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Minutes 1860-1897

EHC7: Minute Book of the Exeter Hebrew Congregation 1860-1897 (photocopy only) (Susser Archive)

This document exists only in the form of a very poor quality early photocopy. The photocopy was done in two stages, so that there is a reverse image as well as a positive image. Some of the later pages are very difficult to read, as they have faded so much. The minutes are complete for the first few years, then very occasional for the last thirty years. The transcription is still in progress by FJG.


power to alleviate their sufferings.

The Treasurer strongly recommended that the case have our serious consideration and regardless of his balance sheet, he should advise that Fife Pounds be taken from the Congregational fund, and concluded his remarks most emphatically. Mr Solomon urges the dire necessity of taking such unfortunate suffering to our serious consideration and explained the uncertainty but that we might be attacked with the like malady, and concluded that a Person be appointed to collect all Sums of money for the relief of the distressed Sufferers. Mr Elsner considered that a weekly sum be named by every Member as contribution.

Mr Hynes expressed his opinion that the Board of Deputies would not accept weekly sums.

Mr Elsner observed his intention that all sums so weekly collected should be forwarded every quarter to the Board of Deputies and proposed that the sum of Fife Pounds be given from the Congregational Funds. Mr M. Lazarus seconded. Carried unanimously.



List of Subscribers

Mr B. Myers £1.1.0

Elsner 1.1.0

Solomon 1.1.0

Mrs Solomon 10.6

B. Jonas 10.6

H. Hynes 10.6

A. Arons 5.0

in memory of his departed mother

Mr A. Arons 5.0

Mr Lazarus 5.0

Dyte 2.6

Franklyn 2.6

Mrs Levy 2.6

Miss Julia Lazarus 2.6

Miss B. Levy 1.[0]


Mr Elsner proposed that a Gentleman be appointed to collect.

Mr Lazarus proposes Mr Elsner as Collector.

Mr Aarons seconded.

Mr Solomon proposes that Mr Alexander be invited to collect Subscriptions.

Mr Hines seconded. (lost)

Mr Solomon proposes that Mr Mendelssohn be appointed collector with Mr Elsner.

Mr Elsner seconded.

Mr Mendelssohn appointed unanimous.



Mr Elsner advised that all Monies be paid into the Exeter Bank, and that all the Exeter Banks be solicited to receive Subscriptions and all monies received be transmitted through the President to the Board of Deputies.

Mr Solomon proposes that whoever attempts to collect (with the exception of those appointed by the Board) shall be subjected to be fined Two Guineas.

It is unanimously resolved that the Rev. M. Mendelssohn and Mr Elsner and the Banks in Exeter are the only parties recognised by this Board as Collectors for the Jerusalem Fund.

It was unanimously resolved that a Vote of Thanks be presented to the President for his courteous Conduct of the Chair.


Annual Meeting October 10th 5626 [1865]

Members present and Seatholders

Mr B. Myers President S. Elsner Treasurer

M. Solomon A. Alexander A. Arons M. Lazarus H. Lazarus M. Dyte A. Myers J. Levy and B. Jonas




The Treasurer produces his balance Sheet at the request of the President, after due examination proposed by Mr Aarons Secd by Mr Solomon that it be passed.


Mr Lazarus having made use of improper language is fined Fife Shillings for such gross misconduct.

Mr Jonas proposes

Mr Myers as president

Seconded by A. Arons

Messrs S. Elsner

M. Solomon

B. Jonas

A. Aarons

B. Myers

A. Myers Junior

6 For

M. Lazarus

H. Lazarus

Against 2


Mr Myers proposes Mr S. Elsner as Treasurer

Seconded by B. Jonas





S. Elsner

M. Solomon

B. Jonas

B. Myers

A. Myers

A. Aarons

6 for



M. Lazarus

M. Dight

H. Lazarus

Against 3


Adjourned Annual Meeting October 15th 5626 [1865]

Members present Mr B. Myers President Mr S. Elsner Treasurer B. Jonas A. Aarons J. Levy


In consequence of personalities the Meeting was adjouned.

For the adjournal

Mr Alexander

S. Elsner

B. Myers

B. Jonas


J. Levy




Adjouned Annual Meeting Nov 19th 5626 [1865]

Members present B. Myers President, S. Elsner Treasurer, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, J. Levy. M. Lazarus absent fined in consequence. A letter received from Mr Alexander stating his inability to attend in consequence of indisposition. It was therefore unanimously resolved that this Meeting be further adjouned until the 26th instant, and that a letter be written to Mr Alexander apprising him with the resolution.

Adjourned Annual Meeting Nov 26th 5626 [1865]

Members present: B. Myers President, S. Elsner Treasurer, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, J. Levy. Mr Alexander sent an apology stating his absence was caused by illness.

Mr M. Lazarus absent and fined.

Mr Aarons proposes the minutes of former Meetings to be confirmed, save and except Mr Levy's application for seat No 15. Mr Jonas seconded. Carried.




Mr Elsner reported that upwards of £100.0.0 he had collected for our distressed Brethren in Jerusalem, £65 of which has been sent to the Board of Deputies and that the Balance is laying at the Exeter Bank the amounts not received.

