the former

Brynmawr Jewish Community

Brynmawr, Blaneau Gwent, South Wales




Press Reports relating to the Brynmawr Jewish Community
1889 - 1986

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Please note that there are hyperlinks to the longer articles

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1889, page 13

There was considerable interest in Brynmawr in a Jewish wedding there last week, between Isabella Harris and Michael Ash. Rev J. Phillips and Rev M. Weinstock of Tredegar officiated.
[Isabella Harris lived in Tredegar in household headed by Herman Harris]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1889, page 13

A Glamorganshire weekly paper, under the heading ‘A Jewish Wedding at Brynmawr’, gives a verbatim account of the marriage address by Rev J. Phillips of Tredegar.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1889, page 14

The congregation was formed a year ago and is having difficulty in finding a suitable place of worship. The President, Mr Barnett Isaacs has placed one of his houses at the disposal of members and defrayed the cost of adapting it for the purpose of a synagogue. The New Year services were conducted by Rev D. Resovski [sc Roskin] assisted by N. Abrahams of Brynmawr. The synagogue was crowded by visitors from all parts of Wales. Treasurer I. Isaacs and Mrs Isaacs looked after welfare of visitors.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1889, page 11

During the Kol Nidrei services a large number of Christians stood outside the temporary synagogue ‘listening in respectful silence’. At the close of Kol Nidrei, chanted by Rev A.D. Resovski assisted by Louis Black and N. Abrahams, ‘a sympathetic cheer was raised by the non-Jewish listeners’.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1891, page 18

A Yigdal specially arranged for Pentecost by Rev T. Spireck [sc Spivack] was sung in the Brynmawr synagogue on the evening of the festival.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1892, page 18

Rev I. Sunlight elected Chazan and Shochet.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1893, page 19
Reference to Rev F. Sunlight, late of Brynmawr, as the candidate for the Coventry synagogue, being re-opened.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1894, page 16

On his Pastoral Tour the Chief Rabbi visited Brynmawr and was conducted by the principal Jewish inhabitants to the Synagogue Chambers where he examined the children. At the evening service he gave an address to a large number of Jews from Brynmawr, Blaina, Abertillery, Ebbw Vale and Blaenavon.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1894, page 5

Chief Rabbi's pastoral tour. 'He visited for first time the small communities scattered in the townlets and villages perched on the bleak hills of South Wales. The congregations of Aberdare, Tredegar, Brynmawr, Pontypridd, Penycraig, and Tony Pandy [sic], consist almost exclusively of Russian immigrants...'

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1895, page 2

Appeal on behalf of Z. Schulman who was expelled from Lisbon [sic], Russia, and was appointed Shochet in Brynmawr. He is compelled to give that up because of acute rheumatism. Has a wife and 8 children and it has been proposed a fund be created to set him up as a provision dealer. The Chief Rabbi has been able to get a grant of £30 from the Russo-Jewish Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1896, page 22

Report of a marriage which aroused much interest among both Jews and non-Jews. Bride was May Isaacs, niece of Mr & Mrs Isaacs of Brynmawr (‘much respected residents’) and Ben Cohen of Southampton. Service conducted by Rev J. Abelson of Cardiff assisted by the local minister, Rev W. Woolman. The chupah, of chenille, was specially made and has been presented to the Tredegar synagogue. The banquet was attended by 150 guests. In the chair was Dr G.H. Browne JP, and the vice-chairmen were Mr M.J.S. Lyons and Major Willputts of Ebbw Vale. At the ball which followed there were 400 guests. The food left over was distributed to the poor on the following day at the Market Hall.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1896, page 20

The congregation held services during the holidays at the Town Hall. Revs H. Burkeman of Jerusalem and S.Woolman officiated. Mr J. G. Goldfoot presented a handsome silk curtain for the Ark.

30 July 1897, page 11

Obituary of J. Barnett Isaacs, a native of Brynmawr. He migrated to South Africa and established a successful photographic business in Johannesburg. He was appointed to represent the journal ‘Black and White’ and he sent reports and illustrations of the conflict between British troops and natives of Mashonaland. He was on a visit to Brynmawr and died last Saturday. He was buried at Cefn Coed, Merthyr Tydvil.  [Note: not found in Deaths Index].

