[Pages 151-160]
Aberbach, Chaim, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT in Borysław.
Abraham Abraham, member of the kehila board of directors in the 1930s.
Ajzyk Małach, his nickname. Few knew his real name.
Alterman, Natan, poet
Altkorn, Szymon, łebak, collector of petroleum.
Alter Tap, the nickname by which he was known.
Astman-Dichter, Wikta, member of the Jewish sports club Kadimah, … the first day and … then…a fragment of her memories.
Astman, Mojsze, called Moyshe Melamed. He collected donations at the cemetery.
Awigdor, Jakow, Dr, rabbi, member of the kehila board in the 1930s.
Bachman, Dońcia, one of the victims of tuberculosis from which many young girls in Borysław suddenly died.
Backenroth, Hesio, member of the Jewish club Sportowych in Borysław.
Backenroth-Scheiner, Cesia, gymnast in the Jewish sports club Kadimah. Many years later the author mentioned her in connection with Meilech Schiff's book Lost Borysław.
Bander, Brucha, a woman from Borysław mentioned in Meilech Schiff's book.
Bander, Elo, member of the board of the Jewish sports club Hakoach.
Bauer, Bercio, someone from Dolka Kleiner's Shomer group [Ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir , the Young Guard Zionist group].
Bauer, Kuba, physician, who was, in his youth, a member of the Jewish sports club Hakoach.
Bauer, Marian, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT.
Bauer, Tusia, a student of Edmund Semil.
Begleiter, Janek, tennis instructor in the Jewish sports club Kadimah, and a football and gymnastics coach.
Beitz, Berthold, the director in the naphtha industry in Borysław between 1941-1944; as president of the Krupp Foundation, he often visits Poland.
Berger, soccer player for the Jewish sports club Kadimah.
Bialik, Chaim Nachman, poet.
Birman, Artur, one of the many saved by Berthold Beitz.
Bleiberg, Fanka, née Fanka Fichman.
Bloch, Beki, née Beki Meisels.
Bloch, Dońcia, member of the Jewish sports club Kadimah.
Bloch, Elo, member of the board of the Jewish sports club Hakoach.
Bloch, Hetti, née Hetti Held.
Bloch, Herman, entrepreneur in Borysław.
Bloch, Icyk, he provided rooms for the Kadimah sports club.
Bloch, Milek (Wegner), member of the gymnastics section of Kadimah.
Bloch, Samuel, member of the Municipal Council.
Boger, (Bugraszow), Dr, head of the branch of the General Zionists in Tel Aviv.
Brunnengräber, Chana, owner of land rich in ozokerite.
Buchsbaum, Ignacy, member of the board of the Property of the Heirs of David Lindenbaum.
Buchwalter, Lipa, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT.
Burg, Moszko, member of the board of the Jewish sports club Hakoach.
Burg, Szymek, member of the board of Hakoach.
Chlebiński, Adam, teacher of religion in Borysław's high school.
Chociej, Jan, gymnasium teacher in Borysław.
Dichter, Ania, a resident of Borysław who emigrated to the USA.
Dienstag, Ulek, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT.
Dobiszewska-Śmigielska, Józefa, the author of The City of Drohobycz and its Surroundings, an article in the publication Kłosach in 1873.
Doerfler, Hersz, called Alter Kowal (old blacksmith).
Doerfler, Mendzio, member of the gymnastics section of Kadimah who was shot by an SS member shortly before the liberation.
Doerfler, Tunda, witness to the crimes of SS member Hildebrand in the trial in 1967 in Bremen.
Drozd, Andrzej, owner of oil fields in Borysław.
Duwyd, Bojko, a nickname. His real name has been forgotten.
Egit, Jakub, one of the first to return from evacuation; to those who survived during the occupation in Borysław, he brought news about those who survived in the Soviet Union.
Eidman, Chewka, gymnast in Kadimah.
Eidman, Marek, Mr. Mordechai Weiss.
Eisenstein, Blum, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT and a member of the board of the sports club Hakoach.
Eisenstein, Ozjasz Mordechai, member of the kehila board in the 1930s.
Engelberg, Milka, volleyball player in Kadimah.
Federbusch, Dora, a student of Edmund Semil.
Federbusch, Klara, a student of Edmund Semil.
Feigler, Oskar, one of Bumka Strauss's chorus of revellers.
