Hundred Years of Debrecen Jewry;
In Memory of the Martyrs of Debrecen and Vicinity
(Debrecen, Hungary)

47°32' / 21°38'

Translation of
Mea shana le-yehudei Debrecen;
le-zekher kedoshei ha-kehila ve-yishuvei ha-seviva

Author: Moshe Elijahu Gonda

Published in Tel Aviv 1970

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Mea shana le-yehudei Debrecen; le-zekher kedoshei ha-kehila ve-yishuvei ha-seviva
(Hundred years of Debrecen Jewry; in memory of the martyrs of Debrecen and vicinity),
Author: Moshe Elijahu Gonda, Committee for Commemoration of the Debrecen Jewry, Published: Tel Aviv 1970 (H, Hu 409 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Debrecen

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Hebrew translated by Yocheved Klausner

Hungarian translated by Andrew Lenard

Introduction by Prof, Shmuel Levinger 7
An Eternal Candle by Jeno Csengeri 9
Sources for the history of the Debrecen Jews by Moshe Eliyahu Gonda 10
1. The city of Debrecen 13
2. Jewish merchants and fair-traders in Debrecen 19
3. The first years in Debrecen 1840-1848 25
4. Consolidation of the Jewish Community 1849-1867 39
5. The emancipation generation 55
6. The Golden Age of the Debrecen community 1890-1914 69
7. The establishment of the orthodox community 1886-1918 101
8. WWI and the period of crises that followed 1914-1922 107
9. Under the sign of “Hope for Peace” 1922-1929 122
10. The time of the Great Crisis and the shadow of rising Nazism 1929-1938 156
11. On the downward slope of persecution 1938-1944 187
12. The Haredi [ultra-orthodox] community, its flourishing and its destruction (1918-1944) 204
13. The Holocaust, the Ghetto and the deportation 1944 214
14. “A glowing ember on the ashes” 1944-1960 231
15. Communities in the neighborhood of Debrecen 247
I shall be their Sanctuary by Dr. Yosef Yitzhak Berg 247
   Hajdunanas 248
   Balmazujvaros 253
   Hajdusamson 255
   Teglas 257
   Vamospercs 259
   Derecske 260
   Konyar 262
    Mikepercs 263
List of victims 265
Introduction by Samuel Lowinger 7
Dedication by Jeno Csengeri 9
Sources for the history of Debrecen Jewry by E.M.Gonda 11
1. The city of Debrecen 15
2. Jewish merchants in a town of animosity 20
3. First years in Debrecen, 1840–1848 20
4. Founding of the Community, 1849–1867 40
5. The generation of emancipation 55
6. Golden age of the Community, 1890–1914 69
7. Founding the Orthodox Community, 1866–1918 102
8. The era of World War I and consecutive crises, 1914-1922 109
9. Hopes during the ‘20s, 1922–1929 128
10. In shadow of the great economic crisis and the threat of Nazism, 1929–1938 167
11. On the downslope of anti-Jewish legislation, 1938-1944 199
12. Development of Orthodoxy until the age of destruction, 1918–1944 226
13. Year of catastrophe. Ghetto and deportation 240
13. The persecutions, the Ghetto and the deportation 240
14. New life over the ruins 267
15. Neighboring smaller communities
“I shall become their small sanctuary” by Jozsef Berg 295
   Hajdunanas 296
   Balmazujvaros 303
   Hajdusamson 306
   Teglas 308
   Vamospercs 310
   Derecske 312
   Konyar 314
   Mikepercs 316
Bibliography (list of sources) 318
Roster of victims 321
   Debrecen 323
   Hajdúnánás 385
   Balmazújváros, Egyek 395
   Hajdúsámson 397
   Téglás 399
   Vámospérc 400
   Derecske 403
   Konyár, Pocsaj, Esztár, Monostorpályi 407
   Mikepércs 409


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