the former

Rhyl Jewish Community

Rhyl, Denbighshire, North Wales




Press Reports relating to the Rhyl Jewish Community
1895 - 1941

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1895, page 1

Death on 14 August at 326 West Parade, Rhyl, Howard Spencer, infant son of Alice and Samuel J. Henochsberg of 120 Prince Rd, Liverpool, aged 7 months. Buried at Deane Rd Cemetery, Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1896, page 21

Chief Rabbi’s pastoral tour, visit to Wrexham Among those present were Messrs Harris and Goldsmith of Rhyl and Mr Silver of Buckley

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1897, page 28
The small number of Jews in Rhyl have formed a congregation and have found suitable rooms for the purpose of their synagogue above the Palace and Summer Gardens, Wellington Road, Rhyl, opened about a month.
The annual meeting was held at the Synagogue Chambers, Wellington Road. Mr M. Brodie in the chair. Elected: President, M. Brodie; Treasurer, E. Eisiski (re-elected); Secretary, J. Levenson (re-elected); The late Hon Sec Mr S. A. Cohen was leaving Rhyl.
The Treasurer Eisiski submitted balance sheet - substantial surplus.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 1898, page 24

At a meeting in the Synagogue Chambers, Wellington Road, the Rev J. M. Kahan was elected Reader, Shochet and Teacher. Mr J. Levenson the Hon Sec submitted plans he has prepared for the construction of a new Ark and Reading Desk. The plans were approved and the necessary sum was voted. A Works Committee was appointed - J. Goldsmith, S Ginsburg and M. Samuels. Mrs S. Eisiski wife of the Treasurer intends to present a Sepher Torah to the synagogue. Votes of thanks to Mrs Eisiski and to Mrs L. Rosenberg and Miss Eva Harris for services rendered.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1898, page 2

Advert. The Rhyl Hebrew Congregation thanks contributions towards furnishing the synagogue, Wellington Road.
Names of people from Rhyl mentioned include Mr L. Rosenberg, and Miss Eva Harris
President: M. Brodie St, 5 Market St
Treasurer: S. Eisiski, 30 Queen St
Hon Sec: J. Levenson, Magnet Buildings, High Street

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1898, page 29

Advert. ‘RHYL, NORTH WALES. -The Rev. I.M. KAHAN, 10, NORTH TERRACE, RHYL. Jewish Boarding House (strictly Kosher); good cooking and home comforts’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1898, page 20
Advert. ‘RHYL. -Comfortable residence with or without board; no children; terms moderate. - Mrs. K. Cohen, 8, North-terrace, Rhyl, North Wales’.
[repeated in subsequent editions]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1898, page 20

Advert. ‘RHYL, NORTH WALES, - Jewish Board and Lodgings. Board and Lodgings at moderate terms; home comfort; five minutes walk from the sea. - Mrs. Ginsburg, 1, Simon-street. [repeated in subsequent issues]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1898, page 29

Advert. ‘RHYL, NORTH WALES. - The Rev. I. M. Kahan is prepared to receive visitors for the season. Kosher dinners are prepared at moderate charges; beach three minutes from the house and one minute from station. - 16, Elway-street’

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1898, page 18

Last Saturday by invitation of the Wardens Rev Dr Salomon of Manchester and Mr Alfred Adler son of the Chief Rabbi delivered discourses in the synagogue. Well attended by numerous Jewish visitors staying here for summer holidays.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1898, page 24

Chatan Torah G. Goldsmith. Chatah Bereshith J. Samuels

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1898, page 27

Annual meeting. Treasurer S. Eisiski congratulated members on the surplus despite heavy expenditure. Elected for next year. President, M. Brodiel Treasurer, S. Eisiski; Hon Sec, . Levenson; Auditors, L. Cohen and H. Malkin; Committee, Louis Rosenberg, S. Ginsburg, M. Samuels, I. Samuels, snr, H. Shapiro.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1899, page 28

