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Photo captions from the Drohiczyn Book (cont.)

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Caption Picture Page
Herschel Block z”l dro207s.jpg 207
Shmuel Shlomo and Bracha Grodis dro209s.jpg 209
Tzvi Drogitsky dro210s.jpg 210
Yityael Reznik z”l dro211s.jpg 211
Rivka Sladavnik Marks z”l (Gabai Reznik) dro213s.jpg 213
Reb Mordechi Yosef Polakavitcz dro214s.jpg 214
Yosef Charmony z”l dro217s.jpg 217
Abraham Chaim and Chana Basha Zucherman z”l dro218s.jpg 218
Reb Chaim and Shayna Leah Turnowsky z”l dro223s.jpg 223
Reb Fishl Banish Arlinsky z”l dro226s.jpg 226
Abraham Abba Bistrin z”l and Ayter Bistrin z”l dro230s.jpg 230
Brigadier Ehud Adelman z”l dro236s.jpg 236
Sonya Gold, the writer - during of the War dro247s.jpg 247
The Lew family that was saved from the Holocaust dro261s.jpg 261
The outcasts in the war years dro375s.jpg 375
Over a mass grave of the Drohiczyner martyrs – After the liberation dro464s.jpg 464
The Siemiatycze Priest plants a tree in the Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations in Yad Vashem in Jerusalem dro482s.jpg 482
The two killed brothers of the author, the children Moshe and Akiba dro484s.jpg 484
Transfering Jewish bodies of the murdered (after the liberation) dro503s.jpg 503
Committee from the Drohiczyner Landsmanshaft in Israel, together with Mr. Walker from the United States dro523s.jpg 523
The dedication of the memorial stone on Mount Zion in Jerusalem on Day of Remembrance (1959) dro524as.jpg 524
Ceremony in the “Yizkor Tent” (Hall of Rememberance, Yad Vashem) in Jerusalem dro524bs.jpg 524
The meeting of the book committee in New York, Mr. Walker, when he visits in Israel in the year 1965, meeting with Drohiczyners in the country dro531s.jpg 531
Headstone of Remembrance, for the Drohiczyn community martyrs dro548s.jpg 548
Gershon Stotsky – How I remember him dro575s.jpg 575


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 12 Mar 2005 by LA