[Pages 210-218]
Translated by Jerome Silverbush
The Assistance Fund of the Irgun Olei Merkas Europa, the Kupath Eser, provided Olim from Bukovina with a small loan at favorable rates from the funds put at their disposal by the Sochmuth. So at that time in Cholon a limited number of Olim from Bukovina could be provided with dwellings.
The Chug Olej Bukovina was led by Dr. Manfred Reifer s.A. and Dr. Elias Weinstein. In Jerusalem, the local office of Chug Bukovina was supported by Dr. Leon Schmelzerand Dr. Gideon Bierer.
In Haifa Dr. Nachman Denker s.A. was the leader of the local Chung Bukovina. The chung Bukovina within the framework of the Irgun Olei Merkas Europa also possessed a Snif {branch?} in Givat Aliia (Jebelia). At the head of this branch stood Dr. Max Gruder.
As in the year, 1950, the great Aliaja {immigration} from Eastern Europe started and many Bukoviner came to Israel, at the initiative of Dr. Chaim Gelber and Dr. Hermann Zwi Schaerf their own Landsmann organization was created, the Hitachduth Olei Bukovina under the leadership of Dr. Chaim Gelber which had a board of directors consisting of Vice Mayor Abraham Bojar, Dr. Elias Weinstein, Chaim Geller, Dr. Max Gruder, Mosche Liquornik and Ghersh Steinberg as well as a 16 member executive committee and a full committee of a further 30 members
The purpose of the organization was the moral and material support of the Bukovina Olim, social occasions and organizing yearly memorial services for the victims of the Nazis.
Immediately after its founding, the first effort of the Irgun Jozei Bukovina was to get all the immigrants from Bukovina to joins a landsmann organization. Several months later both groups united in the Hitachduth Olei Bukovina (H.O.B.) which until February 3, 1955 was led by Dr. Chaim Gelber. The new organization immediately faced a very difficult task. They had to help the newcomers to fit into society and above all to find them dwellings. The H.O.B. obtained favorable terms from the building society H.O.B. for the construction of 100 dwellings in Rishon le Zion and at the same time had created a loan society that would provide loans at favorable rates. At a conference that took place in December 1952 chaired by Dr. Chaim Gelber in TelAviv it was decided to initiate a compensation action, led by Dr. Erich Neuborn for the victims of Nazi persecution from Bukovina. The result was that the H.O.B. was the only landsmann organization in Israel authorized by the Minister of Justice to carry out a compensation action under its own auspices. Because of this ruling the H.O.B was able to offer the persecuted from Bukovina a significantly reduced fee of 6 percent.
When on October 1, 1953 the German federal reparation law was passed, the section concerning Nazi victims from Bukovina, the Hitachieuth Olej Bukovina became very active so that the amendment of the B.E.G. in 1956 contained a clearer text defining the rights of the Bukovina victims. At the Hitachduth Olei Bukovina, TelAviv, over 2,600 victims entitled to reparations have put in their claims of which the majority have been satisfactorily settled.
The reparation office of the Hitachduth Olej Bukovina, TelAviv was led by the former Austrian judge and lawyer Dr. Erich Neuborn and employed in the years 19561958 three lawyers, Dr. H. Amster, Dr. Leon Bruckenthal and E. Schrager as well as Markus Geller as administrator.
At the end of July, 1957 the State Reparations Office of RheinlandPfalz in Mainz (based on a judgment made by the State Court of Stuttgart). Issued a stop order which caused the immediate halting of reparations payments to the persecuted from Romania. The reparations senate of the State Court had namely announced in a decision the measures taken against the Jews in Romania were not initiated by the Nazi regime in Berlin. This decision which flew in the face of historic facts was a heavy blow for the victims of Nazi persecution in Romania, and it had an almost devastating effect on the Hitachduth Olei Bukovina in TelAvivJaffa which together with the Sniff in Jaffa (Givat Alija) had approximately 3,000 applications submitted by the persecuted Jews from Bukovina was because of lack of any financial support incapable of setting up a system for processing the applications. In this precarious situation which continued for a full 3 years until the end of June, 1960, the Hittachduth Olej Bukovina was helped by the Sochmuth which gave it a modest amount of money collected by the Claims Conference. Using this money, the H.O.B. (Hittachduth Olei Bukovina) was able to carry out its obligations related to the reparation action and here it must be acknowledged that the then leaders of the Reparation Office of the Finance Ministry, Dr. Weiss and Dr. Bermann had sympathy for the situation of the H.O.B.
First out of the State Conference on June 23, 1960 came the removal of the above mentioned stop order and recognition of the Bukoviner's rights to reparations which opened the way for the realization of the completely justifiable demands of the Bukoviner.
The Hitachdauth Olei Bukovina, TelAviv can justifiably credit itself with accomplishing a social good of the first rank through its fight for the realization of the claims of the Bukoviner Nazi victims. It should be emphasized that since the founding of the H.O.B. TelAviv (1951) Dr. Erich Neuborn was the General Secretary of the organization.
In 1952 at the initiative of the Hitachduth Olej Bukovina, TelAviv an umbrella organization was created which encompass the TelAviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, BatJam and Nathania groups. The center for these local organizations is TelAviv, but meetings are also rotated to Jerusalem and Haifa. At the initial meeting of these groups Dr. Chaim Gelber was elected chairman and Dr. Walter Kiesler, Dr. Elias Weinstein, Dr. Leo Schmelzer and Dr. Lipa Wiznitzer made up the executive committee. Dr. Erich Neuborn was elected general secretary.
The leadership of the Nathania branch was in the hands of Vice Mayor Riegler and Dr. SinaiSternberg.
In the general meeting of February 3, 1955 was elected as the director of Hitachduth Olei Bukovina whereupon a Presidential Council consisting of Vice Mayor Abraham Bojar, Dr. Chaim Gelber and Magistrate Jakob Melzer as well as an executive committee of 16 members and a commission of 30 members were selected. In 1957, In 1957 the steering committee was enlarged by the addition of Dr. Emanuel Wagner, Dr. Josef Mann, Dr. Maximilian Weinberger, Zwi Neumeier and Markus Geller and the commission was enlarged by the addition of 5 members and to lead this group dr. Benzion Sternberg (deputy for Dr. Bernhard Tauber)
In recent years, the activity of Hitachduth Olei Bukovina was also directed to social concerns. The leadership of the work concerned with social issues was placed in the hands of the Vice President, Dr. Josef Mann.
In the general convention which took place on February 27, 1961 which had a very large attendance, the local organizations from Radautz, Storozynetz, Wiznitz and Gurahumora were absorbed by the H.O.B. Dr. E. Weinstein was elected chairman of the H.O.B. and as his deputies were elected Dr. J. Mann, Dr. E. Wagner, Dr. B. Tauber and Dr. A. Mechel. Similarly, a 71 member Moezah was elected. Dr Benzion Sternberg was elected chairman of the Moezah. A number of basic ground rules were drafted which were all unanimously accepted by the attendees of the general convention. At the first meeting of the Moezah on March 9, 1961a 16 member Hanhula and a 24 member executive branch were elected.
The executive branch set up a series of committees which immediately began their work.
It should be mentioned that annually since 1950 the H.O.B. held large memorial services, which were heavily attended in memory of the victims from Bukovina who died in Transnistrien and Siberia.
It should also be mentioned that the H.O.B. succeeded in acquiring a new larger home that will certainly contribute to an intensification of its work.
