the former

New Hebrew Congregation

Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire



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Congregation Data


The New Hebrew Congregation, Hull

Formation and Predecessor Congregations:

The New Hebrew Congregation was formed in 1928, primarily through the efforts of Mr. J. Fischhoff (see below), who is considered the founder of the congregation,(ii) which was also refered to as the Fischhoff Synagogue.(iii)

However, it appears to be a continuation or successor congregation to two earlier congregations:

  • The Adelaide Road Synagogue, which was formed in 1926(iv) and appears to have been formally known the New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society. In fact, this was the name used when the application to the Board of Deputies was made to enable the congregation to appoint a Registrar for Marriages. The Chief Rabbi subsequently confirmed, in December 1928, that it was the same congregation as the New Hebrew Congregation.(v)

  • The Hull Beth Hamedrash, formed by 1910, which, in about 1927, changed its name to the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol(vi) (or this may have been an alternative name for the New Hebrew Congregation).(vii)


Lower Union Street, Hull.(ix)  The synagogue building, presumably rebuilt or revamped, was opened on 9 September 1928 by Lord Rothschild.(x)

However, Lower Union Street had previous been the address of the Beth Hamedrash (from about 1916)(xi), its previous address being Great Passage Street (from 1914).(xii)

Several addresses appear for the New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society in the Exchange of Letters regarding the application to appoint of a Registrar for Marriages. These are 4 Beadle Terrace, Goodwin Street, Hull(xiii), 35 Adelaide Street, Hull(xiv) and 59 William Street, Hull(xv)

Final Status:

The congregation was reportedly disbanded in 1941,(xvi) although it ceased being listed in Jewish Year Books from 1939.


Ashkanazi Orthodox


None known, although but the congregation would have been under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi.

Rabs and Reader:

(To view a short profile of a rabbi or reader - hold the cursor over his name.)

Rabbi Samuel Menachem Brod - Rab of the Hull Beth Hamedrash from about 1910 until about 1913(xx)

Rabbi Jacob David Lurie - Rab of the Hull Beth Hamedrash from about 1913 until 1916(xx)

Rev. Isaac Aarons - reader (and possibly minister) from about 1927 until about 1932(xxi)


Presidents of the Beth Hamedrash

1910-1917 - E. Marks

1917-1924 - M. Woolfe


Vice President of the Beth Hamedrash

1910-1911 - M. Woolfe


Treasurer of the Beth Hamedrash

1910-1913 - I. Gordon


Lecturer at the Beth Hamedrash

1925-1928 - H. Science

Warden and President of the
New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society

1926-1928 - L. Vinegard(xxvi)

Warden and Treasurer of the
New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society

1926-1928 - J. Fischhoff(xxvii)

President of the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol
and the New Hebrew Congregation

1928 -1938 - J. Fischhoff

Hon. Secretary of the New Hebrew
Congregation Burial Society

1926-1927 - P. Davis(xxviii)

Secretaries of the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol
and the New Hebrew Congregation

1927-1929 - Israel Pitch(xxix)

1929-1932 - D. Finburg

Membership Data:

June 1926 - over 100 members(xxx)


This Congregation used Hull's Ella Street Cemetery from at least 1928,(xxxi) which had initially been a private burial ground of the Fischhoff familybefore being acquired by the Central Synagogue.(xxxii) For details, see Cemeteries Information on the Hull Jewish Community home page.

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (i) Reserved.

  • (ii) The History of Hull's Orthodox Synagogues (2000) by Elliot Oppel ("Oppel's History"), p.23 refers to the New Hebrew Congregation as being founded in 1928 by Mr. Fischhoff, whose surname is spelled "Fishoff" in Jewish Year Books. The congregation was first listed in the Jewish Year Book 1930.

  • (iii) JCR-UK article on Hull's Six Jewish Cemeteries.

  • (iv) Oppel's History, p.23 states that the Adelaide Road synagogue was founded in 1926.

  • (v) See the Exchange of Letters regarding the application to the Board of Deputies to enable the appointment of a Registrar for Marriages. From the address on one of the congregation's letters, it appears that a previous address of the congregation was in Adelaide Road. This congregation was never listed in any Jewish Year Book.

