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JewishGen Record Updates:
Two Additions to the Bessarabia Collection
May 23, 2019

Dear JewishGen Community, is pleased to announce two new additions to the Bessarabia Collection.

The first database is Moldovan Victims of Soviet Oppression 1941-1951. The information in this database comes from Cartea Memoriei (Book of Memory) which details the Soviet oppression of its citizens of Moldova from 1937-1991.

The book was developed by The National Museum of History of Moldova in 1999 from sources in many archives and governmental offices throughout Moldova. Of the more than 71,000 names listed in the book, 3,850 were determined to be Jewish. The information on each person consists of their name, town, birth year, family members and reason for expulsion. The reason for expulsion also often tells where they were sent to serve their sentence. While the books spans many decades, most of the oppression actually occurred between 1941-1951.

The second database is Surviving Jews in Bessarabia after WWII. This database contains a list of Jews who survived the Holocaust and returned to villages in Bessarabia. The information was constructed in February 1946 by the Bessarabian Foundation of American Jews and its affiliated organizations. It was intended to be the first in a series of lists but no additional ones have been found. A total of 1782 names are found in this database and the information on them consists of their names, town and sometimes address, age, occupation and information on other family members.

A special thank you to JewishGen Volunteer Terry Lasky (Ruidoso, New Mexico, USA) for coordinating this project, and for making this information accessible to the broader Jewish Genealogical community.

Nancy Siegel (San Francisco, CA, USA)
Communications Coordinator


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