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(Number 1, November 25, 1932)
(transmitted exactly as in the original)
Translated by Miriam Leberstein
Shehechayanu! [prayer of thanks to celebrate special occasions]Important news! The Hechalutz Hatzair branch in Chorzele is now the equal of other branches. We, too, are now publishing our own newspaper. This news has suddenly spread joy among members and sympathizers.
But some, while blessing the initiators of this achievement, have made the shehechayanu in a sad mood, because they doubted that it could continue to exist. It was good, they thought, that the newspaper wasn't a daily or a biweekly, and that it wasn't even printed by
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machine, but was handwritten, and written out by a friend, to boot.But even that entails certain expenses, which given our current financial means, are very difficult to obtain, and requires enormous patience.
And most important, do we have members with some kind of journalistic abilities? And who will be the editors? Isn't that so?
But, comrades, that is not our task. We don't intend simply to boast that we too are publishing our own newspaper from time to time. Our goal is this: Every member of an organization and especially a youth organization has his or own specific demands and opinions about various events in the movement or about relations between members, or concerning the local committee and the executive board.
We want to provide the means for our members to freely express themselves about these questions, which trouble our members. And every member will be able to answer the questions in the form of an open discussion.
And if we find somewhere a published article that interests our members, which not everyone has access to, we will republish it.
In a word, the newspaper will serve only the interests of our members. I believe that everyone understands the importance and educational value of such a paper for the branch. And everyone will certainly support us energetically and as much as they can to make publication possible.
And finally, I want our dear members to note that each of you should make an effort during the week to write at least one article for the paper. No one should think: Who am I to write, I have no journalistic talent. Let the initiators deal with such foolishness.
Comrades, know that this will have great significance for the growth of our branch, both in numbers and in quality. And no one should be afraid to write because we the initiators are no more talented than you are.
The Shushanim kivutsa [Rosesgroup] sends wishes for success on the publication of our members' paper, Hechalutz Hatzair.
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Hello, members!Here we have taken the first steps to open wider the gates to our development. Our committee worked hard to put out the members' publication Hechalutz Hatzair. We all bear the title of member of Hechalutz Hatzair and now we are getting an additional member, which may also be called Hechalutz Hatzair. This member will be our superior; of course, it depends on our will. It will penetrate into all the secret corners of our souls, because its task is to understand our life. It will awaken all of our sleepy thoughts and for that reason, dear friends, do not refuse this member when he comes to you seeking entry to your thoughts. Wake up and pick up your pens!
Tell him, friends, your thoughts and opinions. Tell him what you don't understand, give him your stories and poems. Then he will pass these on to all the members and you will receive the answers you require.
In this way, we will get along better. No hidden issues will rule us, and our road in life will be beautiful.
Won't you be happy when you pick up our publication and find in it the ideas of others, as well as your own? The intellectual world of each member will be clear and understandable to all. In addition, we will have a mirror which will reflect our lives and the life of the branch.
So, dear friends, get to work! Don't let this new member get away because only he can fulfill this task and have such significance.
Sore Eykhler (Alon)
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The new work year is beginning. During the summer months our work slacked off, and it is now necessary, at the beginning of the new work year, that we increase our efforts in order to make up for our neglect. The only way to succeed is through concrete actions, and that is where we can and must direct our efforts. The efforts of those who are in the organization for the workers of Eretz Yisroel in general and for Hechalutz Hatzair in particular bring us closer to the achievement of Zionism.What does Zionism mean? It is the revolutionary reconstruction of Jewish life, the construction of our national home.
Those who will bring about this radical change in Jewish life are the Jewish workers in Eretz Yisroel. Therefore, comrades, let us work energetically to achieve our goal, that is, to enter Hechalutz Hatzair with the requisite physical and intellectual resources, so that we can be worthy of carrying the flag of the Jewish workers in Eretz Yisroel and successfully continue to put workers in the forefront.
Gefen (Z.V.)[Song in Hebrew not translated]
[Page 247]
No! Such things must not be permitted!What can we say about the recent events in Eretz Yisroel?[1]
We don't want to wage war. That must not happen, because the great work of construction that we have undertaken has not yet ended; it is perhaps not even half finished, and under the circumstances threatens never to be finished.
We cannot remain indifferent that the future of the Jewish working masses should be subject to strike breaking, and that the strike breakers are none other than the innocent members of Faction B, incited by their Lag b'Omer general brothers of a single people!
