[Page 30]
On January 12, 1957 twenty-eight former Dubrowa residents in Israel led by Eliezer Kuszes and Sonia Grabinsky Lefkowitz organized the society Irgun Jotzei Dombrowa n/Grodno. They memorialized the town's martyrs by planting 5000 trees in the Jerusalem Forest and for many years met annually to say yiskor for their lost community. In 1982 seventeen of the original group were still living.
Letterhead of the Irgun Jotzei Dombrowa n/Grodno. | |
Mr. and Mrs. Eliezer Kuszes are shown at the Martyrs' Forest, 1967. | |
[Page 31]
Entrance to Martyrs Forest Shrine | |
Certificate for purchase of memorial trees | |
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