the former

Stockton-on-Tees Jewish Community

Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham




Press Reports relating to the
Stockton-on-Tees Jewish Community

Part 3 — 1919-1945

Compiled by Harold Pollins

(Information within square brackets is from the compiler)


Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1919 page 1

Death on 27 May at 75 Hartington Road of Eli Goldston husband of the late Rose Leah Goldston, aged 70
[Death. Eli Goldston June 1919 aged 69 Stockton 10a 58]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1919 page 4

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Appeal for Poland. Stockton Hebrew Congregation £20.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1919 page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Philip, elder son of Mr and Mrs Louis Sive, 5 North Terrace, Stockton, will read Maftir at the synagogue on 12 July.
[Birth. Philip Sive September 106 Stockton 10a 265]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1919 page 1

Marriage on 2 September at Hartington Road synagogue, Stockton, of Dora, daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Taylor, 40 Westbourne Road, Stockton, to Jack, son of Mrs and the late Barnett Sarna of Brighton.
[Marriage. Dora Taylor September 1919 Stockton 10a 265//Jacob Sarna]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November1919 page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Gerald, only son of Mr and Mrs J. Goldston of Stockton, will read portion of the Law and Maftir at the synagogue, Stockton. ‘At Home’ 75 Hartington Road.
[Birth. Gerald Goldston March 1907 Stockton 10a 58]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1920 page 4

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Appeal for Poland and Eastern Europe. Stockton Hebrew Congregation £17.17.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1920 page 3

Board of Deputies. Representative for Stockton R. Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1920 page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Zalek(sic), 3rd son of Mr and Mrs Hyman, will read portion of Law and Maftir at Stockton Synagogue on 8 May. Reception at 80 Dovecot Street, Stockton.
[No Birth found]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1920 page 3

Vienna Passover Fund. 2nd List. Stockton Hebrew Congregation £11.10.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1920 page 3

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Poland and Eastern Europe 8th List. Stockton Congregation £11.10.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 July 1920 page 11

‘For the Kiddies’ Collected by Master Mayer Marks, Middlesbrough. List of names mostly Middlesbrough. Two from Stockton: F. Michelson 2s 6d; ‘Auntie Myrtle’ 1s 0d.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1920 page 3

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Poland and Eastern Europe.
9th List Stockton-on-Tees per J. ackson. £24.3.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1920 page 14

Obituary. Jacob Marks, Birmingham. Born Russia and came to UK in 1870s. Chazan and shochet in Middlesbrough and Stockton. Then to Birmingham 42 years ago.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1920 page 1

Betrothal. Gertude, 2nd daughter of Mr Samuel and the late Mrs Wilkes of Stockton, to Falk, 3rd son of Mrs Nathan and the late Mr Abelskie of Newcastle.
[Marriage. Gertrude Wilkes March 1922 Stockton 10a 135//Falk Abelskie]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1921 page 1

Betrothal. Minnie, eldest daughter of Rev S. Franklin of Leazes Road Synagogue, Newcastle, to Hyman Rubenstien(sic) of 18 Hartington Road, Stockton. [No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1921 page 2

Death on 12 April at 39 Barrington Crescent, Stockton, of Myer Cohen, aged 71.
[Death. Myer Cohen June 1921 aged 71 Stockton 10a 61]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1921 page 14

Obituary. Rev M.E. Davies. Died on Monday in Shepherd’s Bush. Educated at University and Jews’ College. Ministered in north of England from 1888. Minister at Middlesbrough and visiting minister to West Hartlepool and Stockton. Resigned in 1912 and lived quietly thereafter.
[Death. Marks E. Davis(sic) June 1912 aged 57 Hammersmith 1a 215]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1921 page 7

‘The Kiddies’ [fund] ‘A friend’, Stockton, 10s.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1921 page 2

Death of Henry Minski, Sunderland. Father of, inter alia, Sara Hyams, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1921 page 4

Federation of Ukrainian Jews. New Year Synagogue Collection.
First List. Stockton Hebrew Congregation. Per J. Jackson.
J. Jackson £2.2.0. Mrs S. Cohen £1.11.6. £1.1.0 each from R. Cohen, E. Hamburger, H. Taylor. 10s 6d each from H. Cohen, R. Galinsky, S. Garbutt, A. Kaufman, -. Katz, E. Michelson, Mark Sliufko, H. Garbutt (Manchester), Levy (Middlesbrough), H. Cohen (Sunderland). S. Garbutt 7s 6d. 5s from Rev Mr Cohen, S. Jackson, J. Goldston, -. Sarna, L. Sive, and Hyams. 2s 6d each from Sliufko, M. Garbutt, H. Garbutt, I. Sutton, E. Terman, H. Terman, J. Cohen, and P. Bernstein. Weekly contributions £9.1.6. Total £22.17s.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1922 page 4

Federation of Ukrainian Jews. Passover Synagogue Collection.
First List. Stockton Hebrew Congregation. Per J. Jackson.
R. Cohen £3.3.0. £1.1.0 each H. Taylor, A. Kaufman. J. Jackson and Mrs H. Taylor. 10s 6 each E. Sliufko, H. Cohen, R. Galinsky, E. Lerman, H. Cohen (second), Mesdames A. Cohen and L.  Cohen, Mr I. Linchelson and Mrs Simon Adler. 7s 6d each. Kaufman, Katz. 5s each J. Levy, I. Sutton, S. Garbutt Snr, S. Garbutt Jnr, F. Hyams, S. Jackson, Sarna, S. Garbutt Jnr. 2s 6d each. H. Cohen, M. Galinsky, M. Garbutt and S. Hyams. Total £15.5.6.

