the former

Boston Jewish Community

Boston, Lincolnshire




Press Reports relating to the Boston Jewish Community
 1847 - 1925

Compiled by Harold Pollins


Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1847, page 379

Death at the house of her son-in-law, Mr H.L. Leo, Red Lion-street, Boston, Lincs, Mrs Rose Myers (widow) aged 87. The deceased will be interred in the Jews’ burial-ground, Hull.

[Occasional, incidental, references to Henry L. Leo, Boston, thereafter]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1848, pages 391-2

Public meeting in favour of the removal of the disabilities of the Jews.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1855, page 389

‘THE GUILD OF WORMGATE. - ELECTION OF A JEW MAYOR.- The members of the above Guild assembled in strong force on Monday evening last at their hotel in Wormgate to inaugurate the Mayor (Mr. H.L. Leo) for the ensuing municipal year, after which a splendid supper was served by the host, and a very pleasant evening was spent. The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to in an enthusiastic manner. The health of the Lord Mayor was also received with great applause, and responded to by the Mayor, who congratulated the citizens of London and the Guild of Wormgate on the liberality of spirit displayed by them in electing their magisterial officers from members of the Jewish persuasion, a class hitherto debarred from public offices similar to those to which he and Mr. Salamans had been elected. - Abridged from the Boston and Louth Guardian’
[Apparently, he was not elected Mayor of Boston.]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1857, page 913

At Boston on Tuesday Mr Benjamin Abrahams, jeweller, of Strait Bargate, Boston, was married to Rosina Leo daughter of Mr H.L. Leo of Red Lion-street, according to Jewish rites, by Rev L. Goldberg of the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation,

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1861, page 1

Fund for the Board of Guardians. Money collected by Elizabeth Leo of Boston from benevolent Christian friends.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1872, page 1

Death on 14 inst, after many years of patient suffering, Mary Pamela, widow of the late Henry Lewis Leo. Interred at Hull. [He died 1871]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1892, page 17

‘BOSTON. After a lapse of nearly a century, a Jewish Congregation has again been formed at Boston (Lincolnshire). Divine services were held for the first time a fortnight ago by Mr. W. S. Woolman. There are but five Jewish families in the town, and funds being small, and the expenses at the outset large, the congregation seek help from outside. Mr. G. Fitelson, the President, of Emery Lane, will gladly receive contributions’.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1892, page 16

At a general meeting held on 2 October Mr G. Fitelson was unanimously re-elected President. Mr W. Robinson, Treasurer, having retired, Mr Max Goldstein was unanimously elected Treasurer and Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1892, page 11

Board of Deputies. The President was authorised to certify for the first time, in the person of Mr Marks Goldstein, a Registrar for Marriages for the Boston Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 December 1892, page 1

On Christmas Day, 1892, at Lion House, Skirbeck, after many years of severe suffering, ’borne with pious resignation to the Divine Will’, Elizabeth Leo, 66, 2nd daughter of Henry Lewis Leo of the Market Place, Boston. Interred at Hull.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1893, page 2

Advert. Thanks for contribution towards cost of Sepher Torah. Cost £12.
From Raphael Tuck & Sons, London; Friends in Grimsby per Mrs A. Szapira; Friends in London per Mrs Fitelson; Friends in Manchester; Boston Congregation. Total £5.10.0. Signed M. Goldstein, Treasurer and Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1893, page 3

Acknowledgement of £6.10.0 from A. Moryoseph of Highbury New Park in memory of wife. This has cleared the debt on the Sepher Torah.
Other contributions: Mr Philip Joseph in memory of sister; Rebecca Moryoseph; M.L. Dight of Birmingham; M. Asher, Ashton-under-Lyne.
These will go towards the purchase of a megillah.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1893, page 19

Special meeting of the congregation to elect Treasurer and Secretary in place of Mr M. Goldstein who is leaving the town. A. Canin elected. A handsome mantle for the Sepher has been presented by Miss Bessie Dight of Birmingham. The donation from Mr Phillip Joseph of London is for a cover for the Sepher during the Reading of the Law and not for the purchase of a Megillah as previously announced.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1893, page 15

