Selected Press Reports relating to Walford Road Synagogue
Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921
Last Sunday the consecration of the Synagogue in Walford Road,
Stoke Newington (originally a Wesleyan Chapel) was performed by Rabbi H. Block, assisted by the Rev. I. Shapiro. Mr. H. Yager (who was
presented with a gold key) declared the building open. Rabbi Block
delivered an address, in the course of which he appealed for unity among
the members of the Congregation, and urged them to support the new
Synagogue. After the service Mr. and Mrs. H. Yager held a reception.
Mr. L. Sherwin, the President thanked Mr. Yager for his generous donation
towards the building fund, and Rabbi Block and the Rev. I. Shapiro
for their services. Mr. Sherwin appealed for funds to help wipe off the
deficit, and thanked his co-worker (Mr. H. Feather) and the Committee
for their assistance. A large number of donations were announced. The
singing of Hatikvah and the National Anthem concluded the proceedings.
Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1986
The Rev Emmanuel Morris has retired after 12 years; as the part-time minister of the
independent Walford Road Synagogue. Mr. Morris was formerly minister of Stoke Newington
Synagogue in Shacklewell Lane, which closed 10 years ago. Members of his old congregation
who worshipped at Walford Road have helped to maintain the minyanim on
Friday nights and Saturdays, together with local Sephardi Jews.
In its heyday, Walford Road, now in its 75th anniversary year, had 600 members.
Now it has 270. "We have had to fight to keep the synagogue going", synagogue secretary Harry
Corb told LONDON EXTRA, "because members have died or left the area."' but he added:
"We are just about holding our own financially."
Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1986
Rabbi Gershon Tzvi Gluck, of Stamford Hill, has been appointed part-time minister of
Walford Road Synagogue in Stoke Newington. Rabbi Gluck, 28, a teacher of
general Jewish studies at the Lubavitch School, has been involved for some years
with the independen Orthodox synagogue, and has been a preacher there. He has also
officiated at other congregations, including Clapton Federation Synagogue.
Rabbi Gluck studied at the CentraL Lubavitch Yeshiva and the New York Kollel. He also
spent eight years at the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Brunoy. Rabbi Gluck is married with
three children.
Walford Road Synagogue home page
Page created: 28 December 2020
Latest revision or update: 2 December 2021