Minutes 1852-1854
MSS/223 Waste Minute Book of Exeter Hebrew Congregation, 1852-1854
(Words underlined are in Hebrew in original)
[In square brackets not in original - usually translation or summary
of names voting]
P. 1
Minutes Book commenced May 6th 5608.
Special meeting 7th May 5608 [1848]
Members present: L. Lazarus, Pres.; J. Marks, Treas.; D. Lazarus; B.
Jonas; M. Lazarus.
B. Jonas requested the President to call a meeting concerning Mr. D.
Lazarus having abused him in Shool. M. Lazarus proposes that Mr.
Jonas having violated the Laws of the Kehilla and publicly abused
Mr. D. Lazarus in Shool, it is now proposed that Mr. Jonas do merely
hold the keys of the Burial Ground and take no precedence in Shool
whatever. No seconder.
Mr. M. Lazarus having proposed that Mr. Jonas be fined 2/6, seconded
by M. Lazarus. Mr. Jonas was, therefore, fined.
Waste Minute Book 5612
Quarterly Meeting 16 Oct. 5612 [1851]
Members present: Mr. M. Lazarus, Pres.; Messrs. D. Lazarus; B.
Jonas; J. Marks; M. Solomon; J. Alexander; I. Lazarus; I.
Silverstone; A. Alexander. E. Jacobs, Treas., absent.
The a/cs of Mr. D. Lazarus, Warden of the Burial Ground, having been
submitted, Mr. Isaac Lazarus moved that the a/cs be passed, seconded
by Mr. Myers Solomon, carried unanimously. Mr. M. Lazarus produced
Mr. E. Jacob's balance sheet, Treasurer of the past year, Mr. E.
Jacobs being absent. It was audited and found correct. Mr. D.
Lazarus proposes the a/c to be passed; seconded by Mr. I.
Silverstone; carried with the exception of Mr. J. Marks.
It having been decided by the whole of the members, all being now
present, that the elections of the officers take place to-night for
the sake of convenience. Mr. Moses Lazarus, as President, proposes
Mr. A. Alexander as President.
P. 2
Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes Mr. Moses Lazarus to retain office as
President for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Myers Solomon;
carried unanimously with the exception of Mr. J. Marks. Mr. M.
Lazarus proposes Mr. A. Alexander as Treasurer. Mr. D. Lazarus
proposes Mr. B. Jonas as Treasurer. Mr. Alexander was elected
Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes Mr. D. Lazarus to be re-elected as Warden
- unanimous.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes, seconded by A. Alexander, a vote of
thanks to Mr. E. Jacobs for his conduct during his year of office -
carried unanimously.
This meeting adjourned to Sunday, a week - 26th Oct. 5612 [1851]
Members present: M. Lazarus, Pres.; A. Alexander; J. Alexander; E.
Jacobs; M. Solomon; D. Lazarus; B. Jonas; I. Silverstone. Mr. J.
Marks fined.
The President moves that the parties whose names are attached to the
interest notes (for the monies to be applied to the conveying the
Deed of the Burial Ground prepared by the Trustees and now lying for
the signature of the Committee appointed for that purpose) be
requested to sign the said notes immediately in order that the said
monies may be transferred - carried unanimously.
It having been represented by the President that the Committee of
the Burial Ground having agreed with Cobley to let him the piece of
ground that has been attached to the old ground for the purpose of a
garden at the sum of 2 guineas per year, Mr. Myer Solomon moves that
this agreement be now ratified by Kohol - carried unanimously.
Resolved unanimously that the officers be empowered to complete the
necessary enclosures on the Burial Ground.
P. 3
Mr. Myers Solomon applies for seat 43; he being oldest seat holder
applying. It is granted.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus applies for the seat for his wife, lately occupied
by Mrs. Abrahams - granted.
Miss Hines has the seat granted to her lately occupied by Mrs.
Is[aa]c Lazarus by paying a guinea per year.
Mr. M. Lazarus moves a vote of thanks to the Baal Tephiloth for
their services during the recent Holy Days - carried unanimously.
The President having read a letter from the Rav dated Sept. 9th 5611
relative to the education of the children of the Congregation, A.
Alexander moves that the letter [be] received, seconded by D.
Lazarus, and that the reply sent by the President to the same be
entered in Kohol's Books.
M. Lazarus proposes that Mr. Hoffnung has half a guinea per year for
each poor child allowed him for teaching them - not seconded.
As an amendment in consideration of the present finances of the
Kehillah, I. Silverstone proposes that Mr. Hoffnung be allowed a
guinea [per] year to teach the poor children of the Congregation and
they shall be taught the same as other children. Not seconded.
Mr. M. Solom[o]n moves that Mr. Hoffnung shall abide by the minute[s]
entered in the book at the time the room was allowed viz. to teach
the poor children gratuitously. Sec[onde]d: E. Jacobs. [Carried 6 to
Mr. M. Lazarus proposes that no person shall be allowed to teach the
children of members but Mr. Hoffnung - not seconded.
Mr. M. Lazarus gives notice that he shall move next meeting that no
person be allowed to teach children of members but Mr. Hoffnung.
P. 4
Mr. Lazarus also gives notice that Mr. Hoffnung shall have half a
guinea each for teaching each poor child.
Mr. M. Lazarus also gives notice that Mr. Hoffnung shall not be
limited in his charge for teaching the children of members.
It was ordered by Kohol that Mr. Cohen, the Sofer, (=scribe) has
thirty shillings given him out of the Zedakah (=Charity fund).
Quarterly Meeting 21 December 5612 (= 1851)
Members present: Mr. M. Lazarus, Pres.; A. Alexander; M. Solomon; I.
Silverstone; B. Jonas; D. & I. Lazarus; J. Marks.
M. Lazarus proposes that there shall not be any other teacher in the
Congregation but Mr. Hoffnung. Sec[onde]d. Isaac Lazarus.
For Against
M. Lazarus, I. Lazarus, B. Jonas, D. Lazarus, I. Silverstone, J.
M. Solom[o]n, A. Alexander Declined voting: E. Jacobs
Mr. M. Lazarus proposes that Mr. Hoffnung has half a guinea per year
for teaching each poor child of the Congregation. Sec[onde]d: J.
[2 For - 7 Against]
The President having laid the two separate a/cs of the Solicitors
employed in arranging the lease of the Burial Ground and effecting
the transfer of money for that purpose - their amt. being about 14
pounds, it is ordered they be immediately paid from the funds of the
Burial Ground.
The President having read the letter from the Rav ('relative to the
College, it was ordered to be received' [scored out]) informing us
that a college is to be raised in London for the instruction of
Jewish youth.
