[Pages 193-196]
Translated by Berti Glaubach
Editorial assistance by Jerome Schatten and Bruce Reisch
Many Bukovina people passed before our mind's eye in this book of history. We saw them as politicians, industrialists, merchants, sportsmen, artists, as men of the spirit and the pen, as helpers or those in need, in times of need and death, but by far the largest part of the creators remained unnamed, even though they were the ones whose life gave meaning and content to history.
To grasp those in their entirety was impossible. Few could be recorded in this section. That this did not happen on a larger scale was not up to us, not all questionnaires that we sent through years were answered, and our publicly submitted request to send us photos and biographies or other communications were not always met. There are no names, hence of many meritorious men and women,
On the other hand, we did not repeat the biographies of those persons who were several times mentioned and appreciated in our history.
All those who supported us in our project through appropriate communications, we send our best thanks to you.
Altmann, Jakob, Dr.; came to Cz in 1918, friend to Elieser Steinbarg, Jakob Sternberg, Moshe Altmann and Schlomo Lerner; his apartment was the meeting place of artists and intellectuals; physician by profession and vocation; of charming kindness; died on November 22, 1960 in New York. Widow, Mrs. Mania Altmann, the daughter of poet and director Vera Hacken.
Altmann, Leiser (Elieser) (18671951); longtime community president of Sadagura; immigrated to Erez Israel in 1935, where he worked as a businessman; In his will he considered religious institutions, especially Yeshivoth; buried in the cemetery of Sichron Meir (BneiBrak).
Amster, Heinrich, Dr. (18741957); known physician; formerly an inhouse physician in the sanatorium Fürth in Vienna; later worked in the Czernowitz State Hospital; During the First World War hospital commander and as such repeatedly awarded; died in Vienna, brother Ludwig A. lives in Vienna.
Baltinester, Jerome, Ing; Member of the Viennese Kadima; Wood Industrialist; Vice President of Maccabi in Cz; enthusiastic Zionist: deported with family to Siberia, where he perished in 1949.
Berall, Hero; descended from a Serether family; Son of Doliu Berall; formerly director of the company Material Technik in Cz .; Smart, correct and popular; lived in Israel, last in Vienna; died in 1961 on a business trip to Munich. Wife, daughter of Czernowitz textile wholesaler Zimand (Paris), lives in Tel Aviv.
Berler, Samuel (18781954); b. in Nepolokoutz; distinguished merchant; Livestock and Meat Exporter: Vice President of the Meat Handling Syndicate in Cz .; lived since 1947 with his son, Ing. Willy Berler, m Brussel, where he died.
Bianowicz, Hermann (18701943); Jeweler in Cz .; Lay judge; sworn expert; councellor of commerce association; leading member of the singing society Hasamir; Master of Ceremonies at the Rotary Club, community councilor; at the time of Romanian rule President of Sfatul Negustoresc (Commercial Representative); Advisor to the Romanian Ministry of Finance to fix tariffs for jewelry industry.
On July 7, 1941, he and his wife were deported to Siberia together with his youngest daughter Anny and her husband Salo Friedmann. There he went blind and died on March 13, 1943. Three of his daughter live in Israel: Sidonie, marr. to the former lawyer from Suczawa Salomovici, lives in Haifa; Hedwig, widow after dr. Fischl Siegel (Kimpolung), and Grete, wife of jeweler Moshe (Maniu) Morgenstern, live in TelAviv.
Bitter, Wolf, Dr.; (19031961); Chief Executive of General Engineering and Technical Supplies Ltd. since 1948; wellknown benefactor and witty lawyer; died in TelAviv.
Blum, Joseph; Landowner; Member of Parliament; Builder of retirement home in Cz.; an active person and highly respected in the political life of the city; his daughter Caecilie Blum works as a professor of German literature at a Chinese university.
Boral Nathan, leading personality of the Bukovina orthodoxy; outstandingly engaged in the Misrachi movement; immigrated to Israel in 1950; died in Israel.
Bibring. Edward, Dr.; (18951959); Son of a court official in Cz .; Brother of dr. Sigmund Bibring (Mexico); 1912 Philosophy student in Cz.; P.O.W. in World War I in Siberia; postwar medical studies in Vienna; married the medical student Grete Lehner; Both physicians, later head of the psychoanalytic training institute under Prof. Freud, fled with Freud to London. He and the wife. Appointed to Boston in 1941; She works as a professor at Harvard University; he died in Boston.
Brandmarker. Markus; (18711957); active in Viennese forwarding company Josef J. Leinkauf; founded in 1930 a forwarding company in Cz .; distinguished by goodness of heart and honesty; died in TelAviv.