One of the most important activities of the H.O.B. is the area of social work. It encompasses mainly 3 important areas:
The leadership of the H.O.B. helped new Olim who could point to Zionist work they did in Bukovina by implementing their recognition by the Askanuth which made it easier for them to be helped by the Sochnuth. Similarly, they helped unemployed Olim to get work and intervened with the Malben to place to find places for elderly Olim in their nursing homes and asked the Sochnuth to get Schikunm for the Olim which would make it easier for them to get work.
Subject 2 Help for Bucoviner who have lived for a longer time in Israel:
Unfortunately, there are a number of Bucoviner livening in Israel for a longer period who because of chronic illness or old age can't find work. These people must be helped, so long as the means are available. Especially on the High Holidays and on Passover, larger sums are given to these needy people.
Subject 3 Help for the Bucoviner in Siberia
This part of the help work done by the H.O.B and was initiated by the Chairman of the Social Committee, Dr. J. Mann and it represents without doubt an important part of the work of the H.O.B.
This important help action was called into life because it appeared to be absolutely necessary that the Bucoviner who have the luck to live in Israel should help their fellows who in the years 19401941, without any legitimate grounds, were driven out of Bucovina to Siberia and there live in great need and hunger and cold.
In the years 1959, 1960 and 1961great evenings in combination with the Bucovina Woman's League were held. The significant proceeds from these events were to buy help packages for Siberia.
It is clear that whatever the H.O.B. accomplished as help actions, important as it was, was not sufficient to help all the suffers. For that, far greater sums then the H.O.B. raised would be necessary.
The first leaders were among others, the women: Genia Albin, Fanny Bernstein, Tina Beral, Klara Blum, Rosl Buxbaum, Mady Elefant, Sidy Fang, Erna Gelber, Tilda Goldberg, Suzi Goldschlaeger, Frieda, Halbrecht, Lola Koerner, Margit Mader, Fanchette Melzer, Klara Rosenkranz, Dorit Wagner, Anna Wronssky.
In 1954, a special branch was added to the organization, the youth group under the leadership of Mrs. Lizzy Edelstein.
In 1955, within the framework of the organization a bank for loans was created whose president was Mrs Susi Goldschlager s.A. and whose business management was in the hands of Mrs. Clara Dachner acting as secretary and Frau Berta Rim doing the duties of secretary and cashier. The activity of this bank was a blessing in that it gave needy Bucoviner interest free long term loans with favorable repayment options.
At that time the chairperson of the bank was Mrs. Fanny Glasberg while the secretariat was held by Mrs. Lola Koerner and the bookkeeping and cashier duties were held by Mrs. Lodzia Besner while the controller was Mrs. Hilda Katz.
The chairperson of the B.F.V. Mrs. Genia Albin was repeatedly unanimously reelected to this position. The vice presidents are the women Rosa Bardach, Fanny Bernstein, Klara blum and Fanchette Melzer. The secretary is Mrs. Sali Kula. The leader of the social care committee is Mrs. Mady Elefant. The cashier is Mrs. Dorit Wagner. The controllers are Martha Kissmann and Lodzia Besner, the rights advisor is Attorney Mrs. Dr. Rachelle Rinzler. Dr. Erich Neuborn has functioned as technical advisor since the founding of the organization. The honorary president of the B.F.V. is Mrs. Dr. Zunia Schifter. An honorary members is Mrs. Dr. Sarina Fokschaner.
The B.F.V. had a very active social(charity) program providing personal support to needy Bucoviner giving the sick and those incapable of working monthly financial support, provided the poor and sick Bucoviner with clothing, medicine, prostheses, and also sent clothing packages to Bucoviner in Russia and Romania. The means needed to support this activity were provided partly through monthly small contributions, larger contributions from benefactors, but mostly the contributions from various organizations.
The activities were directed by a work committee chaired by Mrs. Genia Albin which met 2 3 times per month. The following women belong to this committee: Ruth Aliaw, Rosa Bardach, Fanny Bernstein, Gerta Berger, lodzia Besner, Klara Blum, Lizzy Edelstein, Rachel Ehrlich, Mandy Elefant, Fanny Glasberg, Berta Haber, Hilde Katz, Martha Kissman, Sali Kula, Lola Koerner, Tella Loebel, Fanchette Melzer, Regi Metsch, Dr. Rachelle Rinzler, Lizzy Osterer, Rosa Rittberg, Lisl Rosenberg, Dorit Wagner and Lala Wildmann.
Under the honorary presidency of Chief Rabbi B. Hager served the following volunteers: Mrs. Sara Storfer, H. Stupp, H. Winnik, Mrs Tauber, and in the later years, the gentlemen Hass, M. Mayer, Nerlinger, Dr. Lifschitz, M. Osterer, Reifer, Samet, and others. With the first large wave of immigrants, 19481950 came many thousands of Bucoviner to Israel
In the fall of 1949 Dr. Walter Kiessler called the first larger gathering of the Bucoviner in Haifa which was chaired by Dr. N. Denker.
As First Secretary, Dr. H. Dolfin was responsible for building up the organization and the work was accomplished starting from zero with no resources available. Dr. L. Wiznitzer took over the leadership which aside from some interruptions he still holds today.
The first organizational difficulties were resolved by volunteer workers whose names follow: The ladies G. Altmann, J. BernsteinBirkholz, S. Buchbinder, H. Denker, B. Engler, M. Fraenkel, F. GurArieLoewenschuss, P. Gronich, S. Horowitz, E. Jahr, Z. Joanid, D. Kamil, A. Landau, E. Leibowicz, P. LeschemLifschitz, J. Noe, M. Schaechter, F. Schmelz, P. Stiglitz, S. Storfer, M. Walzer and J. Wiznitzer, as well as:
the gentlemen: I. Alper. S. Brender, I. Essner, I. Gaertner, F. Gronich, Dr. B. Harth, Dr. Hausknecht, D. Huertner, B. Kamil, Dr. w. Kiesler, Dr. A. LeschemLifschitz, P. Liquornik, M. Mayer, M. Nerlinger, A. Osterer, M. Reiss, I. Ruhalter, L. Shaul, Dr. I Schieber, L. Schifter, I. Stiglitz, A/ Schlosser, I. Tiger, S. Wurmbrand snf Dr. L. Wiznitzer.
In the years 19531955 the Hitachduth Olei Buchovina, Haifa was led by a steering committee made up of Dr. B. Harth, Mrs Miriam Schaechter and I. Stiglitz. In the years19551956, by the gentlemen Dr. W. Kiesler, Dr. Leschem and I. Stiglitz and in the years 19561957, the gentlemen Dr. L. Hausknecht, Dr. A. Leschem and I. Stiglitz.
In the years 19541958 there was also a woman's section under the leadership of Mrs. Aranka Landau.
The Secretariat work was done Dr .H. Dolfin during the years 1950 1953, Mrs. B. Engler during the years 1954 1955 and Mr. S. Hacker presently.
On August 2, 1953 the laying of the cornerstone for the first Bucovina settlement (Schikun) in Kiriat Bialik. Many guests took part in the celebration. The setting of the cornerstone was participated in by Dr. L. Wiznetzer the president of Hitachduth Olei Bucovina, Haifa at that time and Mrs. Miriam Schaechter, the leader of the Social Care at that time, whose goal oriented efforts were responsible for the building of the first Bukovina settlement in Haifa. The completion of Schikums in which 72 Bucoviner families lived took place in 1954.