Mr. E. Jacob gives notice that he will propose at the next meeting
P. 5
Mr. Hoffnung receives one guinea a year for teaching all the poor
children of the Congregation.
Mr. J. Marks brings a charge against the Parnass for depriving Mr.
Is[aa]c Solomon of his Aliyah after being recommended for that
purpose. It is unanimous that Mr. Mos[s] Lazarus acted in conformity
with his duty.
Mr. Marks gives notice that there shall be a committee appointed
from the members of Kohol compris[ed] of three persons not related
to each other to transact any business that may be required from
[one] quarterly meeting to the other. Withdrawn.
Quarterly Meeting, Passover 6 (?9) April 5612 (= 1852)
Members present: M. Lazarus, Pres.; B. Jonas; M. Solomon; J.
Alexander; Is[aa]c) Lazarus; Is[rael] Silverstone.
The Treasurer of the Kohol produced a cheque for ten guineas
[crossed out and something unreadable inserted] left as a legacy to
the Congregation by the late David Abarbanel Lindo, Esq.
The President called the attention of the meeting to the necessity
of providing the amount required to complete the promised payment
for the Burial Ground, viz. 50 pounds.
Special Meeting Sunday Evening 11 April 5612 [1852]
Members present: M. Lazarus;I. Lazarus;I. Silverstone;J. Marks; M.
Solomon; J. and A. Alexander; D. Lazarus.
('Proposed by Mr. Myer Solomon that a note of the deepest censure be
sent to Mr. [Isaac] Solomon).
The President having stated to the meeting that Mr. Is[aac] Solomon
being duly summoned to be called up this morning and he having
against rule and order went up to the Sefer without being called up
Proposed by Mr. Is[aa}c Lazarus that Mr. Solomon have no summons
P. 6
to be called up to the Torah until after the next annual meeting
unless he sends the President an ample apology ñ for his conduct
this morning. Carried unanimously with the exception of Mr. J.
Proposed by Mr. M. Solomon that [unless] Mr. Isaac Solomon sends the
President an ample apology, he shall not be summoned to the Torah at
all. Seconded by D. Lazarus. ('not to be entered' [overwritten]).
Proposed by Mr. Isaac Lazarus that a copy of the resolution be sent
to Mr. Isaac Solomon. Seconded by Mr. I. Silverstone ñ carried
Mr. J. Marks enters a protest against the proposition as being
illegal and not in accordance with our established religion.
Quarterly Meeting, Sunday 1st August 5612 (=1852), Sabbath of
Members present M. Lazarus; A. Alexander; G. Lazarus; M. Solomon; J.
Members fined Mr. Is[rael] Silverstone - fine paid 3 Oct. 5613
Minutes having been read of last meeting
The prayer readers stand as last year.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus gives notice that members having had a seat for
two years and clear of Kohol's books shall be admitted to Kohol.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus gives notice that Mr. M. Davis or any other
P. 7
individual shall not be called to the Sefer in a Jim Crow or coal
heaver's hat.
Mr. M. Solomon applies for seat 41, lately occupied by Mr. John
Mr. S. Hoffnung applies for seat no. 19. Granted commencing from New
Moon Tammuz.
Mr. J. Marks charges Mr. M. Lazarus, the Parnass, with having dealt
partially with the members as regarding being called up when their
bills were not paid. Withdrawn.
Mr. H. Davis demands of the Gabbai, 15/- for a debt incurred by Mr.
E. Jacobs during his office for the Shammas[.] [I]t is carried. Not
to be paid unless Mr. E. Jacobs can show it was ordered by Kohol.
Quarterly Meeting, 3rd Oct. 5613 (=1852)
Members present: M., I., and D. Lazarus; E. Jacobs; J. Marks; M.
Solomon; I. Silverstone; A. Alexander; B. Jonas.
Mr. David Lazarus produces his balance sheet of the Burial Ground
fund for the past year. It having been examined, Mr. Isaac Lazarus
moves the a/cs be received and passed. Seconded by Mr. E. Jacobs.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. A. Alexander moves that all the papers and receipts relatives to
the Burial Ground, which are in a tin case, be sealed with the
Kohol's seal and that the agreement of Cobley he put into the same
case with them. Seconded by Mr. M. Lazarus.
P. 8
Mr. A. Alexander, as Treasurer, produced his balance sheet for the
last year. Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes Mr. A. Alexander['s] balance
sheet be received and passed. Seconded by Mr. Emanuel Jacobs.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. A. Alexander proposed that there be an interest note taken out
for 10 guineas in the names of the three present officers and placed
in the hands of the Warden for the [e]nsuing year. Seconded by Mr.
M. Lazarus. Carried unanimously.
It being unanimous by the meeting [that] the officers for the
ensuing year now [be] elected. Mr. Moss Lazarus proposes A.
Alexander, seconded by Mr. D. Lazarus; carried unanimously with the
exception of Mr. Israel Lazarus. A. Alexander proposes Mr. Myer
Solomon as Treasurer. Mr. M. Lazarus proposes Mr. I. Lazarus as
for M. Solomon five
for I. Lazarus two
Mr. Myer Solomon is therefore duly elected Treasurer.
Mr. D. Lazarus proposes Mr. I. Silverstone as Warden. Mr. A.
Alexander proposes Mr. B. Jonas.
for Mr. I. Silverstone for Mr. B. Jonas
J. Marks, M. Solomon, E. Jacob[s], D. Lazarus, A. Alexander, Is[aa]c
Mr. Silverstone was duly elected as Warden.
This meeting is adjourned until next Sunday 1/2 past 2 p.m.
Mr. D. Lazarus proposes a vote of thanks to the President, carried
unanimously with the exception of Mr. J. Marks.
P. 9
Mr. J. Marks proposes a vote of censure against the past President
for his conduct during the last year of office.
Adjourned Quarterly Meeting
Members present: A. Alexander; M. Solomon; M., I., and D. Lazarus;
I. Silverstone; B. Jonas; E. Jacobs; J. Marks.
A list of papers placed in a tin [case] and bearing Kohol's seal in
the possession of the Warden of the Burial Ground.
An acknowledgement of the deeds in the possession of the General
Stock Receipt for 149.7.11 being a consideration for 154.4.4.
Jas. Terrell's receipt for executing lease.
Mr. Stogdon receipt for examining d[itto].
Mr. Parish's receipt for erecting party wall.
Mr. Chesterman's receipt for valuing.
Mr. Cobley's agreement for renting ground.