It was unanimously resolved that our best thanks be tendered to Mr Elsner and the Rev. M. Mendelssohn for the trouble they undertook.

That our united best thanks be given to Mr A. Alexander and Mr Henry Jacobs for reading Prayers.

Mr Aarons proposes that a Vote of thanks be given and hereby presented to the Officers for the past years for their untired efforts to promote the welfare of the Congregation.

Mr Jonas seconded.

Mr Mendelssohn applies for an increase of salary caused by the high price of provisions and the addition to his family, and states that during the time he has held office he has studiously studied to maintain the dignity of the Congregation.

resolved that the Board deeply regret their inability to grant an advance of Salary, but taking Mr Mendelssohn's application into their Consideration.




they further resolve (save and except Mr Elsner who from reasons of relationship refuses to vote on this Subject) that a Gratuity of Ten Pounds be given to Mr Mendelssohn for past Services. This gratuity gives no further claim, nor is it considered a precedent save and except that the Finances of the Congregation will admit and the members of the Board consent.

Mr Elsner proposes that in consequence of part of the garden being taken from Mr Cobley his rent be reduced to One Guinea per annum. Mr Jonas seconded. carried unanimously.

Mr Elsner proposes that all persons in arrears and a weeks notice having been sent them previously shall not be entitled to vote at the Election for Officers the ensuing year. Unanimous.

The mantle for the sefer torah previously given by Mr Elsner has been presented and accepted. The members of this Board have much pleasure in tendering their best thanks for the same.




Quarterly Meeting 17th December 5626/1866[sic - correct year 1865] Hanukah

Members present: B. Myers President, S. Elsner Treasurer, A. Alexander, J. Levy, B. Jonas, A. Aarons. Mr M. Lazarus absent, Fined.

The minutes of the last meeting be confirmed. Proposed by Mr Alexander.

David Franklin being about to leave Exeter the members of the Board take into consideration the great usefulness he has always been during a residence among us for the past forty years, cannot allow him to leave their midst without their hearty good wishes for his health and long life, and should it be his desire to be interred in our ground, that we allow him that privilege usually termed haznat hanahala [?].

Seconded by Mr B. Myers. Unanimous.


A special meeting held this 4th day of February 5626/1867 [February 5626 would be 1866]

Members present Messrs B. Myers President, S. Elsner Treasurer, A. Aarons, B. Jonas and J. Levy.

Mr M. Lazarus absent out of town.

The president states that he had received a ketter from Mr Mendelssohn asking permission




to apply for the vacant situation at Portsea. Resolved unanimously that the same be granted to him, and that the President be empowered to give him permission to go to Portsea to read when called on, and it is further resolved, that this meeting deeply regret the anticipation of losing so valuable and efficient Minister, who has during many years officiated amongst us, at all times shown his zeal and anxiety to promote the well being of the Congregation, and that a copy of this minute be forwarded to Mr Mendelssohn.


Quarterly Meeting Sunday after Pesach 5626

Members present Messrs B. Myers, S. Elsner, B. Levy, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, A. Alexander, M. Lazarus.

The minutes of the past Meeting having been read

resolved they be confirmed.

Proposed by Mr Elsner

That the thanks of this Meeting be given to Mr B. Jonas for presenting the Sum of £5.0.0 towards a sefer torah and also to the following Gentlemen for subscribing thereto:




Mr B. Myers £2.10.6

Mr A. Barnard 1.1.0

Mr A. Alexander 10.0

Mr J. Levy 10.0

Mr Elsner and children 5.0

Mr M. Lazarus 5.0

Mr A. Aarons 5.0

a Friend 2.6

Together with the above 5.0.0



The sum of Ten Pounds being handed over to the Treasurer for the above purpose it is ordered that the Cheque be placed at once and an interest note be taken in lieu thereof in the names of the officers and Mr B. Jonas until the purchase is paid.

Mr Levy proposes that the fine entered against Mr M. Lazarus be rescinded Sec by A. Alexander.

Unanimous with the exception of M. Myers.

A subscription having been entered into by the members present for a share in the Lottery for sefer torah, to be taken in the name of Mr A. Alexander, with an understanding that should Mr A. be so fortunate as to gain the said




sefer torah it is to be considered the property of this Congregation.


Quarterly Meeting [] nahamu 5626


Members present Mr B. Myers President, S. Elsner Treasurer, A. Alexander, J. Levy, M. Lazarus, B. Jonas, A. Aarons.

The minutes of the past meeting having been read, Mr Elsner stated he took out an interest note, in accordance with the resolution, but on going to London with a view of purchasing a sefer to be selected, from some having been sent down, and expecting to receive this week some others, in case of a purchase not being made, the money to be reinvested immediately in the names of B. Myers, A. Alexander, B. Jonas, to be used only for the purchase of a sefer.

The tefilot to be read by the same persons as last year.


The President in great emergency having permitted Mr Mendelssohn to apply for a situation, such being contrary to the rules, the board desired an explanation. The President stated, it was not done out of disrespect, and giving a satisfactory apology, This is placed in the book to prevent him or any future president




doing a similar act.

