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[Page 319]


Translated by Moses Milstein

The necrology is printed in the order in which the names arrived.

[Page 320]

The 13th memorial service for our martyrs, that took place in Tel Aviv with the participation of Isaac Bashevis[1]
Seated from R to L: Shloime Weinberg, Moishe Arbesfeld, Shimon Obligenhartz, Abraham Kronenberg, Moishe Tayer, Itzchak Bashevis (speaking), Shmai Fest


[Page 321]

Family of Nathan Nuteh Kroneberg, z”l.

My father, Nathan Nuteh Kronenberg, my mother, Ruchel'tshe. My sister, Miriam Torm, Baileh Hersh, and 3 children, my sister, Gitl Herman, and 1 child, sister Leah Frisherman, Baileh Shmuel, and 1 child, brother Avigdor Raphael.

Yoineh, Shmuel, and Abraham Kronenberg, Israel

[Page 322]

Family of Motl B”R Yehoshua Maimon, z”l

I memorialize with tears my family that was killed by the German murderers.

Nathan B”R Mordechai Maimon, his wife, Malkah, and 4 children.
Yehoshua B”R Motl Maimon, his wife, Yehudes, 3 children.
Hersh Sheinwald, his wife, Sarah and 1 child.
Yeshiyahu Shapiro, his wife, Hinde, and 2 children.
Eliezer Wermut, his wife, Finkl, and 2 children.
Golda Goldbrenner and 5 children.
Nathan B”R Yehoshua Maimon.
Gadliyahu Maimon, his wife, Freide, and 1 child.
Hersh Maimon, his wife Hindele, and 5 children.
Yaakov Maimon, his wife, Chinke, and 3 children.
Hersh Weissman, his wife, Feige, and 6 children.
Chaim Mordechai Hirshenhorn, his wife, Sarah, and 5 children.
Yehoshua Weissman, and his wife.
Shloime Shtarker, his wife, Hene, and 1 child

Yehoshua Reiz, Hadar-Yosef, Israel

[Page 323]

Memorial to the martyrs of the Geist family and relatives, z”l

Parents: Hershel Geist, and Roize Geist
Children: Shloime Geist, Gitl Geist, Chaye Geist, Rotze Geist
Abrham Moishe Geist
Grandfather, Shmuel Blander
Grandmother, Tobe Geist

Itchele Geist, wife, Shaindl, 5 children.Yoine Geist and his family.
Peretz Geist and family.
Mordechai Blander and family.
Yehoishua Blander and family.
Eliyahu Goldberg and wife, Ruchel, and 5 children.
Nachum Wagner, and wife Chana, and 4 children.
Nuteh Fink and wife, Hentshe, and 5 children.
Yosef Shmird, and wife, Chave, and children.
Yoineh Shmirer and wife and children.

[Page 324]

Family of Yosef Rapaport, z”l

My father, Yosef Rapaport.
My aunt, Perl, and 3 children.
My grandmother, Baile Rapaport.
My sister, Rivke Zetser, husband, Itzik, and 2 children.
My sister, Kressl Greenboim, husband, Alter, and 3 children.
My grandfather, Moishe Goldberg.
My grandmother, Chave
My uncle, Moishe Weinberg, his wife, Bashe, and 4 children.
My uncle, Abraham Harman, his wife, Dvoire'tshe.
My uncle, Abraham Brezl, wife, Ruchele, and 4 chidren.
My cousin, Zvi Herman, wife Rivke, and 2 children.
My cousin, Zvi Yechezkel Herman, wife and children

Mordechai Rapaport, Israel

[Page 325]

Family of Gitl Grossman, z”l

My grandmother, Gitl Groisman
My uncle, Yidl
My uncle, Shmuel Eliyahu Grosman, his wife, Sarah, their son, Moishe, their daughter, Chaye, their daughter, Dvoireh

Rivke Goldstein, Israel

[Page 326]

Family of Ephraim Bromberg, z”l

My father, Ephraim Bromberg, my mother, Feige, my sister, Beile, my brother, Leibl.
My brother, Shloime, his wife, Dina, and 3 children.
My sister, Esther Brik, husband, Shmuel, and 2 children.
My sister, Zvieh Weber, husband, Meier, and 2 children