The minutes of last meeting having been read.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes that seat-holders having had a seat for
one year and clear of Kohol's books shall be ballotted [sic] for to
be admitted to the board or Vestry meetings free of fee. Seconded by
Mr. Marks. Withdrawn by consent.
Mr. M. Lazarus moves that all persons having held a seat for one
year paying the tax to the Burial Ground and not being a defaulter
shall be allowed to vote at the election of officers. Seconded by
Isaac Lazarus; carried by 6 to 3.
Proposed by E. Jacobs that the seat holders to vote for officers
must pay to the charity fund. Seconded by I. Silverstone. Carried by
7 to 2. The two against are M. & I. Lazarus.
P. 10
Proposed by Mr. Isaac Lazarus and seconded by Mr. D. Lazarus that no
person shall be called to the Sefer in an unbecoming hat or dress ñ
Mr. J. Marks applies for seat no. 41, lately occupied by Mr. J.
Alexander granted.
The seat belonging to Mr. B. Myers granted by Kohol is no. 38. The
seat he now occupies, no. 14, he has no claim on, being the property
of D. Lazarus.
Mr. Moss Lazarus makes a demand of [one pound] fine ('allowed'
scored out) given to Israel as far back as 5604 with the consent of
himself as Parnass, the Gabbai being absent during which time he
acted as Treasurer. Mr. I. Lazarus proposes that the above Minute be
not entertained. Seconded by Mr. J. Marks.
against its being paid: for its being paid
A. Alexander, M. Solomon, J. Marks, D. Lazarus, E. Jacobs
I. Lazarus, B. Jonas, I. Silverstone
Mr. E. Jacobs makes a demand of the 15/- applied for by H. Davis for
goods supplied to Israel and ommitted [sic] twelve months since in
his balance sheet. Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes that Mr. E. Jacob's
application be not entertained. Seconded by J. Marks.
for the proposition against
I. Lazarus, J. Marks, I. Silverstone B. Jonas, M. Solomon, D.
Alexander refuses to vote.
Mr. M. Lazarus votes for the above proposition as Kohol refused to
pay in the former case.
Mr. E. Jacobs enters protest for Kohol not paying the 15/- which he
claims and which he said he paid in accordance with the laws.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes that no Gabbai shall pass word for goods
for any person unless on his own responsibility. Seconded by Myer
Solomon ñ unanimously.
P. 11
Mr. Moss Lazarus makes a demand of 5/3 which he paid Mr. Hoffnung
for teaching poor children.
Mr. J. Marks proposes, seconded by M. Solomon that there is a minute
in the Book against Mr. Hoffnung being paid for such purpose and
that Mr. M. Lazarus pays the 5/3 out of his own pocket.
('Proposed by Mr. Lazarus that Kohol having sanctioned a payment of
7/10 ½ for the same purpose during the year' be erased).
Against re-payment ñ unanimous.
Mr. M. Lazarus enters his protest as Kohol having sanctioned a form
of payment for a similar purpose, consequently the decision is
Mr. Silverstone proposes that the minute stating that there be no
other teacher than Mr. Hoffnung be rescinded, seconded J. Marks.
Carried 5 to 1. A. Alexander and M. Lazarus refused to vote.
Carried 5 to 1. A. Alexander and M. Lazarus refused to vote.
(['Mr. Silverstone proposes that the whole of the meat money shall
be dedicated from the bills and not to' - scored out]).
Mr. J. Marks Proposes that Mr. Hoffnung has half a guinea a year for
teaching each poor child, seconded J. Lazarus.
For Against
J. Marks, I. Lazarus, I. Silverstone D. Lazarus, A. Alexander,
M. Solomon, B. Jonas
Carried by four to three. Mr. E. Jacobs and Mr. M. Lazarus refused
to vote.
Proposed by Mr. M. Lazarus that for the future, no fines shall be
exacted from [!] absented themselves from Kohol. Lost [by] seven to
Mr. I. Lazarus gives notice that he will propose that Mr. Hoffnung
has half guinea per year for teaching each poor child.
P. 12
Mr. I. Marks proposes that the income and expenditure shall be
produced at each quarterly meeting. Seconded by I. Lazarus. Carried
four to two.
Mr. A. Alexander proposes that the above law be not carried in force
for 12 months, seconded by J. Marks - unanimous with the exception
of J. Lazarus.
Mr. E. Jacobs applies for the seat number 5 in the gallery for his
wife - granted.
It is resolved that Israel collects the Duty tickets once a month
and have a shilling each time for doing so, and that the Gabbai give
every person notice of the same so that they may be prepared.
Quarterly Meeting Dec. 12, 5613 [1852]
Members present: Alex Alexander (Pres.); M. Solomons; I.
Silverstone; J. Marks; Moss Lazarus; E. Jacobs; D. Lazarus; B. Jonas
- I. Lazarus out of town.
On reading the minutes of the last meeting, it is found that a
minute proposed by Mr. Silverstone relative to the rescinding of a
former minute whether 'there be no other teachers than Mr. Hoffnung,'
it appears has not been entered by Mr. Hoffnung on being requested
by the Parnass to do so. Mr. J. Marks proposes, seconded by Mr. M.
Solomons, that the President (acting as Secretary) enter the said
minute now, in the presence of Kohol. All in favour of it being
entered except D. & M. Lazarus who refuse to vote.
Alexander proposes, sec[onde]d. by D. Lazarus, that Harris Jacobs
have two shillings a week during his illness - carried unanimous.
The President having read the application of the Committee of the
Jews' Hospital, Mile End, London, asking for pecuniary assisstance
[sic] the Kohol have decided that the sum of one guinea be given
from the funds and a private subscription be got up for that
P. 13
An application also having been read from Sampson Samuel, Esq., for
relief to the distressed individuals in Smyrna from fire, it is
resolved that a sum of one guinea be forwarded to the fund for their
relief by the Officers.
Special Meeting Sunday, 19th December 5613 (=1852)
Members present: A. Alexander; Myer Solomon; I. Silverstone; D.
Lazarus; E. Jacobs; B. Jonas.
Mr. Hoffnung having been sent for to give his reason for not
entering the minutes passed by Kohol as regard the rescinded of a
measure concerning a Teacher. Mr. Hoffnung says his reason was for
not entering it [t]hat the agreement between himself and the Kohol
did not mention there should be another teacher.
Mr. Hoffnung's explanation not being satisfactory to the meeting,
Mr. E. Jacobs proposes that Mr. Hoffnung be fined five shillings for
not entering the minute in the Kehilla's book by the order of the
Parnass - sec[onde]d. by I. Silverstone. Carried.
It having been represented by several people that they feel
aggrieved with Mr. Hoffnung as a teacher[, it was] proposed by Mr.