The Revisionist movement appeared on the Zionist stage, talking about renewing and developing new forces, showing new ways toward construction, but in the end they showed their true faces.
At a time when not a single worker of any other people living in the land went to work, the members of Betar, under the protection of the British police, came to work in the factories. This open strike breaking will hasten the end and open the eyes of those young workers who have been captured by the Revisionist liar. They will again take their place in the ranks of Histadrut, the ranks of the working people of Eretz Yisroel.
Nor should it be permitted that the Jewish colonists from Zikhron Yaakov and Nes Tziona and Jewish entrepreneurs from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem boycott Jewish workers who are members of HIstadrut. The colonist fears Histradrut which is fighting for a 7 hour workday and higher wages when he can get Arab workers for a few piaster less.
No! We cannot permit such things. Without Jewish workers there is no Jewish Eretz Yisroel!
EvenMoreh (A.L.)
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Oasis |
On the cobblestone streets, the blood that's been spilled Will call out and appeal to God. Perhaps heaven will hear its cry And the city of stone will weep
Only a few will abandon the noise
Only a few put one hand to a plow
In the desert, a silvery spring will burble
And people, like the blossoming sheaves, stand in rows
Those who mock will continue to mock |
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Hands that break stone will harrow and sow And singing will harvest the fruit of years of strife Blood and marrow offered up with glowing faith Will transform the barren land Into a paradise. |
Avrom ShturmakOur impressions
It has been a short time since we joined the branch of Hechalutz Hatzair. But that has sufficed for us to have been entirely taken up by the goal of fulfilling the task of being true comrades. Until now, we didn't know that there exists a world of comrades that is entirely different from the world in which we have lived until now. This is a world of ardent comradeship that carries everything along in its current.
As soon as we entered the office of our branch, a wave of joy swept over us, we were surrounded by an atmosphere of brotherhood, people were singing and dancing, everyone joined together.
In addition, all these people were bound together by a goal toward which they all strived. Their hearts call out with one cry and one idea rules their minds. Their future lies in Eretz Yisroel. We were drawn by the amazing force to this entire tribe of people and a small revolution took place in our hearts.
The Hechalutz way, of which we had known nothing until now, became clear to us. Now we will make a great effort to learn the way and to help those who are in it.
Kivutsa Shoshanim [Roses Group]
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Prizes for the readers of Hechalutz HatzairIn order to enable the members of Hechalutz Hatzair to wear badges we will give badges as prizes. Every member who sends us 5 coupons, that will be printed in 5 issues of Hechalutz Hatzair, will be entitled to win a badge. The first coupon is provided in this issue.
About Party Discipline
Last week, the Hechalutz brought the renowned actor Jaques Levi to perform in Chorzele. We thought our act would be welcomed by all the local groups, because how could it be otherwise? A small town which has no theatrical group of its own, without the means to bring in a fine speaker, not to mention an actor like Jacques Levi.
A town that has no movie theater, no place for young people to enjoy their free time and especially to enjoy an intellectual experience. So the Hechalutz, with the help of the Proshnitser League for the Workers of Eretz Yisroel, tried to break the sad tradition of lethargy and provide the young people with a little cultural entertainment.
But we encountered opposition. The Peretz Library (the Bund, in other words)[2], the ostensible provider of culture for local youth, whose cultural activities consists of outdoor gatherings and denouncing Zionist events, began to sound the alarm about the terrible disaster threatening Chorzele. Like the fools of Chelm [fictional town in Jewish folklore], they quickly called a meeting, at which they decided not to allow Levi's performance and to boycott it. They complained that the Halutzim don't come to their outdoor gatherings or dance with their girls, and not all the Halutzim come to a lecture that they arrange once in five years.
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The two ostensible leaders of the Bund fullfledged losers and intellectual boors made every effort to prevent the event.It is also interesting that through the delegation they announced that if their members were given discounted tickets, they would stop their holy fight against us. That is, the fight that they were presumable fighting for its own sake, was really a fight over financial interests. This is their true face speaking of God while holding a serpent in their hand.
But reason triumphed. Despite their boycott, the evening was a big success and the hall was packed.