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1898, page 4

Advert. Wanted by the Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation a competent young man (married) to act as Hazan, Shochet, Mohel, Hebrew Teacher. Particulars from the President, B. Isaacs, Brynmawr.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1899, page 23

Chief Rabbi's Pastoral Tour.
Brynmawr. Chief Rabbi arrived on Wednesday week. He examined the children in Hebrew and religion. They were satisfactory and demonstrated the excellent work of Hermann H. Roskin who has only been there for a short time. He attended evening service in the temporary synagogue and said they should erect a permanent structure as at the High Festivals there were 120 worshippers. The amount required is £600. After the service a meeting raised £150 for the Building Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1899, page 21

'Indecorum in a Provincial Synagogue'
Mr D.Rotter, 1381 Neath Road, Swansea, writes: On 14 October he spent Sabbath in Brynmawr and in the morning went to shool. It was not early but there was no minyan. The nine of them read Shacharit then at 10.45 a 10th man arrived and the Hazan, Mr Bloch, started Ayn Comeyha and took the Sepher Torah out of the Ark, when the late arrival made him put it back because he had not said Shacharit. At this, he and another stranger left, and decided to write to the JC to prevent a recurrence of this indecorous conduct.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1899, page 19

B. Isaacs, president, and I. Brest, treasurer, write to deny the assertion. The correspondent is aiming to create a split in the congregation as he did at Swansea and attempted at Pontypridd.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1900, page 19

At a crowded meeting on Sunday last at the synagogue, Charles H. Halpern gave an address on Zionism. B. Isaacs presided. A branch of the English Zionist Federation was created and 30 members were enrolled. Elected: President, G. Weiner, Treasurer M. Samson, Hon. Sec C. Brest.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1900, page 2

Synagogue & School Building Fund
List of donations. Largest £110.10s from 'a Polish Jew' of London.
From Brynmawr: B. Isaacs, I. Isaacs, I. Brest, I. Goldfoot, D. Chill, B. Jackson, S. Isaacs, B. Simons, S. Samuels.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1900, page 2

A plot of land for the synagogue has been granted by a Christian friend to whom a nominal rent of £1 p.a. is paid. Building operations have already begun and hope to be completed in next five months. It will accommodate 80 males and 50 women. Of the total of £700, so far £400 has been raised. Arrangements are being made to obtain the services of a visiting minister.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1901, page 29

Monthly social meeting of the Brynmawr Chovevei Zion Society. Hermann H. Roskin spoke on 'Practical Zionism'. Discussion including M. Samson, C. Norvick, H.H. Roskin.

Jewish Chronicle 21 June 1901, page 19

‘Opening of the Brynmawr Synagogue'

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1901, page 23

‘The Consecration of Synagogue in Brynmawr'

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1901, page 25

The third social meeting of the Brynmawr Chovevei Zion Association was held on Sunday at the Synagogue Chambers. President: A.D. Roskin. Resolution adopted: 'That this meeting do pledge itself to support Dr. Herzl's movement with all possible vigour'.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1901, page 34

Councillor L. S. Abrahamson, President of the Newport Hebrew Congregation, has presented the Brynmawr Synagogue a handsome and valuable breastplate in memory of his mother Mrs C. Abrahamson of Cardiff.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1902, page 34

Brynmawr Zionist Association has membership of 100. Meets fortnightly, Formed in 1900.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1902, page 27

The first annual Zionist ball was held at the Drill Hall on Monday.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1902, page 30

Naturalisation in June. Isaac Brest, 35 Beaufort St, Brynmawr.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1902

Naturalisation in July. Isaac Goldfoot, 4 & 5 Edgar Place, Brynmawr.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1903, page 31

At the weekly meeting of the Literary and Social Society. A.D. Roskin in the chair. Miss J. Roskin read a paper on 'Jewish Daughter's Grievances'.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1903, page 31

Ref to Rev A. Berenbaum of Brynmawr [?]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1903, page 2

Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum. At General Court, election of 17 boys 8 girls and 1 out-pensioner. Elected: Asher Cohen of Brynmawr, son of Rebecca Cohen, widow.,

Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1903, page 27

Naturalisation in February. David Chill, 30 Worcester Street, Brynmawr.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1903, page 34

Monthly meeting of the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society. Resolution: 'That this meeting of the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society expresses unbounded confidence in Dr. Herzl and the officers of the Zionist movement, pledges itself to further the cause as laid down by the Basle Congress, and further expresses gratitude to the English government for the offer of British East Africa for colonisation purposes'.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1903, page 31

Annual meeting of the West Monmouthshire and Breconshire Jewish Orphan Aid Society, held in the Vestry of Brynmawr Synagogue. The annual report of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum mentions that the collection by this society was gratifying in view of the small number of Jews in the district. In fact they came fifth in order of branches in the whole of the UK and Ireland.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1903, page 30
Brynmawr. Last Sunday Mr G. Weiner (Nantyglo) entertained the children attending the Hebrew classes and their parents in his residence.
The children were examined by Hermann Harris (Blaina), A. M. Berenbaum (Brynmawr), and M. Samson (Blaina) who highly commended Rev G. Bloch for his instruction of the children. Prizes were given to the most successful scholars by the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society, the congregation, and several of its members.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1904, page 25