Braun, Moritz; (18841943); from a longestablished family in Cz.; was a citywell known figure; Wife and son live in Israel.
Brenner. Ephraim, Dr., (18831937); Studies in Cz., Prof. at III. State school; temporarily inspector; founded in Cz. the Jewish bookstore Aurora; Member of the Lodge B.B. Orient; Hebrew scholar; For many years, he headed the registration department of Israel. Community of Cz .; His wife Paula Brenner ran the bookstore until the Russian invasion (1940). Son H. Brenner lives in Ramat Gan.
Brück, Leo, Dr.; (18741956); Chief Financial Officer in Cz .; Pattern of an honest, capable and diligent intellectual in Bukovina. Two sons, one Eng. And the other. Dr. Otto BrückBarkai, formerly lawyer in Cz, currently an official at the Israeli Ministry of Justice in Jerusalem. Leo Died in Kfar Onu.
Covler, Marco, Dr.; (18781956); Lawyer; Acting journalist; lived in Vienna since 1918; exchanged his profession with that of an innkeeper and acquired the Cafe Praductenborse in Vienna; emigrated to Erez Israel in 1938, where he stayed 10 years; Return to Vienna; died there.
Denker, Nachman, Dr.; (18971953): graduated during the First World War in Suczawa; studied at the Jur. Faculty in Cz. and became a dr. jur. PhD; after opening his law firm in 1925, he married Hutka Zentner; Dr. Denker was characterized by a high sense of duty, honesty and infinite goodness; He was a member of many commissions of the Zionist Organization, was temporarily on the board of social welfare in the council. last president of Safa Iwria. Since 1944 in Eretz Israel; Founder and I. President of Chug Oley Bukowina in Haifa, where he was active until the end; died in 1953 in Israel.
Deutsch, Wilhelm; a fine and lovable person: succumbed in November 1961 to a treacherous suffering in Minneapolis; Widow Rosina, b. König, and daughter Ditha live in USA, brother Dr. Oskar Deutsch and sister Adele Goldstein live in TelAviv; Sister Josefine in Wellington, New Zealand.
Dollar, Norbert, Dr.; by 25 years physician (gynecologist) in Radautz; Deported in 1941; In the camp he was infected with typhoid fever and died there as a victim of his profession. His widow lives in Haifa.
Dupler Efraim; (18661948); Religion teacher; temporarily director of the Israelite Elementary School in Cz .; generally esteemed Hebraist; Editor and coworker of Hebrew, Jewish and German magazines; died in Bacau (Romania). His son Abraham Dupler lives in Rishon le Zion (Israel).
Eldinger Nathan (18791945); industrialist; Founder of the east. Grain and Alcohol Control Center in the First World War; rejected the imperial award (Barony); asked Secretary of State Czernin for help in achieving equal rights for Romanian Jews at the peace conference in Bucharest in 1917 and negotiated with the Russian peace delegation in BrestLitovsk on the rights of Russian Jews; initiated the reception of Hantke with Foreign Minister Clernin (1918) for issuing an AustroGerman declaration similar to the Balfour Declaration; is elected a member of the Council of the Jewish Agency in Luzern in 1935; during his stay in Vichy, interned by the Nazis in Drancy (France) in 1943 and liberated only in 1944; great benefactor and patron of many social institutions in Austria, Bukovina and Romania; excellence in caring for orphans. The widow Berta Eidinger and daughter Dary live in TelAviv.
Eisenberg, Simche (18981948); textile industrialist; coowner of textile factory Hercules in Cz, vicepresident and longtime executive member of the Bukovina Zionist regional organization, excellence in community activity, helpful up to selfsacrifice, died in Bucharest, son, Dr. Heini Eisenberg works as a scientist at the Weizmann Institute in Rehowot and his daughter Erika, Oisermann, lives in Kfar Schmaryahu in Israel.
Ellenbogen, Josef, Dr. (18801960); in Suczawa; Studies in Cz. and Vienna; Lawyer in Cz., Afterwards in Vienna; after the entry of the National Socialists he fled to London, where he lived until his death; formerly member of the Humanitas in Cz; Zionist; writer; Brother Maximilian Ellenbogen lives in BerSheva.
Falikmann Berthold; member of the Hasmonäa; Member of the Massada in Cz, faithful, loyal and honest, author of a book published in French (1932): L'arbitrage dans la Societee des Nations died in Siberia.