Feldinger, Benio, member of a Jewish sports club in Borysław.
Feldinger, Rutka, gymnast and athlete in Kadimah.
Feryszka, Rubin, engineer and member of Kadimah.
Feuerberg, Lipa, member of the board of the kehila in the 1930s.
Feuring, Bronia, one of those who survived the occupation in Borysław.
Fichman, Fanka, gymnast in of Kadimah.
Fichman, Ruchka, née Ruchka Gartenhaus.
Fink, Różka, volleyball player in Kadimah.
Fink, Stella, the serious, sedate sister of temperamental Wiśka Fink, who devoted much of her time to sport.
Fink, Szmilko, a resident of Borysław, who welcomed the group that arrived in Kazakhstan in the summer of 1941.
Fink, Wiśka, volleyball player in Kadimah.
Fiszel, Stefan, a buddy of Hersch Jaśky.
Fleischer, Josały, fan of Kadimah.
Fleischer, Marek, Mr Maciek Zwillich.
Freilich, Mendzio, sang in Bumka Strauss's chorus of revellers.
Freund, Dońcia, one of the young victims of tuberculosis which claimed many victims in Borysław in a short period.
Freund, Kuba, he taught in the high school in Borysław from 1939 to 1941. He died during the evacuation.
Freund, Mendel, member of the kehila board in the 1930s.
Friedländer, Icyk, chairman of the Talmud Torah school.
Friedländer, Michał, Dr, teacher of German history and the German language in Borysław's high school.
Gartenberg, sawmill owners.
Gartenberg, Belo, a student of communes, a participant in the discussions of the Jewish Trade Union for Construction Workers.
Gartenberg, Luzer, co-owner of a sawmill.
Gartenberg, Mosze, brother of Luzer,
Gartenhaus, Duwko, footballer in Kadimah.
Gartenhaus, Ruchka, sportswoman in Kadimah.
Gaster, Mosze, Dr, rabbi in London.
Gersten, Jankel, sportswoman in Kadimah.
Gertler, Dunio, owner of a carpentry workshop.
Ginsburg, Ciulo, goalie in Kadimah.
Ginsburg, Motl, footballer in Kadimah.
Gitter, Chaskiel, footballer and member of the ping pong section in Kadimah.
Giza, Stanisław, author of the book about Borysław, Na ekrania życia [On the Screen of Life].
Glaser, Herman, he worked in the naphtha industry in Kazakhstan between 1941 and 1945.
Gładysz, Michał, teacher of mathematics in Borysław's high school.
Goldhammer family. In their house oil appeared on the floor.
Górecki, Marian, Professor in the Weizman Institute in Rechowot, who was saved, when he was a child, by Michaline Tuśkiewic.
Górniak, Stefan, the watchman of the Kadima stadium, who saved the lives of several Jews.
Greber, Dawid, member of the kehila board in the 1930s.
Grinberg, Uri Cwi, poet.
Grodzicki, August, author of the book W teatrze życia [In the Theatre of Life].
Gruber, Burech, one of the first settlers in Borysław.
Grynberg, Jaków, co-organizer of illegal immigration to Palestine.
Grzegorczyk, Olga Helena. She saved a dozen or more Jews and is acknowledged as Righteous among Nations.
Grzegorczyk, Władysław. He and his wife together saved a dozen or so Jews. They are acknowledged as Righteous among Nations.
Gurfinkel, Abraham, deputy leader of the Jewish kehila.
Guttman, Dawid, (Duwyd) Ritter von, [born in Moravia] was the co-owner with his brother Wilhelm of a coal mine, as well as metal works. [They eventually controlled all the coal trade in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.]
Guttman, Wilhelm, Ritter von, a brother of Dawid.
Haberman, Bina, sister of Joseph, a witness in the trial in Bremen in 1967 against SS Officer Hildebrand.
Haberman, Fiszel, brother of Bina, shot three days prior to the retreat of the Germans from Borysław.
Haberman, Józef, son of Fiszel, see above.
Hahn, Samuel, Ritter von, he was the general director of the Landesbank, as well as the head of the Viennese Jewish community.
Hauser, Lonek, pianist, was a member of Kadimah.
Hauser, Munio, a doctor and one of the first members of the sports club ŚWIT.