In November, 1955 the fight began in Haifa for the realization of the reparation promises made by the German government to the Bucovina Jews. Whereupon, the lawyers Dr A. LeschemLifschitz, Dr. E. SharonScheuermann and Dr. M. Kern as experts put in much effort toward the resolution of the problem.
As a result of long negotiations, the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina, Haifa, at that time led by Dr. W. Kiesler decided not to go after the reparations on their own, but to turn to other institutions, lawyers for example. In spite of that, the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina, Haifa started an &147;enlightenment&148; campaign using press conferences, mass gatherings and newsletters to leading personalities both at home and abroad, among them hundreds of members of the German parliament to point out the historical facts of the German promoting the persecution of the Jews in Bucovina during the years from 19411944.
The Hitachduth OleiBucovina, Haifa which was recognized as a legal entity also by the Social Care Minister, has today over a thousand members in the city and surrounding areas with branch offices in KfarAta, Tyra, Gav Yam, Akko and Joknam.
In the course of its 10 years of activity, the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina, Haifa had quickly resolved uncounted social problems. Needy, sick or aged countrymen regularly received food packages for the high holidays as well as material support.
The honoring of our victims from the war years19411945 took place regularly in the traditional memorial services were held by the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina in the fall of every year and were heavily attended.
The membership dues as well as the regularly scheduled social gatherings bring in the necessary funds to take care of the organizational and social obligations of the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina, Haifa.
The loan association of the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina was founded in May, 1958. The capital came from the underwriting of stocks. The loans were given to Bucoviner for constructive purposes.
The loan association was run by a managing board led by Peter Liquornik. The following women were members of the board: L. Fett and J. BernsteinBirnholz as well as Mr. A.B. Bitter, Dr. Th. Lifschitz, Mr. A. Oster and Mr. M. Reiss
The Landsmannschaft of the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina, Haifa had in the course of the past decades smoothed out the path to integration for many freshly arrived immigrants and helped them to build an existence. Representatives of all the older Bucoviner settlements had places on various boards of the organization.
At the general meeting of the H.O.B. Snif Haifa which took place on February 9, 1959, a new committee was elected out of whose center the leadership as well as the abstractors for the individual sections were to be determined. The results were as follows: Dr. Lipa Wiznitzer (president), Dr. Harth and Dr. Hausknecht (vice presidents), Dr. A. Leschnem (general secretary), Dr. W. Kiesler (leader of the Culture Department), A. Osterer (leader of the Social Welfare department), J. Stieglitz (Internal Affairs), L. Schaul (cash), Sara Buchbinder and Sara Storfer (Presentations), Peter Liquornik (Loan Association), Sch Brender (Aliyah). The remaining reports were divided among the following women and men: Benno Kamil, A. Schlosser, L. Schifter, J. Tiger, Ella Jahr, Jeanette Noe and Gusta Altman.
In a few years it is possible that the work of the Landsmannschaften organizations will become unnecessary because the generation growing up in this land will have gained through their experience understanding for the experiences of the new immigrants.
It appears therefore all the more important to record the memories of these experiences in order that the historical continuity be maintained.
The branch of the HOB in Jaffa, GiwatAlijah whose officers were Chairman Dr. Max Gruder , vice Chairmen Dr. Leo Teitler and Marcus Geller and Martin Hass as general secretary accomplished, especially in the social and cultural arena, carefully planned projects. Weekly, a home evening meeting was held. Needy members and Landsleute were given sums of money on the high holidays and other occasions. Handworkers were given machines, which at that time through the auspices of the government and ORT were provided for the new immigrants use. Also, lectures and Hebrew song evenings as well as courses to help the immigrants in learning Hebrew were instituted.
In November, 1953, an extraordinary general meeting of the HOB Jaffa, the Chug of the Bucovina Olim was declared an independent organization with its headquarters in Jaffa and GivatAlijah. A commission was formed and charged with the task of working out a new statute. When in February 1954 Dr. Max Gruder, for professional reasons left the committee, in a new general meeting, Markus Geller was elected as chairman. The independent organization of HOB in Jaffa and GivatAlijah was in accordance with government decree1255/99 declared to be an independent organization for social purposes. Then the HOB Jaffa, GivatAlijah accepted the task of independently enforcing the reparation law in the sense of the German Governments obligation for the new Bukovina Landsleute from Jaffa, GivatAlijah and BatJam. Special recognition for activity in this area should be given to the Vice Chairmen, Dr. Efraim Granierer and his untiring fellow worker, Mrs Sara Schwarz, s.A. and also to the leadership made up of the following: Markkus Geller, Dr. Leo Teitler, Adolf Schwarz, Martin Hass and Mrs. Lotti Weiner. Until 1956 the HOB worked intensively in Jaffa and GivatAlijah on the reparations documents and at that time had already achieved partial success. In spite of the stop order issued in 1956 by the German reparations officials, the documents already begun were worked on untiringly so that after the death of Doctor Efraim Granierer, his position and work were taken up by Marcus Geller who today with responsibility, seriousness and sense of duty together with Schwarz in Jaffa and GivaltAlijah, untiringly caries on achieving great successes for all the Landsleute in Jaffa and GivatAlijah. When in 1960 the existing stop order was lifted, the work was carried on outside of the framework of the Socnut and completely put in the hands of the HOB. The delegation explained all these issues to Minister President David Ben Gurion and demonstrated to him that the new immigrants, during their period of absorption, without the help of the Socnut or other sources will be aided as for example: interest free large loans, creation of jobs. Thereupon Ben Gurion asked the question, where would the money for these loans come from? The delegates explained that a fraction of the reparations money would be used and that the long years of uncompensated and unselfish work by the Hitachdut Olei Bucovina was of great value to the new immigrants, thus justifying the existence of the organization. On hearing this, the Minister President wanted to know how long the H.OB would have to remain in existence, whereupon Mr. Geller, among others, explained that at the very least a period of 5 years would be needed until all our landsleute, who today are still streaming into the land could be considered &147;settled in.&148; The Minister President said that he was completely in agreement with this spontaneous opinion offered by Mr. Marcus Geller and parted from the delegation with these words: &147;I am extraordinarily satisfied with the Bucoviner Olim. They are a wonderful element and I am very aware that they will take leading places in the land and there prove their worth.&148;
This audience proved to be a great success for the H.O.B. in Jaffa GivatAlijah and without doubt for all the Bucoviner in the land who the recognizing words of the Minister President filled with justified pride.
In conclusion of our presentation, we want to mention the prayer house of the HOB in Jaffa, GivatGivatAlijah which has been named after our immortal chief rabbi, Dr. Abraham J Mark, s.A. The General Assembly which met in 1954, unanimously approved the proposal of Mosche Sobe and Martin Hess to purchase an existing prayer house in GivatAlijah in order to fittingly honor the name of Chief Rabi Dr. Abraham J. Mark and so to fittingly honor his memory. A leadership group made up of Mosche Sobe, Dr. Leon Teitler, Max Rosner, Adolf Schwarz, Markus Geller, Leon Hendel and the ladies Bronislava, Teiltler, Lotti Weiner and Mina Steigmann. The first contributions came from the HOB in Jaffa, GivatAlijah itself through self assessment. The leadership next turned to the vice mayor of TelAviv Abraham Bojar who was made an honorary member of the prayer house and as one of the first contributors came forward with a great sum and in addition through collections presented an additional IL. 1000 (approximate). As great promoters and contributors to the new prayer house the following should be mentioned: Engineer Abraham Klier from the company Argaman, RamatGan, Joseph Rudich TelAviv, Attorney Dr. Wolf Bitter s.A. RamatGan, businessman Jakob Sand, Mrs. Chief Rabbi Dr. Perla Mark Gedera; Engineer Milan Mark TelAviv, Dr. Hugo Hassner and wife Gedera; Dr. Josef Ebner TelAviv, among others.
