[Page 100] Zionist Movement I
b1_100a1.jpg [16 KB] - Dr. Mayer Ebner, Schöpfer der jüdisch-nationalen Bewegung in der Bukowina
Dr. Mayer Ebner
founder of the Jewish National Movement in Bukovina
and a leader in the Jewish National political organization
of the Jews of Greater Romania

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[Page 100] The state executives of the Bukovina Zionist State Organization
b1_100a2.jpg [29 KB] - Die Landesexekutive der Bukowiner zionistischen Landesorganisation. Dr. Chaim Weizmann in Czernowitz, 12. Dezember 1927
Dr. Chaim Weizmann in Chernivtsi, December 12, 1927
First row sitting (from left to right):
Industrialist Josef Wiznitzer, Dr. Salomon Kinnsbrunner, Dr. Mayer Ebner, Prof. Dr. Chaim Weizmann,
Dr. Josef Bierer, Dr. Salomon Kassner, Dr. Theodor Weisselberger.
Second row standing (from left to right):
 Dr. Oskar Deutsch, Rudolf Gottlieb, Moritz Liquornik, Engineer Michael Schindler,
Dr. Leon Schmelzer, Dr. Lupu Rappaport, Dr. Ludwig Chajes, Prof. Julian Silberbusch,
Chief Construction Counsel Engineer Platzmann, Pinkas Schärf, Dr. Jakob Geller, Dr. Juda Ebner,
Oskar Schächter (Amitai)

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