Heimberg, Hebik, first owner of a real soccer ball used on Schor's field and one of first players in the sports club ŚWIT, a member of Hakoach, a soccer player and instructor for Kadimah, as well as a musician.
Held, Betka, the sister of the author, who was evacuated to Kazakhstan with him.
Held, Hetti, the wife of the author who frequented the Podwórze (Courtyard), a group of young people who gathered in the offices of an former oil mine. From 1941 to 1945, she was with him in Kazakhstan.
Henenfeld, Alka, a trainer in the sports club Kadimah.
Hersz Jaśki, his real name was Leiner.
Hirsch, Baron [(1831-1896) a German-Jewish financier and philanthropist. He was the founder of the Jewish Colonization Association [which sponsored large-scale Jewish immigration to Argentina]. He also funded the school in Borysław.
Hirsch, Josef, one of those who owed his life to Berthold Beitz.
Holoch, Majer, Borysław housewives waited impatiently for his shout, Wire your pots.
Holzman, Eizyk, member of the kehila board in the 1930s.
Holzman, Koppel, the author of books written about the occupation of Borysław: Ziemia bez boga [A World without God] and Jeśli ciebie zapomnę [If I forget].
Horbulewicz, Leonard, teacher of biology in Borysław's high school.
Horowitz, Mina, one of the few saved by Berthold Beitz, just before she was to be executed.
Horowitz, Mosze, author of the memoirs about the rescue of his wife Mina.
Hulaj, Mosze Mendel, leader of the Wolanka soccer team who competed with Blum Eisenstein's team on Schor's field.
Jachimowicz, Marian, poet and author of essays about the artistic environment of Borysław.
Jaeger, Bronek, soccer player with Kadimah.
Jankiel Pańczyk, this was a nickname.
Jolles, Nahum, member of the municipal council.
Josefsberg, Srul Mojsze, łebak, part owner of an oil ditch.
Karkstein, Awrum, łebak, part owner of an oil ditch.
Karnicki, the owner of Borysław in the early days of its existence [before oil was discovered].
Katz, Karol, part owner of the factory which made drills. He was a patron of the young painter Dolka Seifert.
Kaufman, Leon, president of the religious Jewish community council in Borysław.
Kerner, Hesio. During the war he belonged to the tiny Borysław community in Almaty in Kazakhstan.
Kleiner, Icyk, owner of the oil well called Na Kleinerze and a slice of Podwórze (the Courtyard, which became a meeting place for young people in Borsław ). He was killed in the first roundup.
Kleiner, Jonko, the son of Icyk, who frequented the Podwórze (Courtyard). During the war he was in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Afterward he lived in Canada and was a member of those who met in Stockholm with Beki and Kulo Meisels.
Kleiner-Koc, Sunia, trainer for Kadimah and sister of of Dolka Kleiner
Kleiner-Taubman, Dolka, She used to come to the Podwórze (Courtyard). As a member of Shomer [Zionist organization], she left for Palestine and was deported from there by the British authorities for being a Communist. She spent the war in Kazakhstan. After 1968 she went to Stockholm.
Kleinman, Maks, member of the gymnastic section in Kadimah.
Klinghoffer, Bola, teacher of German at Borysław's high school.
Klinghoffer, Eliasz, president of Borysław in the 20s and vice-president of the kehila in 30s.
Kneppel, Szmil, a member of the tiny Borysław community in Almaty in Kazakhstan from 1941 to 1945.
Koc, Olek, the husband of Suni Kleiner.
Koch, Natan, a fan of Kadimah.
Kohl, Mosze, co-organizer of the funds needed for illegal emigration to Palestine in the late 1930s.
Kreisberg, owner of a sawmill.
Kreisberg, Maks, goalie for Kadimah.
Krochmal, Mundzio, football player for Kadimah.
Kudisch, Fryc, member of the gymnastic section of Kadimah.
Kupferberg, Rachela, one of the many victims of tuberculosis.
Kuszer, Moty, the owner of a ballroom dancing school.
Landau, Szaul, Rafal, A lawyer who helped Jewish families emigrate. [Saul Rafael Landau was an Austrian journalist in Vienna who came to Borysław in the late 1890s to write about the Jewish and petroleum workers who lost their employment when non-Jewish owners took over many of the enterprises in Borysław.]
Langerman, Chaje, Mark Langerman's mother, who was called the rebbitzin for her piety and wisdom.
