the former

Widnes Jewish Community

Widnes, Halton, Cheshire




Press Reports relating to the Widnes Jewish Community 1891 - 1935

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle,
16 October 1891, page 16

Warrington. Services for high holydays were held in temporary premises generously fitted up for the occasion by Mr Samuel Claff of Thynne Street, who read the prayers in conjunction with Mr L. Rosenberg of Manchester. The worshippers were residents of Warrington, Widnes, and Runcorn who were asked by Mr Claff to allot their offerings to be sent to the Chovevei Zion Association in London.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1902, page 35

‘A synagogue has been opened and consecrated at Widnes (Lancashire). The consecration service was performed by the Rev. S. Friedeberg, B.A., of Liverpool, who delivered an impressive sermon appropriate to the occasion. Mr. S. Claff, of Manchester, who opened the synagogue, was presented with a gold key as a memento of the occasion by the President of the newly-formed congregation, Mr. Elu [sic] Steinart. Mr. M. Blankstone, of Liverpool, presented an Ark of the Law and various presents and donations were given by the many visitors present, amongst whom were several non-Jews. A banquet was afterwards served, concluding the day’s proceedings.’

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1903, page 14

Board of Deputies. A marriage secretary for Widnes was certified for the first time.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1905, page 28

Naturalisations in December
Louis Cohen, 104 Widnes Road, Widnes

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1914, page 2

Board of Deputies. Certification of Joseph Jochel as marriage secretary at Widnes

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1916, page 25

General meeting of congregation held last week in consequence of retirement of Mr E. Steinart, the President. Elected: L. Lautenberg, President; B. Weihrauch, Vice-president; A. Solomon, Treasurer; Joseph Yochel, Hon Sec and Registrar

Jewish Chronicle, 23 May 1919, page 12
Board of Deputies. Member for Widnes, Mr Max Guggenheim

[1920-1934. Only notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1935 Supplement:

A Lancashire Journey’, page IV
Widnes. ‘Here three or four Jewish families remain of the former community, although others living elsewhere still keep shops there. I found a Mr. Cohen, who was born in Widnes, and who is well known in the town. There was once a synagogue, but its former building now does duty as a Masonic Hall. For the High Festivals, however, a Minyan is formed, even if it means almost the corveé - members are impressed into service, usually from Liverpool, and a Chazan is engaged for the necessary period. The two Scrolls of the Law, from the former synagogue, are brought out from their resting place, which at present is in the house of Mr. Braverman, who, I think, is the only Jew in Runcorn’.

Widnes Synagogue home page

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 17 January 2012
Page most recently amended: 28 December 2016

Formatting by Louise Messik




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