1922 British Jewry Book of Honour

B. Lando.
p. 292. 7323 Pte Norfolk Regt. 2/5th Battalion
p. 340. 73872 Pte Notts & Derbyshire Regt. 8th Battalion
Medal Roll Index Cards 1914-1920
Barnett Lando 241847 Norfolk Regt
Barnett Lando 73872 Notts & Derbyshire Regt
[Born Stockton 1882]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1922 page 33

Annual meeting. Elected: President A. Kaufman, Treasurer H. Cohen, Hon Sec S. Garbutt. Committee: R. Cohen, H. Taylor, E. Lerman, R. Galinsky, E. Sliufko and Dr Mickler.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1922 page 1

Death on 20 September in Newcastle of Jacob Anker aged 74 father of inter alia Mrs J. Goldston, 75 Hartington Road, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1922 page 2

Death on 10 October of Dora, wife of the late Isaac Cohen formerly of Stockton.
[Death. Dora Cohen December 1922 aged 70 Wandsworth 1a 524]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1922 page 2

Death on 21 November at 64 Yarm Lane, Samuel Garbutt, husband of Sarah and father of Mrs Kossick, South Shields, Harry Garbutt, Manchester, Shire Garbutt, Stockton, Mrs Tragon, San Francisco, Mrs Whitbread, Stockton, Joseph Garbutt, Durham.
[Death. Samuel Garbutt December 1922 aged 67 Stockton 10a 76]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1922 page 3

UK Police Gazette. Aliens whose whereabouts are sought. Sachs, Ada Bessie, 30 Russian. Last known address 92 Victor Street, Grimsby. Date last heard of 14.10.1922.
[See below, 4 May 1979 page 26)

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1923 page 26

War Victims’ Fund. £50 from Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1923 page 25

Rev E. Drukker BA of Newcastle examined the classes and expressed satisfaction. Prizes provided by I. Michelson were distributed by Alderman J. Goldston.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1923 page 1

Marriage on 20 March at the synagogue Nottingham of Sophia, daughter of Mr and Mrs L. Goldstone of Nottingham, to Clarence, son of Mrs and the late Rev Mr Cohen, Glasgow, late of Stockton.
[sc Rev Benjamin Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1923 page 36

English Zionist Federation. Mr H.J. Morgenstern visited Stockton and addressed a meeting at the synagogue. Resolved pledging support to the local Zionist Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1923 page 10

‘The Children of the Poor’, Fund.
Collected by Mr Michelson at the Stockton Zionist and Social Club.
Mr M. Cohen, 10s. 6. Hamburger 10s. 6. Mrs Michelson 10s. 6. Henry George Hyams 10s. 6. Nita and Gerald Jackson 10s. 6. Mrs Reuben Cohen 10s. 0. Kaufman 5s. Asher M. Lerman 5s. Mrs Lerman and daughters 4s. H. Cohen 2s. 6. Mrs Sutton 2s. 6. Miss Kathleen Zelda Mark 2s. 6. Madalene Goldston 2s. 6. Mrs Taylor 2s. 6. Mrs Samuel 2s. 6. Miss Michelson 2s. 6. Mrs E. Lerman 2s. Sidney Sive 2s. Mrs H. Cohen 2s. Mrs M. Garbutt 2s. Mrs S. Garbutt 2s. S. Jackson 2s. M. Lerman 2s. Mrs M. Lerman and children 2s. I.B. Richardson 10s .6. Amounts of one shilling or more: Mrs Hartman, Mrs Stark, H. Cohen, Sarna, Katz, Miss Garbutt, Miss Cohen, Mrs Stark, Hyman, Mrs H. Garbutt, Mrs Hyman and H. Garbutt - 11s. Total £7.1.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1923 page 2

Death on 9 June of Lena, wife of Ralph Galinsky, 5 Lorne Terrace, Stockton. Aged 40. Eldest daughter of Mrs Rosa and the late I.H. Hoppenstadt of Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1923 page 23

Rev L. Geffen visited Stockton on behalf of the Ukrainian Appeal Committee of the Jewish War Victims’ Fund and the Federation of Ukrainian Jews. He said that Stockton with 25 Jewish families Zionist and Social Club. Appeal for funds for furnishing the new premises of the Society. Gifts of money and of kind were promised. Elected: President I. Michelson, Treasurer J. Sarna, Hon Sec H. Cohen, and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1923 page 1

Marriage on 21 November at the New Briggate Synagogue, Leeds, by Rev B.N. Michelson BA, brother of the bridegroom, of Yenne daughter of Mr and Mrs N. Saffer of Leeds to I.B. Michelson, youngest son of Mrs and the late A. Michelson of Stockton.
[Marriage. Issachar B. Michelson December 1923 Leeds 9b 861/Yenna Saffer]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1923 page 20