Mr M. Lazarus proposes that Israel be fined a sovereign for his neglect of duty towards the last met, and should he be guilty of a similar act in future, the resolution on the book as to his discharge May 3rd 5624 be carried out.


Mr Mendelssohn applies for permission to apply for a situation now open in the St Albans Place shul London. The President is empowered to give him leave to go to London to read if required provided Mr M. gets parties to fulfil his duties, but in no case is Mr M. to be absent any time during the ensuing Holy days.


Special meeting Aug 5th 5626 [1866]

Members present Mr B. Myers, S. Elsner, A. Alexander, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, M. Lazarus

The President having omitted at the last meeting to state that Mr Miller applies for a seat at Four Guineas per year, it is now resolved that the seat No 42 be granted to him in accordance with the Law.




Social meeting Sept 26th 5627 [1866]


Members present: Mr B. Myers President, S. Elsner Treasurer, Messrs A. Alexander, A. Aarons, B. Jonas, (M. Lazarus from home).

Mr Elsner produced his balance sheet, and requested the favour of its being audited and passed being about to leave the Congregation tomorrow.

The balance sheet having been examoned and found correct, it is resolved that it be passed and certified by the President and Eldest member.

Mr Aarons proposes a vote of thanks to Mr Elsner for his services. Seconded by Mr B. Jonas. The Members present express their deep sense of gratitude for the great exertions he has at all times used to enhance the funds of the Congregation and they cannot permit this time to pass, without giving him their hearty and sincere wishes that he may have many, very many, years of health and happiness, and live to rear his children with the blessings of providence in the fullness of [shahara?] and that his end may be Peace.

Mr Elsner the late treasurer has handed to me




Fifteen Pounds 13/8 viz £9.15.0 for the sefer and £5.18.8 balance of the Congregational a/c which sum I promise to pay on demand to the Treasurer who shall be elected at the annual meeting next ensuing.

Signed B. Myers President

September 26th 5627 [1866]


Annual Meeting Hoshanah Rabah September 29th 5627 [1866]


Members present: Mr M. Myers President, M. Solomon, B. Jonas, A. Alexander, M. Dyte, Aarons, M. Lazarus, H. Jacobs

Mr M. Lazarus proposes Mr A. Alexander as President. Seconded by Mr M. Dyte.

Mr Solomon proposes Mr B. Myers as President. Seconded by Mr B. Jonas.

For Mr Alexander

M. Dyte

M. Lazarus

M. Aarons

A. Alexander


For Mr Myers

M. Solomon

B. Jonas

H. Jacobs

B. Myers


Mr B. Myers gave the casting vote.

Proposed by Mr Lazarus, Mr Alexander be nominated Treasurer. Seconded by Mr Aarons, Dyte, Lazarus, A. Alexander




Proposed by Mr Solomon that Mr B. Jonas be elected Treasurer. Mr Myers seconded. Mr Solomon, H. Jacobs, B. Myers.

Mr Alexander elected by Four to Three.


The adjourned Annual Meeting October 2nd 5627  [1866]


Members present: Mr B. Myers President, Messrs Alexander, Treasurer, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, M. Lazarus.

Mr Dyte claims admission as the son-in-law of a late Elder, having acted up to the Laws to become an Elder. Unanimously agreed to, Mr Dyte having paid his entrance fee viz. 10/6.

Mr Alexander is unanimously elected Honorary Secretary.

Mr Myers applies for Mr Solomon to be readmitted as an Elder. Unanimously agreed to.

Mr M. Lazarus proposes that all Elders shall be eligible to fill office, and during the filling of the said office they must pay seven guineas per year.

Seconded by A. Aarons. Unanimous.

Mr Myers rose and stated he had great pleasure in proposing a sincere vote of thanks to Mr Alexander for his kindness and reading the Prayers




during the Holidays. Carried unanimous.


Mr M. Lazarus proposes that the poor are not to be relieved from the Congregation's funds. Seconded by Mr Solomon.


M. Solomon

M. Lazarus

M. Dyte

B. Jonas



A. Alexander


Mr B. Myers refuses to vote.




Quarterly Meeting Hanukah 5627 [1866]


Members present: Mr B. Myers president, Alexander Treasurer, M. Solomon, B. Jonas, M. Lazarus, M. Dight, A. Aarons.

It is ordered that the Interest Note be taken out for ten pounds invested for the purchase of a sefer torah in the names of the officers and Mr B. Jonas.

Unanimously resolved that the Secretary write Mr J. Levy to demand the payment of the balance due to rosh hashanah last past.

It is also resolved that a letter be written to Mr M. Hart asking if he wishes to become a seatholder.

Mr M. Solomon proposes that a letter be written to Mr Barnard to pay the amount of meat duty unpaid to the




present time. Seconded by Mr B. Myers.

Mr Alexander proposes as an amendment that Mr Barnard be written to stating the finances of the Congregation and asking to him to pay the tax on meat [] to resume his payment as a seatholder.

The amendment is not seconded.

The proposition is then put.