Thanks to the help of Mosche Sobe it was possible to collect the necessary funds in a relatively short time. The dedication ceremony took place in the garden of the synagogue at which the Vice Mayor Abraham Bojar, Rabbi Dr. Michael Kern, Dr. Elias Weinstein, Dr. Markus Kraemer, Dr. Leo Teitler, Markus Geller, Dr. Chaim Gelber, Mosche Sobe, Dr. Josef Ebner and Dr. Josef Mosberg made celebratory speeches and with pride pointed out the special contributions of the HOB in Jaffa, GivatAlijah to the completion of the prayer house whereupon the aforementioned supporters and contributors to the prayer house extended the warmest thanks and fullest recognition of the entire committee and all members to Dr. Abraham J. Mark s.A. In this prayer house services were regularly held ever Shabbat and on high holidays using small contributions from the Bucoviner, cantors and prayer leaders were hired and paid. Further, the HOB in Jaffa, GivathAlijah would regularly sponsor traditional Chanukah and Purim festivals as well as cultural occasions and lectures.
The HOB in Jaffa, GivatAlijah and its leadership give full thanks for the creation of this historic and traditional religious edifice and special recognition not only for the new immigrants, worshipers, contributors and backers of this prayer house, but to all who are concerned about the new Bucoviner in Israel.
The former Bucoviner who found their long desired home in Israel belong to the best among the new immigrants. We meet them in all productive branches of the building of Israel. They serve as manual laborers and in industry, in professions such as doctors, lawyers, merchants, journalists and artists. They are among the leading men in the Knesset and in many city governments. They stand out as teachers, professors and researchers in all areas. They are outstanding officials in business and city government. In this work we have included biographical data for only a small number of men who have made names for themselves. Those who with justification seek their names in these lines and do not find them are directed to the introductory sentences of the chapter in this work entitled Bucoviner of the past. All were offered the opportunity to submit their information, but not everyone took this opportunity. Also, in order to avoid bothersome repetition we must avoid mentioning personalities already discussed elsewhere in the work.
AdlerRudel, Salomon; born 6/23/1894 in Cz: former general Secretary of the Poale Zion in Austria and the government representative of the Jews in Berlin, 19491955, director of the internal department of the Sochmuth in Jerusalem; Publisher of the Jewish Worker and Wander fursorge, Berlin 19261929 Helped to produce the Jewish Lexicon and the Jewish Encyclopedia in Berlin; Director of the Baeck Institute in Jerusalem
Albin, Genia, born Weinstein; since 1932 in TelAviv; Founder of the Bucoviner Woman's Organization; outstandingly active in social causes; owner of the famous fashion boutique Genia Ltd lived in TelAviv
Albin, Samuel; born in Bucovina; former official of the Ostbank {East Bank} in Gurahumora; in Israel since 1932, official of Dizengoff steamship line in TelAviv; vice president of the allgemeinen Kaufmaennischen Vereine {General Merchant's Organization} in TelAvivJaffa; member of the Freemason's lodge; owner of the women's fashion business, Genia Ltd in TelAviv; active in social causes.
Arzi (Herzig), Jizchak; born 1920 in Sereth; founder of the Hanoar Hazioni in Bucovina, General Secretary of the Progressive (liberal) Party in Israel; studied in Bucharest where he took part in the Zion underground movement; illegally emigrated during the Second World War and was interned in Cypress; became active as a journalist; fellow worker in the Mariv; lived in TelAviv.
BenAharon, Jizchak; born 1906; studied in Berlin; in Israel since 1928; author of the biographical work Hoeret, ihr Voelker {Listen You People} officer in the English army during WWII; leading representative of Haschomer Hazair; member of the Knesset since the founding of Israel. Member of the Z.A. member of the Workers Press; Transportation Minister in Israel since 1959.
Berger, Simon; born 1911 in Czernowitz; director of personal in the construction company Rassco in TelAviv; former member of the Social Democrat Party in Vienna; was active in the Vienna underground movement; Member of the TelAviv Worker's Council and the executive board of the Irgun Olej Merkas Europa; lives in TelAviv
Bojar, Abraham, born 1907; religious upbringing as a youth; in Israel since 1933; former member of the Misrachrachi Movement in Bucovina; fellow worker in the Inl. Press. Writer of numerous articles on economy; city councilman and vice mayor of thecity of TelAviv.
Bleiberg Otto; Came illegally as a chaluz {pioneer, early Palestine settler} to Israel in 1934; in a respected position in the Finance Office; lives in Cholon.
Chassid, Josef, Dr.; middle school teacher; former director of the Jewish Apprentice Home; Jakob & Josef Peretz in Czernowitz; former director of the Armen and Mittelstands Kueche {soup kitchen} in Czernowitz; writer of textbooks and several scientific publications; lives in Haifa.
Dachner, Clara; maiden name Neumann; born 1902; since her earliest youth active in the Zionist Movement in the culture organization Sinai in Dorna Vatra; cofounder of the Zionist woman's organization in Bucovina; member of the leadership in the Wizo Federation; member of the party council of the Zionist state organization; 1941 1944 member of the leadership of the illegal Zion Central Council; active in propaganda as a delegate in South America and Central Europe; since 1951 active in the main office of the KKI; lives in TelAviv.
Dachner, Salo; born 1893; studied in Czernowitz, professor at Czernowitz Middle School for Foreign Languages; member of the Emunah; first honorary secretary of the Bucovina Zionist State organization; member of Massada; member of the Party Council of Zionist State Organization; lived in Israel since 1944.
Dampf, Rosi; well known singer; very popular in Czernowitz; emigrated from Bucharest to Israel in 1958.
Deligdisch, Heinrich; born 1887 in Stanislau; wood dealer and industrialist in Czernowitz; active for decades in the Jewish Culture movement {I don't think the German word Kultur is used in the same sense as the English word culture.} one of the most dedicated workers at the weekly newspaper, Czernowitz Bletter; active in the leadership of Ort and Hias; active member of the lodge Orient in Czernowitz; much loved speaker in many clubs and organizations; in Israel since 1949; well known publicist; he is married to the well known educator Mrs. Prof. Dr. Fanny ne Wachs.
Dresner, Abraham; Former industrialist in Czernowitz; member of Masada and Friends of the Hebrew University in Czernowitz; member of the executive branch of the Zionist State Organization and the Zionist city organization in Czernowitz; in Israel owner of the hotel Zion and in Haifa president of The Hotel Owners Association in Haifa and member of the international the International Hotel Association (IHA);
Ehrenkranz, Chaim; born1893; former school director and teacher in Czernowitz; later in Temesvar and Nathania; cofounder of the ZionistSocialist party Zeire Zion in Bucovina and member of the Central Committee; member of the Central Committee of the Safa Jvria in Bucovina; lives in Nathania.