A Ladies' Committee has been formed in connection with the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society to canvass the district for subscriptions towards the National Tribute for the children of Dr Herzl.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1904, page 2

'WANTED by the Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation a SHOCHET and CHAZAN who must be a good Teacher; salary to commence 25/- weekly, with perquisites. Apply not later than 21st inst., to A. Shane, 35, Bailey-street, Brynmawr. Successful candidate's expenses only defrayed'. [repeated 18 November 1904, page 2]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1904, page 2

At the request of myself and several of the principal members of the above Congregation, the Rev. G. Bloch remains at Brynmawr. Barnett Isaacs, President'.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1905, page 27

S. Brest of Brynmawr is student at University College, Cardiff.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1905, page3

Brynmawr. Rev G. Bloch preached his inaugural sermon on 2nd day of Passover

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1906, page 20

Report of meeting of the Central Committee of the English Zionist Federation.
'A motion, in the name of the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society, deploring the inactivity of the English Zionist Federation, and urging reorganisation, was withdrawn'.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1907, page 26

Barnett Abrahams, aged 16, has been awarded Brecon County Scholarship for 3 years at the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1907, page 40

'The ball for the purpose of liquidating the debt on the Brynmawr Synagogue was held last week at the Drill Hall, and was a social and financial success'.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1908, page 28

'Following a public meeting held at Brynmawr at the instance of the President, the Rev. Dr. Gaster, last summer, resolutions were passed to reorganise the local Zionist societies and to support the movement with vigour. The beginning was made by the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society'.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1908, page 35

A meeting of the Brecon and Monmouthshire Ahm Israel Branch of the Ito was held last week.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1909, page 31

Annual meeting of the Brecon & Monmouthshire Ito Society was held at the Brynmawr Synagogue schoolroom last Sunday, Ben Roskin in the chair. A.D. Roskin gave an address on 'Itoism'.. Many new members were enrolled. Elected: Hon President, Tom Richards MP; President, Ben Roskin; Treasurer, I Brest; Hon Secs, J. Isaacs and N. Roskin. Mr H.H.Roskin BSc of Middlesbrough was elected delegate to the forthcoming conference in Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1910, page 14

Board of Deputies
'The PRESIDENT announced his intention to visit Brynmawr to settle some communal differences that have arisen there'.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1910, page 29

At the monthly social meeting of the Brynmawr Chovevei Zion Society, Herman H. Roskin spoke on 'Practical Zionism'.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1910, page 15

Letter from G. Weiner, Nantyglo, Mon.
Letter complains that the President of the Board of Deputies, D. L. Alexander, is unsuitable to settle disputes in provincial communities. Should be dealt with by the Beth Din. His experience is not encouraging, e.g. he dealt with dispute in Great Yarmouth and the congregation has now been dissolved. There are other examples, and 'The latest is that of the Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation'. One cure in the various cases has been to remove the paid official and it is the hazan who is made the scapegoat.
'In our own case, a breach of the peace in a public thoroughfare occurred on the very morning of Mr. Alexander's award becoming known, in which a number of our co-religionists were implicated; a batch of police-court summonses is already issued, the direct outcome of the award'.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1910, page 12

Barney Abrahams aged 19 obtained 1st class Honours in French at University College, Cardiff. Held open scholarship and exhibition for total of over £200,

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1910, page 13

Letter from Isaac Isaacs, Brynmawr, in reply to Weiner.
Isaacs has supported the community for 25 years during which he has been offered, and refused, office on several occasions. Mr Weiner complains that Alexander was not the right authority to adjudicate. but Weiner was one of the party which appealed to the Board of Deputies for assistance. The other party had already submitted their case to the Chief Rabbi who advised them to accept the assistance of Alexander. This was not a religious dispute but a secular one and there was no one more suitable than Alexander to give a just award after a hearing lasting five and a half hours in which the paid official was represented by a solicitor.
Six years ago the same dispute was settled by the Chief Rabbi. The element that complained then is the same that now complains of the award 'and even held an opposition Minyan for eighteen months afterwards'.
The disturbance of the peace in Brynmawr was not connected with the award. Those implicated in it are insignificant members of the community.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1910, page 13

Letter from NEMO
Re the decision of the President of the Board of Deputies that the services of the minister be dispensed with. Should not the newly-formed Committee of Ministers take the matter in hand 'and endeavour to mete out justice to a conscientious and painstaking official?'... the congregation has not had such an efficient official as teacher and shochet since its formation. He has been in service for twelve years, and no word of complaint has been uttered as regards the performance of his duties'.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1910, page 6

'To the Jews of Brynmawr.
The Jewish residents in Wales have every reason for strong complaint against the recent disgraceful proceedings on the part of some members of the Brynmawr Congregation. There have been disputes between the rival factions in the Congregation. These disputes have been referred to the arbitration of the President of the Board of Deputies, but in spite of the peaceful act, the disputants have come to blows, and a special police court has had to be held to deal with a number of summonses for assault and battery ...'

Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1910, page 20

Letter from G. Weiner, replying to Isaac Isaacs's letter.
The points submitted to Alexander for his arbitration were:
1. Refusal of the ex-Treasurer to hand over money to his successor
2. Mr Isaacs's friends breaking the locks of the synagogue, causing a brawl
3. The refusal of Mr Isaacs and friends to contribute to the funds of the synagogue for which they were threatened with exclusion
It 'baffles the comprehension of one who does not possess the legal mind' that Alexander adjudicated on the relations between minister and congregation.
A few months before the award Rev A. A. Green had tried to settle matters but his award was not accepted by Mr Isaacs and his associates.
All the reports of police-court proceedings emphasised the direct connection between the award and the breach of peace, For example, the local weekly The Merthyr Express, last Saturday. prefaced their item: 'Brynmawr Jews fall out. Words lead to blows. Sequel to arbitration proceedings'.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1910, page 20

Letter from MATWAS, Brynmawr
'The "insignificant members" (as Mr. Isaacs calls them) who were implicated have for several months formed the "factious and fighting element" of the party opposed to the official and even joined in an opposition minyan till the award was known, after which they appeared in shool [in italics] in full force.
'Many a time I have been present when the President - the oldest member of the congregation and a respected citizen of Brynmawr - has been openly insulted and threatened while in the performance of his duties. Even now it is impossible to walk from one end of the road to the other without being assailed with insults and mocking abuse from an adherent of the "opposition party".
'Is it not still more scandalous that an official who has served the congregation faithfully for so many years, who has taught our children so ably and so efficiently that they have been a credit to the whole of Wales, should be treated as a mere puppet to be discarded at leisure. No-one can deny his efficiency and competency as a Shochet and teacher, especially his latter capacity, yet the reward for all his services is that he and his family are to be sacrificed as martyrs to the jealousy of a discontented section of the community'.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1910, page 7

Long satirical column on 'Brynmawring'.
'to Brynmawr" ... 'will mean a state of affairs in a Jewish place of worship where the members indulge in free fights during the service, where the most bitter hatred is nursed by member against member, where wrangles are carried out in the public courts of justice, where the House of God is turned into a cockpit'.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1910, page 1

Simon Robinson, fifth son of Mr and Mrs J. Robinson, 4 Lion Street, Blaenavon, will read a portion of the Law at the synagogue, Brynmawr, on Saturday, 24 September.

17 February 1911, page 13

Alexander's award of 20 July did not restore peace. Proceedings were instituted in the Chancery Division of the High Court, and further acts resulted in proceedings in the local Police Court. Subsequently the whole matter was referred to the Chief Rabbi who issued his award on the 6th ult, at Merivale Hall, Bournemouth, where he was staying. He directed certain named persons to consent to the withdrawal of a Police Court summons, finds the plaintiffs were justified in taking proceedings in the Chancery Division to enforce Alexander's award, and directs that all proceedings in the action shall cease. Further that no proceedings be commenced or prosecuted by any of the persons named in the schedule against any other of the same persons in respect of any matter relating to the affairs of the congregation or synagogue or in respect of any disturbances which took place in the synagogue up to the date of the award, except for the purpose of enforcing the award.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1911, page 2

"BRYNMAWR HEBREW CONGREGATION requires a teacher-reader and shochet under the jurisdiction of Dr. Adler; must be able to translate. - Full particulars from L. Levy, Hon. Sec., 10, Market-square, Brynmawr".

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1911, page 14

A ball under the patronage of D. L. Alexander KC was held in the Drill Hall on Wednesday week [1st]. Nearly 200 people residing in the district attended. Stewards: C. Brest, Nat. Marks, M. Birenstein, N. Robinson, E. Roskin, S. Goldfoot, and J.Peck. Executive were: Chairman Louis Levy, Treasurer J. Goldfoot, Hon Sec C. Brest.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1911, page 8

Re the disturbances in Tredegar and elsewhere.
In Brynmawr there are 135 Jews in a population of 6.334, a percentage of 2.06. This is the 3rd largest proportion of any town in the UK - Leeds and Manchester are higher. [Population in Tredegar 150]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1911, page 10

The rioting spread to Brynmawr on Tuesday [22nd]. Apparently one window of Cohen's jewellery shop was broken. Plenty of police and soldiers about.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1911, page 13

