[Page 331]
On These we cry,Together with the Holy Ones of Israel,
Who died for the Holy Name,
At the hands of the Germans and their Accomplices.
We mourn these heretogether with all the martyrs of Israel,
gave their lives sanctifying the Lord's name
to the Nazi murderers and their aids.
[Page 333]
(According to Streets)
(By streets)
These lists are arranged by page as they appear in the original book and appear as double columns on each page.
Borisower St | Rosow | Shmuel-Ber's wife and children | |
Aloy | Kalman-Wolf | Rosow | Rivka |
Aloy | His family | Rosow | Altar |
Friedman | Shmuel and family | Rythman | Eli |
Friedman | Moshe-Leib | Rythman | Eda |
Friedman | his family and 2 children | Rythman | Avigdor |
Gitlin | Haim | Rythman | Shlomo |
Gitlin | Yona | Rythman | Rachel |
Gitlin | Pesia | Rythman | Liba |
Gitlin | Hanna-Bracha | Rythman | Berel and 3 children |
Gleichenhaus | Shumuel | Rythman | Shalom |
Gleichenhaus | His wife | Rythman | Mirel |
Gulnowitch | Yehuda | Rythman | Moshe |
Gulnowitch | Zlata | Rythman | Haim |
Harnas | Yerahmiel | Shapiro | Abraham-Mendel |
Harnas | His wife and 4 children | Shapiro | Braina |
Harnas | Male | Shapiro | Monia |
Harnas | Ziame | Shapiro | Sonia |
Harnas | Leib | Shapiro | Gisia |
Harnas | Sarah | Shapiro | Sarah-Frida |
Kaganier | Eli | Shapiro | Lifsha |
Kaganier | His wife and children | Shapiro | Mendel and 3 sons |
Kaplan | Simha | Shapiro | Mendel |
Kaplan | Beila and 2 children | Shapiro | His wife and 2 children |
Katz | Mota | Sossman | Baruch |
Katz | Mamia | Sossman | Feiga |
Katz | Yitchak | Tiles | Hilel |
Klonski | his wife | Tiles | Michle |
Klonski | his daughter Yacha | Tiles | Leib |
Kosinitz | David | Tiles | Moshe |
Kosinitz | his wife and family | Tiles | Kopel |
Kramer | Eliahu | Tiles | Sarah-Rachel |
Kramer | His wife and children | Want | Malka |
Kremer | Nathan | Want | Shlomo |
Kremer | His wife and 2 children | Want | Rachel |
Levitan | Moshe | Wolfowitch | Michael |
Ribstein | Shlomo-Haymic | Wolfowitch | His wife and 3 children |
Ribstein | family and 2 daughters | Yesin | Shepsel |
Rosow | Moshe | Yesin | Rachel-Gita |
Rosow | his wife and 2 children | Yesin | Meir |
Yesin | Zeev | Katz | Berke and wife |
Yesin | Fruma | Katz | Yankel |
Yesin | Pesia | Katz | Esther |
Yesin | Shmuel | Kazinitz | Zelig-Haim |
Yesin | his wife and 2 children | Kazinitz | Eta-Rocha and children |
Zeitlin | Dov and family | Kluft | Nachum-Yehoshua |
Zeitlin | Hevel and family | Kluft | Rivka |
Zimlin | Yitzhak | Kluft | Beile |
Zimlin | Shosha and children | Kluft | Keile |
Dolginover St. | Kluft |
Haim | |
Dimenstein | Aba | Kluft | Fania |
Dimenstein | Israel | Kluft | Alter |
Dimenstein | Shepsel | Kluft | Yitzchak |
Dimenstein | Esther | Kramer | Simcha |
Feigelson | Eliahu | Kramer | Beile and children |
Feigelson | Hasia-Ita | Kramer | Yitzchak |
Feigelson | Abraham | Kramer | Doosha and children |
Feigelson | Freida and 2 children | Lahotshin | Miriam |
Friedman | Welwel | Lahotshin | Lebe |
Friedman | Eshka | Lahotshin | Gnesia |
Friedman | Reisa | Lahotshin | Iser |
