[Page 431]
Our father, Moshe Reznik, was born in 1882 and died in the Asian Republics in 1946 at the age of 64. My husband, Mussia (Moshe) Bell, was born on 22.10.1908 and died on 4.4.1968 at the age of 60. Our son, Avraham-Yakov (Abrasha), died in the Asian Republics in 1941 at the age of four and a half.
Our father, the late Moshe Reznik, was a traditional Jew a quiet and modest man. He dealt in paints in Bendery. He brought up his children to learn Torah and to do good deeds and he served as a model to us. When WWII broke we fled from the Nazis. My parents, my child and I went to the Asian Republics where we suffered greatly. My child died, followed by my father. My husband, Mussia Bell, was a graduate of the Science High School in Bendery and a member of Beitar. In 1938 he moved to Trinidad (British West Indies) where he was a businessman. I had planned to join him, but the war intervened. He helped us by sending parcels to Asia. We corresponded, intermittently, through my sister and brother-in-law in Eretz Israel. It was only on 27.7.1955 that my mother and I were permitted by the Soviet authorities to leave and to go to Israel. In the meantime, my husband had moved to Venezuela and I joined him there after a separation of 17 years. |
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In 1964 we came to Israel together. Mussia prepared himself to begin a new life. We settled in Givatayim and hoped for a better future. Unfortunately, my husband fell ill and a week later he was taken from us.
Hava Bell
Feiga Ziporah (Reznik) Our mother, Feiga (Ziporah) Reznik was born in 1885 in Kishinev. She was raised in a traditional Jewish home imbued with love for her people. She graduated from a public school and continued, on her own, to study the Russian language and its classic literature. She married our father, Moshe Reznik, in 1905 and moved to Bender. There she was active in charitable institutions and helped the poor. She was highly involved in all activities of Zionist women. During WWII, my parents, their oldest daughter, Hava, and Hava's only son, were evacuated by the Soviets to the Asian Republics. Our father and Hava's son, after much suffering, died there. Our mother made Aliyah in 1964 accompanied by Hava and her husband. She died in Israel in 1974.
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Zev, son of Yitzhak, Reznik was born in Dubossary, Ukraine in 1863. He died in Bendery in 1919. His wife Golda, daughter of Dov, was from Bendery.
My father, Zev, son of Yitzhak, Reznik was born in 1863 in Dubossary, Ukraine. Prior to WWI, our family moved across the Dniester to Bendery. At first, we lived with relatives who helped us with the local language. Eventually, we moved to our own apartment on Michaelovskaya Street (The Street of the teachers). At that time the economic situation of the Jews of Bendery was difficult. Many heads of families were forced to immigrate to the United States. Their families were left behind and had nothing. My late father helped these families. He also looked after refugees from Poland and Lithuania by feeding them in our home. For many years he hid in his home and in his vineyards the son of a friend who did not want to join the army. In 1917, when the Revolution broke, this young man's life was saved. In 1919 my father contracted Typhus that was then rampant in the area. He died at the young age of 56. We, together with friends and relatives, still mourn him. He was a good and honest man. Our mother and all her daughters made Aliyah in 1929. Our oldest sister had come in 1922.
Henya (Reznik) Veintraub |
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Our father, Israel Rozlovsky, zl, was considered as one of the wealthiest merchants in our town. All other merchants respected him. He was well taught by his father to love his people. He came to Israel where he settled happily and where he died. Our mother, FRIDA, was born in Kishinev where she also attended school. She was quite knowledgeable in Russian culture and she taught us about it. She, too, like our father, is buried in Israel. May their souls be bound among the souls of the living!
The mourners:
Moshe Pardis His wife - Zila (Rozlovsky) Her sister - Mary in Israel And our sister Ida in the United States As told by the daughters to P.B.
In memory of our father and grandfather Yeshaya, son of Arieh, Reznik. He made Aliyah in 1921 and he died in Eretz Israel on 12 Iyar 1938. |
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In memory of my husband, my father, our grandfather and our dear brother: Zvi (son of Yeshayahu and Rahel) Reznik He made Aliyah in 1933 and died on 17 Heshvan 1963. In memory of our dear mother and grandmother: Rahel, daughter of Shimshon, Reznik She died in Bendery on 4 Iyar, 1918 In memory of my husband, our father, grandfather and dear brother: Israel (son of Yeshayahu and Rahel) Reznik He made Aliyah in 1921. He was an officer in the Haganah in the Dan area. He died of a serious illness on 15 Tevet 1969. |
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My parents, my brother and my unforgettable dear ones who left us too early. My father, Mordehai Reder, was born in 1883 and died on 18.5.1918. My mother, Sara Reder, was born in 1883 and died on 30.8.1961. My brother, Zvi Reder, was born in 1914 and died in 1920 at the age of 6. My brother, Yosef Reder, was born in 1909 and died on 25.10.1962. My uncle, Yehiel Reder, was born in 1901 and drowned on the Struma in February 1942. May their souls be bound among the souls of the living!