Mr M. Solomon

B. Myers

M. Lazarus

A. Aarons

Mr M. Dight

Mr B. Jonas



Mr A. Alexander


Adjourned to the 16th at 3pm.


Adjourned Meeting December 16th 5627 [1866]


Members present Mr B. Myers, A. Alexander, M. Solomon, B. Jonas, A. Aaron, M. Lazarus, M. Dight.

The interest note for ten pounds has been taken out by the Treasurer in accordance with the resolution of




last Meeting.


Copy of a letter sent to Mr Hart, by the Secretary and which up to this time there is no reply.


13 Decr '66


Dear Sir,

As you are taking meat from our butcher and your son occipies a seat, will you kindly inform me if you wish to become a seat holder.

Yours respectfully,

M. M. Secretary E. H. C.


Mr M. Hart


Copy of a letter sent to Mr Barnard.


13 Decr '66



I am requested to inform you that at our Quarterly meeting the 9th inst it was resolved that an application be made to you for the payment of your seat a/c which appears to have been standing nearly three years. The finances of the Congregation require immediate settlement of all a/cs. Your reply will be esteemed as an adjourned Meeting takes place on the 16th inst.

Yours Truly,

M. M. Secretary E. H. C.


Mr A. Barnard




Copy of Mr Barnard's reply


Dear Sir

I am in receipt of your note of yesterday's date the contents of which is incomprehensible to me.

Yours Truly,

Asher Barnard


The Rev. M. Mendelssohn

Secretary E. H. C.


Proposed by Mr Myers that an a/c be sent to Mr Levy demanding the quarter's seat money to rosh hashanah 5627 viz. £1.6.3 and 5/- for a year's Burial Ground.

Seconded by Mr A. Aarons.

Unanimously agreed.


Mr Dight proposes that in the event of Mr Levy not paying the above within one month, the President be empowered to issue a summons in the County Court for the recovery of the same.

Seconded by Mr M. Lazarus.

Mr Alexander moves as an amendment that no proceedings be taken. Not seconded.

The former resolution is carried 6 to 1.

Proposed by Mr Myers that in reply to Mr Barnard's note the 18th Decr 5627, the Secretary be instructed to send




him his a/c that is to say, for two years seat money due at new year. That the immediate payment is essentially necessary to prevent unpleasantness and expence.

Seconded by A. Aarons.

Mr Alexander moved as an amendment, that as this step will prove derogatory to the interest of the Congregation, that Mr barnard having tentered his resignation which was placed on the book, that he be applied to, to pay for his seat as heretofore.

Not seconded.

The proposition is therefore carried.

proposed by Mr Solomon seconded by B. Jonas that Mr Myers be empowered to sue Mr Barnard in case of his not paying within one month from this date. Unanimous with the exception of Mr Alexander.


Special meeting Decr 30th 5627 [1866]


Members present: Mr B. Myers, A. Alexander, M. Lazarus, A. Aaron, M. Solomon, Mr Dight, B. Jonas.

The President has been informed that Mr J. Levy has been in the habit of killing poultry for members, and considers it ought to be laid before the Board.




Mr Dight moves that a letter to this effect be written to Dr Adler stating there is a person here who is at variance with the Congregation who says he has kabalah [?] from the late Dr Herschell, he says he will and has killed for people in the Congregation against laws on that subject. The party is Mr Levy residing in the Mint, Exeter. Your opinion of his proceedings will be esteemed a favour by the Board in a post or two and should you think it necessary to write to him to do so.

Seconded by Mr Solomon.



B. Myers

M. Solomon

M. Dight

M. Lazarus



B. Jonas

A. Aarons

A. Alexander


Special Meeting Jan 20th 5627 [1867]


Members present: B. Myers President, A. Alexander Treasurer, M. Solomon, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, M. Lazarus, M. Dight.

The President read a recquisition to the following effect




We the undersigned Elders of the exeter Hebrew Congregation request that you will call a Meeting as early as possible to reconsider the question relative to the proceedings in regard to Mr Barnard and Mr Levy and to request that you do not proceed in the matter until the decision of the said meeting is known. Signed barnet Jonas, A. Aarons, M. Dight, M. Lazarus


To Mr B. Myers

Proposed by Mr Dight Seconded by Mr M. Lazarus

That without prejudice to anything that has occurred at this board, that a deputation of two Elders wait on Mr Barnard and Mr Levy to inform them that through the representation of Mr Hynes who has promised in the event of law proceedings not being taken, to increase his assessment, and an additional sum from his brother-in-law Mr Jacobs, and we therefore wish those gentlemen, in the interest of peace, to become members of this board. In the event of their so doing we will at once forego all proceeding, at the same time, the deputation be empowered to finally come to terms and inform the meeting of the result.





M. Dight

M. Lazarus

B. Jonas

A. Alexander

A. Aarons



Mr B. Myers


Mr M. Solomon refuses to vote.

Carried by 5 to one.


Mr Alexander proposes that Mr Dight and mr Aaron wait as deputation on Mr Barnard and mr Levy.

Seconded by Mr Lazarus.

The members agree to Mr Alexander giving up the undertaking of Mr Myers which he holds relating to Mr Barnard's a/c with the Congregation.