Alexander than an advertisement be published in the Jewish Chronicle
that a teacher is required by several families in the City -
sec[onde]d. by I. Silverstone.
Carried unanimously with the exception of Mr. D. Lazarus who refuses
to vote.
Copy of Advertisement
A Hebrew Teacher Required: An opportunity offers for a young man who
can devote a portion of his time to the teaching of Youth. For
particulars apply: -Alex. Alexander, President, Exeter Congregation.
Exeter 16 January 5613
The President having received the following requisition in
consequence of which this meeting is called.
Exeter Jan. 16th 5613/1853
Mr. A. Alexander: We the undersigned members respectfully request
P. 14
to call a meeting at the most [convenient) hour this day to consider
the propriety of delaying the carrying into effect a resolution that
was passed at the last special meeting. Signed: Moses Lazarus, David
Lazarus, Isaac Lazarus.
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; M. Solomon; M.
Lazarus; I. Lazarus; E. Jacobs; I. Silverstone; B. Jonas; D.
Mr. M. Lazarus proposed that the proceedings of the last meeting was
illegal, unjust and vindictive and that all proceedings against Mr.
Hoffnung be delayed until the next quarterly meeting - relative to
his passed [sic] conduct. Seconded by I. Lazarus.
For Against
D. Lazarus, I. Lazarus, M. Lazarus M. Solomon, I. Silverstone, B.
E. Jacobs, A. Alexander
('Special Meeting
Members present: M. Solomon, Treasurer; A. Marks; I. Silverstone; D.
Lazarus; E. Jacobs; I. Lazarus.
The Treasurer having received a requisition to know why he withheld
the monthly money from Mr. Hoffnung without cause, Mr. M. Lazarus
proposes that Mr. Hoffnung having performed his duties, that he have
his monthly money as usual from the butchers. Seconded by I.
Mr. Lazarus withdraws the above proposition as the Treasurer states
he will pay Mr. Hoffnung as usual.' [scored out])
Quarterly Meeting 25th April 5613 [1853]
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; M. Solomon; I. Marks;
I. Silverstone; D. Lazarus; B. Jonas. Mr. Moss Lazarus and I.
Lazarus, not summoned, being defaulters.
P. 15
It is unanimously resolved that the minutes of the last meeting
being improperly entered and without the sanction of the members
present, they be expunged.
It is unanimously resolved that the Officers wait on Mr. Terrell for
the purpose of paying over to him twenty pounds in part of the fifty
due in May next on a/c of the Burial Ground and to get a grant of
extension for the remaining thirty pounds.
The President produced a note from Mr. Hoffnung to the following
effect: 'January 16th 5613. Gentlemen, As I have been last night
grossly insulted by the Treasurer in the execution of my duties, I
therefor [sic] most respectfully claim the protection of Kohol. I
have the honour to be, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, (signed) S.
The following note was also produced from Mr. Myers Solomon,
Treasurer: 'Exeter, 16th January, 5613. To the President. Sir, I
wish to state at the meeting this evening the disgraceful conduct of
Mr. Hoffnung to me at my house last evening when on his official
duties for the consideration of the board. Yours truly, (signed) M.
Mr. Hoffnung being sent for to attend. He proceeds with his
statement thus: 'When I called on the Treasurer to receive my
month's salary, the Gabbai wanted to deduct 5/- as a fine. I
certainly did say ('wait, take the next time as it is rent
time'-[scored out]) if you take this 5/- it is a complete robbery,
and I also said you have told a falsehood. The Gabbai said to me, if
a man [makes an offering] for you and pays you handsomely for
learning, you don't care if he violates the Sabbath or not.
P. 16
The President states the fine was passed against Mr. Hoffnung on the
19th December. 25th Jan[uar]y, Mr. H. called on to enter the a/cs
but refused to do so because I told him he was fined for not
entering the minutes and because I wanted to deduct the 5/- from his
salary due that day. He told me I wanted to rob him - there were but
two judicious Jews in the Congregation - in reply to which I said 'I
believe you would not mind a man violating the Sabbath so long as he
makes you a handsome present in offerings.' He also, [then]
interfered [with] my domestic affairs. I then told him to leave the
Mr. Hoffnung does not come or has not been to enter the a/cs and
from his neglect, I now prove from the books that a sum of 3.6.9 has
been omitted to be entered in the books - and likely to be a loss to
the Kohol.' The case having been considered,
we believe that Mr. Hoffnung's conduct towards the Gabbai (whilst he
was acting on the resolution of Kohol) deserves the strongest
For Against
I. Silverstone, B. Jonas, D. Lazarus
Alexander, J. Marks
Mr. Hoffnung being now present, the case of his refusing the orders
of the Warden and Treasurer on the ground at the funeral of the late
Harris Jacobs to follow the corpse to the grave to which he made no
defence, the following resolution was passed:
In consequence of Mr. Hoffnung having frequently of late committed
great dereliction of duty, A. Alexander proposes that he has three
months notice from this date to quit the situation of Shochet, etc.,
he now fills. Sec[onde]d by M. Solomon.
For Against
I. Silverstone, B. Jonas, D. Lazarus, J. Marks
A. Alexander, M. Solomon
A. Alexander proposes that an advertisement be inserted in the
Jewish Chronicle to the following effect: That the office of Shochet
and Cantor, etc. in the Exeter Cong[regatio]n. is now vacant.
Candidates will make early application to the President and the Rav
be written to on the subject. Sec[onde]d. by I. Silverstone.
D. Lazarus, B. Jonas, A. Alexander, M. Solomon, I. Silverstone. Mr.
Marks refuses to vote.
P. 17
Henry Jacobs applies to be sent to Birmingham with his family and,
owing four pounds rent, requests that a sum of money adequate to his
wants be lent to him. The Gabbai states he has no funds and regrets
they cannot entertain his request at present.
In consequence of the threatening letter received at this meeting
from the seat holders, A. Alexander hereby gives notice to rescind
the resolution at the next quarterly meeting permitting them to
attend at the annual meeting to vote for officers.
Mr. Hoffnung now rose to say he accepted the notice to leave.
Special Meeting, Sunday May 5613
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; M. Solomon, Treasurer;
I. Silverstone; B. Jonas; D. Lazarus; J. Marks; M. Lazarus; I.
Mr. Joseph Marks proposes that in consideration of Mr. B. Myer's
contributions toward the Kehillah, that an act of grace be granted
to him, having held a seat for 18 months, to admit him at once as a
Vestry member. Seconded by Mr. Myers Solomon.