  • (vi) The Beth Hamedrash was listed (under "Miscellaneous Societies") in Jewish Year Books from 1911 through 1928, with earliest listed address at Great Passage Street (Jewish Year Books 1914 and 1915), although Oppel's History, p.23 refers to Great Passage Street Synagogue as it being established in 1914. The address in Jewish Year Books from 1916 was Lower Union Street, which was also the address of the New Hebrew Congregation in Jewish Year Books 1931 through 1938. Furthermore the last listed president and reader of the Beth Hamedrash were, respectively, the first listed president and reader of the New Hebrew Congregation (see below).

  • (vi) The Beth Hamedrash Hagadol was listed (under "Miscellaneous Societies") in the Jewish Year Book 1929, with its address at Lower Union Street, which in the previous Jewish Year Book of the Beth Hamedrash and the address in the subsequent Jewish Year Book of the New Hebrew Congregation. Furthermore the listed president and reader of the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol were, respectively, the listed president and reader of the New Hebrew Congregation (see below).

  • (viii) Reserved.

  • (ix) Jewish Year Books 1931 through 1938.

  • (x) Oppel's History, p.23.

  • (xi) Jewish Year Books 1916 through 1930.

  • (xii) Jewish Year Books 1914 and 1935.

  • (xiii) Chief Rabbi's letter of 30 December 1927, although this could be an error as a letter from the Superintendent Registrar dated 4 October 1927 appears to indicate that this is the address of the secretary.

  • (xiv) Address on letter from the New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society dated 21 June 1926 (see above).

  • (xv) The original address on letter from the New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society dated 21 June 1926.

  • (xvi) JCR-UK article on Hull's Six Jewish Cemeteries.

  • (xvii) to (xix) Reserved.

  • (xx) Based upon the Rabbi Lurie's listing as rabbi of the Beth Hamedrash in Jewish Year Books 1916 through 1928.

  • (xxi) Based upon the Rev. Aaron's listing as reader of the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol in the Jewish Year Book 1929 and of the New Hebrew Congregation in Jewish Tear Books 1930 through 1932. In the letter from the Superintendent Registrar of 4 October 1927, he is referred to as minister.

  • (xxii) to (xxiv) Reserved.

  • (xxv) Unless otherwise stated, the data relating to the congregation's officers, as listed here, has been extracted from Jewish Year Books. When a person is first listed in a year book as a particular officer, it has generally been assumed that his term office commenced in the year of publication of the relevent year book, which was generally towards the end of the year prior to year appearing the the title of the year book and that he continued in office until the commencement of office of his successor or the office is noted as vacant (e.g. if he is first listed in Jewish Year Books 1925 through 1930, it is assumed that he commenced office in 1924 and continued in office until 1930). However, it should be noted that this is only an assumption and accordingly his actual years of office may differ slightly from those shown here.

  • (xxvi) Mr. Vinegard's name appears in this office in the letterhead of letter from the New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society dated 21 June 1926 (see above) and it assumed that he held office until the establishment of the New Hebrew Congregation.

  • (xxvii) Mr. Fischhoff's name appears in this office in the letterhead of letter from the New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society dated 21 June 1926 (see above) and it assumed that he held such office until becoming president of the New Hebrew Congregation.

  • (xxviii) Mr. Davis signed, as honorary secretary, the letter from the New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society dated 21 June 1926 (see above) However, by the following year Mr. Pitch is referred to as secretary.

  • (xxix) Mr. Pitch is named as secretary in the letter from the Superintendent Registrar dated 4 October 1927 (see above). He is also listed as secretary of the Beth Hamidrash Hagadol in Jewish Year Books 1929.

  • (xxx) The letter from the New Hebrew Congregation Burial Society dated 21 June 1926 (see above) refers to the congregation having over 100 members.

  • (xxxi) JCR-UK article on Hull's Six Jewish Cemeteries.

  • (xxxii) Jewish Heritage in Britain and Ireland by Sharmman Kadish (2015), p.214.


On-line Articles and Other Material
relating to this congregation


  • Exchange of Letters regarding the appointment of a Registrar for Marriages following the establishment of the Congregation.


Congregational Records

Congregational Records:

  • Marriage Records held by the Board of Deputies - BOD Ref: 21/1a/1

Registration District (BMD):


Hull Jewish Community home page

Jewish Congregations in the East Riding of Yorkshire

Jewish Communities of England home page

Page created: 12 January 2006
Data significantly expanded and notes first added: 27 April 2020
Page most recently amended: 3 April 2024

Research and formatting by David Shulman

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