Adjourned to 4.30pm this evening.

Mr mendelssohn asks for permission to apply for the situation open at Bristol; granted.

The undertaking of Mr B. Myers was given up in the presence of the Board by Mr Alexander. The deputation state they have seen Mr Barnard who says in consideration of the Congregaton having given up the claim they made, that he will




become an Elder at seven guineas per annum from Hanukah last past.

And that Mr Levy will become an Elder as heretofore at the same terms as Mr Barnard to pay five guineas per annum from hanukah last past.

Mr Hynes agrees to pay ten guineas per annum from Hanukah last past.

Mr John Jacobs [............] Hynes

agrees to pay [..........]

per annum from Hanukah last past.

Mr Solomon proposes that Mr Barnard pays ten guineas per year; seconded by B. Myers.

For the proposition

M. Solomon

B. Myers



A. Alexander

M. Lazarus

A. Aarons

B. Jonas

M. Dight


The report be received and adopted. Carried by five to two. In reply to Mr Hart's note stating he will pay 5 guineas per year Mr Solomon proposes that he pay £7.7.0.

Seconded by M. Lazarus.




The Treasurer is requested to wait on Mr Hart to endeavour to obtain £7.7.0 and to communicate with the other gentlemen.


Quarterly Meeting April 22nd 5627 [1867]


Members present: Mr B. Myers President, A. Alexander, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, H. Dight, M. Lazarus, H. Hynes, M. Hart, M. Solomon.

Mr Barnard absent from home.

A letter was read from Mr Vanderlyn agreeing to pay £4.4.0 per annum on being admitted as an Elder ar once.

For: seven Against: one

Mr Hynes did not vote.

Mr Solomon protests against the admission of Mr Vanderlyn it being against the laws of the Congregation.

A letter was received from Mr Jonas Levy stating he intends paying 10/6 per year for hazakat hakehila [?].

Question put to Mr Myers to pay his usual assessment of £10.0.0. per year up to present pesach.

For ten guineas annually: 7 votes

For seven guineas annually: 1 vote.




Mr Solomon and Mr Hynes did not vote.

Mr Vanderlyn's seat No 41. Confirmed.

Mr Hart applies for the seat next to Mr Barnard. Confirmed.

It is resolved that the Treasurer expends not exceeding £1.15.0 on repairs of the bath room.

Mr Alexander claims of the President to be oleh latorah on [itot yad?] and also on Shavu'ot as heretofore. Unanimous.

Mr Dight proposes that in consequence of the party spirit displayed by Mr Myers also his abuse of power by taking away repeatedly Elders' rights this meeting show their disapprobation by passing a vote of censure on his conduct.

Seconded by Mr M. Solomon.


A. Alexander

Mr Vanderlyn

Mr Dyght

A. Aarons

Mr Lazarus

Mr hart



M. Solomon


Mr B. Jonas and Mr Hynes do not vote.




Special Meeting 12th May 5627 [1867]


Members present: Mr B. Myers president, A. Alexander, M. Solomon, B. Jonas, A. Barnard, M. Hart, B. Vanderlyn, H. Dyght, A. Aarons.

Mr M. Lazarus out of town. H. Hynes absent not fined.

The President read a letter from the Treasurer signed by the Secretary .

May 5th 5627



dear Sir,

I am desired by the Treasurer to say that Mr Miller who is about to be married, has not paid his half years assessment up to Pesach last according to law 3rd Sec 6 the marriage licence cannot be ordered for any party unless he is clear of the Congregation's books.

Yours M. M.


Mr Alexander proposes that Mr Miller pay one quarter's seat rent to Hanukah last. Seconded by Mr Aaron.

Proposed by Mr Myers seconded by Mr Solomon that Mr Miller be relieved from paying that amount.

For the amendment

B. Myers

M. Solomon


For the Proposition

A. Alexander

A. Aarons




For the amendment

M. Jonas

M. Hart

M. Vabderlyn


For the Proposition

A. Barnard

Mr Dyght did not vote.


A letter was sent from Mr Hynes dated 23rd April stating he will not pay ten guineas per year but return to his original assessment of £6.6.0 per year.

Adjourned to 7 this evening.


Members present: Mr A. Alexander acting President, B. Jonas, A. Barnard, M. Hart, B. Vanderlyn, H. Hynes, M. Solomon, H. Dyght, A. Aaron.

Mr Hynes states to the board he will continue his assessment of ten guineas.


Special Meeting 2nd June 5627 [1867]


Members present: Mr B. Myers President, A. Alexander, M. Solomon, A. Aarons, B. Jonas, H. Dight.

A telegram having been received from Thiboult [?] of Torquay asking for the burial of his child.

It is proposed by Mr Alexanderthat the sum of two guineas be charged for [?-gige] Seconded by B. Jonas.

Mr M. Solomon moves as an amendment that in




consequence of not knowing his position the sum of five pounds be charged.

Seconded by A. Aarons.

For the amendment

A. Aarons

M. Solomon

B. Myers


For the proposition

A. Alexander

B. Jonas

H. Dyght


Amendment carried by casting vote of the President.