Letter from Hermann H. Roskin, Beaufort, Mon.
'In Beaufort, Brynmawr, and Abertillery it was the citizens themselves who prevented the looters from doing any damage'.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1911, page 15

During the recent disturbances the Jewish residents of Brynmawr suffered very little. They attribute this largely to the actions of Police-Sergeant Price who organised a strong body of special constables. Jewish tradesmen have presented him with a purse of gold. The Breconshire Watch Committee has given him permission to accept the gift.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1912, page 31

A Jewish ball under the patronage of D. L. Alexander KC was held at the Drill Hall on 7th inst. Ball Committee; Chairman Mr Louis Z. Levy; Treasurer Mrs I. Goldfoot; Hon Sec A. Brest. Stewards were J. Peck, C. Brest, M. Birenstein, N. Robinson, S. Goldfoot, and J. Morris. MCs were Nat Rubenstein, E. Roskin, and N. Marks

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1912, page 31

A Jewish ball under the patronage of D. L. Alexander KC was held at the Drill Hall on 7th inst. Ball Committee; Chairman Mr Louis Z. Levy; Treasurer Mrs I. Goldfoot; Hon Sec A. Brest. Stewards were J. Peck, C. Brest, M. Birenstein, N. Robinson, S. Goldfoot, and J. Morris. MCs were Nat Rubenstein, E. Roskin, and N. Marks

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1915, page 27

At a meeting of the Leicester Congregation the Rev A. Solomon of Brynmawr was elected 2nd Reader, Assistant Teacher, and Shochet.

Brecon & Radnor Express, Carmathen and Swansea, 28 May 1914, page 5

‘Scene in the Synagogue. Sequel at Brynmawr Police Court’

John Morris, jeweller, Brynmawr, was summoned for assaulting Barney Jackson, draper, also of Brynmawr.

Plaintiff was President of the Hebrew Congregation and defendant was Treasurer. On Saturday April 4th, Jackson went to the Ark to get ‘the Script’ to conduct the service but found it was locked. He asked for the key whereupon the defendant seized him by the throat and knocked him down.

Decided that they should confer with a view to a peaceful outcome. Subsequently the clerk stated the case was disposed of and the parties were now friends.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1916, page 4

'Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia'
Donations received 23 January to 30 January
Brynmawr Jewish Community
Mrs N. Abrahams; Mrs G. Ballin; Rev G. Bloch; Messrs M. Berenbaum; L. Berenbaum; I. Brest; A. Brest; - Cammerman; A. Cohen; H. Cohen; -Erlich; B. Isaacs; S. Isaacs; Mrs A. Jackson; Messrs -. Leckerman; S. Leckerman; -. Marks.; J. Morris; J. Myers; -. Podger; E. Robinson; S. Rosen; M. Samson.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1916, page 22

Ben Cohen re-elected President and Mr Myers (Nantyglo) elected Treasurer.

21 July 1916, page 9

Jack M. Isaacs, son of Mr and Mrs S. Isaacs of Brynmawr, has passed Final Bar Examination of the Manitoba Law Society, with Honours.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1916, page 23

A handsome set of bells has been presented to the Brynmawr Synagogue by Mrs Isaac Goldfoot in memory of her late mother, Mrs Sarah Letowitch. A handsome silver pointer has been presented by Mrs Sarah Brest. Both are members of the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1917, page 18

On Wednesday week Rev H. R. Goldwater of Brynmawr and Rev F. Fredman of Newbridge lectured on 'The Aims and Merits of a Society' to the Brynmawr and District Jewish Society. Mr J. Morris presided. Mr A.D. Roskin of Ebbw Vale proposed and Mr M. Samson of Blaina seconded votes of thanks to the speakers.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1919, page 21

The local community has suffered the loss by the deaths of one of its oldest members and also Arthur Goldfoot. He was Treasurer of the Young Jews' Society.
Also at meeting of congregation said goodbye to Ben Cohen, leaving for Southampton. Has been President and Treasurer for 4 years.
Votes of condolence to family of late Barnett Isaacs, Senior Trustee, President, and one of founders of congregation, and to Mr & Mrs Goldfoot on loss of son.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1919, page 23

Ref to meeting of Zionist Society. Moses Samson presided. £100 raised for the Restoration Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1919, page 32

Brynmawr Congregation has purchased a plot of ground for burial purposes for Brynmawr and neighbouring districts.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1919, page 32