Langerman, Markus, a teacher of religion in Borysław's high school.
Lantner, Herbert, a member of the ski and gymnastic sections in Kadimah.
Lantner, Tońka, post office clerk.
Leiner, known as Hersz Jaśky, one of the so-called fighting boys who sometimes took from the wealthy to give to the poor.
Leiner, Rajzele, Meilech Schiff writes about her in his book about Borysław.
Lerman, Mozes, member of the municipal council.
Lev, Zygmunt, an actor with Habima. He organized a Jewish theatre group in Lwów.
Lichtgarn der Royte, a nickname for Dr Lichtgarn who had red hair.
Lichtgarn, Dolek, a musician.
Lieberman, Izrael, the owner of ozokerite and oil mines.
Lindenbaum, David, at first a lessor, then a landowner in Kropiwnik, then in Borysław.
Linhart. confectioner.
Lippe, Eliezer, an engineer and member of the municipal council.
Lipschütz, Srul, an activist in the kehila.
Littman, Srulek, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT.
Luks, Józek, a flutist, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT and a member of Kadimah.
Lajb, Bazar, a nickname. His real name is forgotten.
Majer, Cucak, a nickname and Ryfka Laje (their names are also unknown), a beggar couple without whom no wedding took place.
Majewska, Genowefa, She saved three Jews and is acknowledged as righteous Among Nations. She lives now in Świdnica, but often goes to Borysław, hence the descriptions of the modern city.
Malz, Józek, a musician and violin teacher.
Małach, Ayzyk, a fan who donated a property for Kadimah.
Markowska, Jadwiga, a PPS [Polish Socialist Party] activist who organized help for Jews in Warsaw.
Maurer, Josi, an actor who made his career in Buenos Aires.
Maurer, Mechł, He was called Mechl Szister (shoemaker).
Meisels, the director of the Vilna troop.
Meisels, Beki, the author's sister who was evacuated with him and his wife to Kazakhstan. From 1968 to 1978, she and her husband Kula hosted gatherings of people from Borysław.
Meisels, Kulo, member of a sports club in Borysław and host of gatherings of people from Borysław in Stockholm until 1978.
Meisels, Michał, Dr, a buyer for the petroleum company Petrolea and president of the sports club Kadimah.
Melzer, Fajwel, member of the municipal council.
Mendel, Czarny, a nickname (black Mendel)
Mendel, Fonia, a nickname (Tsar Mendel)
Mendel, Rudy, a nickname.
Miller, Fajge Myndł, a seamstress, the mother of Icyk Miller.
Miller, Icyk, an electrician and a self-taught lover of books.
Miller, Mordechai, a bricklayer, the father of Icyk.
Miller, Moszko, the younger brother of Icyk. During the war he was in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Mojsze Aron, a grave digger, whose name I don't know.
Monal, Fajwel, łebak, co-owner of an oil well.
Murłakow, Nahum, fan of Kadimah.
Nadler, Luzer Hersz, one of the first detainees in Borysław.
Nadler, Szymek, one of the group in the Podwórze [Courtyard] and a survivor of the occupation in Borysław.
Nahulowsky z Nahujowic, owner of Kropiwnik.
Neuman, Henryk, member of the board of the Property of the Heirs of David Lindenbaum.
Oberländer, Józek,his nickname was Kukumuc. He owned a patisserie where Kadima members gathered.
Oher, Wolko, member of the gymnastic section of the Kadimah.
Okerman, Szamo, footballer for Kadimah.
Olesiuk, Stefan, a Ukrainian policeman during the occupation.
Parnes, Izio, footballer for Kadimah.
Patey-Grabowska, Alicja, poet.
Perlaman, Hesio, high school student in Borysław, lecturer at the University of Jerusalem.
Pfeferbaum, Manes, footballer for Kadimah.
Porembalski, Tomasz, author of Wspomnien nafciarza [Memories of an Oilman].
Rajzman, Eliasz, poet.
Rand, Szymek, athlete in Kadimah, qualified instructor in track and field.
Rapp, Dinka, a Borysław girl known for her beauty.
Rattner, Marek, author of an unpublished novel about Borysław, a pupil of Edmund Semil.
Reich, Zalman, łebak, co-owner of an oil well.
Reif, Nissim, owner of a carpentry workshop in Borysław.