It is resolved that in case the man should plead inability to pay the sum of five pounds, the officers are empowered to do the best but not to take less than two guineas.

Unanimous with the exception of Mr Solomon.


Special meeting June 16th 5627 [1867]


Members present: Mr B. Myers, A. Alexander, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, M. Dyght, A. Barnard, M. Hart, B. Vanderlyn. Mr Solomon sent an apology. H. Hynes absent.

The President read the following copy of letter from Mr Mendelssohn.




Exeter June 3rd 5627 [1867]


To the President and members of the Exeter Hebrew Congregation



Having been elected Minister of the Bristol Congregation I beg to resign my post in Exeter and tender you according to my agreement 3 months notice which will terminate on the 3rd September next.

At the same time allow me to thank you most earnestly for the confidence you have placed in me and the kindness you have [...] to further my future prospects. I beg to assure you although I leave you I shall ever feel a deep interest for the welfare of this congregation where I have spent more than 12 years of my life. I entreat our heavenly Father to grant success to your community. I trust that peace and harmony may always reign among your members within the sacred walls of your synagogue for it is only in the fulfilment of these conditions that a place of worship is really hallowed before the God of Israel.

Wishing you all long life, health and prosperity,

I am, gentlemen,

Yours very truly,

M. Mendelssohn




Mr Mendelssohn's resignation is accepted and it is proposed by the President that an advertisement be inserted in the J. C. for a hazan and shohet.

Mr Mendelssohn applies for leave of absence for a month. Mr Dyght proposes that in the event of Mr Mendelssohn providing the congregation with a shohet to remain in Exeter during his absence the board has no objection to meet his view. Seconded by A. Barnard. Carried unanimously.


Special meeting Sunday 7th June 5627 [1867]


Members present: Mr B. Myers President, A. Alexander, B. Jonas, M. SOlomon, M. Dyght, A. Aarons, M. Lazarus

Absent: H. Hynes, Mr M. Hart, B. Vanderlyn

It is unanimously resolved that the President and Treasurer communicate with Messrs Abrahams and Alexander and if their replies are satisfactory that one of them be invited to come on shabat hayivel [?]


Quarterly meeting 18th Aug 5627 [1867]


Members present: B. Myers President, A. Alexander, H. Dyght, A. Aarons, H. Hynes, M. Hart, A. Barnard, B. Jonas, M. Solomon.

Mrs Abrahams and Miss Abrahams have each paid a quarter's




seat money n advance commencing shabat nahamu.

Mr M. Solomon proposes that the vote of censure against Mr Myers be rescinded. Seconded by Mr B. Jonas.


M. Solomon

B. Jonas

A. Alexander



M. Hart

M. Dyght

A. Aarons

Mr Barnard does not vote. Mr [Hynes?] does not vote.


Mr Myers having left the building, Mr Alexander is unanimously elected to act as president for the time being.

Mr S. Alexander the candidate in the office of hazan shohet [...?] is unanimously elected to fill the offices aforenamed for one year from the [.] of September ensuing at the salary of £52 per year. Three months notice on either side to be given at the end of nine months. The congregation reserving to themselves the right of dismissing the said Mr Alexander at any time at a shorter notice in case they should discover any misconduct religious or moral Signed S. Alexander.

The tefilot are to remain as usual.

Unanimously agreed the hazan reads [shor hafbid?] on kol nidrei night.




Special Meeting 6th October 5625 [sic - should be 5628 - 1867]


Members present: Mr A. Alexander Acting President, Mr Solomon, B.Vanderlyn, M. Lazarus, H. Hynes, M. Dight, A. Aarons, B. Jonas, M. Hart

Absenters: B. Myers, Mr A. Barnard

The acting president having received the following requisition has called this meeting.

(Copy) October 5th 1867

Mr A. Alexander


A recquisition having been sent to the president Mr B. Myers to call a meeting for Sunday next and his having refused to do so, we the undersigned request you to convene a meeting to consider and investigate the cause of disturbance in the Synagogue on Monday last.


M. L. Dight

M. Lazarus

A. Aarons




The question having been gone into, relative to the recquisition, and Mr Myers absenting himself from the meeting, it is our unanimous opinion that our hazan Mr S. Alexander is entirely exonerated from any blame in the matter.

Proposed by Mr Solomon Seconded by Mr Aarons that Mr Alexander read [...].

Proposed by Mr Dight that in consequence Mr B. Myers conduct to be deposed from his presidency and the result of this resolution [be] conveyed to him in writing. Seconded by Mr Hynes.

Unanimous with the exception of Mr Solomon who refused to vote.




Annual Meeting hoshana rabbah 19 Octr 5628 [1867]


Members present: Mr A. Alexander President pro tem, M. Solomon, M. Lazarus, H. Hynes, M. Dight, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, M. Hart.

Mr Vanderlyn and Mr Barnard out of town. Mr Henry Jacobs absent.

The treasurer Mr Alexander produced the Balance which was examined and found correct. Proposed by Mr M. Solomon Seconded by M. Lazarus that it be passed. Unanimous.

Mr M. Solomon as senior elder proposed Mr Alexander for president for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr A. Aarons. Carried unanimous.

