Aktion Reinhardt: The coded name used for the Nazi programme in their Jewish Genocidal policies.T4: The centre for state sponsored murder of so-called 'incurables': T4 is a shortened title taken from the address of the central office in Berlin, Tiergartenstrasse 4.
BDC: Berlin Document Centre - Personnel files of members of the SS.[1]
BdO: Befehshaber der Ordnungspolizei (Commander of Orpo Order Police).
BdS: Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (Commander-in-Chief of the Sipo-SD).
DAW: Deutsche Ausrstüngs-Werke (German Arms Factories).
Einsatz/Einsatzgruppen: Groups/Security Police and SD.[2]
GDG: Gouverneur des Distrikts Galizien (Governor of Galicia).
GDL: Ibid (Governor of Lublin District).
GedOb: Generaldirektion der Ostbahn (Director of Eastern Rail).
Gestapo: Secret State Police.[3]
GG: General Government. Main part of occupied Poland made up of four districts (later five including Galicia).
GPK: Grenzpolizei - Kommissariat: A regional frontier HQ of the Grenzpolizei-controlled Grenzposten (outposts).
Gauleiter: The supreme territorial or regional Nazi Party authority, employed in Germany and some annexed territories. The geographical units were termed Gaue, headed by Gauleiter (the term is singular and plural).
Gestapo: Secret State Police.
Hilfspolizei: Auxiliary Police, recruited from Nazi Party formations that assisted the regular police and security services in various functions but were not part of the Ordnungspolizei (Orpo).
HHE: Used to identify the main protagonists of genocide: Himmler-Heydrich-Executive within the RSHA (Reich Security Main Office).
HSSPF: Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer (Senior SS and Police Commander): Himmler's personal representative in each district and liaison officer with the military district commander and regional authorities (Nominally the commander of all SS and police units in the occupied territories).
KdF: Hitler's Chancellery.
KdO: Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei (See Ordnungspolizei).
KdS: Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (See Sipo-SD). Hans Krüger was the KdS Regional Commander in Stanis³awów. Krüger's immediate superior was Dr Schöngarth, the KdS commander of the SD in Kraków. The KdS were the cadre responsible for mass executions and resettlement. The KdO (units) were on the periphery of events and only utilised when requested by the KdS commanders.
KdSch: Kommandeur der Shutzpolizei (Commander of the city police).
Kreishauptleute/Kreishauptman: City Governors during the occupation in Galicia. Many were with the SD and were very active in the Jewish resettlement programme.
Kriminalassistent: Lowest grade of criminal police (Criminal Investigation Department).
Kriminalkommissar: The lowest rank in the upper officer class of the CID (= Obersturmführer). Promotion to Kriminalrat (=Hauptsturmführer). For the outsider, the rank alignment is very complicated: An officer can hold the rank of Kriminalkommissar but also hold a higher rank of the SS as SS-Hauptsturmführer. In many of the Security offices, the lower grade CID officer can out-rank his boss with SS rank, and although this situation should not present any problems, sometimes it led to an awkward awareness within the office.
Kripo: Kriminalpolizei (CID).
NSDAP: Nazi Party.[4]
OT: Organisation Todt was a semi-military-government agency established in 1933. Its main function was the construction of strategic highways, armament factories and military installations.
Orpo: Ordnungspolizei (Order Police): Separate from the Gestapo and Criminal police. The Orpo within Germany handled civilian matters such as traffic patrols and routine police business. However, in the occupied territories or regions notably Poland and Russia Orpo often had Einsatzgruppen roles, including carrying out mass killings. Since 1933, the Ordnungspolizei and Shutzpolizei had become the foot soldiers of the Nazi Security Service.
Reichsleiter Member (s) of an executive board of the Nazi Party.
RFSS: Reichsführer-SS (Chief of all the police cadres - Himmler).
RSHA: Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Main Office), formed in 1939 under Reinhardt Heydrich. The department included the Gestapo, the Criminal Police and the SD.[5]
SA: Sturmabteilung (Brown Shirts, Storm Troopers).[6]
Schupo: Shutzpolizei. Auxiliary police recruited in the eastern occupied territories from the local population.
Sipo-SD: SD Sicherheitsdienst:(+Sicherheitspolizei=Sipo-SD of the RSHA).
Selbstschutz: A militia as used by Globocnik in the early stages of Jewish oppression in the Lublin area.
Sonderdienst: A militia that replaced the Selbstschutz in name only.[7]
SS-Schutzstaffel: (Lit. 'Defence echelon').
SSPF: SS- und Polizeiführer (commander of a police districtfor example., Globocnik in Lublin).
Volksdeutsche: ethnic Germans, that is, people of German origin whose families had lived outside Germany for generations. Reichsdeutsche referred to German nationals living within the pre - 1939 boundaries of the Third Reich.
WVHA: Wirtschaftsverwaltungshauptamt der SS: Economic Division RSHA, which administered and supervised the vast web of concentration camps (but not including the 'Reinhardt' camps).
YVA: Yad Vashem Archives.
ZAL: Zwangsarbeitslager (Labor Camps - Janowska etc.).
zbV: Einsatzgruppen zur besonderen Verwendung (Einsatzkommando, zbV for special purposes).
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Peter Black, Trawnikimänner, Non-German Auxiliary Staff during Action Reinhard.
Patricia Heberer, Continuity in Killing Operations: 'T4' Perpetrators and Action Reinhardt.
Klaus Michael Mallmann; Security Police in the Krakow District.
Shmuel Krakowski, Jewish Resistance in the General Government.
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