Finger, Ephraim Wilhelm (18811942); Eng. For bridges and massive works; Studies in Cz. and Vienna; Deported to Riga by the Nazis in 1942, where he died: former Chief Engineer at the Austrian Railway Directorate; longtime representative of the synagogue parish in Essen on the Ruhr; Founder and director of the Jewish craftsmen's workshop; Social Democrat; active in charities.
Finger, Izchak (19001953); b. in Cz .; studied dentistry; lived temporarily in Belgium; Immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1934; Widow Etty, b. Grüssgott, lives in Jerusalem. Three sons participated in the Israeli Wars of Liberation and live in Israel. Two of them changed their names to Barak.
Fritz, Samuel (18721945); Son of Baruch; brought up strictly religiously; secular education (Polish and German); later student of Dr. Bloch in Floridsdorf near Vienna; since the appearance of Herzl enthusiastic Zionist; lived in Kotzman; maintained relations with Bukoviner Landtag and Reichsrat deputies and put his influence at the service of numerous petitioners; during the war refugee in Vienna; Head of the Ostbank branch in Kotzman, where he founded a Hebrew kindergarten; President of Local Jewish Community and Town Council in K .; 1944 to Israel, where he died in TelAviv.
Garin (Grünberg), Josef, Ing.; Member of the Emunah, studies in Cz. and Jeru salem, initiated an action to save Alija candidates left in Bukovina to Erez Israel; Official in the techn. Department of the airport Lud; Owner of an electrical engineering office in TelAviv; died in Israel in March 1959.
Gaster, Leib (18961942); b. in Waschkoutz: zion. activist; deported to Transnistria; died of typhus in Kopaigorod near Moghilev; Widow Edith lives in kibbuz Awiad in upper Galilee (Israel); Son and daughter also live in Israel.
Geller, Schamai, Ing. (18781960); Studies in Vienna, Civil Geometer; worked as Civil Engineer in Kuty, Storozynetz and since 1920 in Cz., involved in the implementation of agrarian reform in Romania; Member of Misrachi, contributed to the creation of the apprenticeship home (Perez) founded by the Joint; In Israel since 1951: worked 75 yearold until 1957 as a road construction engineer; died in TelAviv in 1960; Sons Siegfried and Markus (President of HOB Jaffa Bath Jam) live in TelAviv; Daughters: Miriam, married Zohar works as a teacher and her husband as a school principal; the second Anna, married Dr. Amber, is a Chemist at the Kupat Cholim in Tel Aviv.
Goldfeld, Shaye; longtime president of Safa Iwria; founded in Cz. in 1912 the first Hebrew kindergarten and the Pädagogium for the education of Hebrew kindergarten teachers; tirelessly engaged in the struggle for Hebrewization of Jewish youth; Public speaker and leading Zionist.
Goldstein, Heinrich (18761959); Councilor; comes from Suczawa; Provincial Judge in Suczawa; during the First World War investigating magistrate and public prosecutor in Vienna, lately OLGR and senate president in Vienna.
Gottesman, Samuel Son of industrialist Leibisch Gottesmann, murdered by Nazis at the age of 34.
Grabscheid, Gustav, Dr. (18701923); Military physician of the XI. Ulan Regiment in New Jucika: thereafter police physician; railways and district physician in Cz. until his death; donated large sums for Zion. Fonds; helpful and charitable. Son Erich Grabscheid lives in Kiriat Frostig (Israel), daughter Heddy is married to the director of the Children's Opera in San Francisco, Norbert Gingold.
Granierer, Efraim, Dr.; since his student days Zionist and brilliantly active in general Jewish affairs; longstanding lawyer in Sadagura; President of the Sadagura Community in Tel Aviv; died on May 11, 1958 in Israel.
Grauer, Heinrich, Dr. (18941960); popular, very conscientious lawyer in Cz .; died in TelAviv. His widow, Dr. Fritzi Grauer, lives in T.A. (Israel).
Greif, Markus: Mayor in Putilla; Imperial Council; fled to Vienna during the First World War; did not return to the Russian Bukovina; Nazi victim; died together with his wife in K.Z. Theresienstadt,
Gutherz, Carl, Dr.; (18831942); started career with the District Authority. in Zastawna; transferred to Cz. where he advanced to Reg. Council; after his retirement, member, and in 1932 President of the Congregation, was deported to Siberia in 1941, from where he did not return; Widow lives in TelAviv.
Haller, Georg (18761948); longtime civil servant of the Cz. city magistrate; worked in a leading position in the child protection association he cofounded; was also one of the founders of the BneBrith Lodge; lived in Erez Israel since 1944; witnessed the founding of the state, died in TelAviv; Widow and son live in Israel.
