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Heatid in Israel

by Dr. Siegmund Last (Vienna)

Translated by Jerome Silverbush

Already 25 years ago, several members of Heatid1, like Dr. Fischler-Dagon, Dr. Schlomo Birnberg, Meniu Klueger, Geller Bebi, among others hurried to the holy land as Chaluzim (pioneers) to carry out their obligation as organized Zionists. During their early years here, they suffered through all the plagues and afflictions that there were to suffer. They were so involved with their daily struggle, that they had no time to concern themselves with other things as they did in Europe.

As soon as I arrived in Israel in 1943, I contacted other Heatid brothers, but it was several more years until others arrived from the Golah2 to make a reactivation of Heatid possible.

After some preparatory work, Heatid was ready to start regular meetings in 1950. Since the program of Heatid seems to have been realized through the creation of Israel and the creation of various organizations, the members narrowed their activity to the supporting of their brothers who remained in the Golah as well as those who had newly arrived in Israel, for these had arrived completely without means and therefore found it necessary to create a new existence for themselves. Also, learning Hebrew was not easy then which led to the development of the Ulpan course.

The Heatid brothers who had lived in the land for decades did everything possible to help the Olim (new immigrants) create an existence for themselves as far as they were able with money and connections. Meanwhile, through immigration from Romania, the number of Heatid brothers in Israel had grown to 30, so that Heatid was able to hold a very important general congress on July 18, 1955.

Today, the more than 30 Heatid brothers live in Israel stay in contact with their brothers who are scattered throughout the world and do their best to help the neediest among them.

The following Heatid brothers live in Israel today: Fritz Muenzer, Mag. Jakob Melzer, Dr. S. Brandmarker, Dr. Jakob Schieber, Dr. Bergmann, Dr. Vet. Nagel, Dr. Med. Nagel, Dr. Schorr, Kupfermann, Sch. Schieber, Fuhrmann, Klueger, Lecker, Dr. A. Pistiner, Dr. Birnberg, Dr. Fruchter, Goldstein-Maleiron, Dr. Liquornik, Dr. Daagon, Koerner, Engineer Stark, Dr. Feinstein, Engineer Druckmnn, Dr. M. Lehrer, Heinrich Peretz, Josef Schmerz, J. Rinde, Dr. Leo Peretz, M. Gottesmann, Schlifter.

In Switzerland: Sigmund Pulmann, Dr. N. Kurz. In Italy: Dr. Einhorn. In Germany: Dr. Dr. H. Krau and Dr. Einhorn-Evian. In Canada: Mrs. Budabin-Burton and Engineer Barer. In Belgium: Dr. Artur Hilfgott and I. Siebner. In Australia: Dr. Hartmayer and Dr. N. Hendel. In Austria: Filip Medilanski, Engineer Igo Schwarzkopf, Dr. Karl Meth and Dr. Martin Meth as well as Dr. Lambert Korn. In France: Dr. M. Nimhaeuser. In Honduras: Hankerl Seidner. In Argentina: Engineer B. Locker, Josef Adlerstein, Dr. Brill, U. Wartenberg. In Brazil: Heinz Kraft. In Chile: Jose Schurl Rosenberg. In Turkey: J. Besen.

Joyfully, the close contact between the Heatid brothers in Israel and those abroad continues unbroken which is proof of the old and unshakeable friendship

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1) Heatid: Heatid means “the future” in Hebrew. Return

2) Golah: The exile, the settling of scattered colonies of Jews outside Palestine after the Babylonian exile. The Diaspora. Return

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