the former

Inverness Jewish Community

Inverness, Highland, Scotland




Press Reports relating to the Inverness Jewish Community
1905 - 1995

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler


Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1905, page 30

“As there are about eighteen Jewish families in Inverness, the want of a place of worship has been felt for a long time. Mr. Merrins, late President of the Glasgow South Side Synagogue, recently called a meeting with the object of forming a congregation. As a result a suitable hall in the centre of the town has been secured and last Sunday the opening of the synagogue took place. Many Christians were present. They all expressed their pleasure that the Jews in their midst now had a regular meeting-place, and had become a more consolidated body than heretofore. The synagogue was opened by Mr. I. Iseaman, who was presented with a key by Mr. Merrins, the President. Mr. Charles J. Taub performed the consecration and delivered a sermon. He urged on the community the necessity of unity and self-respect. The congregation was entertained by Mr. M. Merrins. It was resolved that the synagogue should be placed itself (sic) under the jurisdiction of the Chief Rabbi, whose health was drunk. Mr. I Iseaman presented all the furniture used in the synagogue.”

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1906, page 45

The Jewish community in Inverness have just completed an arrangement with the Town Council, by which they have acquired a piece of ground to be utilised as a cemetery. The ground is in the town cemetery. The need of a Jewish cemetery has been felt for a number of years, as former interments always took place in Glasgow over two hundred miles distant. A recent death  - that of a young lad of fourteen years who had only just arrived from his home in Russia  - determined the congregation to take this step. His body was the first buried in the new ground.”

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1907 page 1

Inverness Hebrew Congregation. Synagogue Chambers, 4 Falcon Square, Inverness.
Have managed to arrange with the Corporation a piece of ground for burials. One interment so far. Now compelled to place railings around the ground, and have arranged for a Mikvah. Appeal for funds.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1907 page 2

Acknowledge receipt of contributions, all from London and Glasgow, including Chief Rabbi. Also collection at Bris Milah at Mr. M. Merrens, President of Inverness Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1907 page 28

Chief Rabbi’s Pastoral Tour
The Chief Rabbi, accompanied by his son, arrived in Inverness on Wednesday afternoon last week [29 May] and examined the children attending the religion classes. Mincha service was read by Rev S. Arkush, after which the Chief Rabbi delivered an address. On Thursday, morning and afternoon services were read by the Chief Rabbi and were attended by all the members of the congregation. Dr Adler was given a cordial reception at the Town Hall by Provost A. D. Ross and the Town Council. The Provost gave a speech of welcome and Revs Gavin Lang and Connell also spoke.
The Chief Rabbi expressed satisfaction at the manner in which the President, Mr Merrens, had carried out the public welcome which was given him by the Provost and Town Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1908 page 29

The children attending the Hebrew Classes were examined by Mr Taub [sic], The Treasurer, who expressed satisfaction at the work of the teacher, Rev S. Arkush. Prizes were distributed by Mrs Merrens. At a meeting held on Sunday, Mr Merrens President, in the chair, Mr Taub[sic] resigned as Treasurer. Mr S. A. Lisman elected in his stead.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1908 page 6

Rev S. Arkush, formerly of Inverness, has been appointed Minister to the Dalry Synagogue, Edinburgh.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1911 page 2

Appeal by Inverness Hebrew Congregation.
Help needed towards paying for erection of railings to protect the ‘newly-acquired cemetery’. The cemetery was presented by the Town Council some time ago and several interments have taken place. The Town Council is now pressing that railings be erected round it immediately. Signed: Mr I. Finkelstein, President, 14 Charles Street, Inverness, C. Taube [sic], Hon Sec, I. Rosenbloom, Hon Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1912 page 2

Inverness. Meeting of the Dorshei Zion Society at the synagogue. Mr L. Micholl presided. He dwelt on the great success of the society in influencing the community as well as the pupils of the Hebrew Classes. Rev L. A. Falk delivered an address on ’Assimilation and Nationalism’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912 page 28

A presentation of an engraved silver cigarette case and tie pin was made to Rev L. A. Falk by Mr Cooper and Mr Finkelstein (president of the congregation) for his services to the community.

On the occasion of the bar mitzvah of Master I. Taube, son of Mr C. J. Taube, a collection was made for a tree in the Herzl Forest in the name of the lad.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1912 page 23

Annual examination of the pupils of the Hebrew Classes. Full attendance of members. Rev L. A. Falk was the examiner. Prizes were distributed by Mr I. Finkelstein, President. Bags of sweets were presented to the children by Mrs Finkelstein. Thanks to Rev L. A. Falk for his excellent teaching and agreed to plant a tree in his name in the Herzl Forest.