Friedman | Sarah and kids | Lahotshin | Esther |
Gitlin | Yerucham and his wife | Lahotshin |
Zishe |
Gitlin | Haya-Breine | Levitan | Mendel |
Gitlin | Israel | Levitan | Malka |
Hidekel | Zelke | Levitan | Zalman |
Hidekel | Riva-Elka and children | Levitan | Basia-Gita |
Kabatznik | Haim | Levitan | Michael |
Kabatznik | Pesia | Levitan | Liba |
Kabatznik | Zlata | Levitan | Hirsh |
Kabatznik | Riva | Levitan | Sarah |
Kabatznik | Yente | Levitan | Batia |
Kabatznik | Menashe | Levitan | Iser |
Kaplan | Yehuda-Pesach | Levitan | Perel |
Kaplan | Esther | Levitan | Rachel |
Kaplan | Yankel | Levitan | Zelig |
Kaplan | Hanan | Levitan | Raya |
Kaplan | Hersh | Levitan | Liba |
Kaplan | Rafael and wife | Levitan | Fruma |
Kaplan | Mirel | Levitan | Rivka |
Margolin | David | Galperin | Kopel |
Plavnik | Sonia | Galperin | Reisel |
Plavnik | Beril | Galperin | Sarah |
Plavnik | Nachum | Kopelovitch | Musia |
Plavnik | Moshe | Lenkin | Yehoshua |
Plavnik | Izshe | Lenkin | Hoda |
Plavnik | Lisa | Levin | Moshe |
Plavnik | Sonia | Levin | Sarah |
Pliskin | Abraham-Shlomo | Levin | Zalman |
Pliskin | Gitel | Levin | Shlomo |
Pliskin | Esther | Levin | Bracha |
Pliskin | Zalman | Levin | David-Zelig |
Pliskin | Sarah | Levin | Shepsel |
Pliskin | Yitzchak | Segal | Haim |
Pliskin | Gesha and 3 children | Segal | Dina |
Rubin | Yoel | Segal | Arie |
Rubin | Sheine | ||
Gluboker St. | |||
Rubin | Haya | Aksekrod | Moshe |
Rubin | Henia | Aksekrod | Dina |
Rubin | Fruma-Lea | Aksekrod | Mollie |
Rubin | Zalman | Aksekrod | Sarah |
Rubin | Ya'akov | Aksekrod | Zelig |
Shkonik | Leiser and wife | Bielenki | Israel-Leiser and wife |
Shkonik | Sarah | Bilinki | Yitzchak-Reuben |
Shkonik | Haya-Esther and husband | Bilinki | Hayka |
Skolnik | Menachem and wife | Bilinki | Rivka |
Skolnik | Mollie | Bilinki | Yocha |
Skolnik | Zvia | Bilinki | Lea |
Slavin | Nachum-Leib and family | Deitz | Abraham, wife and children |
Slavin | Israel and wife | Fabrikant | Leib |
Srebrenik | Shaya | Fabrikant | Hodes |
Srebrenik | Musia | Faiwishevitch | Beilke |
Srebrenik | Yosef | Faiwishevitch | Nachum and son |
Zeidel | Ya'akov Ber and his wife | Friedman | Rachel |
Zeidel | Marka | Friedman | Eliahu |
Dsika St. | Friedman | Neche | |
Friedman | Zalman | Friedman | Rivka |
Friedman | Pesie | Galperin | Reisel |
Galperin | Rivka | Galperin | Kopel and children |
Galperin | Eli-Nathan | Gilenson | Motel |
Gilenson | Haim-Rafael | Kasinitz | Yonie |
Gilenson | Gisha | Kasinitz | Hassia |
Gilenson | Moshe | Katzovitch | Zalman-Meir |
Gilevitch | Haim | Katzovitch | Haya |
Gilevitch | Stira | Katzovitch | Haim |
Gilevitch | Aizik | Katzovitch | Yosef |
Gilevitch | Berel | Kazinitz | Yosef |
Gilinki | Gitel and son | Kazinitz | Pesia |
Glaser | Levi-Yitzchak | Kazinitz | Abraham |
Glaser | Moshe | Kluft | Haya-Henya |
Glaser | Sarah | Kluft | Hassia |
Glaser | Haya | Kopelovitch | Moshe-Aharon |
Glaser | Efraim | Kopelovitch | Lea |
Glaser | Fruma | Kopelovitch | Mendel |
Goltz | Max | Kopelovitch | Gitel |
Goltz | Liba | Kosovski | Yosef |
Gudkin | Yitzchak | Kosovski | Chiene and family |
