Journal for the Double Celebration of the 40 Years
of the Mutual Aid Society of Belchatow
and the 20th Anniversary of the Cooperative “Superacion” (“Overcoming”)

(Bełchatów, Poland)

51°22' / 19°23'

Translation of
Publicacion Aniversario dedicado al doble aniversario:
40 años de la Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos y 20 años de la Cooperativa

Edited by: Yakob Tzudeker

Published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1980



Project Coordinator

Roni Seibel Liebowitz

Scanning and Technical Support

Brian Haft (Zeev Chaim)
Jerry Liebowitz


This booklet is provided by Mrs. Rosa Haft of New York,
who was Chana Raizel Rynski of Zawiercie, Poland

In Memory of
Perec (Peretz) Haft from Belchatow (1918-2000)
Holocaust Survivor

This is a translation from: Publicacion Aniversario dedicado al doble aniversario:
40 años de la Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos y 20 años de la Cooperativa

Journal for the Double Celebration of the 40 Years of the Mutual Aid Society of Belchatow
and the 20th Anniversary of the Cooperative “Superacion” (“overcoming”),
Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1980, ed. Yakob Tzudeker. La Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos de Beljatov.(Y, Spanish)

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Journal for the Double Anniversary for the
40 Years of the Mutual Aid Society and the
20 th Year of the Cooperative “Superacion” [“Overcoming”]

August 1980          Buenos Aires

1.. Editorial [by Y.M. Pukacz] – A Short Summary of the Activities of the Belchatow Union of Countrymen {Landsleitferein]
3. Leon Hecht – Activities of the Belchatow Countrymen in Argentina
4. Zainwel Przedborski – We Are Active Because We Have a Belief
6. Yankel Michulkis – The Activities in Our Home
8. The “Mural” – Painted by the famous artist Manuel Kantor
9. Abraham Laib – Memories of Belchatow
12. Zalman Pudlowski o"h* – Belchatow, My Shtetl Belchatow
15. Heszke – The Dedication of the Hebrew University
16. Yakov Zingler (Miami) – The Poverty of Bygone Belchatow
23. Y.Y. Zylberszac – Belchatow -- During the First World War
25. Mendel Pudlowski (New York) – A recollection of the People's School of Belchatow
29. A. Belchatower – “Bet Hatefutsoth” [The Museum of the Jewish Diaspora] Where the Name Belchatow Must Be Sanctified Forever
32. Shlomo Zytnicki – “Zalman Pudlowski -- On the 10th Anniversary of His Death"
35. Shnayer Waserman – “Nostalgia” (a poem)
36. Mendel Kaufman – My Recollections of Belchatow and My Outlook in Israel
42. S.D. Zarkawski – Let Us Always Remember the Destruction of Belchatow
44. Dr. Ignacio Zapolanski o"h* – Obituary
45. Hillel Belchatowski (New York) – Belchatow Before and After the War
50. [Officers of the Cooperative “Overcoming"]
51. [Officers of the Women's Committee]
52. Leibl Pudlowski o"h* (Israel) – How We Lived and Worked in Belchatow]
54. Yakov Zingler (Miami) – About the Cheders [religious schools] and Teachers in Belchatow
57. The Tombstone for our Hometown Belchatow in the Holon cemetery [Israel]
58. Mendel Klug – Experiences in Our Shtetl Belchatow
60. Y.M.P. – Friendly Relations with Belchatower Countrymen Around the World
61. Joseph Rubinstein – My Generation Is Disappearing (a poem)
62. Belchatowers Celebrated Their Double Anniversary with Great Success
64. Y. Stalarewcz – The Heroic Revolutionary of Belchatow: Shmuel Engel
66. Issachar [Sucher] Szatan (Israel) – With Belchatowers After the War
68. Y. M. Pukacz – “And my father smiled sadly …"
70. An Authentic Witness Reports – On August 11, 1942 They Annihilated the Last Jews in Belchatow
75. H. Goldmic – An Encounter with the Oldest Countryman in Israel
77. Isaac Luden – The artist Jacob Bram o"h*
78. Yankel Mair [Pukatz] – People From Our Midst [milieu]
80. Chaim Feivel Naparstek o"h*
81. Gedalyah Tenenbaum o"h*
82. Brucha Freiman – The Women's Commission for Permanent Assignments
82. Hadl Gliksman – Twenty Years in Our Memory
83. Mendel Gliksman (Paris) – A Few Fragments From Our Hometown Belchatow
86. Obituaries of Leibel Pudlovski [page 86], Abraham Zak [page 88], and Yudel Plawner [page 89] and a few additional remarks [page 87] and the Spanish section [from page 90] to104

* o”h = olav hashalom (rest in peace)

Edited by Yakob Tzudeker

The Spanish Section:

Back Cover (in Spanish)  
Directory of Officers (inside back cover)  
Introduction by Leon Hecht: The Activities of Our Society 104
Simon Naparstek: The Town of Lynch in the Beginning 103
Supporters of the Double Anniversary 102
Abstracts [Descriptions] of the Articles in Yiddish in this Bulletin 101-98
Advertisers and Supporters 97-90

Photo Captions for Belchatow Double Anniversary Journal

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Contact person for this translation Roni Seibel Liebowitz
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