Advert. Wanted for the Boston Hebrew Congregation a young man (single) authorised to act as shochet. Salary £30 p.a. ’which can be increased by an industrious person’. Mr Canin, Secretary, 5 Pen-street, Boston.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1893, page 1

This year, many persons who formerly went to Grimsby or Hull to attend service in synagogue preferred to pass the festivals in Boston. The services were conducted by the Rev. S. Wolman, assisted by Mr. Levy, of Hull. A choir trained by the Rev. S. Wolman added to the solemnity of the services’.
29 September 1893, page 16
Chatan Torah G. Fitelson. Chatan Bereshit Abraham Canin.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1894, page 16

Hull. Rev S. Wolman, ‘late of Boston, Lincolnshire’ conducted service.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1894, page 1.

Notice of birth on 7 March, at 51 Pen-street, Boston, of a daughter to the wife of Abraham Canin, nee Bessie Dight of Birmingham
[Marriage. Abraham Canin June 1893 Birmingham 6d 328/Elizabeth Dight]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1894, page 9

Board of Deputies. Authorisation as Marriage Secretary for Boston, Rev [sic] A Canin in place of Mr Goldstein, resigned.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1894, page 18

‘A meeting of the Boston Congregation, for the purpose of reorganisation, was held on Sunday, and was presided over by Mr. M. L. Dight of Birmingham, who was on a visit to the town. Mr. A. Canin, Mr. W. Robinson, and Mr. M. Marks were respectively elected President. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary. The Rev. S. Rudnitzky delivered and address, and arranged to give expositions of the Pentateuch on Sunday afternoons’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1894, page 22

‘The congregation having been but recently established, a Barmitzvah which took place last Sabbath aroused more than ordinary interest. Many Christian friends attended the ceremony. Mrs. L. Szapira, the mother of the youth (who read the usual portion, a younger brother reading the Haphtorah), has resided in Boston for nearly a quarter century, and is much respected by the Christian townspeople’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1895, page 7

Board of Deputies. Reference to ‘transfer of one of the Marriage Register Books of the extinct congregation at Boston (Lincolnshire) to the Board’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1895, page 13

‘Thirty-five Russian Jews arrived at Boston (Lincolnshire) in a more or less destitute condition on Tuesday evening They were, in the first instance, expelled from Russia, travelled to Egypt, and were there sent to Alexandria, from which port they were despatched by a local Committee in a cotton vessel, the “Palatine” to Boston. They were landed on Wednesday morning, and received by Mrs. L. Szapira, who provided them with food and clothing. One family possessed sufficient money to proceed to America, but the rest were totally destitute, and in accordance with their wish were forwarded to London. One woman is left with seven children, her husband having remained in Alexandria, and a girl sustained a fractured arm on the voyage. There was practically no accommodation for the party on the vessel, and many of them slept among the ship’s coal supply en route’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1895, page 8

After a fortnight’s stay in Boston the last of the immigrants who were brought by the steamer ’Palatine’, with the exception of two, left Boston on Tuesday for Liverpool, en route for America. During their stay in Boston they were provided by food by Mrs Szipire [sic] and Mr Robinson, of with the help of other kind friends. The two remaining in Boston (man and wife) are to be started in business.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1895, page 10

Meeting of Russo-Jewish Committee on 8 February. ‘Letters of acknowledgement were … ordered to be sent to Mrs Szapira, and the Mayor of that town in recognition of the humanity with which the refugees had been treated at Boston’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1895, page 7

Editorial. Refers to the court case at Newcastle upon Tyne Police Court. ‘swift and condign punishment has overtaken the captain who brought 38 Jewish passengers from Alexandria to Boston (Lincs) in the “Palatine”, under circumstances which are most discreditable’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1895

Board of Deputies. Another reference to ‘the Boston Congregation which had … become extinct’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1899, page 1