Conference of Brynmawr, Tredegar, Ebbw Vale, and Newbridge and District Congregations was held at the Synagogue Schoolrooms, Ebbw Vale in connection with the new Burial Ground of the Brynmawr Congregation. Decided on the proposition of A. I [sic] Roskin seconded by H. Broder (Tredegar) and supported by G. Abrahams (Ebbw Vale) and J. Morris and I. Brest (Brynmawr) to form a Joint Burial Board Committee and a Building Committee of the above congregations to formulate rules and plans for the cemetery. Thanks to Mr Abel Myers of Abersychan for his gift of the plot, valued at £250.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1919, page 34

The Jewish community of Brynmawr and surrounding country has long felt the need for a Burial Ground. This came to knowledge of Mr Abel Myers who volunteered to give a sufficient sum to secure the ground, and the Brynmawr Congregation will erect the buildings and appurtenances. This obviates the need for a general appeal for funds and affords burials at low cost. Mr Myers offered this in memory of his parents and he is to be a Trustee.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1920, page 36

On Sunday a memorial tablet was presented by the sons and daughters of the late Mr & Mrs Nathan Myers of Abersychan to Brynmawr synagogue, consecrated by the minister Rev H. R. Goldwater. Also a tablet of the Ten Commandments in white marble and gilt lettering, presented by Mr & Mrs I. Goldfoot in memory of their son Arthur.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1920, page 20

The first interment, in the new Burial Ground of the Brynmawr congregation took place last week, of Mr S. Goodaye, King Street. He was father-in-law of Rev H. R. Goldwater, minister of the congregation. Funeral arrangements were by J. Morris, president, and G. J. Ballin, hon secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1920, page 20

At meeting of the Joint Burial Board, presided over by A.D. Roskin (Ebbw Vale), it was decided that the new Jewish burial ground at Brynmawr will be consecrated on Thursday 19 August. Mr A. Myers, 'the generous donor of the land, will dedicate the building and the grounds'. Elected: Hon President, A. Myers (Abersychan); Chairman, J. Morris (Brynmawr); Vice-Chairmen, B. Roskin (Llanhilleth), and J. Cohen (Tredegar); Treasurer G. Abrahams (Ebbw Vale); Hon Sec G. J. Ballin (Brynmawr).

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1922, page 28

Mr J. Cohen of Manchester House, Tredegar, received £


Jewish Chronicle, _______ 1922, page 37

The Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation has obtained the services of Max Fine of Abergavenny to assist Rev H. R. Goldwater as Baal Shacharit.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1923, page 25

Rev G. Bloch of Ebbw Vale elected shochet and teacher to the Brynmawr congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1923, page 33

At meeting of congregation E. Marks was elected Treasurer

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1924, page 20

J. Morris, President of Brynmawr congregation, has been elected a member of the Executive of the Brecon & Radnor Liberal Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1924, page 26

Meeting of congregation. Presentation of illuminated address and gold watch to Rev G. Bloch, the minister. Has done faithful service for 25 years. Regret at his departure for America. Presentation by Isaac Brest and H. Peck. Other speakers: J. Cohen, G. Abraham, I. Sidle, J. Lattle, J. Samson, S. Solomon, B. Erlich, Reuben Brest and B. Krout.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1925 page 20

There are 4 Jewish teachers in Breconshire. In report about Jewish teachers having time off for Jewish holydays.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1925, page 27

Messrs Brest Bros have presented 2 prayer tablets to the Brynmawr Synagogue in memory of their mother and grandmother. Mr Isaac Brest has redecorated the synagogue and Ark in memory of his mother. [She was Sarah Rebecca Brest who died aged 84 on 23 January 1925: JC 10 January 1925, page 2.]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1925, page 23

Dr H.D. Isaacs formerly of Brynmawr has been appointed Demonstrator at the Medical School of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1926, page 30

Rev I. Chaitowitz of Brynmawr has accepted call to become minister of Pontypridd synagogue. [9 September 1927, page 12, ref to Rev Ivan Chaitowitz of Pontypridd.)

Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1927, page 11

Obituary of Isaac Gordon of New Tregedar. A Trustee and representative on the Brynmawr and District Burial Board.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1927, page 8

Obituary of A.D. Roskin aged 76. 'He founded the Brynmawr, Tredegar and Ebbw Vale Synagogues and established the co-ordination of Jewish activities in the Western Valleys'. Related to Mendele Mocher Sepharim.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1928, page 12

Obituary of Marks Fine of Abergavenny. 'The sudden death of Mr. Marks Fine, of Abergavenny, has bereft the Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation of one of its oldest and most esteemed members. For a period of over twenty years he acted as honorary Baal Korah [in Hebrew] and Chazan Shemi [in Hebrew] to the congregation'.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1930, page 16

Annual meeting of the Chebra [sic] Kadisha held on Sunday at the Synagogue Schoolroom. Presided by J. Morris. The Treasurer J. M. Peck. presented accounts which showed a considerable surplus. Elected President, J. Morris; Vice-President J. Cohen; Treasurer J. M. Peck; Solicitor David Morris; Secretary G. J. Ballin.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1930, page 2