At a meeting of the Dorshé Zion Society a share club of the Jewish Colonial Bank was established.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1913 page 25

Board of Deputies.
Mr S. E. Lewis has been elected deputy for Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1913 page 25

Annual meeting of members. The half-yearly balance sheet was adopted. Elected: Mr I. Finkelstein, President, C. H. Taube, Treasurer, L. Govan [sic] Secretary. Rev L.A. Falk, on his departure for Dundee, was presented with a gold fountain pen. Rev S. Garber [sic] unanimously elected minister of the congregation.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1916 page 18

Jewish Russian War Victims. Collected from the Inverness Hebrew Congregation by Rev S. Gerber [sic] £1.1.0


Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1916 page 21

Jewish Russian War Victims. Inverness Hebrew Congregation. £2.10.9


Jewish Chronicle,  2 February 1917 page 18

Jewish Russian War Victims. Inverness Hebrew Congregation. £2.10s


Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1917 page 3

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Inverness Committee £6.16.0


Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1917 page 16

Jewish Russian War Victims. Inverness Hebrew Congregation. £5.16.2.


Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1917 page 13

Morris H. Finkelstein, son of Mr and Mrs Finkelstein of Inverness ‘has won a bursary of the Royal Academy for three years’ free scholarship books’.


Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1917 page 7

Jewish Russian War Victims. Inverness Hebrew Congregation.£2.6.6.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1917 page 28

Dr J. H. Dove, elder son of Mr Chas. E. Dove of Inverness has taken a commission in the RAMC. He is a graduate of St Andrew’s University and held the Bute Bursary, granted by the Chief Rabbi.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1918 page 11

Jewish Russian War Victims. Inverness Hebrew Congregation. £2.12.6.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1918 page 7

At a gathering of the Jewish community of Inverness, in the synagogue, Mr H. Shulman of Glasgow gave an address on the Zionist Preparation Fund. £27.16.0. Was raised and ’Americans who were present subscribed a guinea each’. Mr Finkelstein, President, was appointed Treasurer.


Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1918 page 2

Inverness Hebrew Congregation. Wanted, Shochet and Teacher. Must be able to translate Hebrew into English. 30s per week. Apply to I. Finkelstein, 30 Charles Street, Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918 page 2

Zionist Preparation Fund, 7th list of donations. Inverness, 2nd list.
Per J. Finkelstein. Mr S. Dove 105s. Collected at the Bar mitzvah of Morris Finkelstein 43s 6d.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1919 page 26

Rev Isaiah Ticklin, late of Inverness, elected minister.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1921 page 10

Engagement. J. Henry, eldest son of M and Mrs C.E Dove, of Seaforth Mansions, Inverness, and Rosée Dorothy, youngest daughter of Rabbi Sandelson and the late Mrs Sandelson of Newcastle upon Tyne. [J.H.Dove, MA, ChB, FRCS (Ed)]


Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1923 page 4

‘MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes situation as servant or housekeeper. Mrs. Levy, Stephen’s Brae, Inverness’.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1923 page 1

Engagement. Annie, only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Golumb, Elnathan House, Broadstone-park, Inverness, to Sidney, eldest son of Mr and Mrs M. Yaffy, Glasgow.


Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1924 page 14

At recent examination of the RAM and RCM, Lily Finkelstein, daughter of Mr and Mrs Finkelstein, Inverness, passed the Local Centre Intermediate Examination in Pianoforte. She is a pupil of the Royal Academy.


Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1925

New Year Greetings page xxvi
Mr and Mrs Gavin and family, ‘Belville’, Lovat Road, Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1926 page 32

Glasgow meeting on Jewish education. Reference to the ‘small Jewish settlements of Inverness and Aberdeen, where there were scarcely any Jewish children left to be taught through the removal of families to larger Jewish centres’.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1927 page 1

Letter from Rabbi Dr Salis Daiches. The reason why places like Perth, Aberdeen and Inverness do not attract Jewish settlers is to be found in the economic conditions in those places, the lack of suitable industries, and the distance between northern Scotland and Jewish centres in England and the Continent.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1928 page 1

Birth of a daughter on 23 April at the View Hill Nursing Home, Inverness, to Mr and Mrs L. Morris (nee Bessie Goldrich), 30 Telford Avenue, Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1929 page 4

Chief Rabbi’s Passover Appeal. To provide Matzot for Famine Sufferers in Russia and Bessarabia.
Mr M. Freedman, Inverness, £1.


Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 1930 page 1

Births. On 31 December, at 55 Union Road, Inverness, to Mr and Mrs Morris, nee Bessie Goldrich, twin sons, (one stillborn).


Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1931 page 17

Dr Morris H. Finkelstein, who is assistant to Professor Mackie in the Bacteriological Research Department at Edinburgh University, has been awarded a Rockefeller Fellowship and sails for America in September. He is a former pupil of Inverness Royal Academy and is the only son of Mr and Mrs Finkelstein of Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1932 page 1

Birth of a son on 11 April at 55 Union Road, Inverness, to Mr and Mrs Lewis Morris.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1936 page 23

United Appeal for Polish Jewry.
M. Freedman, Inverness, £1.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1938, page 34

“The Congregation in Inverness has been defunct for some years”.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1938 page 37

Retirement of Rev. S. Arkush. Born Kalisch, Poland, 1875. Came to England 35 years ago and spent ten years in congregations in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Inverness. Then Cardiff and finally Blackpool.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1939 page 1

Polish Jewish Relief Fund. Collected among the Community at Inverness per Mr Lewis Morris, £6.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1940 page 12

Meeting of Glasgow Jewish Representative Council. ‘In response to an appeal by the British Red Cross Society, the Council had enlisted the support of all the Glasgow Synagogues, as well as those in Aberdeen, Ayr, Dunfermline, and Inverness’.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1940 page 15

Two Jewish refuges, living at the Czech refugee camp ‘Culloden House’, Mr Harris Berlach and Miss Lotte Oschinski, were recently married in Inverness. There is no synagogue or Jewish minister in the town but the few local Jewish families - especially those of Mr Isaac Finkelstein, Mr and Mrs Gavin, and Mr and Mrs Morris, made the arrangements, Mrs Gavin offering her house for the occasion. Rev T. Vainstein travelled 200 miles from his house in GLASGOW. Many non-Jews were among the guests.
[Notice some contradictions. Was there a community, congregation, or synagogue at this period? The information in the newspaper accounts conflicts with each other.]


Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1944 page 11

Marriage of David, 2nd son of Mrs Bradman and the late Mr B. Bradman, of 61 High Road, Tottenham, N 15, to Rose, 2nd daughter of Mrs Gavin and the late Mr L. Gavin, of ‘Bellville’, Lovat Road, Inverness, to be solemnised at the New Synagogue, Stamford Hill, on 30 January 1944.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1944 page 11

Engagement. Arthur Speculand, elder son of Mr and Mrs David Speculand of ‘Cylvana’, Carleton Drive, Giffnock, Renfrewshire, to Miriam Golden MICM, younger daughter of Mrs Golden and the late Mr Leopold Golden late of Inverness, and of 11a Abbotsford Place, Glasgow, C5.


Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1944 page 10

The most northerly and probably the smallest Jewish community in the British Isles, that of Inverness, claim to have set a record in the amount of its contribution to the UPA [United Palestine Appeal]. The community consists of 5 families, probably 20 in total, but had subscribed over £300.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1944 page 11

Son born on 10 November at the Rossell [sic] Nursing Home to Rose (nee Gavin), wife of David Bradman of ‘Shangri-la’, South Lodge Drive, Southgate N. 14.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1945 page 14

Rabbi I. Brodie, Senior Jewish Chaplain, recently toured Scotland.

‘In Inverness, Mr. I. Finkelstein, senior Jewish resident, presented on behalf of Services personnel, a medal to Mrs. L. Morris, in appreciation of the welcome given by Mr. and Mrs. Morris to large numbers of Jewish Service folk at their home. A presentation was to have been made to Mrs. Gavin, but this had to be postponed owing to her absence through indisposition’.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1945 page 12

A VE Thanksgiving service for Jewish troops in northern Scotland was conducted by Rev J. Israelstam, CF. Later the Jewish residents of Inverness entertained all the Servicemen to tea at which Rev Israelstam made a presentation to Mr Isaac Finkelstein, senior Jewish resident who, said the chaplain, had been throughout the war years, friend and advisor to many Jewish servicemen.
Capt Sapirstein of the Polish Forces’ Medical Service, associated himself with the tribute to Mr Finkelstein.


Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1945 page 18

Aberdeen, which has a new synagogue, has the most northerly synagogue in the British Isles, but the community is not the smallest in Scotland. That is Inverness ‘where there is a total of 16 Jews. Inverness has the added distinction of being the most northerly Jewish community in Britain being some miles farther north than the granite city’.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1947 page 15

Rev Samuel Arkush was Chazan in Inverness (and other places). Died, leaving widow and 3 sons, one of who was a prisoner in Thailand and parents had no word of him for several years.
[See David Arkush, ‘Memorie of a Japanese Prisoner of War’, in Henry Morris and Martin Sugarman, We Will Remember Them, 2nd edition, 2011, pp.39-41.]


Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1950 page 2

Engagement. Sonia Doris Morris, daughter of Mr and Mrs L. Morris, 17 Drummond Road, Inverness, to Ellis, only son of Mrs and Mrs D. Robinson, 4400 Fulton Street, San Francisco.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1951 page 13

The Isaac Finkelstein Room, presented to the Glasgow Jewish Institute by Mr and Mrs I, Finkelstein of Inverness was recently opened. At the reception Mr Finkelstein said he was giving £500 towards the Institute’s Building Fund and Mrs Finkelstein presented £25 to the Fund.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1951 page 7

Forthcoming marriage. On 14 June in San Francisco Ellis Hart Robinson of San Francisco and Doris Sonia Morris, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Lewis Morris, 17 Drummond Road, Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1951 page 7

A son (Bryan Alistair Lloyd) was born on 15 June at Rossal Nursing Home, Inverness, to Doreen (nee Gordon) wife of Zygmunt Glass of Dunachton House, Ness Walk, Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1953 page 14

Glasgow. New synagogue of the Netherlee and Clarkston congregation was consecrated. Funds still required. Mr and Mrs I. Finkelstein of Inverness had given 150 guineas.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1955 New Year Greetings page x

Mr and Mrs Isaac Finkelstein, Caledonian Hotel, Inverness.
[Then more or less annually until at least 1962.]


Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1958 page 7

Daughter born 27 June at Reigmore Hospital, Inverness, to Doreen, nee Gordon, wife of Zygmunt Glass of Mayfield Cottage, Southside Place, Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1958 page 29

Prize winner at the Glenurquhart Highland Games was Mr A. Cohen of Inverness. Ist prize in Putting the Shot and also in Hammer-throwing. 3rd prize for throwing a 56lb weight over a bar.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 April 1959 page 28

Glasgow. Appeal for new premises for Maccabi Association. Mr and Mrs I. Finkelstein have given £1,000 towards the scheme.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1962 page 12

Rabbi Dr J.Weinberg of Edinburgh paid pastoral visit to Jewish communities at Aberdeen and Inverness. Aberdeen 30 adults and two children; Inverness 4 families and 2 children.
[He did this frequently until at least 1981.]


Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1964 page 2

Death on April 20 at 28 Lovat Road, Inverness, Maria, wife of late Louis Gavin.


Jewish Chronicle,  24 July 1964 page 10

Brian, elder son of Doreen and Zygmunt Glass of 10 Southside Place, Inverness, will recite a portion of the Law at the Hampstead Synagogue, on 25 July.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1967 page 10

Neil Martin, younger son of Doreen and Zygmunt Glass of 10 Southside Place, Inverness, will recite a portion of the Law at the Edinburgh Synagogue on 4 March 1967.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1967 page 2

Death on 27 June of Bessie Morris, mourned by husband Lewis, daughter Doris, sons David, Raymond, Ivor, Kenneth. 17 Drummond Road, Inverness.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1968 page 4

Memorial stone for Bessie Morris Goldrich of Inverness will be consecrated at the Glendufhill Cemetery, Glasgow.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1973 page 39

The small Jewish community of 4 families in Inverness has been further depleted by the death of Mr Zygmund [sic] Glass. He served with the Polish Forces during the war and settled in Inverness, engaged in the timber business. Popular in the town and large numbers attended his funeral conducted by Rabbi J. Weinberg of Edinburgh. He attended Highland gatherings and enjoyed the game of curling.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1973 page 8

Rabbi J.Weinberg of Edinburgh made another pastoral tour of the north of Scotland. Inverness is now down to six [sic] families.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1987 page 11

Jewish prisoner in a Scottish jail claims he has been denied his right to have kosher food. Two years imprisonment for fraud. Name is Peter Martin and born in Inverness. The Glasgow Jewish Representative Council is trying to establish that he is Jewish.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1995 Literary Supplement page iv

Profile of poet Sydney Clouts, born 1926 Cape Town, father from Inverness. Poet spent most of his life in England.

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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 26 October 2006
Reformatted and substantially expanded: 20 January 2012
Latest revision or update: 24 August 2015

Formatted by David Shulman



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