzenka] |
Słabecka, Mira |
Smakolek? [Smuklerz?], Hercel |
Smolarczyk, Lejb and family |
Śpiewak, Chana and family |
Śpiewak, Moszek; śpiewak, Abram |
Spiro family from Dziekanowice |
Spiro, Dodek |
Spiro, Fajgla (b. Majerczyk); Spiro, Wowek [Wolf] |
Spiro, Lolek |
Spiro, Moniek |
Spokojna, Hinda, Sura, Jakób, Izrael, Fajgla, Wolf, Rywka, Rochcia |
Spokojna, Krajndla [see Rafałowicz] |
Spokojny, Alter, Sura, and children |
Spokojny, Dawid, wife Rywka (b. Cudzynowska) |
Spokojny, Josek Lejb, Sima, Abram, Chaim |
Spokojny, Mordka, Estera, Dawid, Moszek, Jankiel, Chawa |
Staszewski, Moszek |
Staszewski, Moszek Jechiel, the rabbinic judge, and family |
Staszewski, Rabbi Icek, the Levite, and wife |
Staszewski, Symcha |
Sternberg, Pejsach and family |
Strisower/Strzyżower, Krajndla |
Szajnfeld, Lejbuś; Szajnfeld, Ruchla |
Szajnker, Frajda |
Szaniecki, Abram; Szaniecki, Icek |
Szenkier, Abram Moszek, wife Henia, and children Ruchla, Dawid, Pesla, Szymon, Chaja, Sura |
Szenkier, Jehudit |
Szenkier, Tauba |
Szental, Abram Josek and family |
Szental, Aron and family |
Szental, Henoch and family |
Szental, Mendel and Broncia |
Szklarczyk, Jakób, wife, and children Kalman, Dawid |
Szlamowicz, Chawa and family |
Szliwińska, Chawa [see Fuks] |
Szliwiński, Ajzyk, wife Chancia, and children Nusyn, Chawa, Szmul, Krysa |
Szliwiński, Jakób and family |
Szliwiński, Nusyn, wife Zysla, and children Sura, Chaja, Jakób, Szaja |
Szlomowicz, Abram, wife Ajdla, and children Frajdla Itka, Chaim Dawid, Marjem Fajga, Golda |
Szlomowicz, Josek and family |
Szlomowicz, Lejbuś and family |
Szmulowicz, Pinia, and children Berl and Itka |
Sznal, Fajgla, Gela |
Szor, Icek and family |
Szor, Jakób and family |
Sztajer, Brona [see Nifkier] |
Sztajer, Fela Bronia, Adzia |
Sztajn, Dawid, Chaja, and children |
Sztajn, Jachwet |
Sztajn, Mordka Wolf, wife Hinda, and children |
Sztajner, Szlama and Laja |
Sztajnfeld, Majer |
Sztern, Doba |
Szternfinkiel, Moszek, wife Ruchla, and daughters Frania and Sura |
Szulimowicz, Chawa and family |
Szulimowicz, Josek, wife Taubcia (b. Wajnbaum) |
Szulimowicz, Majer, wife Chawa, son Szlama |
Szulman, Sura |
Szwajcer, Anszel and family |
Szwajcer, Bluma |
Szwajcer, Dawid |
Szwajcer, Fajgla and family |
Szwajcer, Icek |
Szwajcer, Laja and family |
Szwajcer, Ruchla and family |
Szwajcer, Szajndla and family |
Szwajcer, Zvi [Hersz] Dawid and Zysla |
Szwimer, Abram, Bajla, Izrael, Jakób, Bluma, Moszek |
Szwimer, Fajgela [see Granatman] |
Szwimer, Juda, Fajga, Dov [Ber] |
Szwimer, Majer, Henia |
Szwimer, Zvi [Hersz], Juda, Ita, Chana |
Szydłowska, Temera |
Szydłowski, Icek, wife Chana, and children Frajdla and Naftali Chaim |
Szydłowski, Jonas |
Szydłowski, Nuchim Silman, wife Frajdlela, and daughters Sura and Bracha |
Index |
Tajchtajl, Josek |
Tajtelbaum, Fajgla [see Pałasznicki] |
Tajtelbaum, Josek, wife Dwosia, and children Dawid, Genia, and Abram |
Targownik, Dawid, and Moszek |
Targownik, Josek and wife |
Tauber, Chawa; Tauber, Jonas; Tauber, Szulim |
Tenenbaum, Joew, Henia |
Tenenbaum, Zysman, Gryna, Chaja, Rajzela, Eli, Ester |
Tintpulver, Szlama, Dwojra, Berysz, Sala, Abram, Chana, Wolf |
Topf, Alter, Chana, Sura |
Index |
Waga, Hindela [see Brandys] |
Waga, Icek Majer and family |