Ehrlich, Chaim, Dr.; born1906 in Zuraki (Poland); RA in Czernowitz; member of the executive branch of the Zionist State Organization (1928 1940); delegate to the 21st Zionist Congress (1939); intermittently vice president of Safa Ivria in Czernowitz; member of the Masada Club and in the steering committee of the Friends of the Hebrew University in Czernowitz; in Israel since 1944;since 1951 judge in TelAviv; married to Rachel ne Chussid; Mrs. Dr. Ehrlich leads the business department of the Bucovina Women's Association in TelAviv; 2 sons, Aharon and Acin.
Eisenscher, Jakob; Graduate of the Vienna Art Academy; studied in Paris; showed his works in Czernowitz Vienna, Bucharest, and all the cities of Israel; Recognized with the Dizengoff prize for artistic accomplishment; in Israel since 1935; employed as professor for Material at the Bezalel School lin Jerusalem; Lives in TelAviv.
Engler, Mendl; born 1887 in Berhomet; wood industrialist; former vice president of the Zionist State organization in Czernowitz (1934 1939); passionate Zionist since his youth; played many roles in politics; lives in Jerusalem.
Enzer, Schmiel, Dr.; Organizer of the Alija in the years 19421945 (illegal immigration on the ships Milka and Maritza among others; former director of the Palestine Office in Bucharest; lives in TelAviv.
Eren (Ehrenkranz), Jehuda; born 1906; Studied in the Conservatorium in Vienna; inIsrael since 1933; member of the Wilnaer Theater Troupe; former active officer of the Israel Army; lecturer and author; director of the Culture Center of the Histadrut; married to Dr. Channa ne Gruenwald.
Felger, Avram, engineer; born 1910 in Dorna Vatra; studied in Leoben (MontanBergbau); 19381939 in Yugoslavia; banished during the time of Antonescu and returned to Bucovina; 1940 to Israel; until 1958 officer in the Israel army with the rank of SganAluf; presently director of the steel foundry Urdanin Nathania; lives in TelAviv
Feiger, Josef, Dr.; Born 1907 in Radautz; studied in Czernowitz and Graz; Doctor in Czernowitz and Radautz; active in Zionism since earliest youth; member of the Maccabi and the Barissa in Radautz; active as a doctor in Israel since 1960.
Feldmann, David; born 1888; education as a cantor in Odessa and at Warsaw Conservatorium; Cantor in the choir school Adass Jeschurum in Warsaw (1912); during the First World War Chief Cantor in Nikolajev; 1920 1922 in Tighina; from 1923 Chief Cantor at the temple in Czernowitz, since 1944 in Czernowitz.
Fischer, Bruno, Dr.; born 1900; studied in Czernowitz; LAWYER in Israel since 1943; until 1956 active in the diamond industry; since 1956 active as LAWYER in the United Restitution Organization (U.R.O.); In 1958 sent by the Central of the U.R.O. to Frankfurt; made outstanding contributions in the area of researching documents to prove the Nazi initiation of persecution of the Jews in Romania and other satellite states of the Third Reich; His document collection was published by the U.R.O. in several volumes.
Friedmann, Mosche (Moritz) ; born 1902 in Wiznitz; For many years director of the state collection point for the K.K.L. in Czernowitz and member of the state executive board of the Zionist State Organization; representative member of the top Zionist Council in Greater Romania; Presidium member of the illegal Zionist Central Council in Czernowitz (1941 1944; A.H. of the Emunah which he again and again led as Senior; emigrated in 1944 to Eretz Israel where he led the collection of trees to be planted in the name of Nazi victims in the Martyr Forest.(Jaar haKedoschim); retired in 1956; lives in TelAviv.
Fuhrmann, Jakob; born 1905 in Czernowitz; school director; founder of the business school Hapakid in Jerusalem; studied pedagogy and psychology in Berlin; celebrated in 1960 the 25th anniversary of the business school found by him; lives in Jerusalem.
Geiger Moritz; Leading Zionist in Czernowitz. Former general manager of the Vienna Bank in Czernowitz; during the catastrophic years in Bucharest where he successfully worked on carrying out the illegal aliyah out of Romania (1942 1945); lives in Jerusalem.
Gelber, Chaim, Dr.; born 1904 in Kimpolung; former industrialist (lumber) in Kimpolung and member of the directors committee of the Jewish Reich Party; Leader of the youth movement Haschomer Hazair in Buchovina (1918 1922); former president of the umbrella organization of the Jewish students in Austria, Judaea in Vienna (1925 1927); vicepresident of the Jewish State Party in Bucovina; after the war in Bucharest in the help organization (Asociatia) for refugees from Bucovina and in Joint especially active; since 1950 in Israel; first president and one of the founders of the Hitachduth Olej Bucovina in Israel; in this position successfully worked for the creation of the Bucovina Schikuns in Rischon le Zion and initiator of the organization of the Bucovina victims for the purpose of obtaining their reparations from Germany; former member of the leadership of the Progressive Party in Israel; member of the leadership of the Liberal Party; lives in TelAvi.
Gold, Markkus; born 1882; former owner of a textile factory; Zionist Askan in Lodz and Czernowitz; well known philanthropist; self sacrificing in his activity for the Polish and Romanian refugees in Bucharest; one of the founders of the Czernowitz Zionist city organization of which he was the first vice president; member of the executive board of the Bucovina Zionist state organization; patron and member of Safa Jvria in Czernowitz; one of the founders of the canteen for 400 people in Bucharest; very effective in the founding of a school and orphan home for Polish orphan children; celebration in honor of his 70th birthday in TelAviv under the direction of Mayer Ebner; lives in TelAviv.
Gorwitz, Chaim, Dr.; born 1908; veterinarian; secretary of the Organization of Veterinarians in Israel; past president of the Zoo in TelAviv; commander of the veterinarian corps during the war; member of Hagana and the Lodge of the J.O.B.B.; lives in TelAviv.
Grill; Elias; born 1872; for many years president of the Czernowitz Construction Workers Association; formerly member of the Jewish self government in Czernowitz; honored by all who knew him; lives in Kfar Saba with his soninlaw.
Hafner ,Isidor; born 1883 in Czernowitz; industrialist; owner of the textile factory Plushul; for a period held various offices in the K.G. in Czernowitz; Zionist Askan; member of the lodge Unitas of the I.O.B.B.; supporter of many humanitarian and charitable organizations; lives in Israel.
Hechtlinger, Aron; born 1898 in Kimpolung; former secretary of Zeire Zion; for many years general secretary of the State Shekel commission for Bucovina; Leader of the Civil Rights Office for the Protection of Citizenship in Czernowitz LAWYER and notary in TelAviv.
Heitner, Israel, Dr. Rabbi; born 1907 in Czernowitz; studied in Czernowitz and Vienna; graduated from the rabbinical seminar in Vienna; past president of the Reading and Lecture Hall for the Jewish High School in Vienna: soninlaw of the Rabbi Meschulem Rath; author of a prize winning work; Don Isaak Abarbanel's life and work; served as chief rabbi of the Israeli fleet; lives in Haifa.
Herling, Lazar; born 1902; merchant in Czernowitz and Bucharest; vice president and for many years a soloist in the singing club Hasamir in Czernowitz; award winning tenor in the first international competition for song in Vienna in 1932; performed in Bucharest and in TelAviv in radio concerts; lives in TelAviv.
Hollaender, Schmuel Meir, Hacohen Raw; for many years a dajan {judge in a rabbinical court} ; one of the chief representatives of the Misrachi Movement; strong promoter of orthodoxy; lives in TelAviv.