Gudkin | Beila | Kossovski | Masha |
Gudkin | Avraham | Kramer | Golde |
Hlawnovitch | Rache | Kramer | Shulem |
Hlawnovitch | Yitzchak and daughter | Kramer | Beril |
Kagan | Pesach | Kugel | Shmuel |
Kagan | Liba | Kugel | Sarah |
Kagan | Soshka | Kugel | Haim |
Kagan | Aharon | Kugel | Yitzchak |
Kagan | Golde | Levin | Gdaliahu |
Kaminkovitch | Abraham and wife | Levit | Rafael |
Kaminkovitch | Hava-Rachel | Levit | Rachel |
Kaminkovitch | Yosef | Levit | Haim- Zusie |
Kaminkovitch | Moshe | Levit | Yocha |
Kaminkovitch | Matle | Levit | Yaakov |
Kaminkovitch | Leiser | Levitan | Monis |
Kaminkovitch | Gavriel | Lewitan | Israel |
Kaminkovitch | Lisa and family | Lewitan | Pesia |
Kaminkovitch | Reisel | Lewitan | Abraham |
Kaminkovitch | Haya | Lipkind | Bere |
Kaplan | Chiena | Lipkind | Rivka |
Kasinitz | Isha'ayahu | Markman | Nachum |
Kasinitz | Dvora | Markman | Dina |
Kasinitz | Malka | Markman | Hanna |
Markman | Sima | Sheinin | Haim-Yakutiel |
Markman | Rachel | Sheinin | Shalom-Ber |
Markman | Yitzchak | Sheinin | Boris |
Markman | Kuna-Sheina | Sheinin | Dvora |
Markman | Haya-Sarah | Smidler | Mendel, Sarah and 4 children |
Markman | Yitzchak | Solowej | Yitzchak |
Markman | Yehudit | Solowej | Rachel |
Markman | Nachum-Leib | Solowej | Chiena |
Markman | Motele | Streichstein | Leib |
Markman | Henia | Taitz | Mordechai-Ber |
Markman | Rachel-Lea | Taitz | Dvora |
Markman | Abraham | Taitz | Henia |
Markman | Faya | Taitz | Israel-Leib |
Markman | Reisel | Taitz | Sarah |
Markman | Haya-Sarah | Taitz | Haya |
Markman | Doba | Want | Hershel-Zelig |
Markman | Zusia | Want | Miriam |
Perlamuter | Bera | Want | Hasia-Ita |
Pollak | Riva-Reisa | Want | Zalman-Yitchak |
Pollak | Leib | Want | Rachel |
Pollak | Gita | Want | Hanna |
Pollak | Haya with Husband and children | Want | Zelda |
Raskin | Haya-Grunia | Weinstein | Zlata |
Raskin | Haim-Yosef and wife | Weinstein | Ya'akov |
Raskin | Haikel (Kramer) and wife and son | Wolfson | Mollie |
Raskin | Haya-Esther | Yesin | Zundel |
Raskin | Shurka | Yesin | Batia |
Reuben | The slaughterer and family | Yesin | Malka |
Rosow | David | Yesin | Hanna |
Rosow | Ester-Rachel | Yesin | Shmuel-Yitzchak |
Sachartov | the family | Yesin | Mache |
Segalovitch | Stirka | Yesin | Yoche |
Segalovitch | Hirshel | Yesin | Bracha-Hanna |
Segalovitch | Motel | Yuddowski | The teacher |
Segalovitch | Israel-Leiser | ||
Keidershe St. | |||
Segalovitch | Etel | Cyrlin | Ya'akov-Ber and family |
Shapiro | Asher | Dameskin | Sheine-Marke |
Shapiro | Mariasha | Dameskin | Esther |
Sheinin | Rabbi Leib | Dameskin | Shlomo |
Sheinin | Riva | Freidkin | Shmuel-Michael |
Freidkin | Israel | Zacharowitch | Esther |
Freidkin | Moshe and family | ||
Polotzker st. | |||
Friedman | Moshe | Botwinik | Faiwesh |
Friedman | Chasie-Riva | Botwinik | Rivka |
Friedman | Yehuda | Botwinik | Ya'akov |
Friedman | Lea | Botwinik | Max |
Friedman | Rachel | Botwinik | Genia |
Kaplan | Moshe-Leib and family | Botwinik | Haya |
Kazinitz | Leib and wife | Budnov | Yoske |
Kazinitz | Esther-Malka | Budnov | Sarah and family |