At the examination for persons intending to become Teachers of Hebrew and Religion. Pass List July 1930. Middle Grade : A. Solomon, Brynmawr Hebrew Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1930, page 18

Central Committee for Jewish Education.
Grants for Provincial Schools
Agreed to renew grant for (inter alia) Brynmawr

Jewish Chronicle, 10 April 1931, page 2

Death of Isaac Goldfoot

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1931, page 35

At meeting of the Hebrew Congregation David Morris, Solicitor, elected Registrar in place of late Isaac Goldfoot.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1931, page 23

Mr J. Cammerman and Mr L. Fine entertained the congregation on their being Chathan Torah and Chatan Bereshith. Sympathies expressed to the president on the death of Mrs Morris by Rev I. Starr, S. Solomon, B. Erlich, Brest, and others.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1933, page 36

Mrs R. Morris, of Brynmawr, formerly of Swansea, was presented at Swansea with a cheque in recognition of her work as secretary of the Swansea Chevra Kadisha.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1933, page 32

At Tredegar Messrs H. Broder and J. Cohen appointed at Treasurers to the Brynmawr and District Jewish Burial Board and G. Rosenbaum, J. Cohen, and A. Baddiel were elected to serve on the Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1934, page 14

(page 53) Death on 20 April of Gershon Joel Ballin of Bailey Street, Brynmawr.

(page 14) Obituary of G.J. Ballin, by Jacob Morris, President of the Hebrew Congregation. He died at Blaina and District Hospital. He was active in communal affairs. He was for a number of years the Secretary of the congregation, Jewish Burial Ground, the Chevra Kadisha and the Zionist Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1934, page 42

At general meeting of the Brynmawr and District Jewish Burial Ground David Morris of Newport and Cardiff elected Secretary in place of the late G. J. Ballin.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1934, page 54

Meeting of the Hebrew Congregation. Elected: President J. Morris; Treasurer and Secretary A. Brest; Representative on the Board of Deputies C. Peck of London.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1935, page 34

Profile of Rev M. Bloch, inducted as Minister and Reader at Borough Synagogue. He was born in Brynmawr in 1904 and educated at University College, Cardiff.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1936, page 12

Reference to Rev Isaac Chaitowitz who has been Minister at Pontypridd for 10 years. Before that he was at Brynmawr.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1941, page 21

Obituary of Rev Getzel Bloch
Great loss to Orthodoxy. Came to UK almost half a century ago. Served as Chazan and Shochet of Ebbw Vale and Brynmawr and later served as a senior official of the London Board of Shechita. His great contribution was as a teacher and he taught several generations of young men who became officials and responsible laymen in the community. A member of a well-known Anglo-Jewish ministerial family including: late Rabbi S, Bloch (Birmingham, Sunderland, London); late Revs S. Bloch (Glasgow) and G. G. Bloch (Ilford); Rev M. Bloch (Portsmouth and The Borough); Rev C.M. Bloch (Portsmouth); and Rabbi Dr E. Kirzner.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1942, page 14

Obituary of Gustave Abrahams, Ebbw Vale. For many years Secretary & Treasurer of the old Ebbw Vale Congregation and its Registrar for Marriages. A founder and Treasurer of the Brynmawr Burial Board. [Submitted by David Moris, Secretary of the Burial Board].

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1943, page 10

At meeting of congregation financial statement submitted by Abe Brest. S. Solomon elected President, Abe Brest Secretary and Treasurer, and John Lewis (London) representative on Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1945, page 13

Meeting of congregation. Elected: President, S. Solomon; Treasurer J.M. Peck; Secretary A. Brest.
Brynmawr and District Burial and Chevra Kadisha Board: elected: President, J. Morris; Vice-President, S. Cammerman; Treasurer. J.M. Peck; Hon Sec, Sim Robinson; Hon Solicitor, David Morris.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1946, page 13

Meeting of Brynmawr and Tredegar Congregation. The Sec A. Brest reported that Rabbi Schwartz would shortly be leaving for the USA. Dr Cecil Sandler of Hounslow elected representative at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1946, page 2

APPLICATIONS are invited for the position of Shochet and Teacher; salary £7 10s. weekly, plus travelling expenses. Apply A. Brest, Penybryn, Heathcote, Brynmawr."

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1947, page 15

Meeting of Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation held at Synagogue Schoolroom. In chair Sim Robinson. Elected: President S. Soloman [sic]; Treasurer, J. H. Lyons; Hon Sec Abe Brest. Tribute paid to J. Peck, retiring Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1948, page 19

Obituary of Switzer Solomon who was President of the congregation for many years.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1953, page 17

Elected at Brynmawr:
President, M. Cohen; Vice-President J. H. Lyons; Treasurer J. Cammerman; Hon Sec A. Brest (Penybryn, Heathcote, Brynmawr).