Mr. M. Lazarus proposes as an amendment that all seat holders of a
year's standing shall be admitted as Vestry members. Seconded by Mr.
D. Lazarus
For Against
M., D., & I. Lazarus J. Marks, B. Jonas, M. Solomon, A. Alexander
Mr. Silverstone refuses to vote.
The amendment is lost. For the original proposition: [four for,
three against]. Mr. Silverstone refuses to vote. It is, therefore,
Mr. Moss Lazarus proposes that Mr. Myers is not admitted till after
the next annual meeting. Seconded by Mr. D. Lazarus. [Three for,
four against]. Mr. Silverstone refuses to vote. [Lost.]
P. 18
Mr. B. Myers having paid his guinea admittance fee takes his seat as
a Vestry member.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus is fined two shillings and sixpence for improper
language towards Mr. Myers.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes that all seat holders having had a seat
for thirteen months shall be admitted this day by an act of grace.
Seconded by D. Lazarus.
[Three for, four against]. Mr. Silverstone and B. Myers refuse to
vote. This is also lost.
Mr. M. Lazarus proposes that all seat holders be admitted at once
that have held seats for eighteen months. Seconded by D. Lazarus.
[Three for, four against]. I.Silverstone and B. Myers refuse to
In consequence of Mr. Moss Lazarus having incited several persons to
obtain their meat without paying the duty theron [sic] and advised
Mr. Mathews, the butcher, to let these people have their meat
without paying the duty to the recognised treasurer, thereby doing
much mischief to the funds and peace of the Congregation, Mr. J.
Marks proposes that he, Mr. M. Lazarus, be expelled from Kohol for
two years. Seconded by Mr. B. Jonas.
For the proposition five, against two. Mr. Silverstone refuses to
vote. Carried by five to two.
Special Meeting Sunday, 8th May 5613 [1853]
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; Messrs. M. Solomon; J.
Marks; B. Jonas; B. Myers; D. Lazarus; E. Jacobs; I. Silverstone
It is carried unanimously, with the exception of David Lazarus, that
a [letter] of apology addressed to the members of the Kohol from Mr.
B. Myers, relative to a misunderstanding that took place, be entered
in the books.
P. 19
To the members of the Jewish Congregation of the City of Exeter. I
regret to find that I have been t[he] means of raising a report
greatly to the prejudice of Mr. A. Alexander, our President,
respecting a transaction which occurred in Lon[d]on some twenty
years ago. I am perfectly convinced I have been mistaken in
considering the individual alluded to was Mr. Alexander of Exeter
and I hasten to assure him and you of my unfeigned regret for having
entertained a suspicion that he could have been this person and
still more that I should in an unguarded moment have spoken of him
as being the person to another of your body. I am, gentlemen, your
ob[edien]t. servant. (Signed) B. Myers, Victoria Terrace.
Pennsylvania, Exeter. 2nd May 1853.
The President having stated that in order to put an end to the
differences that exist in the Kehillah by a certain number of seat
holders with Messrs. M. & I. Lazarus taking meat without paying the
tax ('He sent for Mr. Hoffnung' scored out) and having received
information that these parties were about having meat from another
Kehillah, the President requested Mr. Hoffnung not to porge [sic]
meat without the tax being paid - which he refused to comply with.
['It is proposed by Mr. B. Myers that unless he attend strictly to
the order of the President, particularly' - scored out]. It is
unanimously agreed that Mr. Hoffnung be sent for and requested by
the meeting not to porge [sic] any meat without the duty being first
paid - Mr. Hoffnung being sent for, his answer is he will continue
to porge [sic] unless he receives orders to the contrary from the
Chief Rabbi. The President produced a letter from the Chief Rabbi.
It is ordered to be placed with the papers in the Kohol's box.
Proposed by Mr. M. Solomon, that under the present circumstances,
that Mr. A. Alexander, the President, be requested to enter the
minutes. Seconded by E. Jacobs. Carried unanimously.
('It is ordered that the following letter be sent to the Chief Rabbi
and signed by the members present. Synagogue Chambers, 9th May 5613.
Rev[eren]d. and Dear Sir, I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your
favor of
P. 20
the 2nd inst. We are sorry to trouble you again [in] this unpleasant
affair. You know the funds for the support of our Shochet are
obtained from a tax on meat of a penny per pound. The party who are
acting in opposition to the Vestry Members are taking meat without
paying this tax which will prevent us paying Mr. Hoffnung his salary
as well as other demands. It is [in] the power of the Shochet to
prevent this and would be the means of bringing matters to a speedy
reconciliation [but he] is determined not to do so. It is the wish
of the Vestry Members 'that he should not porge [sic] any meat until
the tax is paid theron [sic].' We have stated this to him but he
positively refuses to attend to this request unless he receives
instructions from you to that effect. We therefore trust you will
see the necessity of writing him.' - scored out).
As an advertisement has appeared in the Jewish Chronicle by persons
calling themselves members whose residence among the Congregation
has only been a few months, assisted by Messrs. M. & I. Lazarus, who
are siding and abetting the same, the President is herewith
authorised by the members of the Congregation to reply to the same,
refuting their statements. Carried unanimously.
P. 21
Special Meeting Sunday, 22 May 5613 [1853]
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; M. Solomon; I. Marks;
B. Myers; E. Jacobs; I. Lazarus; B. Jonas; D. Lazarus.
From the conduct of Mr. Hoffnung yesterday in the Synagogue,
particularly as regards his expressions to an old Vestry Member, Mr.
Marks, A. Alexander begs to move that Mr. Hoffnung be not allowed to
read prayers any further during the remainder of his term viz., two
months. Seconded by Mr. My. Solomon
Mr. Isaac Lazarus, being called to order, having stated to the
President that he had behaved in a rascally manner and
dishonourable, he is not fined 2/6.
Isaac Lazarus moves as an amendment that the behaviour of the
Parnass [was] so disgraceful that he deserves to be severely
reprimanded for his conduct in the Synagogue yesterday, causing a
disturbance. [Seconded by] D. Lazarus.
For the original Motion Against
M. Solomon, J. Marks, E. Jacobs, D. Lazarus
B. Jonas, B. Myers
Isaac Lazarus having left the room.
Mr. B. Myers moves that Mr. Moses Albu, the applicant, be sent for
to read in Synagogue next Shabbos and to ascertain his other
capabilities for his situation. Seconded by Al[e]x[ander].
For Against
B. Jonas, A. Alexander, J. Marks, D. Lazarus
M. Solomon, E. Jacobs, B. Myers
Mr. M. Solomons requests that Mr. Hoffnung be restrained from going
to his house as Secretary. Seconded by B. Myers.