Reinke, Renate, author of the book Antworte, Mensch!, [about the trial in Bremen in 1967].
Remer, Tadusz, principal of the high school in Borysław.
Respler, Mundzio, member of the gymnastic section of Kadimah.
Ringler, Maurycy, author of a diary, in which he describes, among other things, the role of Berthold Beitz in rescuing the Jews of Borysław, inventor.
Rischeles, Eli, the buddy of Hersch Jaśky.
Royte Lajbysz, a nickname.
Rolski, a teacher of mathematics in Borysław's high school.
Rosenschein, Dolek, member of a Jewish sports club in Borysław.
Rosner, Jankele, known by the nickname Cheese.
Roth, Jakub, owner of a saw mill, a fan of Kadimah.
Roth, Nahum, member of the municipal council.
Russ, Gustaw, one who was saved by Berthold Beitz. [He was also a distinguished, famous Polish photographer.]
Russ, Milek, secretary of the Borysław Committee Do Not Forget in Tel Aviv, brother of Gustaw. He was shot by an Arab while walking with his family.
Samet, Lonek, physician. After the war, he was a General and head of the health service of the Polish army.
Samueli-Czaban, Fanka, after the war, she stayed in Borysław.
Samueli, Baron, director of the board of the Property of the Heirs of David Lindenbaum.
Samuely, Uszer, a driller in Borysław and Sumatra, owner of the firm Tekrin.
Samueli, Józek. He learned his profession in the workshop of the engineer M. Ringler. After arriving in Israel, he became a valued professional in the workshops of Afula. He lives in Nazareth, where it is said he can do anything.
Schaller, Hertz, physician, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT in Borysław, a member of the board of Hakoach.
Schaller, Manek, the older brother of Hertz, president of the sports club ŚWIT, member of the board of Hakoach.
Scheinfeld, Dawid, member of the municipal council.
Schiff, Dunio, founder of the amateur drama club at the Jewish House.
Schiff, Lipa, the brother of Meilech Schiff.
Schiff, Masza, wife of Meilech Schiff who came from Vilna but was infected with Borysław's spirit.
Schiff, Matylda, the oldest sister of Meilech Schiff who brought him to Canada
Schiff, Meilech, author of the book about his youth Lost Borysław, published in New York in 1977.
Schiff, Uszer Mordechaj (Yuńcio), junior high school poet, then a journalist and Zionist activist and municipal judge in Tel Aviv.
Schlesinger, Albert, frequenter of the student group at the Podwórze (Courtyard).
Schlüsselfeld -Sidor, Fiszel, His name was Fiszel Sidor.
Schmer, Hertz, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT in Borysław, member of the board of Hakoach.
Schmer, Józef, member of the board of the kehila in the 1930s.
Schreiber, Mozes, member of the board of the Property of the Heirs of David Lindenbaum.
Schreiner, uncle of Abraham Schreiner, a producer of ozokerite and candles.
Schreiner, Abraham, the first person to distill naphtha in Borysław.
Schreiner, Blima, mother of Abraham.
Schubert, Lipa, (Buchwalter), physician who died during the evacuation.
Schulz, Bruno, writer.
Schutzman, Leon, chairman of the kehila in the 20s and 30s.
Schutzman, Lipe. He was a carter in a natural wax mine, then an official in this mine, then an entrepreneur, an oil mine owner, refinery owner, the mayor of Boryslaw, president and vice president of many industrial societies, and a philanthropist. He survived the war as a shoemaker in the Soviet Union and died in Gdansk.
Szwalbendorf, Mendzie Drala, (Mendzie Drala was his nickname). He was a violinist who played at all the weddings.
Schwarz, Mojsze, a well-known character in Borysław, known as Moyshe mit di papieren [with the papers] because he carried thousands of papers with him.
Seeman, Icyk, the uncle of Meilech Schiff.
Seeman, Surele, the mother of Meilech Schiff.
Segal, Abraham, a member of the municipal council.
Seidman, Munio, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT
Seifert, Awrumko, violinist, an assistant in the conservatory of Kraków.
Seifert, Berl, his nickname was Rojfe. A barber and barber-surgeon.
Seifert, Dolek, painter, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts who was sent to Paris on a scholarship given by an industrialist.
Semil, Edmund, a teacher in the high School in Borysław, also a journalist and a diplomat.
