“Many people gathered at the border-crossing but the Russians did not let them pass. While they were waiting, and before Israel had a chance to find and join his father and brother, a German air raid started and the crowd dispersed, some running into a nearby forest and some exploiting the disorder to cross into the Russian zone. In the commotion David and Henryk lost each other, never to meet again.”
Postcards from Pinsk
A Viewmate Success Story
By Linda Ewall Krocker
“Years later I learned that my cousin Renee had her father’s correspondence from 1939-1945 from our Fiszelow and Steinberg family members who remained behind… postcards from a beautiful set of gilded Jewish New Year’s cards…until they apparently ran out.”
Through a Ukrainian Brick Wall
By Shirley Ginzburg
“We left empty-handed and demoralized. We needed a miracle. Recently, that miracle landed on my computer screen with a truly uninspiring title: ‘Polonnoye Area Document Project Results’ …a project of JewishGen’s Ukraine SIG.”