Heitner, Aron (Adolf): (18751951); Vice Mayor in Sadagura; Community counselor in Cz .; helpful and good organizer; died in Bucharest. His widow lives in Vienna. A son, businessman Max Heitner, died in Vienna; Isak, businessman lives in Vienna and Abraham in T.A.; 2 daughters in USA and Siberia.
Hessing, Eduard; Member of Hebronia, professor in Cz, good Zionist, died in Sydney in 1960.
Horowitz, Nathan, President and Founder of the Jewish Child Protection Home; His wife Josephine dedicated her life to social care.
Jurmann. Jakob, Dr.; Studies in Cz., Vienna and Cologne; several times decorated in World War I ; 1918 in Lviv acting for selfdefense against Ukrainian pogrom; in a leading position within the relief organization of Anitta Müller in Vienna: meritorious in looking after Jewish children in Holland; Head of various refugee camps; since 1934 in Eretz Israel, where he started as a construction worker: owner of a farm in Kiriat Ono; died suddenly in 1961; Widow lives in Kiriat Ono; two daughters live in the country.
Katz, Leo; b. in Sereth, lived in Switzerland, Mexico and in Vienna; wrote novels with social background with scenes of Bukowina and the adjacent areas: in Yiddish language, died in Vienna.
Kaufmann, Moses; b. in Novosielitza: owner of the expedition company Alliance, died in Cz. in 1939. His wife Hilde, née Weinbach, and his two sons Norbert and Josef Kaufmann are respected merchants in Caracas (Venezuela).
Kern, Hermann; Landowner and businessman; came from Old Rumania; Member of the lodge Orient of the J.O.B.B. grain wholesaler, social activity, died in TelAviv.
Kessler, David, Dr. (18661944): Rabbi; descended from an orth. family; High school in Radautz; Univ. and Rabbinate Seminar in Vienna: 19001913 Rabbi of the Moravian Jewish community Gewitsch: after moving to Czernowitz (1913), teacher of religion at college; during the war at the Sophiengymnasium in Vienna II. and later on III State Gymnasium in Czernowitz; after leaving government member of the Czernowitz Rabbinate. His sons practicing physicians; Dr. Josef works at the Rockfeller Institute in Lima, the second Dr. Arthur and the third Dr. Julius Kessler, ophthalmologist in New York; the fourth Dr. Leo. Biologist in Bucharest died during World War II in Bucharest.
Kiesler, Heinrich, Dr.; LAWYER in Czernowitz; longtime president of the Bukovina Chamber of Lawyers; Municipal Council and K.V. in Cz .; Fatherinlaw of the late. Mayor of Storozynetz, Farmacist Philipp Füllenbaum; died Cz. (1915).
Klinger, Klara; descended from a traditional family; educated in Cz., emotive since her youth, inquisitive, musicloving, enthusiastic; helpful and charitable up to selfsacrifice; ardent Zionist; founded in 1906 the Jewishnational women and girls' association Deborah in Cz., which in 1924 evolved into Wizo; Delegate at several Zionist congresses; Head of the Jewish. Orphanage in Cz .; Member of the Municipal and Cultural Council in Cz .; visited Erez Israel for the first time in 1929; constantly in the country from 1944 until her death in 1957 in T.A.
Klüger, Karl, gymnasium studies as an externalist; studied Law at the University of Cz.; internal employee of the Czernowitz Tagblatt; founded by dr. Philipp Menczel in 1903; Cofounder of the Hasmonäa; Editorinchief of the Czernowitzer Tagblatt after departure by Dr. med. Menczel; entrusted by the Vienna Foreign Ministry with a special mission to Stockholm and Copenhagen during World War I; 1919 Head of Joint Action for Reconstruction in Bukovina; Member and President of the Lodge Orient of the Order Bnei Brith in Cz .; Author of the novella volume The Eleventh Commandment; Member of the Romanian Senate; Vice Mayor of Czernowitz; died in 1943 in Bucharest.
König, Leon (18691944); opened a paper shop in 1887 on Ringplatz in Chernivtsi; Cofounder of Druckerei Austria , helpful; Handelskammerrat; President of the Commercial Board; VicePresident of the Kommis and Buchhalterverein; temporarily member of city council; awarded the Romanian medals Meritul commercial and Coroana Romaniei; as Zionist cofounder of the sports club Makkabi; Lodge brother of the Fraternite; sent by the Russians to Central Asia. Son Adolf König, sportsman and Zionist, lives in TelAviv; Daughters: Rosa lives in Minneapolis and Bianca in Los Angeles.