Sender Pypyk, a nickname
Shalit, Jael, poet.
Sidor, Fiszel, the author of a collection of nicknames of Borysław's Jews.
Singer, Josef Icyk, called the Marshall, who was master of ceremonies at every wedding.
Sobel, Zenek, member of the skiing and gymnastic sections of Kadimah.
Sperber, Misio, member of the Jewish sports club in Borysław.
Staff, Leopold, poet
Stein, Mojsze Wolf, łebak, co-owner of an oil well.
Stern, Maks, chairman of the municipal council.
Sternbach, Izak, classical philologist who translated Pan Tadeusz into Latin and gave the translation to Pius XI. [Correction: Leon Sternbach, born in Drohobycz, was a classical philologist and professor at the University of Kraków. There is no indication that he translated Mickiewicz's poem Pan Tadeusz in Latin or gave it to the Pope.]
Steinbach, Markus, member of the municipal council
Stiefel, Isak, engineer, author of Wierza Siedem Mogił [Tower of Seven Graves]
Strasser, Wilek, he was friendly with the young members of the Podwórze group.
Strauss, Bumek, musician and composer of hit songs.
Sulimierski, Filip, co-publisher of the Słownika geograficznego Królestwa Polskiego I innych krajów słowianskich [Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and Other Slavic Countries].
Szloymek Łapundyk, a nickname.
Szlonski, Abraham, poet.
Szyje, Goy, a nickname
Szymborska, Wislawa, poet.
Tassis, Aron, student of Edmund Semil.
Taubman, Jurek, son of Dolka Kleiner-Taubman.
Taubman, Lidka, wife of Jurek.
Taubman, Maryla, daughter of Dolka Kleiner-Taubman.
Taubman, Eliazar, painter, poet, teacher.
Thaler, Hesio, one of Bumka Strauss's chorus of revellers.
Thémanówna, pianist.
Tilleman, Jicchak Moysze, łebak, co-owner of an oil well.
Tuśkiewicz-Sudyka, Michalina, from 1942 to 1944, she cared to Marian Górecki and saved his life.
Tuwim, Julian, poeta
Ullenberg, Józek, goalkeeper for the sports club Kadimah.
Wagman-Górecka-Gersten, Hela gymnast for Kadimah and mother of Marian Górecki
Wagman, Szlomko, football player for Kadimah.
Wahl, Baruch (Buzio), student of Maciek Zwillich.
Wahl, Jakub, manager of an oil mine.
Waldborn, Frydek, during the war, he belonged to the Borysław colony in Kazakhstan.
Walewski, Władysław, co-publisher of the Słownika geograficznego Królestwa Polskiego I innych krajów słowianskich [Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and Other Slavic Countries].
Wechselberg, Hesio, football player for the sports club Kadimah.
Wegner, Adolf, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT and member of the board of the Jewish sports club Hakoach.
Wegner, Henek, member of the gymnastic section of Kadimah.
Wegner, Milek, member of the gymnastic section of Kadimah.
Wegner, Izio, graduate of the College of Physical Education at the Jagiellonian University, an athlete and instructor.
Weinert, gymnastics teacher in Borysław's high school.
Weiss, Hinda, owner of a soda stall.
Weiss, Mordechai (Eidman, Marek), member of the ski section of Kadimah, one of the first players in the students' sports club ŚWIT, and member of the board of the Jewish sports club Hakoach.
Weitz, Kuba, expelled from the high school in Borysław and finished his studies as an engineer abroad.
Weitz, Mundek, was a miner in Kazakhstan and went to Australia after the war.
Wierzyński, Kazimierz, poet.
Wieser, Gina, an inmate of Auschwitz; her testimonials are available in Yad Vashem
Wit, Juliusz, poet from Drohobycz and singer from Borysław.
Wolf, Dunio, author of the memorial of Borysław
Wołoszyn, Sławek, Dunia's neighbour and his family friend.
Woytoń , a teacher in Borysław's high school
Würzberg, Poldek, member of Kadimah who later became a physician.
Zielona, Bekiesza, nickname
Zucker, Tadeusz, one who frequented the Podwórz where he organized spiritual seances.
Zwillich, Maciek, taught drawing at the high school in Borysław from1939-194; frequent guests at his home were Bruno Schulz and Marian Jachimowicz.
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