But let it be known: All those who yelled so loudly in support of the boycott were not ashamed to stand under the windows and in this original and hidden manner spared themselves the cost of even discounted tickets. That's the morality of the Bund. It is regrettable that the sensible Bund members of the Peretz Library who wanted to take this opportunity to have a little cultural enjoyment were prevented from doing so by the decision of their leaders. Let us hope that this fact will open their eyes and they will see the true nature of their cultural providers and will join our ranks.
News from the branchOn November 2, 1932, by decision of the committee, Comrade Zlate Frayman was admitted as a member of Hechalutz Haboger [Adult Pioneers]
Recently there was formed a kivutsa group named Shoshanim [Roses] which consists of 7 members 13 years old. They are carrying out their work very energetically.
Four men from Hechalutz Haboger have been certified for Aliyah.
Support the Fund for Tarbut [Hebrew language school system] of Hechalutz Hatzair
Support the Fund for Hechalutz
Join en masse in the League for Workers of Eretz Yisroel
Support the Jewish National Fund of Israel
Provided by A. Likhtenshteyn
Translator's Footnotes
Translated by Miriam Leberstein
Minutes No. 1[Page 253]In Chorzele, on Saturday, 20th day of Shvat, 5698, January 22, 1938, at 7 P.M. the general meeting of the Gemiles Khesed Fund took place, with the following agenda:
1) Opening; 2) Election of Chairman for the general meeting; 3) Reading of the [governmental] authorization of the fund, and regulations and statutes of the Gemiles Khesed fund; 4) Report of activities to the present time; 5) Determination of the terms and amount of loans; 6) Election of the board of directors and oversight committee; 7) Motions
- The founder of the Gemiles Khesed fund, H. [Herr = Mr.] M. Fridman, opened the meeting.
H. Fridman made a motion that the general meeting should authorize the board of directors to decide on all unforeseen questions until the next general meeting. The meeting considered the motion and expressed its full confidence in the board of directors.
- H. Avrom Mikl Adler was unanimously elected chairman and he invited the following to join him on the presidium: Herrs Shmuel Frenkl and Avrom Siniak, with Hirsh Grinberg as Secretary.
- H. Shabti Frenkl read aloud the authorization from the voivode [provincial government] and the accompanying letter from the staroste [county government], as well as the regulations and statutes of the Gemiles Khesed fund. The meeting took note of these.
- H. M. Fridman gave his report. He indicated that the critical conditions in the town and the difficulties of obtaining credit even with interest, had led him to think of founding the fund. Through the fund every tradesman and merchant can receive an interestfree loan and that will certainly substantially alleviate their poverty. He has appealed to townspeople living abroad, and wrote five letters. As of now, he has received one response from Reb [respectful form of address] Yehuda Walershteyn from Canada, with a check for $200.This gift laid the foundation on which to establish the fund. H. Fridman appealed to everyone at the meeting to support this important institution as much as possible.
- It was decided that the limit on the loans will be 50 zlotys, with the terms being 10 weekly payments.
- The number of attendees was 65 (all with the right to vote.) Seven people were elected to the Board of Directors: Shepsl Frenkl (41 votes); M. Fridman (40); Avrom Siniak (27); M. Sokolower (23); Khaim Igler (21); Ziskind Berliner (19); Mendl Kats (18).
As alternates: Itsik Meyer Slovne; Moyshe Mendl Kohan and Dov Brener.
On the oversight committee: 1) A.M. Adler 2) Zev Gutlezer; 3)Zalmen Milshteyn. As alternates: Moyshe Ayznshtat and Oser Orntshteyn.Signed:
Chairman: A.M. Adler
Assistants: Sh. Frenkl, Avrom Siniak
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Minutes No.2[Page 255]Chorzele, Sunday, 21st of Shvat,5698, January 23, 1938. At 7:00 P.M., a general meeting was held with the following agenda:
- Constitution of the Board of Directors
- A letter to Yehuda Walershteyn
- Designation of the amount of loans
- Designation of terms of office of the Board of Directors
- Announcement about applying for loans
- Weekly fee for the town's Jewish population
- Open for motions
- The Board of Directors is constituted as follows:
President: MordkheMenakhem Fridman
Vice President: Avrom Siniak
Treasurer: Shepsl Frenkl
All resolutions were passed unanimously. The meeting was closed.
Secretary: Menakhem Dov Kats
Board Members: M.Soklower, Z. Berliner, H. Igler
Alternates: Itsik Meyer Slovne, Moyshe Mendl Kohan, Dov Brener.