Kraft, Jakob; Member of the lodge B.B .; Owner of the big mill in Hadikfalva; died in TelAviv.
Krauthammer, Otto, Dr.; (18881955), Primary of the Jewish Hospital in Cz .; kind hearted doctor; died in TelAviv. Brothers: Dr. Jaques Krauthammer, industrialist in Mexico and Albert Krauthammer, textile retailer in Israel. Widow lives in Israel.
Kriegsmann, Philipp (19001960), studied in Cz .; devoted himself to banking and advanced to chief bank clerk; a quiet, modest man, a good son, a selfsacrificing man; died in 1960 in TelAviv.
Lehr, Noah; Industrialist in Cz .; initiated from its own resources the construction of the Jewish hospital; longtime meritorious member of the Community counsel; Father of industrialist Siegmund Lehr and fatherinlaw of Adv. Hermann Goldberg, the farmer Max Kula and the judge Dr. Ing. Jacob Rubel; died in Vienna; transferred to Cz.
Lessner, Siegmund, Dr.; (19051941)] Middle School in Cz; studied commercial sciences in Florence, where he earned his doctorate; Zionist; A.H. the Emunah in Cz .; meritorious secretary of the Chamber of Commerce in Cz., abducted by the Russians in 1941; Shot in Winnitza.
Lodner, Pinkas (18651957); Owner of the decoration awarded to him by the Belgian king The golden palm tree with the crown; lived with his son Max Lodner in Arlon (Belgium).
Mader David, (18571928); the first Jewish high school professor in Bukowina; worked in Radautz and Cz.: one of the founders of the Chowewe Zion movement; meritorious teacher of many generations; Father of the AT Dr. Leo Mader.
Melech, Israel (18651953); Cantor in Cz., Worked at the old choir school; Founder of a house of prayer in Giwat Alija (Jaffa); died in Israel.
Menczer Markus, Dr.; religious education; studied law in Cz .: Councilor of Jewish Community; in the Russian year worked in a factory for children's toys; deported to Siberia, where he perished miserably.
Neuberger, Zeno, Dr.; LAWYER in Cz; Son of the doctor Siegmund Neuberger; after his aliyah railway official in Israel; died at a young age i.J. 1955 in Haifa; Widow Mrs. Irma, b. Hildebrand, lives in Israel.
Niederhoffer, Adolf, Dr.; Member of Zephirah; exchanged the legal profession with that of a journalist; was chief editor of the Allgemeine Zeitung in Cz .; After several years in Bucharest, Dr. Niederhoffer immigrated to Israel; moved to Argentina in 1945, where he died in 1961.
Preschl. Abraham; Member of the Jewish. nation. akad. association Heatid; Founder and senior partner of the first Cartonage factory Carto; Coowner of the second largest lithogr. Art print Artografia; Coowner of the Vartex textile industry; shared in almost all zionist activities; was shot with his wife Lotti and his daughter Helga by the Germans in Transbug.
Ramler, Alfred, Dr.; (18701958); excellent psychiatrist and musician; tirelessly active until the last breath of his life; Sponsor of artistic talents in Cz. and in the wide world; collected musical works with exemplary zeal; rich library; Suddenly died of a heart attack in Suczawa.
Reifer, Manfred, Dr.; Studies in Cz., One of the most active members of the Emunah; since adolescence working for and leading in the Zionist movement; High school teacher in Cz .; Zionist Activist always in a leading position; Director of the K.H. .: literary activity, especially in the field of Jewish historical research: was a prisoner of war in Siberia in the First World War and returned in 1917 as an exchange prisoner; Founder of the Historical Society in Chernivtsi; President of the Massada; inspirational speaker in political meetings; highly active member of theVolksratsbewegung in the Bukowina; Member of the parliament of Rumania; Founder of the Bukovina locsal union of the Irgun Merkas Olej Europa; Cooperation with the most outstanding personalities of Zion. Movement; rich correspondence; influential politician; died in Tel Aviv in 1953. His only son, Theodor Gideon, b. in Cz. 1921, died on February 28, 1943 in fulfillment of his military duty, his only daughter Ditha is married to the wellknown merchant Dr. med. David Jaglom and lives in London. His widow Mrs. Janka, b. Engler, lives in TelAviv.
Rieber, Paul, Dr.; (18681943); Lawyer, esthete, exceptionally helpful; prosecutor of the field court during the First World War; even appreciated by his opponents.
