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JewishGen Staffing Update
June 20, 2019

Dear JewishGen Community,

I’m pleased to announce another staffing shift as we continue to develop JewishGen’s internal structure to make the best use of our resources.

As of last week, Warren Blatt has assumed the new position of Senior Genealogist for JewishGen.

In this newly created senior level position, Warren will ensure that the JewishGen website remains reflective of genealogical standards and that the archival transcriptions are as accurate as possible. He will accomplish this by providing strategic direction and support to the Senior Research Team, while also serving as the primary liaison with technical staff for database projects.

As Senior Genealogist, Warren will also play a larger role in representing JewishGen at various speaking engagements, and responding to media requests for comments on Jewish genealogical issues.

Warren’s technical background and genealogical expertise make him particularly suited for this position. A software engineer before joining the JewishGen staff in 2003, he has worked in various roles, most recently in the position of Managing Director. Previously, as JewishGen's Editor-in-Chief, he authored the JewishGen FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions About Jewish Genealogy"), and dozens of JewishGen InfoFiles. He is the author of Resources for Jewish Genealogy in the Boston Area (Boston: JGSGB, 1996), and co-author of Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy (Avotaynu, 1999), and other works.

Widely recognized for his contributions to Jewish genealogy, in 2004 he was awarded the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) Lifetime Achievement Award in Jerusalem.

Please join me in congratulating Warren on his new position.

Avraham Groll


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