Marriage on 20 August of Dave Abrahams fifth son of Ben Abrahams of 93 Dempsey Street [Stepney] and late of Birmingham, and grandson of the late H.L. Leo of Boston to Esther (Kitty) Morgan of Bexhill-on-Sea.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1900, page 26

‘The New Year services were held as usual in Boston. Mr. T. Hoppenstadt, of Leeds, officiated’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1904, page 6

‘Through the efforts of Mr. S. Barnett, the President, a hall has been engaged for the services on the High Festivals. Mr. I. Hoppenstadt, of Leeds, officiated, and acted as Baal Korah and Baal Tokeah’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1905, page 31

Services were conducted by Mr T. Hoppenstadt of Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1906, page 37

Mrs Szapira of Boston has presented a beautiful stained glass window, over the ark, to Grimsby synagogue in loving memory of her mother and husband.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1908, page 27

Last Sunday a meeting of the Boston Hebrew Congregation was held in the house of the Treasurer, Mr Jackson. The Rev S. Michelson, son of Rabbi Michelson of Plonsk and a great grandson of the late Chief Rabbi, S. Hirschell, delivered an address.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1908, page 28

Dunfermline. Rev S. Michelson of Boston (Lincs) is expected to take up his duties as minister next week.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1908, page 1

Death on 10 August, at Lion House, Skirbeck, Boston, of Abigail, daughter of the late H.L. Leo and sister of Mrs Benjamin Abrahams, Stepney. Aged 84.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1910, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Solly, eldest son of Mr & Mrs Canin of Boston will read portion of the law at Grimsby Synagogue on 1 August.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1913, ‘Young Israel’, page 3

Letter from Henry Canin, Boston, nearly 13 years old.
[Inter alia he says that during vacation from school 'I will go to Grimsby to prepare for my Barmitzvah']

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1913, page 1

Henry, 2nd son of Mr & Mrs Canin, of High Street, Boston, will read portion of Law and Maftir on September 6 at the Beth Hamidrash, Grimsby.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1914, ‘Young Israel’,, page 3

Letter from Sophia Teper, Boston.
‘My parents have just left the town for Hull’. She is staying in Boston for time being to finish her schooling. ‘I have five younger brothers. and my father has left Boston, where there are very few Jewish people, in order that they may be brought up amongst Jewish people, so that they shall become good and true members of the Jewish community’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1914, page 3

Advert. ‘WANTED, Competent Cutter and Manager for Hull Branch; one able to make a garment preferred; references required. Apply, S, Barnett, Tailor, Boston, Lincolnshire’.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 April 1915, page 11

Ref to Pte S. Canin serving in 4 Lincolnshire Regiment. [Solomon?]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1915, page 15

‘Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia’. Letter lists all the towns which have contributed to this Fund or to the London Central Committee for the Relief of Polish Jews. Includes Boston.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1916 ‘Young Israel’, page 2

Letter from Aby Jackson, Boston.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1916, page 1

Death on 1 May in Stoke Newington of Rosina, relict of late Benjamin Abrahams of Birmingham Boston, and London, aged 86.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1917, page 2

Death of Harris Rappaport on 12 July. Father inter alia of ‘Miss Sophia, Boston’ and ‘Isaac, Boston’.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1918, page 2

Death of Sarah Tramberg, sister of late Joseph Jacobs of Boston.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1918, page 3

In Memoriam. Rosina Abrahams (nee Leo of Boston). Died 1 May 1916.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1919 New Year Greetings, page iii

Mr & Mrs Harry Brookfield and family, Boston, Lincs.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1924, page 11

Mrs Josephine A. Szapira died at 72 in Boston, Lincs. She was considered one of the best judges of precious stones in the country. She placed a stained glass window in Grimsby Synagogue some nineteen years ago.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1925, page 1

Advert re claims against estate of Annie Joseph, carrying on business as Mrs Szapira of 21 High Street, Boston, antique dealer and jeweller, who died 1 December 1924.


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