For Against
J. Marks, A. Alexander, B. Jonas, D. Lazarus
E. Jacobs, B. Myers, M. Solomon
Special Meeting Sunday, 26th June 5613 [1853]
Members present: Mr. Al[e]x[ander]. Alexander, President; Messrs. M.
Solomon; D. Lazarus; E. Jacobs; B. Myers.
The President presents a letter from Sr. Moses Montefiore requesting
to know if it is our intention to be represented at the Board of
Jewish Deputies.
Mr. B. Myers proposes, seconded by D. Lazarus, that an answer be
sent to Sir. Moses Montefiore stating our regret that our finances
will not permit us to be represented at their board of Jewish
Deputies at present. Carried unanimously.
The President having stated with deep feelings of sorrow that the
melancholy intelligence has reached him of the death of the wife of
our Respected Chief Rabbi. He trusted the members would join him in
expressing their sympathy on the unfortunate occasion.
Mr. B. Myers moved, seconded by Mr. Solomon, that the President be
requested to write a letter of condolence to the Chief Rabbi.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. E. Jacobs calls the attention of the meeting to a paragraph in
the Western Times paper. Mr. E.J. states he perfectly agreed with
part of that paragraph viz. that a piece of Plate is about to be
presented to Mr. Hoffnung by his friends on his leaving Exeter, but
he cannot see the right the parties have of stating that it is done
by the principal members as this board in not cognisant of such an
act, and he, therefore, proposes that the President shall in the
name of this meeting refute that statement - both in the W[estern]
Times and in the Jewish Chronicle, should any statement appear in
that paper - seconded by Mr. B. Myer.
P. 23
Mr. D. Lazarus said as the oldest member of the board, he could not
contribute to this piece of plate presented to Mr. H. as he
considered he has not fulfilled his duties.
The chairman having put the question. Carried unanimously.
The Chairman stated he was requested by Messrs. B. Jonas, a member
of the board, and Israel Silverstone, the Warden, to say they wished
the statement made in the papers should be refuted.
The thanks of the meeting to the Chairman for his conduct in the
chair was moved by Mr. E. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. B. Myers - who
spoke of the general usefulness in congregational matters of Mr. A.
Alexander, the Chairman. Carried unanimous.
Special Meeting Sunday, 3rd July 5613
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; Messrs. M. Solomon; E.
Jacobs; B. Myers; I. Silverstone; D. Lazarus; Mr. Marks. Mr. I.
Lazarus summoned but absent.
The President having stated to the meeting that Mr. Albu, the
candidate for the office of Cantor, Shochet, etc., having read in
Synagogue yesterday, much to the satisfaction of the Congregation,
we now come to the consideration whether he will be competent to
fill the said office. Mr. A. Alexander proposes Mr. Albu for Shochet
and Teacher. Seconded by Mr. M. Solomon. Carried unanimous.
Mr. Silverstone proposes that the form of agreement for Mr. Albu's
engagement be submitted to him through the President. Seconded by
Mr. B. Myers.
[Four for the motion, three against]. Carried.
P. 24
The President, having seen Mr. Albu, states to the meeting that Mr.
A. consents to the agreement and is consequently elected. The Vestry
requests the President to reply to Mr. Cohen of Leeds, a candidate
for the situation of Cantor, etc., stating the Congregation is
Quarterly Meeting 21 August 5613
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; M. Solomon, Treasurer;
I. Silverstone; B. Myers; B. Jonas; D. Lazarus.
Mr. A. A[lexander] proposes that the resolution permitting seat
holders to vote be rescinded, notice having been given to that
affect last quarterly meeting. Seconded by Mr. Myer Solomon. Carried
Mr. B. Myers proposes that all the resolutions relative to the
engagement of Mr. Albu passed at each special meeting be now
ratified. Seconded by I. Silverstone. Carried unanimous.
The Kohol request[s] that Mr. Alexander take [his] Tephillos
(=prayers on [Days of Awe]) as usual.
A note having been read from Mr. Asher Barnard applying to become a
seat holder[,] [t]he Board recommends that the President wait on Mr.
B. and explain our laws on that subject.
Mr. B. Myers applies for seat no. 37. Granted.
Mr. Myers Solomon applies for seat no. 41. Granted.
Mr. B. Jonas applies for seat no. 42.
Mr. Elsner applies for seat no. 43.
Mr. H. Davis applies for seat no. 40
P. 25
Mr. B. Myers proposes that the fines entered against Mr. Isaac
Lazarus be now ratified. Seconded by Mr. M. Solomon.
The President having read a letter from Mr. Josiah Solomon of London
offering himself as a candidate for Exeter Congregation to represent
them at the Board of Deputies. The President is requested to
ascertain from Mr. Josiah Solomon his views on the subjects over
which the Board of Deputies have any controul [sic] and if he will
pledge himself to vote for their transactions being published.
An application having been made by Mr. Seymore to rent the house we
now hold with the Bath. That the officers let it to Mr. Seymore as a
quarterly tenant at the rent of 12.10.0 and they are instructed to
employ Mr. Stogdon to prepare an agreement, carried unanimously.
Copper fitting secured ñ º notice to determine at any quarter -
access to the Bath at all time[s] when required from 8 in the
morning till 10 at night.
It is ordered that the Treasurer become security for the am[oun]t of
two pounds worth of goods for Aaron [Israel].
Special Meeting 17th September 5613
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; M. Myers Solomon; B.
Myers; E. Jacobs; D. Lazarus; I. Silverstone.
The President having stated that Mr. Albu complains of the manner
which the meat is taken at the butcher's by persons who have their
meat without being porged [sic], and also mark it themselves and it
also appears that there are persons who contrive to take meat
without paying the duty by which means the funds of the Congregation
is greatly injured. It is unanimously resolved that Mr. Albu be
requested not to porge [sic] any meat unless he is informed for whom
the meat is for, so that the duty is paid thereon - and Mr. Albu is
also to keep a book for the purpose of checking the tax.
The President states that he had received a note from Mr. Chas.
P. 26
of Plymouth desiring an interview with him with a view of offering
terms from the parties who are at variance with the Kohol with a
view of reconciliation. The President, in the present of Mr. Marks,
put to paper the following, being the terms offered. 'They will meet
the Kohol on equal grounds and by rescinding the resolution relative
to the expulsion of Mr. Moses Lazarus, they will immediately pay
their accounts.'
Proposed by Mr. Silverstone. If Mr. Moss Lazarus wished to be
reinstated, this board is willing he shall be so on his paying the
amount he holds of the Congregation. A fine of five pounds and an
apology to the Board. Seconded by Mr. B. Myers.
