Table of Contents

List of Pictures

Page # Picture
31 17th century "Kaf Tahara"
34 Old Cemetery
35 List of Rabbis from 1470 to 1939
39 Map
71 A. L. Finestein
75 Main Synagogue
77 Inside the Main Synagogue
79 The Orphanage
81 Central Market - pre WW I
82 Copy of Aug 1, 1915 Russian Army Order to leave Brisk
83 Ruins of the Central Market after WW I
85 Representatives of the Jewish Community 1917
93 Table: Results of the City Council Elections 14 Oct. 1930
138 R. Yosef Dov-Ber Soloveitchik
160 HaRav Isser Yehudah Unterman (Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv)
167 Nechama Pochtchevski (author's wife)
172 "typical poor people" of Brisk - picture of 6 boys -
176 Jewish Women - 19th century
181 Dova Yafe age 6 (1876)
197 Ben-Zion Naimark
204 Jewish Soldiers in Brisk - Passover 1919
205 Moshe Weisman
209 Jewish Water Carriers in Brisk
216 Dr. A. Eisen
258 Dr. Yaakov Gromer
264 Prof. Y. N. HaLevi-Epstein
280 Yitzhak (Zvi) Lipavski
291 Zvi Har-Zahav
294 Beinish Michalvitz (Yosef Izbitski)
299 Rav Haim Cohen
306 R. Levi Yitzhak Vinikov
307 Zarah Zaretzki
308 Zev-Dov Begin
309 Yaakov Feinstein
310 R. Shmuel Pomerantz
311 Moshe Lobotkin
312 Moshe Eliezar Ben-Anat (Brainholder)
313 Shimon Eizbitzer
314 R. Shmuel Ashkenasi
315 R. Moshe-Yosef Barles
316 Mordecai Barles
317 Leon Horodishtz
318 R. Alter Grosleit
319 R. Haim Zalman Velsky
321 Zalman Tanenbaum
322 Yisrael Litoinski
323 R. Aharon Metzki
323 Yehiel (Hillary) Mastbaum
324 Shimon Sevshitzky
325 Meir Feirstein
339 R. Simcha Zelig
341 R. Avraham-Yitzhak HaLevi Bleiweiss
357 1922 Teachers at Hebrew Peoples School
361 Committee of 'Tel-Hai' Library (w/ names)
363 Students of the Hebrew Culture Gymnasia
367 1934 Members of "HaPoal"
368 Members of "Nordia"
371 Staff of "Polieser Shmita" (w/ names)
378 Zionist Committee 1909 (w/ names)
379 Zionist Union 1934 (w/ names)
381 Keren Kayemet 1934 (w/ names)
382 Central Pioneer Committee (General Zionists) 1926 (w/names)
383 Keren HaYesod 1930
388 Rav Shmuel Yosef Halprin
391 1913 Founders of Young Zion (w/ names)
393 1922 Young Zion Committee (w/ names)
394 1922 Educators and Social Workers (w/ names)
400 Teachers and Committee of Yiddish Educators (w/ names)
401 Teachers & Students of Peoples Yiddish High School 1922
404 HaShomer HaTzair 1928
406 Betar Group Lag B'Omer 1929
412 1936 Bund Rally (w/ Leader's names)
417 Pioneers of Brisk (w/ names)
419 Pioneers 1919 (w/ names)
421 Pioneers in Israel at work 1921
426 Chart: Jewish Population in the 19th century
427 Chart; Jobs and Industry
428 Chart: % of workers in each industry 1921
429 Chart: # of workers in each industry 1921
431 Chart: % of Men-Women-Children in Industries 1921
433 A. Chani
443 ORT Committee Members 1934 (w/ names)
445 Bank Managers w/ employees (w/ names)
447 Committee of Savings and Loans Organization 1906 (w/ names)
486 Nazis force a Jew to say kaddish over dead friends
501 Ruins of Brisk after WW II
510 Ruins of Brisk

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 17 Aug 2005 by LA