Horniker, Karl, Dr.; studied in Czernowitz; active as a businessman; aesthete and journalist; deported to Tranistrien from where he was fortunate to return; in TelAviv worked at the Stimme {the Voice} and other newspapers; lives in Cholon.
Jarchi (Moonglow), Chaim; born 1905 in Storozynetz; formerly lived in Bucharest; formerly book keeper; secretary of the Bucovina Zeire Misrachi and Thora we Avoda movement; member of the managing board of the Central Prayer House Hapoel Hamisrachi; member of the examining committee of Histadruth for officials and book keepers; editor of the Darkenu; lives in TelAviv.
Jungmann, Schlomo; born in 1914; leader of Betar in Czernowitz; secretary of the union of the National Workers; fought in the ranks of the Ezel; city councilman in Haifa.
Jungmann, Mordechai, Prof.; born 1897; member of the executive board of the Zionist organization; leader of the Haoved Haklal Zioni; professor for history and geography; taught religion at middle schools in Czernowitz; lives in TelAviv.
Kamil, Benno; born 1905 in Czernowitz; 1918 1924 member of Haschomer Hazair in Czernowitz; founding member of the J.N.V. Moriah; member of the board of directors of the H.O.B. in Haifa; member of the Brith Harischonim; Zionist Askan; lives since 1951 in Haifa.
Kiesler, Walter, Dr.: born 1916 in Vienna; lived in Czernowitz and Bucharest; one of the initial members of the Bucoviner Landsmannschaft in Haifa founded by Dr. N. Denker; leader of the Carmel Culture Circle; active as a journalist and in charitable efforts; medical doctor in Haifa.
Kissmann, Alexander, Dr.; born 1895; medical doctor; specialist for ear and nose diseases; doctor in State Hospital in Czernowitz; former member and supporter of the culture organization Morgenroit in Czernowitz; lives in TelAviv
Klier, Abraham, chemical engineer; coowner and leading director of the Argaman Textile Dye Work Ltd.; president of the Executive Committee of the Industrial Association; chairman of the board of directors of the Israel Industry Bank Ltd.; member of the Israel Industrial Board; member of the board of trustees of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Technicon Institute of Technology, Haifa; member of numerous humanitarian groups; promoted the arts and science; erected a culture center for youth the Beth Zwi in Ramat Gan, in honor of his son Zwi who fell in the War for Independence; married to Neimah ne Halbrecht; son Schimon; lives in Ramat Gan.
Klueger, Leon; born 1886; great grandson of the famous rabbi and scholar Schlomo Klueger in Brody; former directior of the Austrian Steelwork; pioneer officer in WWI; decorated; made many inventions in the field of the steel industry that were patented; founder of the first steel works, Cluson, in Haifa; presently Engineer of the military steel industry; daughter Miriam Karoly, well known graphic artist in Israel.
Koppelmann, Jaacov; born 1895; company officer; studied in Czernowitz; started working for the bank Gaeba in 1919 where he held a leading position until the Russian occupation; during the Russian time occupied in state undertakings; since 1950 holds a leading position in the Union Bank in TelAviv.
Koenig, Adolf; Studied in Czernowitz; A.H. of the Hasmonaea; son of Leon Koenig s.A.; official in TelAviv.
Kraemer, Hermann (Zwi) engineer; born 1901; agricultural engineer; former vice president of Hitachduth Poale Zion in Vienna; General secretary for the League Working Eretz Israel; member of the Moeza of the Histadruth; executive member of the World Council of Jews from Austria; member of the Board of Trustees of the Austrian Help Committee and an exeutive of the Bank Kupat Milve Haoleh; lives in TelAviv.
Kupferberg, Chaim, Dr.; Zionist leader; 1946 1958 President of the Jewish Community in Suceava; in Israel since 1958.
Laufer, Alexander, Dr.; born 1917; professor for pathological anatomy at the university in Jerusalem; doctor during the War of Independence; Doctor in the Hagana; doctor in the refugee camp in Cypress (1948 1949); lives in Jerusalem.
Laufer, Israel, Dr. politics and economics; born 1912; member of J.O.B.B.; lives in Jerusalem.
Lehr, Isak; born 1882; exemplary benefactor; in the time of the Nazi horror even honored by his Christian workers; secretly hid Polish Jewish children who he dressed as farm children; collected money, bread and medicines for the needy. Helped the Transnistrien victims and only thanks to the intercession of the mayo rPopovici and the lawyer Dr. P. Reiber was he released from prison; active in industry since 1952 in Israel.
Lehr, Siegmund; born 1882; son of the industrialist Noa Lehr in Czernowitz; studied chemistry in Germany; supported the needy during the years 1941 1944 in Czernowitz; member of the lodge Fraternite; in Israel since 1951; active in the soap factory in Petrach Tikva; lives in Ramat Gan.
Lehrer, Moses, Dr. Phil.; born 1898 in Radautz; owner and leading director of the Company for Medical and Technical Instruments. lives in Israel since 1925.
Leschem (Lifschitz), Ascher, Dr.; born 1906; studied in Czernowitz and Brun; earned his doctor's degree at the university in Cluj; Zionist Askan; former member of Jewish community government in Waschkoutz and the Central Committee of Zeire Zion in Czernowitz; 1930 to 1940 lawyer in Waschkoutz and Czernowitz; 1942 deported to Transnistrien; 1946 general secretary of the state organization Ichud in Bucharest; in Israel since 1948. general secretary of the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina, Haifa and member of the B.B. Lodge Hacarmel in Haifa; lawyer for the Emunah; lives as lawyer and notary in Haifa.
Liquornik, Mosche (Moritz) ; born in Terescheni; Zionist askan; for many years member of the government of the Jewish community in Czernowitz; In the years after the war, chairman of the Zionist organization in South Bucovina and director of the Ose in Suceava; in Israel since 1949; chairman of the Bucovina circle within the Progressive (Liberal) party in TelAviv; lives in Rischon le Zion; son Abraham (Artur) technical official of the electric company in TelAviv.
Locker, Berl: born 1887; former chairman of the Sochnuth 1948 1956; member of the World Union of Poale Zion; author of A Stiff Necked People, London 1946; Studied in Sereth and Czernowitz; writer of numerous articles in Yiddish, Hebrew and English; For many years chairman of the Zion Action Committee; lives in Jerusalem.
Loebel, Abraham, Dr.; born 1904; chief doctor in Ramat Gan; Zionist Askan; since 1933 in Israel; former member of the Hagana; former president of the Jewish community Gan Javne; chairman of the organization of doctors in the medical plan in Radmat Gan; lives in Ramat Gan.
Lupel, Eric, Dr.; Son of the long serving president of the Jewish Community in Suceava, Dr. Heinrich Lupul; lawyer for the Holland Bank in TelAviv; soninlaw of the deceased member of parliament Attorney Dr. Max Fokschaner in Czernowitz; successfully involved in the reparation negotiations for the Transnistrien victims; lives in TelAviv.
Mann, Josef, Dr.; born 1901; Zionist Askan; supporter of Safa Ivria; for a time member of the executive board of the K.G. in Czernowitz; 4 times a delegate to the Zionist Congress; took part in the first Jewish World Congress in Genf; A.H. of the academic association Emunah; vice chairman of the Hitachduth Olej Bucovina in TelAviv; leading chairman of the Jewish State Party in Czernowitz; member of the leadership of the TelAviv organization of the General Zionists; 1956 delegate at the Zionist Congress in Jerusalem; lives in TelAviv;
Mann, Juta For many years successful general secretary of the Bucovina Palestine office
Mann, Jutta; for many years successfully served as general secretary of the Bucovina Palestine Office and the K.H. Lives in TelAviv.