Rabbi Dr Salis Daiches MS lectured to the Stockton Zionist and Social Society on ‘The Alternatives to Zionism’. Mr J. Franks presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1923 page 24

Gifts to Stockton synagogue. Silver breastplate by Mrs F. Hyams in memory of her father. Mantle by Miss Pinto in memory of her parents.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1924 page 8

Mr S. Phillips of Newcastle lectured on ‘The Hebrew University’ to the Zionist and Social Society. Thanks to lecturer on motion of Alderman Goldston seconded by Rev S. Turtledove.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1924 page 24

Meeting of ladies of the synagogue with Mrs Noah in chair. Resolved to obtain funds for purchase of a Sepher Torah. The ladies have presented to the synagogue a pair of silver bells and 2 clocks. Other gifts are pair of silver bells from Mr and Mrs H. Cohen in memory of their daughter Eva and two mantles from Mrs Pinto.
Annual meeting of congregation. Mr E. Sliufko presided. Balance sheet was adopted and J. Jackson was re-elected as Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1924 page 2

Death on 28 December of Dora Sarna, wife of Jack Sarna and daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Taylor of 40 Westbourne of Stockton-on-Tees. Mourned by Sister Ada and brother-in-law Joss Levy and sister Sara in Bangor, North Wales.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1925 page 30

Rev B.N. Michelson BA of London visited Stockton and examined the pupils of the Hebrew Classes and was satisfied with the results. A number of prizes were given by Mr I. Michelson which were distributed by Mrs B. Michelson.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1925 page 28

The ladies of the community have presented a Sepher Torah and silver plate. Mr. S. Garbutt has presented 2 stained glass windows in memory of her husband and her son Louis, who was killed in the war.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1925 New Year Greetings page xxvi

Mr and Mrs Emanuel Hamburger, ‘Parkholme’, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1925 New Year Greetings page xxix

Mr and Mrs E. Sliufko, Lingfield House, Spring Street, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1925 page 3

Hebrew Classes were examined by Rabbi Dr I. Epstein of Middlesbrough. Satisfied with results. Prizes provided by Mr Sliufko and Mr Lerman were provided by Mrs Lerman.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 July 1926 page 8

Forthcoming marriage. Harry. eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. Cohen, 18 Hartington Road, Stockton, to Lena, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Kaufman, Church Row, Stockton.
[Marriage. Lena Kaufman June 1928 Stockton 10a 210//Harry Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1926 page 29

General meeting of congregation. Elected: President Hamburger, Treasurer H. Taylor, Hon Sec J. Sarna, Hon Sec R. Cohen, Trustees J. Jackson and A. Michelson, M. Sieve Treasurer Board of Guardians.. Committee Sliufko, Lerman, H. Cohen, R. Cohen, Sieve, Garbutt, Kaufman, Michelson, Hyams, Katz and J. Jackson. A mantle for the Sepher Torah has been presented by Miss Pinto.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1927 New Year Greetings page xviii

Mr and Mrs Emanuel Hamburger, ‘Parkholme’. Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1927 page 10

Alderman Joshua Goldston chosen as Mayor of Stockton for the coming year. Member of Darlington Hebrew Community Committee. He is chairman of the Finance Committee of the Tees Valley Water Board of Durham County Council and is a prominent Freemason.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1928 page 10

Obituaries. Rev Shalom Cohen died in London. For 10 years Reader and shochet at Stockton. Aged 55. Tributes. Rev S. Turtledove. A good scholar. a man of great piety and loyal to traditional Orthodox Judaism. Ever ready to render aid to the suffering and poor. Mr J. Sarna, Hon Sec of Stockton Hebrew Congregation. He was chazzan, shochet and teacher for over 10 years. Leaves wife and 6 children. Memorial service by Revs J. Silverstone and Turtledove of Middlesbrough, attended by Mayor of Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1928 page 2

Mrs S. Cohen thanks for condolences from Stockton, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough congregations and others. 5 Leybourne Terrace, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1928 page 30

Abraham Cohen, son of the late Rev S. Cohen has passed the 3rd exam of Mb, ChB, MSc at Sheffield University.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1928 page 2

Death on 21 June at ‘Belle Vue’, Nursing Home, Abram Hyams, father of Fred Hyams, 24 Outram Street, Stockton.
[Death. Abraham Hyams June 1928 Age 72 Middlesbrough 9d 625]
[Burial. Abraham Hyams age 72. Buried 22 June 1928. Linthorpe Cemetery, Yorkshire]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1928 page 2

Death on 26 July of Dora Mickler mother of Dr Morris Mickler of North Terrace, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1928 New Year Greetings page xx

Mr and Mrs Emanuel Hamburger at present n Continent.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1928 page 2

Forthcoming marriage. At Harrogate on 23 October of Louis Shaper of Maisenberg, South Africa, ands Ethel, 3rd daughter of Mrs and the late Mr Shmuel Marcus Lerman of Stockton
[Marriage. Ethel Lerman December 1928 Knaresborough 9a 229//Louis Shaper]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1982 page 31

