the former

Wolverhampton Jewish Community

West Midlands




Press Reports relating to the Wolverhampton Jewish Community
1850 - 1877

Initially compiled by Harold Pollins, but with some later additions

Information within square brackets is from the compiler or webmaster

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1850

The members of the Hebrew congregation in this place have taken premises in St James' Square, convenient for a synagogue, and for a place of residence for their minister, the Rev. L. Barnett (late of Sheffield).
To celebrate this event, an excellent dinner was provided by the reverend gentleman, on Sundady last, at his house, which was partaken of by the wardens and free members of the congregation.
The chair was taken at six o'clock in the evening: D.L. Davies, Esq., President, Levi Harris, Esq., Vice President. After the removal of the cloth, many appropriate toasts were given: amongst which were, "The respected Chief Rabbi, Dr. Adler," "Sir Moses Montefiore," "The Rev. L. Barnett and his Lady," etc. The meeting was kept up to a late hour with great conviviality.
(This congregation is, in consequence of paucity of its members, about to make an appeal to their brethren on behalf of theiir new house of prayer. We shall be happy to render the pious undertaking every asistance in our power; and we have no doubt that the Jewish public will in this, as they have ever on similar pccasions, liberally resond to this call - Ed. Jew. Chron.)

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1850, page 74

Meeting of Birmingham Hebrew Philanthropic Society. Reference to Rev M.[?] Barnett of Wolverhampton.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1851, page 283

Lecture delivered in the synagogue by Rev J.[?] Barnett

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1851, page 368

‘Wanted Immediately
THE Congregation of Wolverhampton are in want of a person to act as Reader and shohet [in Hebrew], and capable of instructing the Children in Hebrew and English. The salary is £52 per annum, with a Residence (in which is the Synagogue) free. Other privileges , etc., average from £15 to £20 per annum. Apply, with Testimonials, etc., to Mr. D. L. Davies, Wolverhampton. No Cohen [in Hebrew] need apply’

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1857
‘THE LEASE of the ROOM in which the Congregation of Wolverhampton have met for Divine Service, for the space of ten[sic?] years, having EXPIRED, the Member who are very few in number, have with their limited means, purchased a plot of Freehold Ground, for the purpose of erecting a Synagogue, and they now earnestly appeal to all Jewish Congregations to assist them in carrying out a work which every member of the House of Israel feels and believes to be the first sacred duty incumbent upon them, to build a Temple devoted to the Great God of Israel in their places of settlement’
Donations to be sent, inter alia, to Simon Aaron, Berry Street, Wolverhampton.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1858, page 168
Appeal repeated . Donations to I. Cohen, 130 Horsley Fields and E. Hart, Union Street, Wardens
[Including list of donations to April 1858]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1858, page 197

Laying of foundation stone on Tuesday in Friar [sic] Street

Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1858, page 210

[Quoted from the Wolverhampton Journal]
The first Jew in Wolverhampton was Mr Harris, now dead, who came about 25 years ago. Ten years ago there were scarcely ten [male?] Jews in the town. The first Jew to die was Mr Aaron which resulted in need to have a burial ground. Land n Green Lanes was presented by the Duke of Cleveland[?]. A congregation was formed, renting a room in a member’s house and a paid Reader was appointed. They moved to a house in St James’s Square. More recently piece of land acquired in Frye [sic] Street

Wolverhampton Chronicle, 22 August 1858

Consecration of a Jewish Synagogue in Wolverhampton - On Tuesday the new synagogue of Wolverhampton Hebrew congregation, which has just been erected in Fryer-street, in this town, was consecrated by the Chief Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. Adler of London. The building, though comparatively small in proportions is nevertheless sufficient commodious for the congregation that will worship therein. It contains galleries, in which, as well as in the body of the edifice, are convenient pews. At the top of the synagogue, against the wall, is the Ark, in which will be kept the Rolls of the Law (the five books of Moses, written on parchment), and above are erected two tablets, on which are inscribed, in Hebrew, the first few words of all the Ten Commandments. The doors of the Ark are hidden from the view of the congregation by curtains richly embroided, theses being hung on a rail of brass with rings, so as to permit of their conveniently being drawn aside.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1859, page 1

Advert for Reader and Shohet &c. Salary of £60. Application to Emanuel Hart

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1859, page 1

Repeated. Apply to M. Gordon, President, Piper’s Row, Wolverhampton

[repeated 20 and 27 May and 3 June]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1859, page 6

At a meeting held on 16th inst, Rev Menasseh Cohen who has resigned was presented by the congregation with a silver chased snuff box bearing this inscription.
‘This testimonial was presented to the Rev. Menasseh Cohen by the Hebrew congregation of Wolverhampton, as a token of respect for the interest he has always taken for the benefit and welfare of its members during the seven years he was their minister’.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1860, page 5

[Quoting Lloyd’s Newspaper]
The partner of Mr Menasseh Cohen, the rabbi at Wolverhampton, has absconded with a quantity of gold and silver watches, gold chains and jewellery to the value of £400. ‘The fugitive is a Prussian’.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1862, page 1

Advert for hazan, shohet and teacher. Salary £52. Apply to Jacob Cohen, President, 4 Princes Street

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1862, page 4

Reference to Rev M. Spero, Wolverhampton

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1862, page 3.