Etl Bromberg, Israel

[Page 327]

Family of Israel Arbesfeld, z”l

My father Israel Arbesfeld.
My mother, Zvieh
My sister, Gitl Mermelstein, husband, Ben-Zion, 3 children.
My sister, Shaindl Shnitser, husband, Tzaddik, 5 children.
My sister, Kaileh, 1 child

Moishe Arbesfeld, Israel

[Page 328]

Family of Zvi Magram, z”l

My father, Zvi Magram.
My mother, Malkah (died)
My brother, Chaim, his wife, Chaveh, and 2 children.
My brother, Yosef, his wife, Dina, and 2 children.
My sister Leah Stockman, husband, Shmuel, and 4 children.
My sister, Fessl Zilberman, husband, Moishe and 1 child
My brother, Shloime.

Sarah Sharf, Israel

[Page 329]

Family of Moishe Yosef Gerstenblit, z”l

My father, Moishe Yosef Gerstenblit.
My mother, Rivkeh.
My brother, Leib, his wife, Perl, and a child.
My brother, Baruch.
My sister, Ruchel.
My brother, Zalman-Meier

Leml Gerstenblit, Israel

[Page 330]

Family of Mordechai Hodes, z”l

My father, Mordechai Hodes.
My mother, Lola.
My sister, Elke
My grandmother, Kineh

Yakov Hodes, Israel

[Page 331]

Family of Wolf Shatz

My mother, Henne Shatz
My father, Wolf (died)
My brother, Moishe Chaim
My brother, Abraham Noach
My sister, Libe

Elimelech Shatz, America

[Page 332]

Family of Abraham Tauber, z”l

My father, Abraham Tauber, z”l
My mother, Frimet (died)
My sister, Sonja, husband and child
My brother, Yehuda
My sister, Tsirl
My sister, Yehudes

Yakov Tauber, Paraguay

[Page 333]

Family of Eliezer Buchbinder


My father, Eliezer Buchbinder
My mother, Esther
My brother, Tzudik, his wife Feige, and 2 children
My sister, Mindl Frost, husband, Aharon Itzchak, 2 children
My brother, Shmuel, died in Russia

Shimon Buchbinder, Israel

[Page 334]

We place this memorial in the yizkor book of our Bilgoraj kehile for our beloved father, R' Israel Yakov Bron. Our beloved mother, Bashele, our beloved sisters, Ruchele, and Surele, and our beloved youngest brother, Chaimel, eleven years old at his death.

A monument on paper, with four pictures of faces, our only memento remaining of you. Only you, our beloved Chaimel, came like an unnoticed shadow into the world, and disappeared without a trace from this world.

No vestige, no memory, not even your tender likeness on a piece of paper, remained. Whenever we look at these four pictures of beloved parents and sisters we search for a fifth picture in our memory and imagination.

[Page 335]

We search for a photo of you, our once little Chaimel, little brother, the youngest, the liveliest, but we can't find it. We want to remember your little face, your slight body, certainly no taller than one stride. Your little head, the color of your hair, your hands and feet, your eyes were, it seems, light-blue, your voice soft like unplayed sounds, but everything dissolves, flees, hides, under the veil of the years, we lose your picture even in memory.

This was possibly the last picture of you taken when you went to your death.

And now, mother, father, sisters, and youngest brother lie in a mass grave in the far away Ukrainian earth, fathers and children together, a mass grave of the exterminated!...Perhaps grass has grown over it, and over the succulent grass sprouting, a curse, a last one! For the child-murderers who shed innocent blood.

May you rest in eternal peace!

Father, mother, beloved sisters and little brother.

Shalom and Shmuel Bron, Israel

[Page 336]

Family of Shloime Weinberg, z”l

My wife, Freide. My daughter, Golda Anger, her husband Yechiel, and 2 children. My son, Moishe, his wife Miriam. My son, Pinches, his wife, Yitke. My daughter, Gnendel and my granddaughter, Esther.

Shloime Weinberg, Israel

[Page 337]

Family of Israel Chaim Weinberg, z”l

My father Israel Chaim Weinberg. My mother Chantshe, my sister Miriam, my brother, Yechezkel Meier.