Efraim Reder
Our father, Avraham, son of Avigdor, Shwartz, zl, was born in Kiev in 1882. He began his Zionist activities there and he remained with the movement till the day he died. He arrived in Bendery in 1924 with his family. In Bendery he continued his Zionist activities and was elected head of the Tel Hai Fund. Our father was a scholar and a member of the Jewish intelligentsia. He followed his own personal philosophy. He was kind, reserved and made friends easily. He brought us up with gentleness and taught us to look for justice and truth. My parents made Aliyah in 1947 and they settled well in their new home. Our father died on 5.3.1961 and he was buried in Tel Aviv. Our mother, Batya, (daughter of M. Levinstein), came from a well respected family in Bendery. She was born in 1884. Her home was traditional, but she also received a good secular education. My mother was always a loyal helpmate to our father. She died in 1972 and was buried in Tel Aviv.
Told by their daughter,
Fira and her husband, Eliezer Kishon, to P.B.
He was called Gregori Solomonovich in Bendery where he was born in 1876. His father was a mechanic in town. His wife TATIANA, daughter of NAHUM EDELSHTEIN, was born in 1884. Her father was a Notary Public. Their house stood at 37 Pavlovskaya Street and G.S. Schmaltz had his business- mechanic and locksmith- on the ground floor. He also had a lumber yard on Pushkinskaya Street. G.S. Schmaltz was the vice-mayor of Bendery. He also assumed other responsible positions in the Jewish community with Rabbi Wertheim and others. After his wife's death he established a Matzo bakery for the community, on Alexandrovskaya Street, in her memory. He used to rise early and went to visit the homes of the needy where he provided them with food and money. |
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When the Soviets entered Bendery in June 1940, He was invited by the Communist authorities to continue his charitable work and to represent the Jewish community. In October 1940 he died while attending to his city hall activities. Rabbi Wertheim held him in his arms as he was dying. His daughter Nadia, her husband Yosef and their son Vitia were exterminated by the Germans. His son Volodya (Zev) lived in Israel until his death. The late Volodya and his wife, Bela Kapusta, had two sons. Arieh lives in Canada and Gideon Sharon resides in Tel Aviv. Dr. Alexander Schmaltz is another son of Hirsh-Zvi and he is still in the Soviet Union. We light a candle in memory of my husband and our unforgettable father Volodya (Zev) Schmaltz
His wife, Bella Schmaltz
His son Arieh Schmaltz, Montreal His son, Gideon Sharon, Tel Aviv
born in 1875
Aharon Shaposhnik Our late mother was a great homemaker and a woman of valor. She concentrated on our welfare and on raising us properly. Our late father worked hard and took care of our education. He was involved in public life in the community. He was a modest man and never looked for honors. He always helped those in need in the Jewish community of Bendery. We fondly remember our father as a building contractor. One of his projects was constructing a floating bridge on the Dniester. He had good relations with the authorities. In addition, we remember a few episodes that describe our father's work for those in need. We will mention only two of them: |
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My father always approached the army commander before major holidays to arrange for furloughs for the Jewish soldiers. He and other Jews invited these soldiers to their homes after services. They wanted to make certain these soldiers would celebrate the holidays as if they were still at home. Once, when permission was not given to the soldiers to leave, my father, the ritual slaughterer R. Moshe Sverdlik and a few others arranged meals for the soldiers which they brought to the army camps. In this way the soldiers could celebrate the holidays. Our father was a wealthy man and he always contributed to charitable organizations in the community e.g. Fund for Poor Brides, Jewish Hospital, Help for orphans. In addition, he also helped on a private basis anyone who came his way. He looked after an elderly man and his orphaned granddaughter. He assured her education and when she was ready to marry he helped the young couple to establish a home. When my wife, Raya, and I made Aliyah in 1925, we left our mother, father, 3 sisters and 2 brothers in Bendery. The political and economic situations were getting worse at the time. Before we parted, this is what my father said to me: Who knows if we will ever meet again. Always remember to be a good human being! My 2 sisters and one brother eventually made Aliyah. We did not hear from the others when WWII began. After the Holocaust, we discovered the following: our father, already a widower, escaped from Bendery with two daughters, a son-in-law and a grandson. They went towards the Soviet Union, having placed their belongings on a cart when the Nazis came. After a difficult journey they reached Caucasus. Although they managed to escape the Nazis, my brother-in-law fell ill and died at a young age. His death dealt a blow to my father and he, too, died. We, the members of the family, light a memorial candle to those who were so cruelly taken from us. We will never forget them. May their souls be bound among the souls of the living!