Appeal for funds for a couple named Wolf in Wolverhampton. Both blind and in desperate situation. Includes list of donations.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1963, page 4

Board of Deputies. Wolverhampton synagogue is in arrears to the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1863, page 1

Board of Deputies’ Fund for Jews of Monastir. Contribution by Wolverhampton Congregation per Jacob Cohen, Warden, £2.15.0

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1864, page 5

Board of Deputies. Letter from Wolverhampton ‘stating that the congregation was unable to pay the share due it for the Board’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1864, page 7

Board of Deputies. Arrears from Wolverhampton are ‘£17 odd’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1865, page 5

On 30 March the president of the congregation, L. Benjamin, presented a Sepher Torah to the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1865, page 1

Board of Deputies’ Holy Land Relief Fund. Members of Wolverhampton Synagogue per Lewis Benjamin, £6.15.0

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1866, page 8

‘WANTED, immediately for the Country, a respectable Jewish young woman, age from 20 to 25. Must be a good plain Cook, and assist in light house work. Apply to Mrs. Benjamin, 12 and 13, Dudley-street, Wolverhampton’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1867, page 8

ON Friday, the 15th of November BARNARD ZUSMAN, a traveller, residing the last ten years in Wolverhampton, and a respected member of the Jewish congregation of that town, was robbed of every shilling he possessed and foully murdered. He has left a widow in poor health, and a boy eleven years of age, utterly unprovided for. It is desired to raise a sum of money, to place the poor woman in a position to support herself and child.’

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1869, page 7

Pastoral visit of Chief Rabbi.
At Wolverhampton he examined the boys of the Jewish school and expressed satisfaction. He urged the establishment of a girls’ school.
‘At a meeting subsequently held at the house of the president (Mr. Zusman), resolutions were carried to give effect to these recommendations’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1871, page 5

Mr A. Davis recently visited the Wolverhampton Congregational School at the invitation of Lewis Benjamin, the president, during an examination of the pupils. He found the school was in a highly satisfactory condition under the supervision of Mr Rudelsheim, the master. After the examination the president presented books and money to the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 April 1872, page 44

A public examination of the children attending the Hebrew National Schools of Wolverhampton. There was a large attendance including several ladies and visitors. Among those present were Rev M. Cohen, Rev G. J. Emanuel, Minister of Birmingham Congregation, M.S. Joseph, rep at the Board of Deputies for Wolverhampton, Messrs Blanckensee and Lazarus, Wardens of Birmingham Synagogue. Mr L. Benjamin the chair.
Rev Emanuel conducted the exam in Scripture, Hebrew reading and ‘the usual English subjects’. Children acquitted themselves satisfactorily. ‘The master, Mr. Rudelsheim, was much commended upon the satisfactory progress made by the children’.
After the exam M.S. Joseph addressed the meeting. The success was surprising as the schools had only been open for one year and praised the teachers. ’He expressed the hope that Jewish gentlemen would ere long become members of School Boards. Denominational schools were necessary, so that religion may be taught to children without interfering with the religion of others’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1872, page 59

‘WANTED, two or three respectable young men as HAWKING TRAVELLERS for the Jewellery and Furniture line with good references. Apply to H.Z., 63 Worcester-street, Wolverhampton’. [Herman Zusman] [Repeated 10 May 1872, page 74]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1872, page 371

First meeting of new society ‘having as it object the relief of the poor’. For this purpose weekly subscriptions have been raised for the last 6 months and on Sunday the members met to form a committee. The society already has 40 subscribers from 1d upwards. A. Benjamin elected president, S. Aaron Treasurer, and Z. J. Rudelsheim Hon Sec. [?Asher Benjamin, son of Lewis]
[This presumably relates to the Wolverhampton Hebrew Benevolent Society - see 29 May 1874]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1873

Advert. Wanted by the Wolverhampton Hebrew Congregation Baal Korah, Hazan, and Shohet [in Hebrew]. Age not to exceed 40 or 45. Salary £100 p.a. Apply to M. Gordon, St George’s Parade, Wolverhampton.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1873, page 733

‘REQUIRED a young lady. Accomplishments Music and Singing, also clever at her needle. Address Mrs. L. Benjamin, 2. Waterloo-road, Wolverhampton’.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1873, page 89