Kazinitz | Dvora | Budnov | His sister and her husband |
Kazinitz | Abraham-Yitzchak | Budnov | Gele |
Kloiser | Mendel and wife | Cyklin | Akiva |
Kloiser | Shmuel-Hirsh | Cyklin | Zipa |
Kloiser | Feigel | Cyklin | Hanna |
Kloiser | Abraham | Cyklin | Baruch |
Kloiser | Rachel | Cyklin | Rachel |
Kloiser | Sonia | Cyklin | Zalman-Uri |
Kopelovitch | Shmuel-Leib |
Cyklin | Yocheved |
Kopelovitch | Michel | Cyklin | Yosef |
Kopelovitch | Berel | Cyklin | Rachel, husband and children |
Kopelovitch | Yehuda | Dikman | Baruch |
Kopelovitch | Zipa | Dikman | Lea |
Kopelovitch | Lea and children | Dikman | Mira |
Levitan | Yankel-Zadok | Dikman | Nachum |
Levitan | Menucha and children | Dikman | Sonia |
Levitan | Fruma and family | Dlugan | Gavriel |
Musin | David | Dlugan | Doba |
Musin | Yocheved | Dowong | Hersh |
Musin | Zusie and wife and children | Frankfurt | Hirsh |
Perelmuter | Shimon | Frankfurt | Rikle |
Perelmuter | Zelda | Frankfurt | Beni |
Perelmuter | Zalman and wife | Frankfurt | Haya |
Perelmuter | Avramel | Friedman | Shule |
Perelmuter | Gitel and children | Friedman | Mendel |
Rimers | Shlomo and family | Friedman | Batia |
Rosov | Esther | Friedman | Malka |
Rosov | Fruma | Friedman | Eliahu |
Rosov | Nechama | Glaser | Haim-Shmuel |
Rosov | Sarah | Glaser | Hanna |
Glaser | David | Price | Beril and wife |
Glaser | Mirel | Price | Gershon |
Glaser | Lea | Raskin | Pesach |
Glaser | Raizel | Raskin | Atshe |
Gleichenhaus | Leib and wife | Raskin | Zila |
Gleichenhaus | Nioma | Reitman | Baruch |
Gordon | Nechama | Reitman | Gitel |
Gordon | Avrasha | Reitman | Aharon |
Gordon | Yonie | Reitman | Gershon |
Gordon | David | Rosov | Ya'akov-Hirsh and wife |
Gordon | Mina | Rosov | Gisha |
Gordon | Rosa | Rosov | Sheina |
Gordon | Mishka | Rosov | Henech |
Kopelovitch | Haim | Rosov | Gita |
Kopelovitch | Lisa | Sheiman | Sonie |
Kopelovitch | Pesia | Sheiman | Fania |
Kopelovitch | Meni | Sheiman | Riva |
Kramer | Yosef | Sheiman | Arthur |
Kramer | Nechama | Shultz | Mordechai-Welwel |
Kramer | Motel | Shultz | Marke |
Kramer | Haya | Shultz | Zvi-Yona |
Kramer | Zipa | Shultz | Shprinza |
Levitan | Gdaliahu, his wife and children | Smerkovitch | Mendel, his wife and children |
Lipkind | Haim | Smerkovitch | Zipa |
Lipkind | Perel | Smerkovitch | Yocha |
Markman | David | Smerkovitch | Beril |
Markman | Libe | Smerkovitch | Rivka |
Markman | Reuben | Stozki | Gita and family |
Markman | Zila and son | Yesin | Ya'akov |
Markman | Mendel | Yesin | Rivka and children |
Markman | Doba | Yesin | Zelig, his wife and children |
Markman | Yitzchak | Ziskind | Zelig |
Markman | Rachel | Ziskind | Shaul |
Markman | Chiene and children | Zucherman | Shmuel |
Markman | Rafael | Zucherman | Dvora |
Markman | Dvora | Zucherman | Shalom |
Markman | Abraham | Zucherman | Wolke |
Markman | Esther | Zucherman | Aharon |
Markman | Haya and family | Zucherman | Itke |
Markman | Sheina | Zucherman | Sima |
Zucherman | Akiva | Kazinitz | Wule |
Zucherman | Reisa | Kazinitz | Henia |
Shul-Hof (synagogue Yard) | Kazinitz | Moshe | |
Aloy | Abraham-Moshe | Kazinitz | Riva |
