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The Genealogical Research Division of

JewishGen Value-Added Services

JewishGen Value-Added Services are a special “Thank You” to all who contribute a minimum of $100 annually to the JewishGen General Fund.  These Value-Added Services currently include:

  • The JGFFAlert System

    The JGFFAlert System is an “immediate advisory system”, which constantly monitors all entries and changes made to the JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF), and alerts participants immediately if a new entry into the JGFF is a potential match with one of their own entries.

    As a participant in the Value-Added Services, whenever any JGFF entry is made which matches any of your current JGFF entries, the JGFFAlert System will notify you immediately via e-mail, alerting you about the matching entry.  The JGFFAlert System relieves you of the need to check periodically for new entries... JewishGen does it for you!

    For more information about the JGFFAlert System, see the JGFF FAQ, 3.7.

  • Advanced Database Search Features

    In JewishGen's “All Country Databases”, participants in the Value-Added Services program will have the ability to use our Advanced Database Search Features, which let you combine multiple search criteria, using Boolean AND/OR searches.  This allows more focused, targeted searches.

    For example, you can search for all persons whose surname sounds like "Katz" and whose first name starts with "Abr".  Or you can search for family groups containing a particular set of given names, within a particular town.

    While we never subtract anything from the free basic search capabilities which always have been available, and will continue to be freely available to all, the Advanced Database Search Features is a Value-Added Service — our way of saying “Thank You” to those who provide financial support and help us pay the bills for all the programs and projects which JewishGen offers as a public service.

  • Basic Genealogy Courses

    JewishGen offers four Basic Genealogy Courses: "Search Strategies", "Exploring JewishGen", "Organizing Your Data" and "Cite Your Sources".  These courses are text-based with skill-building exercises for each topic.  They are open 24/7 on an interactive JewishGen Forum, where you can download the lessons and work at your own pace.

    Our courseware is fee-based, and discounts on these four Basic Courses are included as part of the Value-Added Services program.

    For more information about the Basic Genealogy Courses, see the JewishGen Learning Center.

How to Participate

JewishGen Value-Added Services are available to all who contribute a minimum of $100 annually to the JewishGen General Fund.
(Donations to hosted organizations, or to any JewishGen SIG or project do not qualify for JewishGen Value-Added Services).

We urge you to participate in this program — to insure your JGFF research information is kept current and up to date, to search our databases more effectively, and to support JewishGen.

To contribute:

  • Visit our secure credit card site
  • Send your check to:
    JewishGen, Inc., Museum of Jewish Heritage, 36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280

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