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[Page 564]

List of Martyrs (cont.)


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This is a memorial to the memory of our loved ones:

Our father: Yitzhak Futterman, who died after terrible torture by the Nazis, may their names be erased
Our mother: Chayah-Sarah Futterman, killed in the Holocaust
Our sisters: Yosefah Futterman, died at a young age
                  Rivkah Futterman, killed in the Holocaust
                  Leah Plat and her family, killed in the Holocaust
Liptzah Goldshtein and her family, killed in the Holocaust

Paltiel Futterman and his family
Mirel Rubenshtein and her family
Chanah Rubenshtein and her family
Mayah Krovitzki and her family
Gidaliah Plat and his family


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 12 Mar 2005 by LA