David Horodoker Memorial book
(Davyd-Haradok, Belarus)

52°03' / 27°13'

Translator: Norman Helman

Published in Oak Park, MI 1981

Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is the David Horodoker Memorial book,
Translator: Norman Helman, Publisher: David Horodoker Women's Organization, Oak Park, MI 1981 (E 126 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Davyd Haradok (1981)

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Translator's Note Norman Helman
Forward The Editor's 1
The History of David-Horodok   2
Political, Cultural and Organizational Institutions in David–Horodok   36
Years of Turbulence and Death   52
Destruction and Holocaust I. Lipshitz 60
From Childhood Years – David Horodok 50 Years Ago Motl Slotzki 65
Sabbath Evening (Pictures of a Town) Berl Neuman 72
My Grandmother Told Me (Memories) Berl Neuman 76
David-Horodok until the War Itzhak Nahamnovitch 82
3. Rabbis & Community Leaders Dr. Rabinovitz 84
4. Eve of the War M. Rappaport 87
My Last Days in David-Horodok M. Shuri Ami 88
5. The Last Days and the Last Hours Bas-Sheva Kushner and Gunn Pilavin 91
Reported by Meier Hershl Korman   98
The Horrible Ghetto Slaughter in Rublye, David-Horodok and Staline   115
My Small Revenge for the Heinous Crime (A Chapter from my Memoirs) Aharon Moravtchik 119


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