Mr B. Jonas proposes that there is but one officer who shall combine the duties of President and Treasurer in accordance with the laws and in cases of emergency the two senior elders are to be consulted. Seconded by Mr M. Hart. For 5 to against 2 (A. Aarons, M. Dight) carried.




This meeting stands adjourned to tomorrow 11am.


Annual adjourned meeting 20th Octr 5628 [1867]

Members present: Mr A. AlexanderPresident, Mr B. Jonas, M. Hart, M. solomon, M. Dight, M. Lazarus, A. Aarons, H. Hynes.

On examining the books it was found that in the last year of Mr Elsner's office there is an error of one pound in favour of the congregation. It is unanimously resolved that a copy of the entry be sent to Mr Elsner asking him to please to remit the amount at his convenience.

Mr Solomon proposes that in future the mizrach seats be charged seven guineas annually. Seconded by Mr Aarons. Unanimous.

mr H. Hynes applies for a seat No 18, granted.




Mr Dight offers to pay £5.5.0 per annum in future in lieu of £4.4.0.

Mr M. Lazarus proposes Mr H. Hynes as [...?] for the year ensuing. Seconded by Mr M. Solomon. Carried unanimous.


Quarterly meeting Hanukah 5628 [1867]


Members present: Mr Alexander, A. Aarons, A. Barnard, M. Hart, M. Dight, M. Lazarus, B. Jonas, B. Vanderlyn.

Absent M. Solomon out of town H. Hynes


Quarterly meeting Pesach 5628


Members present A. Alexander President, M. Solomon, A. Aarons, B. Jonas, A. Barnard, M. Hart, M. Lazarus, M. Dight, H. Hynes.

Mr Alexander applies for a seat for Mr M. Moses Abrahams. No 13 or 14 granted on payment of £7.7.0 per annum.




Mr F. Myrs applies for seat No 41. Granted on payment of £2.2.0 yearly.

It is unanimously resolved that Mr M. Abrahams be admitted as an elder at once on payment of usual fees.

It is unanimously resolved that a demand be made on Mr B. Myers for the amounts due to the congregation and if not paid the President take steps to recover the same.

It is unanimously resolved that the synagogue be painted and sundry repairs be made at a cost not to exceed £7.7.0.

It is unanimously resolved that a fund be raised for the relief of the itinerant poor in order to prevent their calling on the residents for which purpose each resident seatholder shall pay 1/- per month and that an overseer be appointed for the purpose. resolved by the President and seconded by Mr M. Solomon that Mr B. Jonas be appointed




overseer for the year ensung. Carried unanimously.

Rev. S. Alexander applies by letter for permission to become a candidate for the office of reader to the [?] synagogue. Granted.

Unanimously resolved that the full [?] testimonial be given him for this purpose.

Enter testimonial

Synagogue Chambers

Exeter 12 Apr 5628


This is to certify that the Revd Solomon Alexander has filled the offices of hazan and shohet in our congregation since July last and that he possesses great musical talent and ability as a hazan and has conducted himself in every way becoming the position he holds.

On behalf of the Meeting. A. Alexander Pres E. H. C.


Mr Dight gives notice that at the next quarterly meeting an alteration be made in Law 10 Sec 4 regarding burials.




Quarterly Meeting 2 August 5628 [1868] Shabbat Nahamu


Members present: Mr A. Alexander, M. Solomon, A. Aarons, M. Lazarus, M. Dight, M. Abrahams, B. Jonas.

On Sec 4 Law 10 being read: It is proposed by Mr M. Dight that it reads as follows: "Should any person cause the ground to be opened for the purpose of burial or setting a tombstone without the consent in writing from the President or in his absence from the senior elder, he shall pay a fine of ten guineas."

Seconded by A. Aarons. Unanimous.

It is unanimously carried that Mr Leon Solomon's a/c for duty on meat up to Shabat Nahamu be sent to him forthwith.

The hazan letter having been read it was referred to the next quarterly meeting.

The kehilot [?] as heretofore.


Special Meeting held on Sunday Aug 16/86[sic]/5628


Present: Messrs Alexander, Jonas, Solomon, Barnard, Dight, Hynes. resolved that the following




letter be written to Mr Leon Solomon:


Synagogue Chambers, Exeter

August 16 68/5628



Perhaps we should have informed you in our last communication that our hazan made an appication to us for increase of salary owing as he stated to the extra labour caused to supply you with meat. To meet which, we came to the conclusion of charging you with the duty charged to others, say 1d per lb in accordance with the laws of our congregation. You must take into consideration that the small sum of £5 annually contributed by you barely covers the usual charges for poultry when [...] to the number of heads killed for your use. The hazan having come to terms with the butcher to remunerate him you can be supplied as both.

Your obedient servant,

H. Hynes for the Board

Hon. Sec.

Leon Solomon Esq.




Annual Meeting Rosh Hashana October 5629 [1868]


Mr A. Alexander president, M. Dight, B. Jonas, M. Solomon, A. Aaron, M. Lazarus, M. Hart, H. Hynes.

The balance sheet having produced and read and passed unanimously.