Chatan Torah M. Samuels. Chatan Bereshith L. Rosenberg

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1899, page 28

Rhyl and District Synagogue., Wellington Rd. Services were conducted by Rev Mr Bogdansky assisted by M. Rosenberg, Headmaster of the Liverpool Hebrew Educational Institute and Endowed Schools, who gave his services gratuitously as on the New Year. On Yom Kippur Mr M. Rosenberg delivered a discourse, referring to Captain Dreyfus as martyr of the 19th century for whom special prayers were offered for his early release and a speedy restoration to complete health.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1899, page 20

General meeting of Rhyl and District Congregation. Thanks to M. Rosenberg for his services during the Holydays and also to Mrs M. Brodie for her subscription towards the decoration of ’the room reserved for the ladies’.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1899, page 27

AGM. Good financial position. Elected: President (by acclamation), S. Eisiski; Treasurer, J. Goldsmith; Hon Sec J. Levenson (re-elected unanimously); Committee, M. Brodie (ex-President), M. Samuels (re-elected), S. Ginsberg (re-elected). Auditors L. Rosenberg and S. Ginsberg .

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1899, page 25

Special meeting. E. Carasov unanimously elected additional member of Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1900, page 29

On Saturday last a special prayer service was read in the synagogue for the recent successes of British arms in South Africa. Rev J. Bogdanski delivered a discourse in English.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1900, page 30

Half-yearly meeting. Balance sheet for half-year was satisfactory

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1900, page 29

On Saturday last Rev Susman Cohen on a visit to Rhyl delivered a discourse

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1900, page 31

Advert. ‘RHYL. HOUSE TO LET, five bedrooms, two dining rooms, at reasonable terms; two minutes’ walk from the sea and railway station. Apply Mrs. Morris, Market-street, Rhyl’. [repeated in subsequent issues]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1900, page 2

Advert. ‘RHYL AND DISTRICT HEBREW CONGREGATION. WANTED, a Baal Schochrits for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Apply, with full particulars to J. Levenson Hon. Sec., Magnet-buildings, High-street, Rhyl’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1900, page 19

‘Kosher [in Hebrew] RHYS, N. WALES Kosher [in Hebrew]
Superior Board and Residence
Also meals, provided to order.
Mrs. Bogdanski, 10, Emlyn Grove,
Close to West Parade’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1900, page 26

Services were conducted by Rev. J. Bogdanski assisted by Mr Alpert of Liverpool. Mr Bogdanski delivered a discourse on the first day in English.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1900, page 20

Similar for Day of Atonement.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1900, page 29

Owing to the building in which public worship has been held for the past 3 years since the congregation was formed is no longer available the Rev Bogdanski has placed a room at his house at the disposal of the congregation until suitable accommodation is provided elsewhere.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1900, page 30

AGM at Magnet Buildings, High Street,. Financial statement satisfactory. Elected: President, S. Eisiski (re-elected); Treasurer J. Goldsmith (re-elected); Hon Sec. J. Levenson (re-elected for 4th year); Re-elected to Committee, S. Ginsburg, M. Samuels, E. Carasov. Vote of thanks to Rev H. Burmas of Prince’s Rd, Liverpool for services to congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1901, page 2

‘RHYL. -Wanted. SHOCHET, Reader, Teacher, capable to translate in English; salary £52 per annum, subject to an increase; only single men need apply; applicant capable to teach and preach in English; subject approval Committee of Provincial Ministers’ Fund, may expect an annual grant from the institution; expenses will be returned to successful candidate only. Apply to J. Levenson, Hon. Secretary, High-street’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1901, page 26

Service, memorial for Queen Victoria, was held in the Victoria Hall, High Street, gratuitously placed at the disposal of the congregation by Mr J. S. Greenhalgh JP, chairman of the Urban District Council who was present with other members of that body. Mr Rosenberg, Headmaster of Liverpool Jewish Schools, officiated and delivered an address. A telegram of condolence was sent to the king.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1901, page 26

Rev L. Abrahams [sic] late of the Oxford Congregation was elected Minister and Shochet of the Rhyl Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1901, page 4

Advert. ‘RHYL.- To let for the Season, 18 Ernest -street; house furnished; kosher food; situated ina pleasant spot. Apply to E. Carasov, 6, Market-hall.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1901, page 4