Alderman Joshua Goldston JP to be Mayor for another year.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1929 page 1

Gerald, son of Mr and Mrs J. Jackson, 18 Lorne Terrace, Stockton, will read portion of the Law and Haphtarah at the synagogue, Hartington Road, on 26 January.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1929 page 8

Will of Abraham Hyams of Memel House, Southfield Road, Middlesex and Bishop Street Stockton, left £50 to Stockton and Thornaby Hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1929 page 2

Marriage on 11 February at the synagogue, Stockton, Dr Alexander Gompertz, to Edith Harris, Glasgow.
[Marriage. Alexander Gompertz March 1929 Stockton 10a 181//Edith Harris]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1929 page 20

The first annual dance organised by the Hebrew Congregation in aid of charities was a financial and social success. Dance committee consisted of Reuben Cohen, Sigmund Hamburger, and M. Galinsky.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1929 page 27

Stockton-on-Tees. At a general meeting of the Hebrew Congregation, Rev H. Berman of New Tredegar was elected Chazan, Shochet, and Teacher.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 December 1929 page 12

Recent Final exam of the Law Society, Ll.B. (Lond.) Philip Sieve, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1930 page 2

Death on 21 March at 21 Pierremont Crescent, Darlington, Ellius Sliufko Husband of Kate.
[Death. Ellius Sliufko March 1930 aged 63 Darlington 10a 4]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1930 page 18

Obituary of Ellius Sliufko. Treasurer of the congregation. Native of Poland. Emigrated 45 years ago. Had been president for many years and also held honorary office at Middlesbrough and Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1930 Supplement page vii

Map of populations. Stockton’s population. less than 100.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1930 page 36 Young Israel.

Bernard J. Sarna Stockton.
[Birth. Bernard J. Sarna March 1921 Stockton 10a 195. Mother Taylor]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1930 page 2

Death on 6 June of Jacob Sachs husband of Annie Edith. Shiva at 2 Station Terrace, Stockton.
[Death. Jacob Sachs June 1930 aged 65 Stockton 10a 102]
[Buried at Stockton, Oxbridge Hebrew Cemetery]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1930 page 14

‘The Kiddies – the Holidays’, List no. 7 Mrs Reuben Cohen, Stockton, 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1930 page 36 Young Israel

Harry Hyams, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1930 page 1

Death on 19 December of Israel, brother of May Pinto of 35 Harlington Road, Stockton.
[He died in London]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1931 page 1

Birth of son to wife of Berthold Greenberg nee Hilda Lerman of Stockton. 22 Meredale Road, Mossley Hill, Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1931 page 3

Forthcoming marriage. Dr Sol Simon of Stockton-on-Tees son of Mr and the late Mrs M. Simon of Leeds to Freda, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs C. Garstein of Newcastle.
[Marriage. Solomon Simon December 1931 Newcastle 10b 267//Freda (Fanny) Garstein]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1931 page 28

At a general meeting Mr Reuben Cohen expressed his inability to act as delegate to the Board of Deputies through ill-health. His so Mr Clifford Cohen was successfully elected in his place.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1931 page 10

‘For the Kiddies’. Eighth List. Mrs Myer Cohen and Mrs Reuben Cohen, Stockton, £1.1.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1931 page 10

‘For the Kiddies’. Tenth List.
Marcus Lerman 1s. Bernard Sarna 1s. Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1931 page 24

A curtain for the Ark has been presented to the synagogue by Mr and Mrs B. Kletz in memory of their parents . In the course of a sermon on Yom Kippur Rev H. Berman appealed for Ukrainian Jews. £8.7.6 resulted.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1932 page 10

‘ “Mentor” Memorial Fund for the Kiddies’. Fifth List. Mrs Myer Cohen and Mrs Reuben Cohen, Stockton £1.1.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1932 page 18

Mr Reuben Cohen has been appointed Registrar of Middlesbrough County Court. He has served for 12 years as a member of Stockton Town Council and takes a keen interest in local Jewish affairs. For many years held office in Stockton Hebrew Congregation and represented it at the Board of Deputies a position now filled by his son Clifford Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1932 page 2

Death on 15 August at 4 King Edward Villas, Merthyr Tydvil, of Evelyn, wife of Israel Fine and daughter of late Myer Cohen of Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1932 New Year Greetings page xxiii

Mr and Mrs Emanuel Hamburger of Stockton at present on the Continent.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1933 page 29

Annual meeting. Satisfactory balance sheet. Elected: President J. Jackson, Warden E. Lerman, Treasurer J. Mark, Hon Sec S.M. Lerman 51 Dovecot Street, Stockton, and Committee of 7. Decided to hold a dance in aid of charities. Dance Committee has been elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1933 page 2

Death on 18 January at 101 Parliament Street, Stockton, Morris(sic) Garbutt aged 76, husband of late Zelda, sons, daughters Mrs Harry Berg, Sunderland and Mrs Wolfe, Stockton, etc.
[Death. Maurice(sic) Garbutt March 1933 aged 76 Stockton 10a 96]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1933 page 36

Aid Societies to Norwood Jewish Orphanage are being formed in Newcastle and other North-East towns – Sunderland, Stockton, Darlington, Middlesbrough and other centres.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1933 page 1