Yitzhak Shefi |
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The Shliomov family: My father, my teacher, Yakov, zl, who was born in 1891, My mother, my teacher, Haia, zl, who was born in 1893, My sister, Rissa, zl, who was born in 1916, and My sister, Sima, zl, who was born in 1919 My parents, Yakov and Haia Shliomov, were born in Bendery and lived on Sovoronaya Street. My father was a locksmith. Our home was full of Zionist youth activities. My father hoped that after his Aliyah in 1935 the rest of the family would follow. The war interrupted these plans. Our relatives, together with other townspeople, were evacuated by the Soviets and wandered to the Asian Republics. Contact with members of the family was sporadic since everyone was scattered. I found out through relatives who managed to return after the war that my family was not seen after 1941. Their burial place is unknown. May their souls be bound among the souls of the living!
Roza Faner
He was born in 1909 and he died on 12.8.1970. Our unforgettable brother, you left us so quietly without bothering us just as did in your lifetime. I think constantly about you and our childhood. We grew up like twins. Our home was full of love for everyone and you represented that love. Piniele was a sweet and gentle child. He was pale and had sad Jewish eyes. Under his yarmulke there were curly blond forelocks. He always recited the Shema before he went to sleep. He woke up repeating the Mode Ani and kissing his tzitzit like his father. My mother hoped her youngest child would become a rabbi, like her own father. I remember the first day he attended Heder- run by R. Mordehai-Shmuel. Mother dressed him in a long coat with a warm scarf. The assistant teacher, Simcha, lifted him on his shoulders and took him to Heder. Piniele kissed the mezuzah and looked at me silently as if to say I have no choice, my sister. I am a Jewish child and I have to learn Torah. I watched out of the window as the assistant trudged through mud with snowflakes falling around him. Years went by. My brother was a student at the Schwartzman Hebrew High School. He was physically weak, but he studied hard. In winter he learned Gmara by candlelight. He rose at dawn to pray. In contrast, he eventually joined Hashomer Hatzair. At the age of 16 he was forced to help the family. Full of heartache, he gave up his dreams of Aliyah and left for distant Canada. In 1927 he finally made Aliyah and settled in Jerusalem. He saved money which he sent to his parents. In this way he saved them from the Nazis as they were able to come to Eretz Israel. They arrived with empty hands. It was a difficult time as there was no work and very little help. One time, we returned home to find the door locked and our belongings outside. |
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Pinhas refused to accept social assistance and said:You have to search for work until you find something. He went out with his tools and returned triumphant he found work. My delicate brother, a former Talmud Torah teacher in Canada had become a sought-after laborer. He worked in construction, in cleaning sewers. He accepted any type of work and he even was a guard in dangerous locations. After the recession he became a stone worker. He would place his tool next to his heart to show its importance. He eventually became an expert in tile work and he trained other pioneers in the field. He worked in the Rotenberg plant in Naharayim and was one of the first to build a home on the sands in Kiryat Haim. His pioneering spirit pushed him to continue working and serving his country. He was a modest and introverted man. He was cultured and a deep thinker.
This is what I remember: early one rainy winter morning, my brother arose with the alarm as always. I knew his health had worsened and I wanted to say to him: My brother, go back to bed. You have worked enough! However, I knew he would not listen. He wrapped himself in a raincoat and a scarf and left the house. I watched him through a sheet of rain as he went to work. He did this for 42 years. Rest in peace, my beloved brother, in the land you loved so much and which you served with deep loyalty.
Your sister LEAH
(One of the first members of Zeirei Zion in Bendery)
I remember her from my childhood: an earnest, alert, good-hearted and pretty young woman. She took care of us and of the house with great devotion. She studied and read books at night. Even then she dreamed of Zion. At the age of 16 she joined Zeirei Zion in our town. She studied Hebrew and learned to speak it well. This was unusual in our town. On Saturdays members of the movement gathered in our home. She was the youngest and liveliest. They read classic books in Yiddish and discussed conferences and Herzl. They sang Zionist songs with great enthusiasm: On the Road, Where the Cedars Grow, Carry the Flag to Zion, etc. The family was in dire straits and she undertook to immigrate to Canada to help us. She dreamed of making Aliyah from there, but she was not successful. She helped us, the younger ones, and our parents to make Aliyah. She taught her two sons to love our people and our land. When the War of Independence broke, her son was one of the first to volunteer to fight for our people. He and his brother and their children live in Israel. She was fortunate to visit the land. In Canada she taught in a Talmud Torah and was a member of Poalei Zion. She was one of the founders of Pioneer Women in 1925. Her colleagues always appreciated her devotion and her hard work on behalf of our people. Pioneer Women is still a going concern in the cold northern city of Winnipeg. It links this city in Canada with Israel.