Mr. D. Lazarus moves as an amendment, that Mr. Moss Lazarus be
admitted without the fine but to pay all the monies he holds of the
Congregation [and] an apology to the Board. Seconded by Mr. B.
Mr. D. Lazarus moves as an amendment that Mr. Moss Lazarus be
admitted without the fine but to pay all the monies he hold[s] for
the Congregation [and] an apology to the Board. Not seconded.
The original resolution is carried unanimous with the [ex]ception of
Mr. David Lazarus.
Mr. Silverstone proposes that the President communicates with Mr.
Chas. Marks and forwards to him the copy of the resolution passed at
the Board this evening in answer to the application of Mr. M.
Special Meeting 25th September 5613 [1853]
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; Myer Solomon, I.
Silverstone; D. Lazarus; E. Jacobs; B. Jonas; B. Myers.
The President presented a letter from Mr. Moss Lazarus stating he
was ready to pay over to the Kohol the monies he wrongly holds of
the community, and will accept the 'Olive Branch' if held out.
Mr. Silverstone proposes that Mr. M. Lazarus be sent for to explain
his letter. Seconded by D. Lazarus.
[Five for the motion]. Mr. E. Jacobs and Myers Solomon refuse to
vote. Carried.
Mr. Myers Solomon proposes that no person is to address Mr. M.
Lazarus nor put any questions to him but through the President.
Seconded by E. Jacobs. Carried unanimous.
P. 27
Mr. Moss Lazarus attends and admits he done [sic] wrong in going to
the bu[t]cher as he di[d] but says we exasperated him by going also
to the butcher's and he made use of words in the heat of passion
which he would not say in his cooler moments.
It is unanimously resolved that those parties who withheld their
payment from the Congregation shall be replaced in their former
position by paying over the full amounts due of the meat duty and
The Kohol received the apology of Mr. M. Lazarus and peace is
restored [from everlasting to everlasting].
It is resolved that the amount of 1.10.3 claimed by Mr. M. Lazarus
shall be allowed him and a [Blessing] for the Officers and Kohol be
made for the am[oun]t.
It is resolved that the amount claimed by Mr. E. Jacobs viz. fifteen
shillings be also allowed him and three [Blessings be made [in Shool].
Quarterly Meeting 22nd October 5614 [1853]
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; Messrs. M. Solomon; I.
Silverstone; B. Myers; E. Jacobs; D. Lazarus; M. Lazarus; B. Jonas.
Mr. Moss Lazarus protests against Mr. Myers's vote being taken until
he is a member.
Mr. Moss Lazarus proposes that the fines against Mr. Isaac Lazarus
be not enforced. Seconded by D. Lazarus.
[Three for, five against]. Carried by 5 to 3.
Mr. M. Solomon objects to Mr. Elsn[e]r coming in, consequently he
must be ballotted [sic] for. Mr. Elsner declines being ballotted
[sic] for.
Mr. Silverstone proposes that Mr. M. Solomon's balance sheet be
received and past [sic]. Seconded by Mr. E. Jacobs. Unanimous.
Mr. Silverstone, as Warden, produces his balance sheet; it is
examined and found correct. Proposed by Mr. A. Alexander that it be
passed. Seconded by M. Solomon.
P. 28
The Chairman asks the meeting if they will elect officers at once.
Mr. M. Lazarus opposes it.
[Seven for, one against]. Mr. Isaac Lazarus being under fines was
not allowed to vote.
Mr. E. Jacobs proposes that the same gent[le]men retain office next
year. Seconded by B. Jonas.
Mr. M. Lazarus opposes the proposition.
Mr. E. Jacobs is voted to the chair. Mr. A. Alexander resigning it.
For the original proposition as to the election of officer.
[Three for, one against]. Carried by three to one. Mr. D. Lazarus
refuses to vote.
Mr. A. Alexander proposes the fines against Mr. I. Lazarus be struck
out. Seconded by Mr. I. Silverstone. Carried unanimously.
('Mr. Silverstone proposes a vote of thanks to the President for the
handsome and upright manner he has conducted the affairs of the
Community for the past year and trusts he will continue in the same
path in the ensuing year.
Mr. B. Myers in second[ing] the proposition thanks the President for
his conduct, particularly from the great opposition that have been
offered to his exertions.
Mr. M. Lazarus proposes a vote of censure for the following acts:
[Signing the summonses].
For signing the summonses when out of town
For not putting up the Ark curtain.
For concealing the letters of the Chief Rabbi.
Mr. B. Myers moves that the remarks......' - [scored out])
Adjourned Meeting Hoshamah Rabbah 24th Oct. 5614
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; Mr. M. Solomon; I.
Silverstone; B. Jonas; Isaac Lazarus; E. Jacobs; B. Myers; M.
Lazarus; D. Lazarus; Mr. S. Elsner--
Mr. S. Elsner having claimed his eldership in accordance with Law 4,
sec. 12, and paid his entrance fee of 10/6 is admitted.
P. 29
Mr. Silverstone proposes a vote of thanks to the President for the
handsome and upright manner he has conducted the aff[a]irs of the
Community for the past year and trusts he will continue in the same
path in the ensuing year. Mr. B. Myers in second[ing] the
proposition, thanks the President for his conduct, particularly from
the great opposition that has been offered to his exertions.
[Five for, two against]. David Lazarus refuses to vote, Mr. Elsner
declining to vote having no knowledge of the Kohol's affairs.
Carried by 5 to 2.
Mr. A. Alexander, President, moves a vote of thanks to Mr. M.
Solomon as Treasurer for the very able manner he has passed his year
of office and particularly on the successful balance sheet he
produced. Mr. B. Myers seconds the proposition bearing out in full
all that the mover of the proposition has stated.
[Five for, one against]. D. and M. Lazarus refuse to vote. Mr.
Elsner declines voting as on the former proposition. Carried by 5 to
Mr. A. Alexander moves a vote of thanks to Mr. Silverstone as Warden
for the past year. Seconded by Mr. E. Jacobs.
[Five for, one against]. D. and M. Lazarus refuse to vote. Mr.
Elsner [d]eclines to vote as on the former proposition. Carried by 5
to [1].
Mr. M. Solomon proposes the best thanks of the meeting to Mr. A.
Alexander for his able services in reading the prayers on the past
Days of Awe. Seconded by E. Jacobs.
[Four for the motion, one against]. Mr. M. Lazarus refuses to vote.
('Mr. M. Lazarus moves an amendment that the rancorous feeling Mr.