Roll, Mathias; (18721954); Studies in Vienna; appointed in 1900 to lead the branch of Galician Equity Mortgage Bank in Austrian Novovieliza; 1918 head of the Merkurbank branch in Cz., the later Banca Commerciala; muchknown economics expert; Publicist; Member of the Chamber of Commerce in Cz .; Vice President of the Cz. Grain and Stock Exchange; Member of the Social Democratic Party and in this capacity temporary member of the Jewish religious community in Cz .; since 1947 with a son in London, where he died; his son dr. Josef Roll, R.A., interested in literature and journalism, art lover, lived in Israel; died in Vienna in 1957.
Rachmuth, Chaim ben Jehuda Arie; b. 1874 in Sereth; Councilor and president of the community in Gurahumora; active member of the Zion. Movement; since 1951 in Ber Jakob; died 1954 in Tel Aviv.
Rosner, Bernhard; Owner of the Textile factory. Texta in Cz .; respected benefactor; politically interested; died on the Struma.
Rosner, Littmann; b 1855 in Kisselitze near Uscie Puttilla; Board member of PoaleZion in Cz .; Cofounder of the kitchen for workers of Poale Zion; especially active in the children's holiday colony founded in Wizenka by the Jewish School Association; Representative of PoaleZion at the Joint; At the risk of his life, he sheltered Jewish families from Poland in his apartment in Cz., supported deportees in Transnistria with money and food; died in 1944 in Cz.
Rosner, Meir Dr.; (18811921); Son of wealthy merchant in DornaWatra; studied in Cz .; one of the most active coworkers of PoaleZion; together with Locker, Rothziegel, Sokal and Steinmetz organized the first youth groups and workers' associations; then continued his activity in Vienna; worked together with Mendl Singer. . AdlerRudel in the party executive and was coeditor of the newspaper Yidischer Arbeter; in Cz editor of the party organ Freedom; Leader of the left wing of the Poale Zion .
Rössler, Emil; came from a respectable family in Itzkany; Middle school in Suczawa, later a businessman in Cz .; active as a member of the Massada Czernowitz; emigrated to South America, where he also died.
Rubasch, Stefan; interested in literature; artistically gifted; in Cz. Founder of a non professional stage; Reciter and writer; lastly clerk in TelAviv; died there on August 29, 1958.
Schächter, Izie; very well known and popular in the Jewish quarter of Cz ; Schochet and Mohel; also valued as a prayer in orthodox circles; died in TelAviv in 1958.
Schächter (Amitai), Oskar; descending from a Hasidic family from Kolomea; went to Haskalah early; inspiring and enthusiastic Zionist; universally popular; Member of the zion. Party Council in Chernivtsi; died at the age of 75 years 1959 in Haifa.
Schärf (Gilboa), Abraham, (18851955); Member of Zephirah in Cz . ; as a Zionist ready to fight and true to principles; during the First World War officer in the field court; LAWYER in Gurahumora; Member of the B.B. Loge; in Erez Israel devoted himself to building up the land; died in TelAviv. His wife, daughter and a son who lives in France as a wellknown doctor.
Schärf, Zwi, Dr.; LAWYER in the Bukowina; good Zionist; last official of the Sochnuth in TelAviv; active member of the Progressive Party, cofounder of Chug Olej Bukovina in TelAviv, died in TelAviv on November 17, 1955.
Schieber, Wilhelm, Dr., born in Gurahumora in 1875, Mag. Cz., Assistant at the University in Cz., Later director of the Wiener ApothekerVereinsLaboratorium, and director of the formerly pharmaceutical factory Philipp Röder, established many independent companies, acquired the most beautiful and largest in 1928 fruit plantation in Vöslau (Austria), inventor of the first copper and nickel welding process, died 1942 in the K. Z.Theresienstadt.
Schmidt, Josef (19041942), son of a lesser of estate, elementary school in Cz, escaped in 1916 with his family to Slovakia where he learned to play the violin; returned home, he worked as a singer in the temple choir under the guidance of the choral conductor Josef Tofstein (murdered by the Nazis in July 1941), after which he traveled to live with his uncle to Berlin for further education; Military service as violinist and drummer with the military orchestra in Radautz; 1928 cantor on the high holidays in Cz .; 1929 concerts in Antwerp and Amsterdam; on the return trip resounding success in front of a radio commission in Berlin; further triumphant successes; the Vossische Zeitung calls him a new Caruso; Concerts in England, Berlin, Vienna, Brussels, Zurich; In 1932 he made his first film, Love Express; in 1933 the worldwide success A song goes round the world; after the emergence of National Socialism, concerts in Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, France and England; until 1938 living in Vienna; more films: When you are young, the world belongs to you, A star falls from the sky, Seven happy days, records for His Masters Voice, Telefunken and others: everywhere celebrated as a vocal phenomenon Appointed to the Royal Opera in Brussels in 1938, he was forced to flee from Hitler's henchmen to Switzerland, where he died in a detention center on 16 November 1942. Two brothers live in Israel.