My dear sister! You were buried in a distant Diaspora under ice and snow. Your soul will always be attached to our homeland. You longed to be there, but you were never fortunate enough to live in it.
Your sister LEAH |
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An important Jewish scholar, a ritual slaughterer, lived in the noisy town of Bendery. He was a widower and the father of seven. He found time to study philosophy, astronomy, politics and he still performed good deeds. He also learned Gmara in the Sadigura synagogue. Nights he wrote a text on the history of man from Adam to the 20th century. Included were commentaries by important personalities. The book was printed in Odessa in 1912. From day one, troubles, disturbances and disasters which touched other communities did not skip our town. Many deaths occurred at the hands of the German and Romanian murderers. The murders took place in town as well as on the way to Transnistria, Siberia and the Asian Republics. Those who survived 1200 families returned to town and found it in ruins.
I remember an evening in our home after WWI when Uncle Eli (this is what we, the children, called him even though he was our father's uncle) sat with my parents at the long table drinking a hot drink. He was talking about my grandfather, Israel, zl. By then, my grandfather was already a resident of Eretz Israel. Suddenly, he asked me the following: Tell me, Motele, do you know where in the world is Eretz Israel? Yes, I replied with certainty. I was skinny Heder student. It is far on the other side of the Dniester. Listen, he said and immediately drew a map on a piece of paper. Here is where the Dniester flows into the Black Sea. Further on there are other countries and seas. Then the Mediterranean Sea follows. On the banks of the Mediterranean is Eretz Israel. In the middle of the country, near the Dead Sea, is the holy city of Jerusalem. On the northern shore lies Haifa and south of that is Jaffa. In between is Zichron Yaakov where your grandfather Israel lives. Sometime later he brought us a gift- a copy of his book The First Man. In it we read that Adam was created on the sixth day. It is followed by a series of names describing when and where they were born: Seth, Enos, Canaan, Mahalel, Yered, Hanoch, Methuselah, Lemech, etc. Also listed were our patriarchs, prophets, kings, members of the Big Assembly, Hasmoneans, Tanaim, Scholars, Rabbis and leaders up to our times. There were many details about all of them. I learned so much from Uncle Eli in the synagogue where he prayed (Fireman's). The Holy Ark had an important lesson etched on its front:
Man worries about mundane belongings, I understood it to mean that man worries about money instead of remembering that time moves on and cannot be recaptured. These words were always his motto. I believe that he even etched them himself. |
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In the difficult days of the Russian revolution, Uncle Eli continued his activities in Jewish organizations. He, his son Itzik, and other people saved his house. A soldier, riding a horse with a sword drawn in his hand yelled: Down with the Jewish Commissars! Uncle Eli held a gun in his hand and shot at the soldier, but he hit the horse and the soldier ran away. Uncle Eli died at a ripe old age, highly respected and loved, before the bloody events that touched Europe. However, his grandson Aaron Auerbach was slaughtered with his entire family by the Nazi murderers. Many years later I recalled Uncle Eli's history book. My parents had once owned a copy in their home in the 1920s. However, here in our country I could not find any copies. I asked his son, Itzik and he told me that in 1938 when he was in Bendery he found a remnant of the book a list of the names. After much searching, a copy was found here. His grandson also had a notebook in which the following was written, in Romanian:This French notebook belongs to the student Aaron Auerbach. This was the only remnant of the student Aaron Auerbach. May God avenge his soul! There is also one copy of this book in the National Library of Israel located in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The memory of R. Eli the ritual slaughterer and brilliant scholar will always live on among the important personalities of the holy Jewish community of the town of Bendery.
Mordehai Sever
When he was still a child, Aaron had a phenomenal soprano voice. He sang with other cantors: Aaron Humenik (U.S.) from whom he was taken by the choir of the famous cantor Avraham Kalechnik Bercovitch in Kishinev. From there he went to the Cantor David Moshe Steinberg (Odessa). His voice changed to an amazing lyricdramatic tenor. He sang with Cantor Yehuda Leib Kilimnik and Cantor Yonah Dinovitzer. He was also a cantor in Odessa, Kremenchug, Grodno, and Warsaw (Tlometzky). In 1931 he moved to Manchester and then spent most of his life as the head cantor in London (see page 228). He died in 1965. May his soul be bound among the souls of the living!
Moshe Bik |
[Page 443]
Page 216 should read Aaron David is the brother of Rivka David, not her son.Page 263- right side there are two Itziks. One is the sainted Rabbi Wertheim and the other is the philanthropist Itzy Nissenboim who built the hospital.
Page 380 left column, 5th line from top should read Ida, wife of D. Drobetsky, not Dvoretsky.
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