Melzer, Jacob; born 1903 in Czernowitz; degree in pharmacy; Manager of the Central Pharmacy of Kurpat Cholim; Member of Revis Party and former member of the K.G. in Czernowitz. Lives in TelAviv.
Menczel Efraim: born 1920 in Czernowitz; studied in Czernowitz and TelAviv; diploma for pharmaceutical chemistry (1943); responsible pharmacist in state hospital Hayarkon in TelAviv (19411948); held same position in government hospital in Zrifim; since 1955 docent in the pharmacy department at the University of Jerusalem lives in Israel.
Mosberg, Josef, Dr.; born 1905; lawyer and notary; formerly a consultant for the Railroad Board in Czernowitz, Kischinew and Odessa; former major in the Red Army;&148; prisoner of war in Russia and later in Germany; since 1945 again in Czernowitz; 1947 in Cypress; since 1949 in Israel; A.H. of the Hebronah: lives in TelAviv.
Neuborn, Erich, Dr.; born 1881in Czernowitz; studied at the I State Gymnasium and at the Franz Joseph University in Czernowitz; 1902 1905 chamber stenographer in the East Parliament; 19091914 Judge in Storozynetz; examining judge in Suceava until 1916; until 1918 examining judge in Vienna; district judge in Czernowitz; lawyer in Czernowitz until 1940; since 1950 in Israel; general secretary of the H.O.B. in TelAviv and technical advisor for the Bucovina Woman's Organization since 1953; Children: daughter Elizabeth, Stephanie married name Kinsbruner, lost in Transnistrien 1943 together with her husband Chemical Engineer Hugo Kinsbruner; son Dr. Otto Neuborn. lives in Munich; daughter Johanna Willner in Ness Ziona, married to the lawyer and notary Albert Willner and daughter Anna Helene married to M.U. Dr. Ignaz Spasser; he has contributed in a significant way to the improvement of the reparations law (BEG) as it applies to the Bucovina petitioners so that many Bucoviner were able to reestablish their businesses.
Neumeier, Zwi Hermann; born 1894 in Banilla; founded a Zionist organization and a Hebrew school; for many years secretary of the State{Bucovina} Zionist Organization; the Bucovina section of the Reichs Party and the Jewish World Congress section Bucovina; led help organizations for the Jews transported to Transnistrien; since 1944 in Israel; most recently in a leading position in the diamond control section of the Commerce Ministry; lives in TelAviv.
Ohrenstein, Simon; born 1907 in Czernowitz; former representative of the sports council Maccabi in Czernowitz; Zionist Askan; department chief at Mekoroth; lives in TelAviv.
Pariser, Martin, born 1908 in Sereth; former bank official and director of the government of the Jewish community in Sereth; musician; Zionist Askan; secretary of the IrgunJozei Sereth; lives in TelAviv.
Pasternak, Jizchak, (Salo), Dr.; lawyer and notary; former member of Hebroniah; leading Askan in the Revisionary Movement. because of his political activity in Jerusalem. interned in Camp Mesra because of his political activity in Jerusalem; after the founding of Israel secretary of the Mceza Hamischpatit; 1952 1954 district attorney; presently lawyer and notary in Jerusalem.
PremingerHecht, Lucie Dr.; born 1906 in Czernowitz; studied philosophy in Vienna; journalist; worked at the Ostjuedischen Zeitung {East Jewish Newspaper} and the Morgenblatt _Morning Newspaper} in Czernowitz and the Rundschau in Berlin and at many Zionist papers in Romania; member of Wizo in Bucovina; since 1940 in Israel active in journalism; lives in TelAviv.
Rath, Meschulem; born1877; rabbinical authority; formerly in Czernowitz; rewarded the Rav Kuk prize; fatherinlaw of Rabi Dr. Heitner in Haifa; lives in Jerusalem.
Reiner, Markus, Prof. Dr. rer. Technology.; born 1886; studied in Czernowitz and Vienna; official of the railroad authority in Czernowitz (1911) Zionist Askan; during the First World War engineer 1st Lieutenant; was awarded the gold service cross with crown and signum laudis; fellow worker of the newspaper The Jew. For a period secretary of the Jewish National Council for Austria in Vienna; delegate at the Jewish National Congress in Karlsbad; in Israel since 1922; for 25 years senior officer at the Public Works Department in Jerusalem; since 1948 professor at the Technion in Haifa; member of the Academy of Science in Israel; member of the Ichud; member and founder of the microbiology, rich literary activity; groundbreaking work microbiology; ten lectures on theoretical microbiology (Russian translation out of print); Deformation and Flow (London) also appeared in a Japanese translation; 12 lectures on theoretical microbiology were published in French and Polish translations; leader of the Haifa Institution for various research projects; lives in Haifa.
Reiss, Max; born 1890; 19211940 member of the Bucovina state executive branch. leader of the Zionist organization of the K.K.L. and K.H. in Sadagura; member of the K.G. and many social organizations; former leading director of the Joint Bank in Sadagura; in Israel, president of the IrgunJozej Stanislau; member of the BrithHarischonim; finance officer of the H.O.B. Haifa; leader of the charity collection of Stanislau and Bucovina Landsmann Group; married to the daughter of the well known Talmud scholar Jakob Rosenblatt from Sadagura; lives in Haifa
Rennert, Jizchak; A; Born 1896; businessman; former director of the branch of the Berlin Palestine office in Manheim; since 1950 chairman of the Organization of Businessmen for Men's Clothing in TelAviv. Member of the Dialik Lodge of the J.O.B.B. {B'nai Brith}; member of the academic organization Zephirah; lives in TelAviv.
Riegler, Elieser; Born 1908; Studied in Suceava and Czernowitz; One of the founders of the Zionist Misrachistischnen HechaluzOrganization of Rumania; general secretary of the local Zionist group in Suceava; director of the Judischen Volksbank {Jewish People's Bank} and cofounder of the culture organization Achad Haam in Seletin; since 1940 in Eretz Israel. leading official of the diamond polishing firm Even Chen Ltd. in Nathania; Founder and director of a branch of the Hapoel Hamisrachi; constructively active in the city council of Nathania; vice mayor of the same 1950; mayor 1955 and again since 1959; president of the Hitachduth Olei Bucovina in Nathania.
Riegler, Samuel: former inspector of the Joint; one of the owners of the exportimport firm Riegler Brothers; in leading position in Joint; performed commendably in WWII ; transported by the Germans to Maidanek; fled from the concentration camp Auschwitz; active as partisan; and repeatedly decorated in the Russian army; after WWII working with Dr.E.Kostiner had great accomplishments in the years 19451948; (old people's home, home for young boys and girls, provided work opportunities for young people and invalids, infirmaries, local seminars and courses, Gemilath Chessed banks, Hachscharoth); Represent the Joint at the conference in Cluj for the help action in Romania(1946) worked in the help action for those returning from Transistrien; lives in TelAviv.
Rubel, Heinrich, Dr.; born 1891; attorney; for 20 years president of the singing club Hasamir, former member of the party council of the Bucovina Zionist State Organization; lives in TelAviv.
Rubinstein (Ben Saar) , Pinchas; Chairman of the charitable organization Poale Zedek; in Beth Schaan (Israel); humorist and story teller; known for his 2 books The Jewish Vatican; lives in Beth Schaan.