Oversight Committee: Avrom Mikhl Adler, Zalmen Milshteyn, Zev Gutlezer.- To send a letter of thanks to the donor H. Yehuda Walershteyn for his donation, which enabled us to open the Gemiles Khesed fund, attaching a certificate and a copy of the official receipt.
To remain in contact with Herr Yehuda Walershteyn and appeal to him to persuade Chorzele townspeople in Canada to also contribute to the Gemiles Khesed.
To publicize the charitable donation of Yehuda Walershteyn in the Jewish press.- It was decided that the amount of each loan will be 50 zlotys, to be paid in weekly installments.
- The meeting times of the Board of Directors shall be twice a week, on Sunday and Thursday, from 68 in the evening.
- Anyone can apply for a loan from Sunday to Thursday; money will not be distributed until Thursday.
- The members of the Board of Directors M.Fridman, A.Siniak, Sh. Frenkl and Mendl Kats will visit the town residents and obtain contributions for the Gemiles Khesed.
- H. M. Fridman proposed that the philanthropist Yehuda Walershteyn be elected an honorary member of the Gemiles Khesed in Chorzele and that a plaque with the name of Yehuda Walershteyn and also the names of all donors to the Gemiles Khesed should be mounted in the hall of the Gemiles Khesed. The Board took the motion under consideration.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we attest that these minutes accurately reflect the original
Chairman M. Fridman
Treasurer Sh. Frenkl
Secretary Menakhem Dov Kats
Translated by Miriam Leberstein
[Hebrew dates, etc. not translated]To: The Honorable Mr. Khaim Noyekh Kuzniak, New York
We are honored to inform you that there has been officially established in our town a Gemiles Khesed fund, to alleviate the conditions there by providing whatever aid we can, so that each tradesman or shopkeeper can obtain credit interestfree.
It is impossible to describe the critical situation in Chorzele.
The first person to respond to our appeal was Herr Yehuda Walershteyn (Wilson) of Toronto (Cananda.) He sent a check for $200 for the Gemiles Khesed fund. That is our foundation. But it is like a drop of water in the ocean of needy Jews. The respected philanthropist Herr Walershtyen was born in Chorzele, his father was called Reb Aron Grayesk; he had a hardware business in the market place. Your father knew him well.
As the president of the Gemiles Khesed, Herr M. Fridman reports, you, as a person born in Chorzele, are connected by a long thread to our town and you are a social activist in the place where you live.
We therefore urgently ask you to appeal to Chorzele landslayt to contribute to the Gemiles Khesed. At the same time, we ask you to announce the formation of our Gemiles Khesed in the Jewish press in your country. We here will publish in the press the name of every person who contributes, and the amount of the contribution. We do not consider it necessary for us to advise you how to organize the task, for example, by establishing a founding committee. You know better than us how to proceed in your community.
We ask you to send aid as quickly as possible, because it takes so long to correspond with you. It has been 8 months since we sent a letter about the Gemiles Khesed to our landslayt at the address of your uncle, Herr Itsik Kozheniak, but regretfully we have not received an answer.
We hope you will take our appeal under consideration, because of the importance of the Gemiles Khesed these days, particularly in Chorzele, and that you will devote your effort for this cause. In this way you will play a part in the existence of the Gemiles Khesed in Chorzele.
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The Philanthropist Yehuda Walershteyn (Wilson)Even before World War II, Yehuda Grayeskes (the son of Avrom Walershteyn), living in Canada, was well know for the generous support he sent to the Gemiles Khesed and other social causes.
Yehuda Walershteyn (Wilson), one of the young people in our town who followed the Jewish enlightenment, left Chorzele in 1914, along with his brother. In 1921, he brought his mother and sister to Canada and there the family laid down roots.
An important and busy tobacco merchant, Yehuda, despite his many business activities and respectable status, did not forget his hometown and over the years maintained contact with his friends and acquaintances there. He always generously provided support to Chorzelers who made aliyah [emigrated to Israel] and to the work of the Chorzele landslayt association in Israel, especially for the publication of the yizkor book and for the writing of a Torah scroll for the synagogue in Ra'anana [Israel] in memory of the holy martyrs of Chorzele.
A heartfelt thanks to our friend Yehuda Walershteyn (Wilson).
The Committee
Reb Meyer Yakov Zayngurt lights a candle during the celebration upon completion of the Torah scroll in memory of the martyrs of Chorzele in the synagogue in Ra'anana |
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