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1954, page 20

At recent meeting of the Brynmawr and District Jewish Burial Board, the following were elected: President, S. Cammerman; Vice-President, A. Brest; Hon Sec & Treasurer, J. H. Lyons; Election was caused by resignation of the President John Morris who had served Board since inception.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1955, page 19

Letter correcting article 'Some Notable Tredegarites' in issue of 4 February. The Article did not mention Capt H. H. Roskin or his father A. D. Roskin, and other matters.
Note to the letter from the Cardiff Correspondent of the JC: He interviewed Capt Roskin who said he was born in Tredgar and his father, the late Aaron David Roskin, built the synagogue there about 1884 and was chazan-shochet for a few months before going into business in Tredegar, Beaufort, and Ebbw Vale until he retired to Cardiff. The last time H.H. Roskin saw the Tredegar synagogue was in 1953 when it was in process of being demolished.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1956, page 13

Obituary of Rev B. M. Starr. Born Lithuania who came to the UK in 1926. After appointments in Brynmawr and Swansea, then became minister and shochet at Stoke-on-Trent in 1948.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1958, page 6

'Tramp to Synagogue
The tiny Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation, Brecon, Wales, had an unusual visitor to one of its Holyday Services - a Jewish tramp. He informed the Secretary, Mr. A. Brest, that he was an out-of-work building labourer on his way from Cardiff to Manchester. After the service congregants provided him with a good meal and later gave him some cash to help him on his way'.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1960, page 34

Death of Capt H. Roskin in his 78th year. Born Tredegar. Went to Cardiff University BSc, then Oxford MA. Founded Cardiff AJEX 1933. Called to bar 1922. In WWI served in Yorkshire Regiment on NW Frontier. Lived in Cardiff.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1961, page 21

Article by Chaim Bermant on Cardiff.
'Many young people leave Cardiff, but others come in from the valleys. Aberavon and Aberdare, Brynmawr and Merthyr, Pontypridd and Porthcawl, Port Talbot and Tonypandy, all send their tribute to the capital, because there is no Jewish life in the valleys. But many who were Jews in the valleys have come to Cardiff only to be lost'.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1963, page 2

Death notice. Jacob Morris, on 9 February. Former President of Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation. Sons David and Leo and daughters-in-law Joyce and Hannah. Grandchildren Anthony and Phillip, Diane and Norman (Stoller), great-grandchild Linzl. Shiva 16 Ridgeway, Newport.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1966, page 17

Presentation in Newport to Abe Brest, the hon. secretary of the 'former Brynmawr Hebrew congregation and Chevra Kadisha which has now amalgamated with the Newport congregation'. Presented with silver menorah.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1966, page 14

'The Brynmawr Hebrew Congregation was established in 1889 [sic], but now the synagogue in Bailey Street has been sold, for the community has dwindled to fewer than a dozen people who now belong to the Newport Hebrew Congregation'.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 April 1968, page 47

Obituary of Abraham Brest, by Mr J. H. Lyons, hon. secretary and treasurer of the Brynmawr and District Jewish Burial Board.
He was born in Brynmawr 70 years ago and began his communal activity by organising a collection to pay off the £65 overdraft incurred in the building of Brynmawr synagogue. While still at school he wrote the synagogue minutes and later occupied all the honorary offices. He was active in the Chevra Kadisha and until his death was its president.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1972, page 10

Vandals have desecrated the small Jewish cemetery at Brynmawr. Graves were overturned and smashed and the door to the prayer-hall was damaged by airgun pellets.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 November 1975

Article "How Greeners Came to the Valley"

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1979, page 10

Joel Harrid [sic] Lyons of Brynmawr, a Mason. A past first Principal of the Prince of Wales Chapter, No. 1098, Tredegar, was invested as principal third Grand Principal for the province of Monmouthshire, the first Jew to receive the honour.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 July 1981, page 17

Obituary of Rev Chaim Goldman, Born Bialystock 1895, came to London in 1904. To South Wales 1925, minister and shochet to Tredegar and surrounding communities including Ebbw Vale and Brynmawr.  In 1931 to Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1982, page 2

Michael Wallach: 'I had come to Brynmawr, deep in the mining hills of South Wales, and found the honorary secretary surrounded by the debris of a furniture store, on the point of leaving for good with his aged mother'.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1986, page 15

Profile of Lewis Shane of Leeds, President of the Jewish Historical Society of England, aged 75. His father Adolf had a draper's shop in Brynmawr.

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