Aloy | Zipa | Kazinitz | Rache |
Aloy | Itka | Kramer | Israel |
Aloy | Abraham-Moshe | Kramer | Aharon |
Aloy | Zipa | Levin | Shepsel |
Aloy | Itka | Markman | Simcha and wife |
Chlawnowitch | Motel and family | Markman | Yoske |
Dole | Israel | Markman | Haim-Hirsh |
Druz | Mendel and his wife | Markman | Doba |
Druz | Sonia | Markman | David |
Druz | Haya-Hinda | Markman | Yoel and wife |
Feigelson | Israel-Mota | Rubin | Gershon |
Feigelson | Hirsh | Rubin | Haya-Sarah |
Feigelson | Ya'akov | Rubin | Abraham |
Feigelson | Gershon | Rubin | Beni |
Feiman | Esther | Rubin | Nechama |
Feiman | Rachel-Lea and daughter | Rubin | Lea |
Feinman | Batia-Malka | Shepsel | Ethel and family |
Feinman | Sarah | Shultz | Mendel and wife |
Freiman | Zalman | Shultz | Keile |
Friedman | Zelig | Shultz | Israel-Meir |
Friedman | Frada | Swidler | Guta |
Friedman | Rachel-Lea | Swidler | Yitzchak |
Friedman | Batia | Swidler | Rachel |
Friedman | Israel | The barber | Pesach, wife and children |
Kaplan | Meir-Mendel and wife | The butcher | Baruch-Shalom |
Kaplan | Shmuel-Leib and family | The butcher | Herzel + wife and children |
Kasovski | Simcha-Shaya | The tailor | Welwel and family |
Kasovski | Dvora | Tiles | Rafael and wife |
Katz | Zipa and family | Welle | wagon owner and family |
Kazinitz | Zanwel | Ya'akov | David |
Kazinitz | Alta and children | Ya'akov | Rive-Lee's |
Kazinitz | Mendel | Yesin | Mendel |
Kazinitz | Gita | Yesin | Hayka and family |
Kazinitz | Zalke | Zepelevitch | Leiser and mother |
Kazinitz | Haim | Zepelevitch | Aharon-Leib |
Kazinitz | Sarah | Zepelevitch | Abba-David |
Zepelevitch | Bracha | Feldman | Zlata |
Zepelevitch | Faya | Feldman | Liba and 3 children |
Zepelevitch | Yitzchak | Feldman | Fajvish, wife and3 children |
Zepelevitch | Lea | Friedman | Altar (Slowe-Motels) |
Zepelevitch | Feigel | Friedman | Sarah-Lea and 2 children |
Zima | Maneses | Glaser | Yoshe |
Zubiski | The family | Glaser | Moshe |
Zusie | Pesachs | Glaser | Abraham |
Sloboda (Suburb) | Gleichengaus | Dwonie | |
Alperovitch | Hirsh | Gleichengaus | Elke |
Alperovitch | Sasha | Huberman | Hirsh |
Alperovitch | Shaya | Huberman | Malka |
Alperovitch | Doba | Huberman | Sheina |
Arke | Shimon Artzikes | Huberman | Shaya |
Barchai | Kalman | Huberman | Shalom |
Barchai | Zalman | Kabatchnik | David |
Blinstein | Reuben | Kantorowitch | Reuben |
Blinstein | Rele | Kantorowitch | Haya-Musia |
Blinstein | Leiser | Kantorowitch | Brayna |
Blinstein | Mota | Kantorowitch | Eshka |
Bloch | Shlomo | Kantorowitch | Hanna |
Bloch | Rachel-Hasia | Kantorowitch | Yehoshua |
Bloch | Zelig | Kaplan | Eida |
Bloch | Haya | Kaplan | Isar and family |
Bloch | Hanna | Kazshinitz | Welwel |
boxer | Gershon | Kazshinitz | Alte |
boxer | Lea and children | Kazshinitz | david |
Chevel | The match maker | Kazshinitz | Lea |
Cyklin | Abraham-Moshe | Kluft | Zalman-Leib |
Cyklin | Chashke | Kluft | Moshe |
Cyklin | Gita and wife | Kluft | Malka |
Deitz | Erke | Kluft | Yakutiel |
Deitz | Wichne | Kluft | Rachel |
Feigel | Moshe-Ya'akov | Kluft | Reisa |
