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References to the Dover Jewish Community
Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1866 page 8 "HEBREW ACADEMY 10, ST. MARTIN'S TERRACE THE REV. H. NEUMANN begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he is prepared to RECEIVE a (strictly) limited number of YOUNG GENTLEMAN into his academy, which is situated in the most healthy part of the town, and within five minutes' walk of the sea, and where they will enjoy all the comforts and careful tending of a home. The domestic arrangements are under the superintendence of Mrs. Neumann. A Resident English Master Pupils received from the age of six years. N.B. - Prospectuses may be had on application at the above address. Terms moderate." [repeated 9.2.1866 but no more is heard of this Hebrew Academy but see 27 March 1868] [He continues to advertise his house for holiday accommodation].
Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1866 page 8. 'A LADY who has been accustomed to TAKE CHARGE of four or five young children has a vacancy for two, from three to nine years of age. Address, Miss Simons, 89, High-street, Charlton, Dover'. [Similar advert repeated 17 July 1868 page 8 except name given as Miss Simonds.]
Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1867 page 1 'WANTED, by the DOVER Hebrew Congregation, a Gentleman to undertake the duties of Hazan, Shohet, and Baal Korah [in Hebrew].
Apply, stating age,
if unmarried, and enclosing testimonials, to Mr. H. Polak, President, 111,
Snargate, Dover. [Repeated several times].
Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1868 page 1 'H.NEUMANN, of Dover, will be most happy to accommodate with BOARD and LODGING (or apartments without Board) those families who intend visiting Dover. He will also be glad to take charge of any children whose Parents may wish to commit them to his care (either for a permanency or an unlimited period), where their home comforts may be safely relied on, and who could, if required, during their stay, receive lessons at his Establishment in English, French, Hebrew, German, and Music, on moderate terms. -10. St. Martin's Terrace'. [Repeated several times.]
At a meeting held by members of this congregation on 25th inst in the Vestry Room of the synagogue, REV. I. BARNSTEIN of Liege was elected minister, by permission of REV. DR. ADLER
Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1868 page 7 Letter from H. Guedalla which says 'Being now resident at Dover....'
Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1869 p. 7 Elected to office: Mr Polack, Warden, President; Mr Nathan, Warden, Treasurer [Could this be Henry Nathan, mentioned in JC 16.9.1870 p. 1, as 'of Dover' on his marriage.]
Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1870 p. 5 G. Jessel QC, MP, has handed to Mr Saul Isaac, Dover's rep at the Bd of Deputies, £50 in aid of the funds of the Dover Synagogue. Mr Isaac himself never neglects the opportunity to assist in paying off the debt on the synagogue.
Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1870 p.12 'DOVER FURNISHED APARTMENTS, close to the Sea (with or without board), at NEUMANN'S, 25, Liverpool Street. A Vacancy for two little girls.'
Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1870 p. 2 'WANTED, immediately, in a ladies' school, a French LADY to TEACH PIANO to beginners, -Sussex House, Dover.'
Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1870 p. 10 On 22nd inst 1st stone of the mortuary lodge of the new burial ground laid by Mr Saul Isaac, rep on Bd of Deputies (who came 'at considerable personal inconvenience' from Nottingham for the purpose). Cemetery has been founded in memory of the late Rev R.I. Cohen.
Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1870 p. 8 Services on the 2 days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur read by Rev Mr Bernstein (sic) and Mr Weitzman of London.
Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1870 p. 6 'MISS COHEN, of Sussex House, Dover, having been informed by her friends that it is reported that she has disposed of her School, is compelled most emphatically to CONTRADICT this REPORT, and to state that it is her intention to begin School again (D.V.) early in January.'
Jewish Chronicle,
23 December 1870 p.
6. [Repeated 30 December 1870 and 6 January 1871.]
Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1871 page 6. 'WANTED, for the first week in May, a FRENCH GOVERNESS, diplomee. Good pianist. No Lady speaking English need apply. Address, Miss COHEN, Sussex House, Dover'. [Repeated 14 April 1871 page 6 with addition of heading: AUX INSTITUTRICES FRANCAISES.
Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1871 page 14 'THE Pupils of MISS COHEN, Sussex House, Dover, will RETURN to DOVER, on TUESDAY, 2nd May (D. V.)'.
Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1871 page 16 'DOVER CONGREGATION INTENDING visitors to Dover are informed that they can be SUPPLIED with KOSHER MEAT free from the usual charge of one penny on each pound, by informing the President, Mr. Polak, of their arrival in Dover'.
Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1871 page 16 'DOVER H.N. THORPE begs to inform intending visitors to Dover that he is prepared to supply KOSHER MEAT of the best quality at market prices. Note the address: 95, Snargate-street, Dover'.
Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1871 page 15 'WANTED, by an experienced Protestant young Lady, a RE-ENGAGEMENT as MANAGER, either in a school or a private family. Unexceptionable references. Address Miss Hawkes, Sussex House, Dover'.
Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1871 page 16 'WANTED, immediately by a German Lady, a RE-ENGAGEMENT as Hebrew and German GOVERNESS in a family or school. Competent to assist with the French and English studies. Best references given and required. -Address, Fraulein Moses, Sussex House, Dover'.
Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1871 page 11 'SUSSEX HOUSE, DOVER TO BE LET, with immediate possession, on advantageous terms, the above premises situated within a few minutes' walk of the Sea, and complete with every accommodation for a large number of pupils. The Building comprises library, drawing and other private rooms, together with two spacious class rooms, a large dining room, hot and cold water and shower bath rooms, extensive play and croquet grounds, &c. For particulars apply to Steriker, Finnis, Esq., Dover; or to Sussex House, Dover'. [NOTE. Theresa Cohen daughter of late Rev R.I. Cohen was married in November 1871].
Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1871 page 7 'DOVER. - The Dover Telegraph, an old established county paper, in announcing the death of Mrs. Cohen, relict of the late Rev. J. (sic) Cohen, of Dover, states that her loss to the poor in Dover will be keenly felt, for her charity and liberality were unbounded, and that she preserved many a family from starvation by her benevolence'.
Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1871 page 11 'HARVEY LODGE, NEAR THE SEA FOLKESTONE MISS ALLEN (for upwards of twenty years housekeeper in the family of the late Mrs. R.J. Cohen, of Sussex House, Dover), has taken the above cheerful and commodious premises as a Lodging House for Jewish families. The locality is especially desirable for invalids, being at once sheltered and near the sea. Miss Allen has a VACANCY for ONE or TWO delicate CHILDREN for the Winter months. References kindly permitted to many Jewish families.' [repeated] [See also 4 January 1878]
Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1872 page 206 'TO BE LET Furnished, close to the Sea, Drawing-room and Dining room. Appartments (sic) (or the Whole House). Apply at Mr. Neumann's, 25, Liverpool-street, Dover'.
Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1873 page 31 The REV. I. BARNSTEIN, Dover, has a VACANCY after Pesach [in Hebrew] for TWO PUPILS to be brought up with his own family. Tuition: thorough English, Hebrew, French and German. Highest reference. [repeated many times]
Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1874 p. 36 On Sunday last Rev E. Newmann (sic) late of Dover has been appointed Minister to Norwich congregation, the Rev. L. Slevansky having been appointed at Swansea.
Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1876 p. 110 'To Jewish Working Tailors. - WANTED, immediately TWO COAT HANDS, ONE WAISTCOAT, ONE TROUSERS. They must be good workmen and of sober habits. A fashionable sea-side town. Highest wages paid. Letters addressed to Rev. I. Barnstein, 18, Effingham-crescent, Dover. N.B. Travelling expenses to Dover will be paid, 3rd class'. [repeated]
Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1877 page 14 'THE Rev. I. BARNSTEIN, Dover, has a VACANCY for TWO PUPILS who can attend either a good private school or the Dover College. Tuition: English, Hebrew, French, German, Music, Drawing, &c. Home comforts combined with careful training. Highest references.'
Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1877 page 2 'DOVER. - BOARD and RESIDENCE in a private Jewish family for ladies and gentlemen in a cheerful part of the town. Highest references. Address Dover, Jewish Chronicle office'.
Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1878 page 13 [Re end of Sussex House school] In urgent appeal for Miss Allen, 'the confidential Housekeeper for upwards of 20 years at the School of the late Rev. R.I. Cohen, of Sussex House, Dover, who shortly after the breaking up of the school in 1866, opened a Lodging House at Folkestone.' Recently she was persuaded by a brother of a former pupil to become surety for him to a loan office. The advance was not repaid and the loan office seized and sold her furniture leaving her entirely destitute. [But see 15 December 1871 page 11 which implies she stayed at Sussex House until 1871.]
Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1878 page 5 On the 10th inst the marriage of a French lady and gentleman was celebrated at the Dover synagogue by Rev. I. Barnstein. As neither could understand English the Rev gentleman 'gave an impressive discourse in the French language'.
Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1879 page 13 'WANTED, by a business young man, a SITUATION as Salesman, in a china, glass, hardware or fancy goods house. Would manage a branch shop. Good references. - Apply to S. Barnard, 152 Snargate-street, Dover.' [repeated 20 and 27 June[.
Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1879 page 13 'WANTED, By a Young Man, a SITUATION in a Jewish School to teach German, French and Hebrew. Highest references. Apply to Mr. S. Wolff, 63B Biggin-street, Dover.' [repeated 27 June and 4 July]
Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1879 page 2 [precis] 5 The Terrace. Shepherd's Well, near Dover. Miss Allen, formerly housekeeper at Rev R.I. Cohen wishes to take care of a few children who require country air.
Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1879 page 3 Re the late Baron Lionel de Rothschild. Special service held in his memory in Dover Synagogue. Rev J. Barnstein alluded to his benevolence. He had given support and encouragement to struggling congregations. '..their own congregation bore witness to his generosity, for had it not been for his princely benevolence in covering the deficit on the congregational funds, it was impossible to say what would have become of their synagogue'.
Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1880 page 7 'There was a full attendance at the Dover Synagogue on the Day of Atonement. The modification of the Service was greatly approved by the whole congregation. The Service was conducted by the Rev. I. Barnstein, assisted by Mr. Simon'.
Jewish Chronicle, 19 November 1880 page 14 'A young lady seeks an ENGAGEMENT in a Jewish family as NURSERY GOVERNESS to young children, as as useful companion in any capacity, not menial. - Address, T. P., "Express" office, Snargate-street, Dover'. [repeated 26 November]
Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1881 page 1 'MISS B. AARON returns her heartfelt THANKS for kind visits, letters and cards of condolence received during her week of mourning for her beloved and much lamented sister, Phoebe. May her soul rest in eternal bliss! 48. St. James's-street, Dover'.
Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1881 page 13 'On the 12th the Mayor of Dover presented, in the name of the subscribers, to Mr. B.I. Bernard, who was about to leave the town, a testimonial consisting of a handsome silver salver, as a mark of esteem'. [In 1891 in Hull, Yorkshire]
Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1882 page 15 'A NEW SCHOOL FOR JEWISH YOUNG LADIES (from 6 years and upwards) will be OPENED on the 24th April by the Misses POLAK at Shepherdswell, six miles from Dover. Pupils would have the advantage of a thoroughly sound education, combined with home comforts and sea and country air. Terms from £40 per annum. For prospectuses apply to the Misses Polak, 117, Snargate-street, Dover'. [Henrietta aged 18; Helen aged 21]
Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1883 page 6 Representative for Dover on Board of Deputies - Joseph Polak.
Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1883 page 12 Annual meeting of Dover Hebrew Congregation. H. Polak re-elected as President. Alderman H. Hart re-elected Treasurer. Mr S. Barnard elected a member of the Committee.
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