Biographers: Dr. Karl Ritter, Karl and Gerhard Nowotny.
Schnee. Jaques, Dr. (18871943); studies in, Cz: longtime city councilor and vice president of the Chamber of Commerce; Honorary President of the Bukovina Commis and Accountants Association in Cz .; member of Hasmonäa '', decorated as an officer in the I. World War; Owner of the manufactory business Lauterbach & Schnee; Deported to Siberia in 1941, where he ended his life. Was a member of the Rotary Club and the Lodge B.B. Orient in Cz.
Schwarz, Samuel; distinguished merchant in Cz .; successfully endeavored to develop the Talmud Torah, whose longtime president he was; known benefactor and leading member of various religious and social institutions; died in Cz in 1927. Son Isidor Schwarz, in Bucharest eagerly worked for refugee welfare, lives in Tel Aviv.
Seidmann, Karl, Dr.; (18821949); High school and Univ. Studies in Cz .; since 1905 in the administrative service of the Bukovina provincial government; In 1915, he became head of the District administrative authority in Cz. ; awarded with the Golden Merit cross with the crown on the ribbon of the Medal of Honor for excellent service before the enemy; 1916 elected for service to the Ministry of Interior; One year later, he worked in the nutrition office of the Council of Ministers. Head of the Commercial Policy Department; State Commissioner to the Food Import Office; retired from public service in 1922; Director of the, Artmann & C.A.G. (Sparkasse Central Bank): civil servant of the British army in 1938 in Palestine; 1946 accredited trust man of the Austrian Federal Government in Tel Aviv; Reactivated in 1947 and from the east. Government promoted to ministerial council; died in Vienna on 2. 12.1949.
Sekler, Isidore (18891956); Estate owner in Putilla; Deported to Siberia in 1941, from where he returned in 1955; died in Jerusalem.
Sokal, Siegmund, dr. Lawyer a conscientious person and a good citizen; died in the ghetto in Cz. in 1941. His widow, Mrs. Fanny Sokal, b. Schwarz lives with her daughter, Hilde Bulow, in Quito (Ecuador). The son Josef Sokal took part in the Israeli Liberation War and is an officer in the Israel army.
Sosczyn, Joseph. Dr.; Head of the Xray institute of the Donolo Hospital in Jaffa .; excellent radiologist; noble and helpful; died in TelAviv i. J. 1961,
Spektor, Pinchas (Pine) (18721951); Composer, conductor and cantor, composed already at the age of 14; 19 year old cantor in the Ukraine; In 1903 cantor and composer at the seat of the rabbi of Bojan; 1919 in the same capacity in Leipzig; 1929 Oberkantor at the choir school in Cz., Where he also brought his most beautiful compositions to public concerts and great acclaim; died in Chernivtsi.
Summer, Wolf; A merchant and industrialist, who was devoted to helping the deportees of Transnistria by giving away money, clothes and medicines, protecting the poor; died in a traffic accident on 20.8.1956 in Israel.
Stein, Josef; b Waschkoutz (18661954); wellknown follower of the Wiznitzer Rabbi dynasty; for many years head of the prayer house Reb Chaim Czernowitzer; earned special merits during the Nazi invasion for care of orphans under Rabbi Portugal, known by the name of Seculener Rav; immigrated to Erez Israel in 1950, where he also died; On his tombstone in Sichron Meir (Bne Brak) is this inscription :
נין ונכד הרהצ הקדוש הר ברוך מקאסיב זצל זיע
Stein, Oscar (Yehoshua) ; (18851960); b. In Davideni, distr. Storozynetz; Wood exporter; comes from a respected landlord family; lived in Cz. and after the war in Bucharest; since 1950 in Tel Aviv, where he died.
Tannenbaum Wilhelm: (18701923); He was one of the most likable personalities in Bukovina's business, cultural and religious life. He was the director of the life insurance company Nordstern, had extensive Jewish knowledge and contributed to the religious life in Cz. as a council and longterm board member of the Chernivtsi Temple. Member of many humanitarian organizations: practiced charity silently. He was married to Rachella, b. Eltes. His children live in Brussels. Julius Tannenbaum, and in Paris a daughter Gisela Tannenbaum.