H. Zusman has been elected president and Mr Aurbach Treasurer of the congregation. [Solomon Aurbach]
At meeting of the Wolverhampton Hebrew Schools M. Gordon elected President and Mr M. Cohen, late minister of the congregation, Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1873, page 154

‘To Clothiers’ Assistants.- WANTED several first-class SALESMEN and WINDOW DRESSERS. Good wage given to energetic men. - Apply L. Benjamin and Co., 12 and 13 Dudley-street, Wolverhampton’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1873, page 337

Annual public examination and distribution of prizes of the Wolverhampton Jewish Schools, held at the Agricultural Hall, on 10th inst. In presence of most of congregation. Rev G. J. Emanuel of Birmingham conducted the exam. ‘He questioned the children in all the branches of elementary education, and they showed surprising aptitude and intelligence. Their progress was very gratifying and their proficiency in Hebrew as in the other subjects reflects great credit on Mr. Rudelsheim, the only teacher. There are a number of girls and boys of different ages’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1873

‘WANTED by the Wolverhampton Hebrew Congregation a competent HEBREW and ENGLISH TEACHER. Salary £80 per annum. Applications to be made to the President M. Gordon, Esq., Nieustadt House, Whitmore Reans, Wolverhampton’. [repeated frequently between 24.10.1873; and 28.11.1873]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1873, page 435

New Year Services. At several synagogues gentlemen volunteered their services gratuitously, eg, at Wolverhampton the former minister Rev M. Cohen ’reappeared in his old post’.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1873, page 614

Board of Deputies.
Application has been made to certify to the Registrar General Mr Zadock Rudelsheim as Secretary for Marriages at Wolverhampton. Agreed.

2 January 1874
Jews’ Hospital election on 18 January. Appeal for votes for David Breslauer of Wolverhampton whose parents have 8 children dependent on them. Commended by Wardens and congregation of Wolverhampton and also M. S.Joseph. [repeated 9 and 16 January]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1874, page 704

Moses Cohen of Corporation Street, Wolverhampton, elected Registrar of the congregation in the room of Mr Zolki resigned.
[Probably an error for Sheffield. In the 1871 Census there was a Moses Cohen living in Corporation Street, Sheffield, and a
Zolki family were living in Sheffield.]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1874, page 37

Marcus Gordon elected president and Henry Solomon Treasurer of the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1874, page 140

Annual meeting of the Wolverhampton Hebrew Benevolent Society. A. Benjamin re-elected President, S. Aaron Treasurer, E. Rudelsheim, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 July 1874, page 238

Contributions to Bengal Famine Relief Fund, by congregations. Wolverhampton £2 4s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1874, page 374

Contribution to building new synagogue and school at Tredegar, M. Gordon, Wolverhampton

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1874, page 410

Contribution to Merthyr Synagogue Fund, by M. Gordon, Wolverhampton

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1874
Schoolmaster wanted for the Wolverhampton Hebrew Schools. Salary £80 p.a. Apply to H. Solomons, President, St James’s Square.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1874, page 436

Owing to rapid increase of the Jewish community the need for a new and spacious synagogue has been brought under notice during the past holydays. In admiration of the manner in which Rev E. Phillips has discharged his duties as minister, the ladies of the synagogue have presented him with a purse of money.
Chatan Torah, H. Solomon. Chatan Beresit, E. Hart

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1874, page 105

At a meeting of the subscribers to the Wolverhampton Jewish Schools Lewis Benjamin and Menasseh Cohen were unanimously elected President, and Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1875, page 277

Wanted immediately a competent Hebrew and English Schoolmaster also to act as Secretary. Salary £110 p.a. Applications to L. Benjamin, 2 Waterloo Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1875, page 468

Mr Henry Philip Levy has been appointed Headmaster of the Wolverhampton Hebrew Schools.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1875, page 426

Donation by Lewis Benjamin of £10 to Brighton New synagogue

Jewish Chronicle, 3 December 1875, page 581

Lecture by Mr Hutchinson at the Wolverhampton Free Library on ‘Modern Jews’. ‘He spoke in highly flattering terms of the Jews’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1875, page 589

Letter from Z. J. Rudelsheim on a religious topic.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1876, page 700

Henry Philip Levy, Head Master of the Wolverhampton Jewish Schools gave paper on ‘Holland and the Dutch’ on Saturday evening at the Wolverhampton Free Library. He has been appointed Hebrew Master of the Old Hall College, Wellington, Shropshire.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1876, page 354

Advert. Wanted, Chazan etc. for Wolverhampton congregation. ‘None need apply unless having held a similar situation in England’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1876, page 503

Rev J. Greenberg of Portsea elected unanimously as minister of Wolverhampton.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1877, page 13

Wanted by the Wolverhampton Hebrew Congregation a competent Hebrew and English schoolmaster.

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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 17 January 2012
Page most recently amended: 24 June 2022

Initial formatting by Louise Messik
Subsequent formatting by David Shulman



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