Golden wedding. On 26 March 1888 at Leeds Mary Newman and Chaim Kalman Taylor. 40 Westbourne Street, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1933 page 40

Mr and Mrs H. Taylor Golden Wedding. Reception at Maison de Danse. Reuben Cohen presented Mr Taylor with a cheque on behalf of the congregation and a wireless set was presented on behalf of relatives in Scotland.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1933 page 1

Birth of son on 15 June to Mr and Mrs Harry Cohen of Engadine, Hartburn, Stockton.
[Birth. Martin L. Cohen September 1933 Stockton 10a 92. Mother Kaufman]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1933 page 41

Rabbi L. Miller of Middlesbrough addressed a meeting of the Stockton Brotherhood on ‘ Judaism and Brotherhood’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1933 page 11

“Getting on Nicely!” [Kiddies Fund] Mrs Reuben Cohen Stockton 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1933 page 30

Meeting at the Jubilee Hall to protest against the persecution of the Jews in Germany. Principal speaker Rabbi L. Miller, chairman Mr Saul Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1933 page 7

Engagement. Dr Ralph Cohen son of Mr and the Mrs Lasser Cohen of Sunderland to Nita, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Jackson, Lorne Terrace, Stockton.
[Marriage. Raphael Collins June 1934 Stockton 10a 235//Nita Jackson]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1933 page 31

Mr Reuben Cohen, Registrar of Middlesbrough County Court has been appointed also Registrar of Stockton County Court which comes within the District Registrarship of the High Court.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1934 page 35

Annual meeting at synagogue chambers. Mr J. Mark presided. Satisfactory balance sheet. Elected: President J. Jackson, Treasurer J. Mark, E. Lerman, Warden, S.M. Lerman, Secretary, Sigmund Hamburger Representative on Board of Guardians, Hon Auditors G. Goldston and H. Cohen, and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1934 page 1

Birth in Manchester on 17 January to Mr and Mrs Louis Cohen (nee Myers) a son, first greatgrandson to Mr and Mrs H. Taylor of Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1934 page 34

‘Jew elected President of a non-Jewish Club’. At the annual meeting of the Stockton Club where a nomination was made several weeks ago at a time when an unfortunate controversy was taking place upon the subject of Jews and their election to certain club membership. ‘In Stockton they recognised that the Jewish fraternity was a deeply respected section of the community … Mr Cohen was a prince of good fellows with as large a circle of friends of the Christian faith as anyone in the town..’ This was Mr Harry Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1934 page 12

“Mentor” Memorial Fund for the Kiddies. 7th List.
Mrs Myers Cohen Stockton 10s 6d. Mrs Reuben Cohen Stockton 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1934 page 20

Central British Fund for Germany Jewry. 2nd Appeal,
7th List Stockton-on-Tees.
Mr and Mrs Reuben Cohen £26.5.0. £10.10s.0 each: Arnold Cohen, Cliffford Cohen, Mr and Mrs F. Hyams, Mr and Mrs J. Jackson, Mr and Mrs Katz, Dr and Mrs Mickler. £5.5.0. each: Mr and Mrs Harry Cohen, Nathan Cohen, Dr and Mrs Manning. £4.4.0: Mr and Mrs Michelson. £3.3.0 each: Dr and Mrs Gompertz, E. Lerman, Mr and Mrs Marks. £2.2.0 each: Philip Cohen, Mr Hamburger, Mr and Mrs Taylor. £1.1.0 each Mrs Galinsky, Mr and Mrs Larbatt, Alderman and Mrs Goldston, Mrs E. Lerman, Mr and Mrs Sive.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1934 page 2

Death on 28 May at Willesden of Rose Morris (‘Auntie Morris’) late of Newcastle, last surviving daughter of the late Morris and Hagar Getz of Stockton and aunt of Abe and Hagar Pinto. Sister of late Teresa Noah of Stockton and aunt of Ray Pinto of 15 Varo Terrace, Stockton.

Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail, 5 July 1934 page 4

At report yesterday were 4 young soldiers of 5th battalion Durham Light Infantry, stationed at Ripon, who appeared on a charge of unlawfully attempting to take a motor-car without the owner’s consent. Lieut N. L. Cohen of 5th bn DLI of Messrs Cohen, Jackson and Scott, Solicitors, Stockton, spoke in extenuation. Case dismissed.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1934 New Year Greetings p. xviii

Mr and Mrs Emanuel Hamburger of Stockton at present on the Continent.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1934 page 3

Death on 6 October of Abraham Isaac Kaufman, husband of Rosa, of Church Row, Stockton.
[Death. Abraham I. Kaufman December 1934 aged 67 Middlesbrough 9d 589]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1935 page 31

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: President J. Jackson, Treasurer J. Mark. Warden E. Lerman, Hon Sec S.M Lerman 51 Dovecot Street, Hon Auditors G. Goldston and H. Cohen and Committee. Mr J. Mark submitted a satisfactory balance sheet as did the Treasurer of the Board of Guardians Mr S. Hamburger who was re-elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1935 page 31

Rev E. Drukker of Newcastle lectured to the Stockton Brotherhood on ‘What I expect of Life’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1935 page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Henry George, elder son of Mr and Mrs F. Hyams of ‘Hendereen’, West End Terrace, Stockton will read portion of the Law at Hartington Road synagogue on 9 March.
[Birth. Henry G. Hyams March 1922 Stockton 10a 201. Mother Minski]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1935 page 60

Miss Pinto has presented a pulpit cover to the synagogue in memory of her aunt, Mrs Rose Morris of Willesden (nee Getz, of Stockton).