Advert. ‘RHYL. - To let, 3 bedrooms and sitting-rooms, furnished, convenient;10 minutes walk from promenade. Apply Rev Shochet, L. Abrahamson, Edgbaston House, Lake-terrace, Wellington-road’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1901, page 25

Service during festivities were conducted by Mr M. Rosenberg, Headmaster of Liverpool Hebrew Schools who also preached, assisted by Rev L. Abrahamson who also delivered an address.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1902, page 31

General meeting at 52 Brighton Rd. Vote of thanks to F. D. Mocatta for his financial support.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1902, page 30

Advert. Furnished house to let (kosher) for July, August, and September. 2 entertaining rooms, four double-bedded rooms. 2 minutes walk from promenade. 39, Queen-street. [repeated]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1902, page 28

General meeting. Appointed Mr Dainow of Birmingham to read Musaph services for the coming holidays.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1902, page 26
Services were conducted by Rev L. Abrahamson

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1902, page 33

Meeting of the congregation. Elected: President, S. Eisiski; Treasurer, D. Priorman; Hon. Sec A [sic] Sapiro; Auditors, S. Ginsburg, M. Samuels.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1903, page 1

Death on 7 February at Cape Town of Louis D. Rosenberg, late of Dublin and Rhyl. Eldest son of the late David Rosenberg. Aged 36.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1903, page 18

Appointment of marriage secretaries at the Blackpool, Rhyl and Wellington Road synagogues.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1903, page 31

General meeting of congregation. Votes of thanks to Mrs Lionel Lucas, David Marks, F. D. Mocatta, Leopold de Rothschild, and E. P Vallentine for the support to the synagogue. Services are held every Saturday.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1904, page 1

Birth on 30 April at Cape Town of a daughter to the wife of T. Kadish (nee Etty Harris) late of Rhyl and Dublin.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1904, page 30

Advert. ‘NORTH WALES, Rhyl. 9, Market-street - comfortable Jewish Apartments, with or without board; close to promenade and station; terms moderate. Mrs. Carasov’. [repeated]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1904, page 26

At meeting held last Sunday Mr L. Abrahamson was elected chairman (pro tem) and Mr Goldsmith Hon Sec. of the congregation. Mr Goldsmith informs us that there is no Hebrew school at Rhyl.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1904, page 27

Mr S. Ginsburg, Hon Sec of the congregation, writes:- ‘In your issue of the 9th there is a report of a meeting held in Rhyl of a congregation saying that there was no school for teaching Hebrew to the children. I beg to say that all the children belonging to the old Hebrew congregation are taught at their homes every day by the Rev. Mr. Shulman [sic], our Minister, who holds Dr. Adler’s certificate. We have a school here, but more convenient for the children that they are taught at their homes’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1904, page 26

Service at the synagogue, in Sussex Street conducted by Rev. J. H. Schulman [sic] assisted by Mr Goldberg of Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1905, page 1

Engagement of Sarah eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs J. Goldsmith of North Avenue to Harry Sapiro, Wellington Road. Both of Rhyl. [See 6 July 1906]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1905, page 3

Advert. Apartments. Mrs Carasov 33 Wellington Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1905, page 18

Reference to E. P. Vallentine as representative at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1906, page 45

Advert. Comfortable apartments. Mrs Carasov, 5 Agnes Terrace, Marsh Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1906, page 1

Marriage on 27 June at the Town Hall, Rhyl, (registered by Hope Place Synagogue, Liverpool) of Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs Goldsmith of 12 Lake-avenue, Rhyl, to Harry Sapiro, youngest son of Jacob Sapiro of Liverpool.  [Marriage. Sarah Goldsmith June 1906 Liverpool 8b 302 and Aaron Sapiro]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 January 1907, page 1

Birth on 16 December of a son to the wife of Harry Kadish (nee Eva Harris of Rhyl).