Feigel | Lea-Reisa | Kluft | Hanna |
Feldman | Abraham | Kluft | Greinem |
Feldman | Nathan (Kosorier) | Kluft | Ya'akov and children |
Feldman | Baruch | Kluft | Lila |
Feldman | Liba | Kopelovitch | Shmuel |
Feldman | Yechiel | Kopelovitch | Baruch |
Kopelovitch |
Liba |
Markman |
Melech |
Kopelovitch |
Menashe |
Mindlin |
Arke |
Kopelovitch |
Shmuel |
Mindlin |
Zipke and husband |
Kopelovitch |
Alte |
Mindlin |
Yerachmiel |
Kopelovitch |
Menashe |
Minz |
Zelke and wife |
Kopelovitch |
Baruch |
Minz |
Zipa and son |
Kopelovitch |
Zuske |
Mordechai |
Itshe |
Kopelovitch |
Haim |
Poliak |
Moshe-Leib |
Kopelovitch |
Welwel-Leiser |
Poliak |
Hanna |
Kopelovitch |
Gitel |
Poliak |
Beril |
Kopelovitch |
Yoshe |
Poliak |
Baruch |
Kopelovitch |
Shimon |
Poliak |
Mota |
Kopelovitch |
Eliahu |
Poliak |
Lea |
Kopelovitch |
Chiene |
Rosin |
Idel and family |
Kopelovitch |
Batia |
Sarah |
Itka and family |
Kopelovitch |
Lea |
Shachna |
The water bringer |
Kramer |
Zundel |
Shulgeifer |
and family |
Kramer |
Henia |
Shultz |
Eliezer |
Kugel |
Beinish |
Shultz |
Rachel |
Leiser |
the smith | Shultz |
Hilel |
Lenkin |
Haim-Welwel |
Slavin |
Chaim and family |
Lenkin |
Pesia |
Slavin |
Manis |
Lenkin |
Yankel |
The smith |
Chone, wife Hanna and family |
Lenkin |
Shaya |
Warfman |
Nathan |
Lenkin |
Hanna-Liba |
Warfman |
Moshe |
Lenkin |
Haya-Brayna |
Warfman |
Reuben |
Lenkin |
Malka |
Workel |
Israel |
Lenkin |
Gitel |
Workel |
Pesia |
Lenkin |
Aharon-Ber |
Yanovski |
Rachel and family |
Levitan |
Esther-Lea |
Zajonz |
Shimon |
Levitan |
Feiga |
Zajonz |
Henia |
Lifshitz |
Mota |
Zalkind |
Israel |
Lifshitz |
Etel and family |
Zalkind |
Alta |
Lipkind |
David |
Zalkind |
Ben-Zion |
Lipkind |
Beylke |
Zalkind |
Elke |
Lipkind |
Tuvia |
Zalkind |
Shimon |
Markman |
Leiser-Aharon |
Zusie |
and family |
Markman |
Haya |
Ulaner St. |
Markman |
Feigel-Yehudith |
Bunimovitch |
Bunia |
Markman |
Abraham |
Friedman |
Yitzhak-Meir |
Friedman |
The wife | ||
Friedman |
Slawa | ||
Kramer |
Leib | ||
Kramer |
wife and 3 children | ||
Pinchas |
Gnesia and husband | ||
Shleifer |
Yerahmiel | ||
Shleifer |
Rachel | ||
Shleifer |
Yaakov | ||
Swerdlow |
Wolf | ||
Swerdlow |
Nota | ||
Swerdlow |
Yakutiel | ||
Swerdlow |
his wife and children | ||
Swidler |
Esther | ||
Swidler |
Haya and husband | ||
Swidler |
Rachel and husband | ||
Swidler |
Moshe |
[Page 347]
Gordon | Yitzhak, Tamar, Rachel-Leah, Frieda, Gershon, Zeev | |
Rosov | Leeba, Beela, Shalom, Chaia, Beelka and her sister | |
Figelson | Avraham, Chaia-Sarah, Zeesala, Anchel | |
Gizonson | Shmuel-Chaika, Esther, Zalman, Shoena | |
Markman | Alchanan the Shochet (ritual butcher), Malcha, Gneia, Nachum, Zlata, | |
Meltzer | Shafsal, Shmuel, Sarah (Markman) | |
Kugel | Gershon, Leah, Rachel, Etta and son | |
Grozbin | Yosef-Yeedel, his wife and children, Shalom, Alchanan and wife | |
Levitan | Esther, Sholma, Chaia-Charna, Sarah, Leah | |
Grozbin | Yacov, Pearl, Chaia, Leah | |
Feldman | Michal, Sema, Chaia | |
Ginzburg | Alt, Fiega, Chaia | |
Weisbloom | Chaim-Dovid | |
Alperovitz | Mendel, Gita, Friedel, Shendel, Barta | |
