Scandinavia Special Interest Group (SIG)

Chief Rabbis of Denmark

1687 - 1700 Abraham SALOMON from Mähren, Germany.
1700 - 1728 Israel BER from Glogau, Poland
1729 - 1739 Marcus DAVID
1741 - 1775 Hirsch Samuel LEVY
1778 - 1793 Gedalia LEVIN
1793 - 1827 Abraham GEDALIA
1828 - 1891 Abraham WOLFF
1892 - 1902 David SIMONSEN
1903 - 1910 Tobias LEWENSTEIN
1919 - 1920 David SIMONSEN
1920 - 1847 Max (Moses) FRIEDIGER
1947 - 1969 Marcus MELCHIOR
1970 - 1996 Bent MELCHIOR
1996 - Bent LEXNER

Rabbis of Copenhagen

1879 - 1891 David SIMONSEN
???? - ???? Elias KALISCHER
???? - 1903 Hirsch GOITEIN
1906 - 1910 Max SCHORNSTEIN
1963 - 1970 Bent MELCHIOR
1971 - 1973 Jacob GARFINKEL

Catechists (teachers)

1816 - 1824 Isac Noa MANNHEIMER (later rabbi in Vienna, Austria)
1824 - ???? Esaias LEVISON

Copyright © 1999-2003 Scandinavia SIG - Reprinting or copying of any of the material on the Scandinavia SIG Website is not allowed without prior permission from the Scandinavia SIG Coordinator and Tom Brøndsted Compiled and updated 21.5.2004