Tauber, Leiser; (18791958); comes from a distinguished rabbi family in Radautz; had rabbinical studies in his youth; later turned to commerce; Follower of the Chowewe Zion movement, as cofounder of the Mizrahi movement; fought for the dissemination of the Zion idea; politically active during the popular council movement; deported to Transnistria; remained alive and immigrated to Israel in 1946, where he died.
Taubes, Löbl, (18631933); founded his pedigree back to Rashi and Israel Baal Schem Tow; together with the writer Dr.J.Silberbusch published the Jüdische Volkszeitung, later the Volksfreund, whose sole editor he was: fought for the recognition of Jewish nationality and Yiddish as the vernacular; was delegate at the first Zionist regional conference in Lemberg (1891); Public orator; propagated Zionism in town and country: founded in 1896 the weekly revue Haam; moved to Cz in 1904, where he edited the Jewish weekly paper; presided together with Dr. Nathan Birnbaum to the Czernowitz Speech Conference (1908), coworker of Prof. Dr. Kellner in the Volksrat, wrote about Jewish Names and Talmudic Elements in the Jewish Proverb (1927), together with Chaim Bloch in Vienna published the Jewish Yearbook for Österreich His sons Dr. David and Dr. Israel Taubes, both deserving Zionists, live in Tel Aviv.
Teitler, Leo; (19071941); b. in Sadagura; Lawyer and author, translator; was Zionist active; Section leader of the Makkabi; died in Berschad (Transnistria) on 5 December 1941.
Teutler, Marcus; (18831945); spent nearly 30 years in the service of the Bukowner Sparkasse in Cz., where he made it to the position of director of this institute. helpful and old Zionist; Widow, daughter and son live in TelAviv.
HungarWohl Salomea, Dr. (19031932) Daughter of sawmill director of the company Gebrüder Gelber, Elias Wohl; Sister of the young deceased poet Kubi Wohl. studied med. in Italy; Outstanding in the field of psychoanalysis and psychiatry; died at the age of 29.
Wassermann, Alter; longtime president of Zion. Organization in Radautz; on his return from Transnistria, chairman of Zion. Central Organization in Radautz; helpful and strong character; died in 1956 in Hadar Josef (Israel).
Weisselberger von, Salo Dr.; (18691930); b. in Draczynetz: son of the landowner Joel Weisselberger and Jente, b. Rosenzweig; State Councilor, Member of Parliament, mayor of Cz .; Deported to Siberia on June 1, 1915; Exchanged in 1916 against the Cardinal of Lviv; Senator in the Romanian Parliament, died in Vienna.
Wender, Hermann, (18741956); Dipl. building contractor in Cz .; Builder on the plans of the Viennese architect Fellner & Hellmer in Cz. in 1905 of the city theater. During the First World War Ing. Lieutenant; built in Spatzern near St. Pölten, one of the largest war camps in Austria: 19351936 in TelAviv. Builder of Dizengoff circus and Dizengoff street; immigrated to Israel in 1951; Builder of 600 housing units (Shikunim) in Bne Brak; died in Nathania at the age of 82 on May 9, 1956.
Werber, Bruno, Dr. (18861956); late Lawyer in Cz .; Old member of the Hasmonäa: in Israel active in compensation claims for the Bukovinians persecuted by the Nazis, excellent work; died suddenly in Tel Aviv.
Wildman, Salomon; Wood industrialist and sawmill owner; distinguished by his charitable activity; good Zionist; Lodge brother of Lodge B.B. Orient, died in Cz in 1942.
Wiznitzer, Josef; b. 1879; religious education; dedicated to agriculture and industry; joined the movement led by Prof Dr. Waiter of People's Government; Delegate at the 13th Zionist Congress; longtime member of the Zion. National Organization of Bukovina in the party senate and in the Executive; Chairman of the Jedidej Hechaluz; was registered in 1931 in the golden book of the K. K.; Municipal council and chamber of commerce council in Cz .; 1940 to Israel, where he founded the diamond grinding factory Ewen Chen in Natania.
Zehnwirth, Isak; Zionist since his youth; 19191924 Chairman of the Zion. Local Committee in Krosno; came to Cz. in 1924. as director of the big company Continentala; eager fund raiser for the National Fond; was registered in 1929 in the golden book of the K.K.L.; Member of the Executive of the Zion. Londesorganisation of Bukovina; Promoter of Hanoar Hazioni; extremely helpful; founded at the time of the ghetto, a people's kitchen. 1948 with family to Israel where he worked for the construction company Amidar; died in April of 1957 in Petach Tikva.
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