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1935 New Year Greetings page xxii

Mr and Mrs E. Hamburger of Stockton at present on the continent.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1935 page 23

United Appeal for Polish Jewry.
2nd List of Contributors. Stockton.
Mrs M. Cohen £3.3.0. £2.2.0 each A. Cohen, R. Cohen, J. Jackson, B. Katz. £1.1.0 each C. Cohen (Newcastle), Mr and Mrs H. Cohen, Dr. A. Gompertz, E. Lerman, Dr D. Manning, Mr and Mrs Taylor. Sundry amounts under £1 - £7.1.6.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1935 page 21

United Appeal for Poland. Stockton 2nd Instalment.
Mrs Sophie Cohen £1.1.0, Dr David Manning £1.1.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1936 page 35

Annual meeting of congregation. The Treasurer, J. Mark, submitted a satisfactory balance sheet and Sigmund Hamburger, Treasurer of the Board of Guardians, submitted the balance sheet of that body. Elected: President J. Mark, Treasurer B. Katz, Warden E. Lerman, Treasurer Board of Guardians S. Hamburger, Secretary S.M. Lerman 51 Dovecot Street, Auditors Gerald Goldston (Chartered Accountant) and Harry Cohen, and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1936 pages 33-4

At the annual reunion tea of the Middlesbrough and Stockton Jewish Ex-servicemen’s Association, a standard subscribed for by members of the Middlesbrough and Stockton congregations was p;resented to the branch. Reference to three local Jewish military medal winners – Sergeant Major Charles Cowan, Fred Hyams and H. Benjamin.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1936 page 5

United Appeal for Polish Jewry. Stockton 3rd Instalment.
Mrs M. Cohen £2.2.0., B. Katz, £1.1.0., Sigmund Hamburger £1.1.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1936 page 16

“Mentor” Memorial Fund for the Kiddies. Mrs Myer Cohen and Mrs Reuben Cohen £1.1.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1936 New Year Greetings page xxiii

Mr Ralph Galinsky and family, 43 Barrington Crescent, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1936 New Year Greetings page 32

Mr and Mrs Archie Joseph, 100 Dovecot Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1936 page 1

Marriage on 8 September at the synagogue, Middlesbrough, of Gerald Goldston, son of Alderman and Mrs J. Goldston, Stockton, to Eve, daughter of Mr and Mrs Louis W. Levy of Middlesbrough.
[Marriage. Gerald Goldston September 1936 Middlesbrough 9d 1618//Evelyn Levy]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1936 page 2

Death on 13 October at residence of her daughter 33 Park Road, Stockton, Sarah, widow of the late Samuel Garbutt.
[Death. Sarah Garbutt December 1936 aged 76 Stockton 10a 67]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1936 page 2

Death on 24 September at Leeds of Abraham Tobias aged 80, daughters include Mrs Joseph, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1936 page 38

Annual meeting of Middlesbrough and Stockton Jewish Ex-servicemen’s Association.
Alderman J. Goldston in chair. Mr R. Clayman presented the balance sheet. Elected: President Alderman Goldston, Treasurer F. Hyams, Secretary-Treasurer E. Clayman, Trustees H. Kaufman, M. Goldberg and G. Mark, Vice-presidents H. Benjamin, R. Levy, F. Joseph, Z. Smollan, and J. Collins, Hon Chaplain Rabbi L. Miller, and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1937 page 37

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: President J. Mark, Treasurer B. Katz, Board of Guardians Representative Sigmund Hamburger, Secretary S.M. Lerman, Warden E. Lerman, Hon Auditor G. Goldston (Chartered Accountant).

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1937 page 37

Silver wedding. 11 February 1912 at Stockton, Rosey Barnett to Jack Sheldon, 28 Hamilton Avenue, Leeds.
[Marriage. Jack Sheldon March 1912 Stockton 10a 123//Rosa Barnett]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1937 page 11

Engagement. Lelio 3rd son of Mrs Silvera and the late Mr A. Silvera of Manchester to Lili, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Meyers of Llandudno, granddaughter of Mr and Mrs H. Taylor of Stockton.
[Hyman Myers married Sarah Taylor in about 1904. They had 3 daughters: Bessie, 1906, Ethel 1910, Lily 1914]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1938 page 17

United Appeal for Jews in Poland. Synagogue collections during recent High Festivals. Stockton £3.3.0

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1938 page 48 Young Israel

Michael Manning, Stockton
[Birth. Michael Manning June 1928 Middlesbrough 9d 874. Mother Orman]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1938 page 36

Mr B. Katz retiring Treasurer submitted a satisfactory balance sheet to the annual meeting. Elected: President J. Mark, Treasurer L. Sive, Hon Auditor Gerald Goldston, Treasurer Board of Guardians, S. Hamburger, Secretary S.M. Lerman, and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1938 page 16

