[Page 264]
Translated by Jerrold Landau
Eisenstadt, Mordechai Eichelbaum, Pinchas Alter, Tauba Alter, Tzvi
Baharab, Zeev
Gewelb, Nathan Davidson, Yisrael Silverman, Yisrael
Tyk, Yisrael and wife Katz, Rivka
Lachower, ShlomoYehuda
MarChaim, YosefChaim
Niborski, Leizer
Piekasz, Dvroa Cwyrkowski, Moshe
Kazszica, ChaimDavid Rustiker, Keila
Shafran, Mendel and wife |
Translated by Jerrold Landau
United States (America) Canada Argentina Mexico Uruguay Australia France Scotland and Israel |
[Page 266]
United States (America)
Eisenstadt, Freda Canada
Brovner, Hersch Argentina
Artenstein, Lazar Mexico
Artenstein, Fishel Uruguay
Artenstein, Lazar and Gil |
[Page 267]
Gmelnik, Heina France
Edelstein, Ch. Scotland
Greenhil, Anna Germany Sniadower, Izak In the State of Israel
Eistenstadt, Elisheva
Barlas, Tzipora
Ganot, Shimon
Davidson, MosheLeib
Hamburger, Hadassah
Woloczer, Bilhah |
[Page 268]
Wengerowski, Eliahu
Zoger, Tova
Tykulsker, Rosa
Jabrow, Pnina
Kochavi, Sara
Lachower, Menachem
Markowicz, Bracha
Nisenbaum, Pnina
Sokolower, Rabbi Ephraim
Ivri, Eliezer |
[Page 269]
Pindik, Yisachar Piekasz, Chaim and Eliahuv Perlowicz, Tzila Peretz, Rivka
Fater, Dov
Ciechanowski, Malka
Kowal, Moshe
Rawicki, Mina
Shaft, Michael |
Translated by Jerrold Landau
A Jewish community that was destroyed in the storm of the Holocaust during the Second World War, and was swept away in the deluge of blood and fire by the impure hands of the Satans of our generation; A holy community that was destroyed in the midst of its flourishing, destroyed and razed to its foundations, erased from the book of life, wiped out as if it never was, nullified and is no more.
We will light an eternal light to its memory, and guard it so that it is never extinguished! |
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