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JewishGen and Jewish Genealogy Portal on Facebook Announcement
June 15, 2017

Dear JewishGen Community,

We are pleased to announce that, the largest resource for Jewish Genealogy in the world, has joined together with The Jewish Genealogy Portal, the largest Jewish Genealogy group on Facebook. This new venture directly enhances our ability to achieve our vision of connecting Jews throughout the world with their relatives, and providing them with the ability to learn about their Jewish family history and heritage.

JewishGen continues to engage with new technologies in order to broaden our reach, and help as many people as possible. Our new affiliation with The Jewish Genealogy Portal, which currently has more than 21,000 members and is the most popular Jewish Genealogy group on Facebook, will supplement our Discussion Groups, to which more than 30,000 participate, and permit us to engage with both current and potential audiences in new and helpful ways.

The Jewish Genealogy Portal is moderated by a team of dedicated volunteers, who are committed to the free and open discussion of all topics related to Jewish Genealogy. In the coming weeks, JewishGen news, updates and announcements will begin to regularly appear on The Jewish Genealogy Portal (in addition to other areas across the JewishGen platform).

At the same time, JewishGen resources will be integrated within The Jewish Genealogy Portal in order to create a more complete experience for researchers, enabling them to access information from a JewishGen knowledge base that has been cultivated over the past three decades.

We encourage you to join the conversation on The Jewish Genealogy Portal by visiting and look forward to hearing of many success stories.

Wishing you all the best!
The JewishGen Team


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