Obtuary of Rev B.J. Salamons (Ramsgate). Doyen of the Judith Montefiore Theological College. Born Poland 7 November 1862. At age 16 came to England with family. Appointed at age 20 to Oxford Hebrew Congregation. After two years went to Stockton and in 1885 to Chatham.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1938 page 1

Marriage on 30 March at Linthorpe Assembly Rooms, Middlesbrough, of Margaret Eve, daughter of Mr and Mrs Grunthal of Middlesbrough, to Walter, younger son of the late Rev S. Cohen of Stockton and the late Mrs Arlick of Southport.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1938 page 2

Death on 3 May at 3 North Terrace, Stockton, Zena wife of Ber Katz.
[Death. Zlata(sic) Katz June 1938 aged 54 Stockton 10a 76]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1938 page 6

Professional gentleman requires housekeeper, good home. B. Katz, 31 Norton Road, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1938 page 14

“Mentor” Fund for the kiddies. 11th List.
Mrs Myer Cohen and Mrs Reuben Cohen, Stockton, £1.1.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1938 page 35

Reuben Cohen, Registrar of Middlesbrough and Stockton County Courts has been appointed JP of county Durham. For several years was President of the Stockton Amateur Stage Society. A past Master of the Freedom Lodge of Freemasons and past Grand Registrar of the Province of Durham. Served for 12 years on Stockton Town Council. Native of Darlington.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 December 1938 page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Derek Jules Hyams, younger son of Mr and Mrs Fred Hyams, ‘Hendereen’, 12 West End Terrace, Stockton, will read portion of the Law at the synagogue, Stockton on 7 January.
[Birth. Derek J. Hyams March 1926 Stockton 10a 114. Mother Minski]

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 12 January 1939 page 9

‘Stockton Bar Mitzvah’. For the bar mitzvah of their youngest son, Mr and Mrs Fred Hyams of Stockton entertained a large party at the Palais de Danse where instead of giving celebration gifts the guests subscribed to the German Refugees’ Fund and £140 was collected

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1939 page 28

Middlesbrough congregation has decided to open a hostel for German-Jewish refugee children. Co-operation has been effected with Stockton congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1939 page 33

Rabbi L. Miller, Middlesbrough, addressed Stockton Unitarian Adult Class on ‘Palestine and the Jews’. The prospective Liberal candidate for Stockton expressed complete sympathy for Jewish national aspirations. A collection was made on behalf of Jewish refugees.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1939 page 33

Annual meeting of congregation. L. Sive submitted a satisfactory balance sheet. Elected: President J. Mark, Treasurer L. Sive, Hon Auditor Gerald Goldston, Treasurer of Board of Guardians and Collector for Stockton and Thornaby Hospital Sigmund Hamburger, Hon Sec S.M. Lerman, and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1939 page 13

Marriage of Henry H. Hyams LlB, son of Mrs R. Hyams, Leeds, and the late Raphael Hyams of Stockton to Rachel Hauser daughter of Mr and Mrs Abraham Hauser of Cardiff will take place at St John’s Wood Synagogue NW8 on 12 March 1939

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1939 page 50

Rev D. Garb of Darlington addressed the Stockton Brotherhood on ‘The Jew in the World today’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1939 page 50

General meeting of the Middlesbrough and Stockton Jewish Ex-servicemen’s Association. Fred Hyams in the chair. Practically all members have volunteered for ARP services.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1939 page 6

Council for German Jewry 19th List. Master Derek J. Hyams, Stockton, £91 15s.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1939 page 1

Death on 6 July at 13 Hartington Street, Stockton, of Rebecca, wife of the late Samuel Lerman of Newcastle.
[Death. Rebecca Lerman September 1939 aged 72 Durham SE 10a 53]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1939 page 12

“Mentor” Memorial Fund for the Kiddies
Mrs Myer Cohen, Stockton, 10s 6d. Mrs Reuben Cohen, Stockton, 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 21 September 1939 page 5

Stockton Police Court. Archibald Joseph (38) of 17 Nelson Terrace, Stockton, was fined 20s for obstructing the footpath. 14 boxes and 2 bicycles were on the footpath outside Joseph’s premises and pedestrians were obliged to walk in the road.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1939 page 25

Mr Reuben Cohen, Registrar of Stockton and Middlesbrough County Courts, has been appointed in addition Registrar of Stokesley and Guisborough. He is a county magistrate and has been elected Deputy Chairman of Durham County Assizes.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 3 January 1940 page 2
Ber Katz.
All persons having any claims against the estate of Ber Katz of 2 North Terrace, Norton Road, Stockton-on-Tees, Dental Surgeon, who died on 24 December 1939, are requested to send particulars to us and all debtors are requested to notify us of the amounts of the debts. Cohen, Jackson, and Scott, 22 High Street, Stockton.
[Death. Ber Katz December 1939 aged 64 Peterborough 3b 523]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1940 page 16

Profile of Reuben Cohen. Registrar of Middlesbrough and Stockton County Courts and now also of Guisborough and Stokesley County Court. Has held every official position in Stockton Hebrew Congregation. At one time represented it at the Board of Deputies a position now held by his son Clifford. He is a magistrate of County Durham, Deputy Chairman of Durham County Assizes, a past President of Stockton Literary Society and of the Durham and North Yorkshire Law Society. Past Master and founder of the Freemasons Lodge of Freeedom, a past Provincial Grand Registrar of the Province of Durham. A fine musician. Author of ‘Briefs, a jocular jurisdictionary’, illustrated by himself. He has two sons: Clifford, a 2 Lt in the Tyneside Scottish and Nathan, a Captain in the Durham Light Infantry.