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1907, page 16

Marriage secretary at Rhyl - Mr M Goldsmith

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1907, page 32
House to let, 12 Lake-avenue

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1907, page 26

The synagogue was the only part of Magnet Buildings which was saved from the great fire last Sunday.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1908, page 2

Mrs Eisiski and daughters thanks for condolences on the death of husband and father. ‘Dalriada’, Highfield Park, Rhyl. [Death. Nechemie Eisiski March 1908 aged 41 St Asaph 11b 261]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1908, page 5

Advert. Mrs Joseph Trenner is organising a concert in aid of a troupe of Russian Jewish Dancers who lost all their effects in the recent fire at the Rhyl Opera House.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1910, page 2

Death at Bulawayo, Rhodesia, of Alfred Harris, late of Rhyl, aged 62.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1911, page 26

Refer to medieval Welsh Jewry. ‘The Jewish population of North Wales in those days must have exceeded the present limits; for now small congregations are to be found only at Llandudno, Bangor, Rhyl and Wrexham’.

[1914-15. Rhyl referred to as a defunct congregation. See below, 7 July 1933]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1917, page 18

Services for soldiers. Rhyl, Rev S. Frampton.  [References in the JC state that he was based in Liverpool]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1920, page 2

Young Israel
Refer to Ruth Zillah Morgan
[Also 10 September 1920 ‘Young Israel’, page 2]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1920, page 2

Death on 26 August at Rhyl of Marcus Gordon Barnett (drowned) aged 9 years 11 months, eldest son of Mr & Mrs Benjamin Barnett of South Africa. Local address, Birmingham. [Death. Marcus G. Barnett September 1920 aged 10 St Asaph 11n 340]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1928, page 40

Engagement. Sylvia, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs B. Mann, Manchester, to Solomon (Solly), only son of Mr & Mrs Engler, Manchester and Rhyl.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 April 1929, page 12

Obituary of Morris Brodie, Southport, in his 68th year. A leading member of Southport community. A son of Rabbi Joshua Falk, in the middle of last century, an important figure in Kovno. Mrs Brodie was eldest of the late Dayan and Mrs Susman Cohen. Mr Brodie was a founder of the Manchester New Synagogue and also of the Rhyl congregation of which he was president and honorary chazan. Funeral at Crumpsall Cemetery, Manchester. [Death. Morris Brodie June 1929 aged 69 Ormskirk 8b 850]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1933, page 10

Letter from Wilfred S. Samuel. Refers to report of a committee appointed in December 1915 to report of ‘Defunct Congregations’. The lists included: Bath, Bedford, Boston, Exeter, Falmouth, Gloucester, Ipswich, King’s Lynn, Penzance, Rhyl, Stroud and Sheerness.. [JC 26 June 1914, page 27 refers to the committee on defunct congregations]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1935, page [not available]

Superior Guest House on sea front. Healthiest and best part of town.
Bathing from house. Excellent and varies cuisine. Liberal tables. Apply for

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1940, page 10

‘The Liverpool Talmud Torah and the Greenbank Drive Synagogue have arranged for Hebrew and Religion Classes to start after the Festivals in the Rhyl and Prestatyn areas. Rabbi Dr. S.M. Lehrman and Dr. W. Gottlieb have approached many parents whose children have been evacuated to these districts. Parents interested should communicate with Rabbi Dr. Gottlieb (at Branton, Warren Drive, Prestatyn) or Mr. Alfred Bieber (Cwrt, Marine Drive, Rhyl)’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1940, page 10

‘A meeting of members of the Liverpool Jewish Community temporarily resident in Rhyl was held recently at the Rhyl residence of Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Lehrman to discuss the establishment of a Jewish centre in Rhyl and district where religion classes for children, adult study groups, and a literary and social society could be housed’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1940, page 16

‘The announcement in this paper recently that a meeting had been held to discuss the establishment of a Jewish centre in Rhyl and District recalls the fact to a correspondent that this will not be the first Jewish entity there. Rhyl had a Jewish Congregation of its own at Queen’s Chambers. It first appeared in records, according to the Jewish Year Books, in the late eighteen-nineties, but the members dispersed, and the Congregation closed about the year 1906’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1941 page 17

The Rhyl Hebrew Congregation has acquired premises at Lloyd’s Bank Chambers , Queen Street, Rhyl where regular Sabbath services and Religion classes will be held.

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