Basia Feder, Israel

[Page 338]

Family of Yosef Arye Putter, z”l

My grandmother Krasse Zoberman (died).
My father, Yosef Arye Putter. My mother, Esther Miriam and 3 children.
My aunt, Dintche Merzel, her husband, Feivel and 3 children. My aunt, Golde Tarm, her husband, Hersh and 4 children. My uncle, Yakov Zoberman, his wife Gitl, 2 children.

Shmuel Putter, Israel

[Page 338]

Family of Chaim Zisman, z”l

Yocheved Dorfman; husband, Eliyahu Dorfman, and children
Chaim Zisman. Wife Esther Malke, children, Gitl, Hersh-Leib, Sarah, Matisyahu, Chana, Alte, Raizel
Hinde Kuperman

Shmuel Ziman, Israel

[Page 340]

Family of Eliyahu Zilberlicht, z”l

My father Eliyahu Zilberlicht, my mother, Nechameh, my brother, Hersh-Leib, his wife, Clara, and 2 children, my sister, Chaye Leah, my brother, Shmuel Zainvel.

Lippe Zilberlicht, Israel

[Page 341]

Dovid B”R Yehoshua Stern, z”l

After the war, he came to Lublin as a soldier with the Polish army. Sukkot, 1945, there was an attack by the A.K[2] groups. He was sent as a soldier to destroy the aggressors, and he fell there.

Chaim Stern, Israel

[Page 342]

Family of Yekutiel Kornblit, z”l

My mother, Malke Kornblit, my brother, Dovid, and his wife, Feige and 3 children. My brother, Leibl, his wife, Bashe and 1 child, my sister, Breindl Hochrad, her husband, Moishe, and 3 children; my sister, Hodes Zlotnick, and her husband Yosef and one child. My brother, Moishe.

Genedel Liebhober, America
Rechl Kronenberg, Israel
Chaim Stern, Israel

[Page 343]

Family of Abraham Yakov Bromberg, z”l[3]

My daughter Hodes Bendler, her husband, Yakov, 2 children. My son, Itzchak, his wife, Chaveh and 3 children. My daughter Necheh Donderstein, her husband, Eliyahu Yakov, and 1 child

Tzirl Bromberg, America

[Page 344]

Family of Shloime Rubinstein, z”l[4]

My father Shloime Rubinstein; my mother Batsheva; my sister Miriam Libe Warshaviak, her husband, Itzchak Meier, and 3 children; my sister Feige Hoffman, her husband, Levi, and 3 children; my sister, Malkeh

Tova Rubinstein, Israel

[Page 345]

Lichtenfeld Family, z”l

My mother, Chaye Sarah Lichtenfeld; my sister, Malye Feiner, her husband, Chaim, and children; my sister, Esther Yanower, and one child; my brother, Moishe.

Mordechai Lichtenfeld, Canada,
Lippe Lichtenfeld, Bolivia

[Page 346]

Family of Shaindl Boim, z”l

My mother, Shaindl Boim; my brother, Moishe, his wife Chinke, and one child; my sister Taube, my youngest sister

Wolf Boim, Brazil

[Page 347]

Rosenboim Family, z”l

My wife, Libe and 3 chidren; my sisiter Golde Twerski, her husband, Yehoshua, and 3 children; my sister-in-law Hanieh Rosenboim, and 2 sons; Shifra Glazberg and 1 child; Yitke Rubinstein with 1 son; their daughter Rivkeh and her husband Rali Singer, and 4 children. All perished in Bilgoraj on 10/2.1942

Ben-Zion Rosenboim, Israel

[Page 348]

Family of Matisyahu Feigenboim, z”l

My father, Matisyahu Feigenboim; my aunt, Breindl; my sister, Sarah Leah; my brother, Mendl.

Hershke Feigenboim, Israel


Translator's footnotes:
  1. Isaac Bashevis Singer. Nobel prize winner for literature. Return
  2. Armia Krajowa. Polish Home Army, putative anti-German Polish resistance group, notable for its anti-Semitism, and murder of Jews. Return
  3. The photos on p. 343 and p. 344 are the same. This may be an error. Return
  4. The photos on p. 343 and p. 344 are the same. This may be an error. Return

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