Begin | Ashy and sister. | |
Katz | Aharon, Zalta, Minya, Yossie | |
[Page 348] | ||
Katz | Ezsah | |
Alperovitz | Leba, Avraham, his wife and daughter | |
Markman | Raphael, Yosef, Chana, Berl, Chasia, Nachmia, Yechezkiel, Nachma-Rachel, Roza, Shalom-Ber, Mirella, Yisrael, Mishka, Looba, Beela, Peshach, Mendel, Rachel, Zelig, Avraham, Yacov | |
Raffelson | Hersh, Shoena, Chaia | |
Kaladetzki | Yonah, Rachel, Sarah, Chaia | |
Lieberman | Shmuel, Gershon and wife | |
Svedlar | Ben-Zion, his wife and children | |
Levin | Shabbatia, his wife and children, Lipka, Briena, Bella | |
Lieberman | Shmuel, his wife and children | |
Kooperstock | Zelig his wife and children, Yitzhak, Mesharna, Avraham | |
Bilsky | Myer and wife, Rita | |
Varfman | Dovid, Gnasya, Sima | |
Klatzkin | Arie, Pesach | |
Epstein | Yidel, Chana, Sonia, Zshanyia, Liza | |
Kaplan | Yosef, his wife and children | |
Kaselgof | Raizel, Myer, Sonya, Chaim, Rachel, Chasia, Leah | |
Shleeper | Chaim, Leah, Chunya and wife, Chana | |
Kaminkavitz | Frieda, Yitzhak, Chasia | |
Rosov | Shmuel-Aharon, Leeba | |
[Page 349] | ||
Rosov | Gershon | |
Anshelevitz | Esar | |
Rosov | Yisrael, Stesha, Moshe, Mirel, Sarah | |
Teetz | Zalman, Raisel, Zepa, Belah, Yechka | |
Pllack | Zalman-Natan, Rachael, Alter, Hinda .... | |
Gorvitz | Ben-Zion, Chana, Lieba, Lieka, Meshka | |
Margolin | Dovid, Etka, and their children | |
Greenhouse | Ben-Zion, Rivka, Uzi, Rachael, Alka, and family | |
Varfman | Dov-Ber, Chana-Yicha, Fania, Zalta, Shneior | |
Karbman | Shifra, Divora and family | |
Kamenkavitz | Laizar, Atla, Gitel, Beral,Levka | |
Shfarbar | Yirchmeal, Lobka and sister | |
Kramer | Altar, Mina and children | |
Kamenkavitz | Berl, Tzina, Zalman, Sarah, Moshe |
Glazer | David | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Hochman | Moshe-Shaya | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Katzowich | Ishe (Itzchak) | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Kluft | Greinem | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Kramer | Ya'akov | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Lenkin | Aharon-Ber | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Plavnik | Ishe | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Rosov | Gershon | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Rosov | Mollie-Ber | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Rubin | Zalman | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Shultz | Hirsh-Yona | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Sosman | Isha'ayahu | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Tiles | Altar | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Want | Mollie | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Yesin | Idel | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Yofte | Altar | May the Lord revenge his blood |
Katzowich | Shmuel |
Katzowich | Mina |
Katzowich | Ita |
Kosinitz | Mendel |
Zalkind | Zale |
Zalkind | Sarah |
Zalkind | Yudashe |
Zalkind | Zipa |
Zalkind | Taiba |
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Updated 24 Feb 2003 by LA