Schaari (Scheuermann) , Jehuda member on the inner executive board of Histadruth; leader of Hanoar Hazioni in Bucovina (19391940); founder of the kibutz Bama'avak; leader of the Progressive (Liberal) Party and the Haoverd Hazioni; leader of the pension and the law faculty of Histadruth; publicist (Davar, Haarez, Haowed Hazioni, Hakidma, etc.) since 1961 member of the Knesset; lives in TelAviv.
Schaari (Scheuermann), David, Dr.; comes from Sereth; inspector in the Alijath Hanoar; lives in Jerusalem;
Sharon (Scheuermann), Emanuel, Dr.; Born 1911 in Suceava; studied in Czernowitz and Berlin; Dr. of Jurisprudence at the Bucharest University; flying school in Bucharest; attorney with important firms and industries in Bucharest; member of the BlueWhiate and J.J.W.B. in Berlin; A.H. of Emunah in Czernowitz; culture contributor of the Foederation des Societes Juives in Paris; since 1951 in Israel; attorney in Haifa. Active in the World Council for Compensation Claims of Romanian Jews as leading fighter and defender for the claims of the Bucovina Jews.
Schaechter, Leon, Dr.; born 1899 in Varna; studied in Czernowitz and Vienna; earned doctor;s degree at the university in Vienna; last president of the Massada in Czernowitz; since 1945 active as doctor in TelAviv; married to Gust, ne Marguiles; son Arthur; electrical engineer in Canada; daughter married name Wenkert, lives in Jerusalem.
Schifter, Hugo, Dr.; born 1912 in Czernowitz; attorney since 1935 in TelAviv; member of the presidium of the attorney's association in TelAviv; reserve officer of ZAHAL; district inspector of the Free Mason Great Lodge in Israel;
SoharKatz, Miriam; Actress in the Habimah in TelAviv; born 1931 in Czernowitz; Family transported to Transnistrien; in Czernowitz under Russian rule she was an official in a bank; repatriated to Romania; interned in Cypress (1947) where she played smaller and larger roles in the camp theater; in TelAviv discovered as a great talent by director Friedland; since 1951 a brilliant star in Habimah acting ensemble; awarded the Israel State prize; lives in TelAviv.
Spasser, Hermann, Dr.; born 1912 in Wizenka; attorney and notary; former senior of the Zephirah; active in the rescue committee for Polish refuges; lives in TelAviv.
Spasser, Meschulem, Dr. ; born 1910 in Wiznitz, attorney and judicial advisor of the Mekoroth; A.H. of the A.V. Emunah; Zionist Askan; director of the Czernowitz Jewish Senior Citizen Homes; member of the attorney's chamber in Czernowitz and Bucharest; member of the Igul; lives in RamatGan.
Spasser, Karl; official in Israeli Social Department; lives in Jerusalem.
Stenzler, Jakob; born 1889, former long time president of the K.G. of Zastavna; member of city council of Zastavna; awarded the Romanian order Corona Romaniei at the level of &147;officer&148;; Zionist Askan; involved in politics; former founding member of a Hebrew school; lives in Israel (Hadar Josef).
StenzlerSchnitzler, Rosa; born in Sadagura; formerly active at the Vienna Wizo school; former leader of Ort in Czernowitz; lives in Haifa.
Stenzler, Siegmund; formerly most senior land book and chancellery keeper in the justice office of Czernowitz; Lives in Haifa.
Sternberg, Benno, Dr.; Zionist Askan; leader of the Revisionist Party in Buchovina; signed the document establishing the Medinath Israel; in TelAviv vice chairman of the Hitachduth Olej Bucovina; former high official in the commerce ministry in Israel; lives in TelAviv.
Sternberg, Hermann, Dr.; graduated sub auspiciis Imperatoris; professor in gymnasium in Czernowitz and Vienna; former president of the Friends of the Hebrew University in Czernowitz; for a time president of the Masada Club and the State School Association of Safa Ivria in Czernowitz; A.H. of Emunnah; member of Brith Harischonim; published Over the Education Value of Antiquity, 1912, in the magazine For Classical Philosophical Studies, 1913; 25 years of Emunah, 1928; several works in issues of History of the Jews in Bucovina; articles in several foreign and domestic newspapers; married to Regine, ne Weissmann; 2 daughters Martha married name Stein and Leonore married name Alamadon, all in TelAviv.
Sternberg, Theodor ,Dr.; born 1898; attorney, Zionist Askan; member of Hebrona and Igul; industrialist; owner of the tool sharpening firm Universal in TelAviv; lives in TelAviv.
Tauber ,Isak; born 1907; in lumber business; lives since 1924 in Gurahumora; former member of the Centeral leadership of Misrachi in Romania; vice president of the local Zionist group and Culture Council in Gurahumora; in Israel official in Ministry of the Interior; lives in Givataim.Tauber.
Uri Feivisch; born 1911; comes from a Bucoviner family which traces its family tree to the learned Rabbi Ben Jesaia Halevi Horowitz (1885). studied at the yeshiva in Wiznetz; former general secretary of the MisrachiOrganization in Romania and member of the editorial department of the Darkenu; 1941 deported to Transnistrien; promoted the care of orphans; for a time Rabbi in Herza (Romania); since 1945 in Israel; presently vice director of the bank Hapoel Hamisrachi.
Teitler, Leo, Dr.; born 1903; attorney and journalist; Zionist Askan; founding member of Poalezion and Zeire Zion; Executive member of the H.O.B. in JafaBatJam; member of the Journalists' Association at the World Congress, London; since 1948 in Israel; lives in TelAviv.
TeitlerTamari, Jehuda; born 1870 in Czernowitz; formerly businessman; founder and leader of the Jewish Workers' Canteen; PoaleZion; Zionist Askan; former member of the presidium of Joint. Lives since 1944 in Cholon (Israel)
Ussoskin, Mosche; Studied in Czernowitz; 19281937 General Director of Joint in Czernowitz; did outstanding work in the care of refugees; founded credit unions; 19411948 Director of the insurance company Migdal in Jerusalem; Since 1948 director of the main office of the K.H. in Jerusalem and also treasurer.
Wildmann, Emanuel, Dr.; born 1890 inVatra Moldovitza; lumber industrialist and owner of saw mill; member of the J.O.B.B., the academic association Barissia; presently official of the construction company Rassko; lives in TelAviv.
Wininger, Schlomo; born 1878 in Gurahumora; completed in 1936 the Jewish National Biography in 7 volumes. Formerly postal official in Bucovina; came to Israel in 1950 where he continued his life's work; lived in Ramat Gan where he recently celebrated his 84th birthday.
Wiznitzer, Lipa, Dr.; Surgeon; Zionist Askan; former director of the Jewish infirmary in Czernowitz; former member of the K.G.; Member of the Massada in Czernowitz; President and honorary president of the H.O.B. Haifa, lives in Haifa; only son, Dr. Theodor Wiznitzer.
Wiznitzer, Theodor, Dr.; Son of Dr. Lipa Wiznitzer; 1945 Medical student in Ternesvar; since 1947 in Israel; took part in the War for Independence; 1951 graduated in Jerusalem; received the Channa Banary prize for outstanding student career; Assistant in the surgical department of the medical facility and house doctor in the Hadassah infirmary in Jerusalem
Zioczower, Schlomo; member of the poale Zion Party in Czernowitz; decorated for bravery in World War I; since 1935 in Eretz Israel; lives in PetachTikva.
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