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 17 January 1940 page 2

‘Capable General Required: reference essential: good home wages and help given. Apply by letter to Mrs. Cohen, Lawrells, Hartburn-lane, Stockton.’

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1940 page 18

Meeting of congregation. Elected: President J. Mark, Warden L. Sive, Hon Auditor Gerald Goldston, Treasurer of Board of Guardians, and Committee.

20 May 1940

Clifford Cohen (based upon advert for sale of his medals on Harland Military Antiques website, accessed 23 July 2017, which no longer appears] Prisoner of War 20 May 1940. Joined 5 Durham Light Infantry 5 February 1939, commissioned as 2LT (Territorial). On 20 May 1940 was serving in 1st Tyneside Scottish of the Black Watch which had been formed June 1939. The War Diaries of the Black Watch show that he had distinguished himself before 20 May. On 16 May difficult retreat along roads crammed with French civilians. He managed to keep battalion moving.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1940 page 3

Death on 25 May. Hyman Cohen, husband of Sophia, 47 Grosvenor Road, Stockton.
[Death. Hyman Cohen June 1940 aged 59 Middlesbrough 9d 1150]

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 10 June 1940 page 5

‘‘First Aid for All at Stockton’ From 12 June officers of the Stockton division of the British Red Cross Society will open their headquarters, Cross Street, and on subsequent Wednesdays to give public lectures. The medical officer, Dr M. Klar. will give his services free.

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 11 June 1940 page 5

Capt N. Cohen son of Mr and Mrs Cohen of Stockton for whose safety in Belgium some concern was felt a few days ago, arrived home late last evening. He looked tired and worn but otherwise was quite cheerful.

Jewish Chronicle, Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough 18 July 1940 page 2

Mr Clifford T. Cohen, son of Mr and Mrs Cohen of Stockton, ‘the popular young North Country barrister and a 2nd Lt jn the Tyneside Scottish (Black Watch), is reported a Prisoner of War.’

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1941 page 3

Engagement of Sylvia, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Sherman of Middlesbrough, to Wilfred (Bill) Royal Artillery, son of Mrs and the late Mr J. Sachs of 1 Newclyde Terrace, Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1941 page 13

Marriage will take place at Harrogate on 9 March of Gerald (RAF) only son of Mr and Mrs J. Jackson of Stockton, now residing at Harrogate, to Sybil, daughter of Cyrilla and the late Barnet Goldberg of Manchester, present address Southport.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1941 page 20

Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Hayesod) 1941 Appeal. Middlesbrough and Stockton Public Meeting 16 March at the synagogue, Park West Street, Middlesbrough.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1941 page 16

AS a result of a meeting addressed by Dr J. Litvin, a committee of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund has been formed in Stockton, Mr J. Mark, President of the congregation, was elected chairman, and Dr D. Manning, Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1941 page 13

Marriage of Gunner Wilfred (Bill) Sachs, son of Mrs Sachs and the late Mr J. Sachs of 1 Newclyde Terrrace, Stockton, to Sylvia, daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Sherman of Middlesbrough, will be solemnised at the synagogue, Park Road South, Middlesbrough, on 6 July 1941.
[Marriage. Wilfred Sachs September 1941 Middlesbrough 9d 1585//Sylvia Sherman]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1943 page 11br>
EElected: President J. Mark, Warden L. Sive, Hon Auditor Gerald Goldston, Treasurer of Board of Guardians, S. Hamburger.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1944 page 11

Marriage will be solemnised on 22 November at the synagogue, Harrogate, of Sydney, son of Mr A. Morris and the late Mrs Annie Morris of Harrogate, to Rachel (Bunty) daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Jackson of Harrogate, late of Stockton.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1945 page 12

Reuben Cohen appointed Deputy chairman of Durham Quarter Sessions. His son Clifford is a PoW in Germany and second son Capt N. L. Cohen is serving in the Middle East.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1945 page 1

Lt Ralph Klar RA, son of Mr and Mrs J. Klar of Billingham-on-Tees, has been awarded the Croix de Guerre. A month ago he was awarded the Military Cross. He joined the Grenadier Guards in 1941, commissioned to RA in 1943, to France on D-day. Mr Klar senior was an active communal worker with Stockton Hebrew Congregation.

Press Reports relating to the Community for the following periods:
1870-1899 (Part 1)
1900-1918 (Part 2);
1946-2002 (Part 4) 

Stockton-on-Tees Jewish Community home page

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollin

Page created: 24 February 2019
Page most recently amended: 10 December 2024

Formatting by David Shulman



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