Waga, Moszek, wife, and children Abram, Motel, Zalman, and sisters |
Waga, Ruchla, and children Zajdel, Chaja, Chaim, Gita, Lejbcia |
Wajnbaum, Taubcia [see Szulimowicz] |
Wajnbaum, Zale, Tauba, Kalcia |
Wajner, Abram; Wajner, Ezryel; Wajner, Moszek |
Wajnryb, Bajla (b. Aspis) |
Wajnsztok, Izrael, Rajzla, Estera, Sura, Szulim, Ruchla, Majer |
Wakszlag, Jakób, wife Cyrka, children Chana, Icek, Menachem Mendel, Naftali, Cyrla Laja |
Warszawiak, Abram, Chana, Jakób, Fajgla |
Warszawiak, Nuchim, Izrael, Pesela, Jakób, Fajwel, Lejbl, Fajga, Pincia |
Warszawiak, Rywka [see Opozdower] |
Warszawiak, Symcha Binem, Golda Gelcia |
Wdowińska, Chaja, and children Mindla, Mancia, Fajgla, Berl, Gitla, Bluma |
Wdowińska, Jentla |
Wdowiński, Dawid and wife Gita |
Wdowiński, Dawid, wife Hindla, daughters Sala, Bronia, and Mindzia |
Wdowiński, Icek, wife Zysla (b. Goldkorn), and sons Dawid and Berysz |
Wdowiński, Josek, wife Cypora (b. Kołatacz), and children Dawid, Icek, and Aron |
Wdowiński, Szraga, wife Małka, and sons Jakób and Icek |
Włoska, Chaja, Ze'ev [Wolf], Nuchim, Jakób, Tauba, Jonas Abram, Laja |
Włoski, Ze'ev, Chawa, Nuchim, Jakób, Mnucha, Jonas, Tauba, Abram, Itka, Marjem, Henia, Ber |
Włowski, Jakób, Nacha, Jehudit, Marjem, Henia, Joel, Mote, Zelda, Małka, Nuchim |
Wolberg, Alter Majer, wife, and children Aron, Fisze, and sisters |
Wolfowicz, Herman, Małka, Chana, Lejb |
Wolgelernter, Chaim, Majer |
Zając, Abram Icek, Fajgla, Chendla, Gela |
Index |
Zalcberg, Symcha, wife Złota, children Alter Wolf |
Zalcman, Benjamin, wife Frymeta, and son Alter Michał |
Zalcman, Berl |
Zalcman, Bluma (b. Krelman) |
Zalcman, Juda, Bajla, and Jakób |
Zalcman, Mendel Menachem, Szprynca, Michał Jechiel, Chawa, Zvi [Hersz], Estera, Mordka |
Zalmanowicz, Alter Jakób, wife Gitla, children Chaja Sura and Szajndla |
Złotnik, Frymeta, and children Ajdla, Frajda |
Złotnik, Jakób, Chana, Berl, Porja, and children Abram and Icek |
Złotnik, Mordka, Josek, Pesla, Moszek, Rajzla, Frymeta, Herszel, Ajdla |
Złotnik, Moszek, Frymeta, Abram, Mordka Josek |
Złotnik, Rywka, and four children |
Zmyślana, Hinda, and son Wolf and family |
Zmyślana, Marjem [see Przędza] |
Zmyślana, Zysla [see Moneto] |
Zmyślany, Moszek and Rywka |
Zonenfeld, Mendel, wife Bajla, daughters Szajndla Chanka and Laja |
Żychliński, Eli and family |
Żydowąs, Herszel, wife Chana (b. Polska), and daughters Estera, Chawa, Masza, Pesia, and Szulamit |
Żydowąs, Icek and family |
Żydowąs, Kajla |
Żydowąs, Michał and family |
Żydowąs, Wolf and family |
Zylber, Abram, Sura, Lejbl and sisters |
Zylber, Chaja and family |
Zylber, Mendel, wife Sura, and children Dov [Ber], Frajdla, Krajndla, Jakób |
Zylber, Zysma and family |
Zylberberg, Chaja [sic], wife Sura, and children Rywka, Nusyn, Henia |
Zylberberg, Pesla; Zylberberg, Jakób |
Zylberberg, Sima [see Rajzfeld] |
Zylberberg, Wolf, Frania, Bajla, Arje, Szmul |
Zyngier, Anszel and wife Chana |
Zyngier, Berl and family |
Zyngier, Dawid and Estera |
Zyngier, Dawid, wife Chana, and children Olek [Aleksander], Estera |
Zyngier, Marjem (b. Florenc) and family |
Zyngier, Menasze and family |
Zyngier, Moszek, Eliasz, Chana, Rywka, Chaskiel, Sura Laja, Aron, Marjem, Cyla |
Zyngier, Nacha |
Index |
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