Scandinavia Special Interest Group (SIG)

Warm thanks to Steen Felding, who has donated much material (e.g. databases, information, photos) to the Scandinavia SIG, and who is willing to share with us his knowledge based on many years of intensive research in the Danish archives.


According to the Census of 1. July 1787 only two Jewish families lived in Horsens: Joel Ballin and Isac Zacharias Levy.

In the beginning of the 19th Century a few more families had come to Horsens from Fredericia. At the request of David Davidsen, Joseph Carl Wulff and Isac Zacharias Levy the Jews in Horsens got permission in 1803 to establish a synagogue.

Some years later Joel Ballin was granted permission "because of old age and weakness" to have a "prayerroom" in his own home for him and his family.

The congregation in Horsens grew steadily and in 1834 there were 10 families (68 persons). During the 19th Century the Jews became an important part of the town – the Levy-family in particular was important for both the trade and the industry.

The Synagogue

In 1867 Isac Zacharias Levy’s sons donated a house in Farvergade to Jewish community in Horsens to be used as synagogue. It was used until 1897, when there was no longer a Jewish congregation.

Cohns gaard i Horsens
Cohn’s house in Horsens
Baker Joel Isaak Cohn (1821-1889) with members of his family in front of their house in Smedegade.

Some of Joel Isaak Cohn’s children emigrated to Australia [Cf.: "Tablets of Memory - The Bendigo Cohns and their Descendants", Antelope Press, Doncaster, Australia 1990].

[Click on picture to see an enlargement]

Horsens Jewish Cemetery

The Jewish cemetery in Horsens was established in 1850 when an area of some 7,000 square "alen" [1 "alen" ~ two feet] outside the town was bought for 250 Rigsbankdaler and conveyed to Moses Isac Levy, as representative for the Jewish congregation. Until that time Jews had been buried in Fredericia Jewish Cemetery.

Copyright © 1999,2000 & 2001 Scandinavia SIG & Steen Felding

Compiled and updated 20.6.2001