Alexander ?? the expressions made use of, he is totally unfit to
read prayers in the Shool. Seconded by Mr. Isaac Lazarus. Mr. E.
Elsn[e]r moves as an amendment' - [scored out]) The above erased by
Moss Lazarus himself.
('Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes that Mr. Albu shall be comp[ell]ed to
teach the children at the houses of those parents who require him to
do so. Sec[onde]d. by ' - [scored out])
P. 30
Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes that a committee be formed for the
purpose of providing a teacher and to submit such rules to the Board
as shall be beneficial to the teaching of the children. Sec[onde]d.
by Mr. Elsner. Unanimous.
Mr. Is[aa]c Lazarus proposes that the committee by formed of Messrs.
A. Alexander, President; Mr. B. Myers, & Mr. M. Lazarus - with the
Treasurer & Warden. Carried unanimous.
('Mr. E. Jacobs proposes as an amendment that the three officers
with Messrs. M. Lazarus & B. Myers form the committee. For the
amendment: D. Lazarus, E. Jacobs, I. Elsner, B. Jonas' - [scored
Mr. M. Lazarus proposes that ('Mr. Mathews be appointed' - [scored
out]) there be a second butcher provided by the officers. Sec[onde]d.
by Mr. B. Myers.
[Five for the motion, five against]. Carried against by the casting
vote of the Chairman.
Mr. E. Jacobs proposed that unless Mr. Bartream will supply better
meat that he has one month's notice to discontinue killing.
Sec[onde]d. by A. Alexander. Unanimous.
Proposed by Mr. I. Lazarus that Mr. B. Myers act as Secretary at the
Mr. Isaac Lazarus gives notice that he will propose next meeting
there be two butchers.
Adjourned Meeting 23 October 5614 [1853]
The President convenes this meeting of seat holders and Elders in
accordance with the request of Sir Moses Montefiore as Chairman of
the British Jewish Deputies for the purpose of
P. 31
[e]lecting a Gentleman to represent this Congregation at their
Meeting adjourned till T[h]ursday ev[enin]g. next at 1/2 past 5.
Adjourned Meeting Tuesday Evening, 25th Oct. 5614
On Mr. Henry Hine's presenting himself to vote for a Deputy, the
President put this question to him. How old are you, sir[?] 21 years
of age.
By M.L. Whether you made any application to enter the Club (?
Church)[?] I did not.
Who applied for me [sic]? I don't know. I believe Mr. Lazarus but I
am certain there was an application.
Mr. Myers moves the meeting be adjourned till Saturday night.
Sec[onde]d. by Mr. M. Solomon.
To be adjourned till Saturday night.
For Mr. Joseph Lyons: 8 For M. Lazarus: 7
Mr. M. Lazarus voting for himself.
Mr. E. Jacobs moves a vote of thanks to the Chairman for his able
and impartial conduct. Sec[onde]d. by Mr. M. Davis.
Special Meeting Sunday Evening, 30th October 5614
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; Mr. M. Solomon; I.
Silverstone; I. Lazarus; D. Lazarus; E. Jacobs; B. Jonas; I. Elsner;
B. Myers.
The President states that this meeting is called to ratify the
proceedings of the meeting this morning viz. the return of Mr.
Joseph Lazarus of 26 Colet Place, London as our representative at
the Board of Jewish Deputies.
Mr. B. Myers moves that the proceedings of this morning as regards
the election and return of Mr. J. Lazarus of London as
P. 32
a representative at the Board of Deputies. Seconded by E. Jacobs.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus moves as an amendment that we do not ratify the
election of this day. Seconded by D. Lazarus. The amendment is lost.
The proposition being carried by 7 to 2.
Quarterly Meeting 1st [January] 5614
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; Mr. M. Solomon,
Treasurer; M. Lazarus; I. Lazarus; I. Silverstone; D. Lazarus; S.
Elsner; E. Jacobs; B. Jonas, B. Myers.
Mr. Isaac Lazarus proposes that twenty pounds per year be taken from
Mr. Albu's salary to provide a teacher. Not [s]econded.
The President having presented an appeal from Sir M. Montefiore for
our co-religionists in Jer[u]salem.
Mr. Moss Lazarus proposes that the sum of five pounds be taken from
the funds of the Congregation for the purpose in addition to the
subscription to be entered into. Seconded by D. Lazarus.
Mr. M. Solomon proposes as an amendment the three pounds be taken
from the funds of the Community and that a subscription be entered
into. Seconded by B. Jonas. Withdrawn by consent.
[Three for the amendment - none against].
Mr. E. Jacobs proposes as an amendment that a subscription be
entered into for the purpose. Seconded by B. Myers. Carried
The President now puts the original motion.
[Three for, seven against]. Lost by seven to three.
P. 33
Special Meeting 20th February 5614 [1854]
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; M. Solomon; D.
Lazarus; M. Lazarus; I. Silverstone; S. Elsner; B. Myers.
The President having called the meeting from a letter received from
Dr. Adler in reply to the question whether we are to make Minyan
with ('Mr. Barnard who has at present' - [scored out]) who has his
shop open of a Sabbath. The Chief Rabbi deciding we are to make
It is proposed by Mr. M. Solomon that in order that no public insult
shall be given, that anyone leaving the Shool when he forms the
Minyan, he shall be fined one guinea and deprived of all privileges
till it is paid. Seconded by B. Myers. It is lost by 4 to 3.
Quarterly Meeting 16th April 5614
Members present: Mr. A. Alexander, President; Myers Solomon; I.
Silverstone; B. Myers; S. Elsn[e]r; B. Jonas; M. Lazarus.
The President having stated that application had been made from Mr.
Terre[ll on] behalf of the Charity Trustees for the further sum of
fifty pounds to be invested with the previous sum of 150. The Warden
of the Burial Ground is hereby authorised to invest 20 for that
It is unanimously resolved that the officers to empowered to employ
a respectable person to paint the Shool at an expense of not more
than 10.
Mr. Albu having sent in his resignation, the Vestry received it with
It is unanimously resolved that the situation be declared vacant.
P. 34
Proposed by Mr. M. Solomon, seconded by Mr. B. Myers, that an
advertisement be inserted in the Voice of Jacob that we will receive
candidates for the situation.
For Against
B. Myers M. Lazarus
B. Jonas I. Silverstone
M. Solomon D. Lazarus
A. Alexander S. Elsn[e]r
Carried by casting vote.
[Notes: 1) Jacob dispute p. 7, 10, & Moss Lazarus about money due,
p. 27
2) Anglicisation use of terms President, Vestry (p. 33), Sabbath
to make minyan (hence have minyan) p. 33]
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