Proposed by M. Splomon seconded by M. Lazarus that Mr A. Alexander be relected President and Treasurer for the ensuing year; carried unanimously. Proposed by Mr A. Alexander seconded by M. Solomon that Mr B. Jonas be relected relieving officer; carried unanimously.


Adjourned Annual General Meeting held Sunday 11 Oct 5629 [1868]

Present Messrs A. Alexander President, M. Hart,

H. Hynes, Lazarus, Jonas, Dight, Solomon, Abrahams. The letter to Mr Leon Solomons having been read the President informed the meeting that Mr S. refuses to pay any extra amount. The minutes of the last meeting are confirmed.

Proposed by M. Dight that Law 1 Sec 5 and 10 be enforced that the fines be reduced to 2/- and 1/-. Seconded by Mr Aarons. Amendment moved by M. Solomon




that all fines for non-attendance at meetings be discarded. Seconded by M. Hart. Carried by 5 for Against [.]

Proposed by M. Solomon that all honours in the synagogue be taken by the President and Reader except as regards Law 8 Sec 16 when the hazan shall in addition to standing sgan have the distribution of the honours. Seconded by H. Hynes. For 3 Against 5.

Proposed by Mr Dight and seconded by Mr Aarons: That in lieu of the present system now prevalent an [shohet torah?] of disturbing the service that each seatholder be requested to contribute 6d per month towards a repast to be provided in the long room the same morning by the president. Carried unanimously.

Proposed by Mr Solomon that in the event of any member refuses to receive an honour when presented by the acting officer shall have no [...] presented to him during the year. Seconded by M. Hart.

7 for; Mr Dight against.


Special meeting 8 November 5629/1869[sic - 1868]


Members present: Messrs A. Alexander, M. Hart, A. Barnard, B. Jonas, M. Abrahams, M. Dight.




It is ordered that the indemnification to the Devon and Cornwall Banking Company to draw the ten pounds interest not to be replaced in the names of the President and two senior elders be signed by the elders of the board gentlemen present having signed.


Quarterly meeting 13th December 5629 [1868]


Members present: Mr Alexander, Solomon, Barnard, Jonas, Dight, Lazarus, Aarons.

The minutes of the former meeting cnfirmed etc.


Special Meeting 14th March 5629 [1869]


Members present: Messrs Alexander, Solomon, Jonas, Dight, Aarons, Lazarus. Mr Alexander (the hazan) [applied?] for permission to apply for the situation open at Manchester and also requests a testimonial. Unanimously agreed.

Copy of testimonial

This is to certify that the revd S. Alexander has filled the offices of hazan and shohet in our congregation since September 5627 during which time he has conducted himself morally and performed his duties satisfactorily.

Signed on behalf of the meeting.

A. A. President


Quarterly Meeting Pesach 5629 [1869]

Members present: Mr A. Alexander President, Messrs B. Jonas, M. Lazarus, M. Dight, A. Aarons




The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The letter from the committee of the Great Synagogue relative to the subscription to the ecclesiastical fund was read and will be considered at some future time.

Mr Dight gives notice that he gives up being an elder at the expiration of three months from this date.


Special Meeting held 23 May '69/5629


A. Alexander Esq in the chair.

Present: Messrs Barnard, Jonas, Dight, Aarons, Solomon and Hynes. Meeting convened for the purpose of considering letter read from Revd S. Alexander.

Rev. S. Alexander having accepted office at the Southampton congregation gave the usual notice which was accepted. A communication from the Chief rabbi having been read recommending Mr Joseph Lewis as a fit and proper person for a candidate, the President to be empowered to communicate with him, also to advertise for other candidates.


Quarterly Meeting 5629 Shabat Nahamu [July 1869]


Members present:: Mr A. Alexander president, M. Solomon, B. Jonas, A. Aarons, A. Barnard, M. Hart, M. Dight.

The minutes of the last meeting having been read




The President read the several communications relative to the offices of hazan and shohet, and it is resolved the President shall write Dr Adler to impress on him the necessity of sending us a [person?] to fill the offices.

The [...] to be read as usual.




Special meeting called this first day of Feb 1885[sic]

Members present

M. Hart president

Mr A. Alexander

Mr Ralph

Mr A. Muller and Hart


Proposed by Mr Ralph and seconded by J. Hart that Mr A. Muller be the warden of the Burial ground. Carried.




Notice given to rev. J. Litovich


March 20th 1897


dear Sir,

On account of a few members declining to pay their weekly subscription, I am compelled to give you notice that your services as Minister and Schochet will not be required after six weeks ending May 1st and we shall want you to give up possession of the Synagogue House n that day.

C. Samuels



To Rev. J. Litovitch


P. S. the reason of giving you 6 weeks notice is you should have time in obtaining another place, and wishing you every success.




Special Meeting called on Sunday, May 2nd '97 to consider what steps should be taken respecting the Minister's notice.


C. Samuels President

[..] Hayams

L. Loventhal

D. Fidler

S. Cohen

S. Fredman

J. do

resolved that Mr Litovitch shall remain three months longer from this date Unanimously and [...] look out for [...]



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