the former

Great Yarmouth Jewish Community





Press Reports about the Great Yarmouth Jewish Community 1842 - 1970

compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler


Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1842, page 138

GREAT YARMOUTH. - A seaport, is a very ancient borough in Norfolk, one hundred and twenty-three miles from London. Its markets are held on Wednesday and Saturday, and are principally noted for the vast supply of herrings they produce. A curious charter still exists at Yarmouth, it is this, the first hundred herrings cured each season, are sent to the reigning sovereign as a mark of allegiance. Our nation has been established as a congregation for upwards of half a century; the late Simon Hart, Joseph Miers, and Aaron Mordecai were the founders of the kehillah [in Hebrew]. There are at present about ten families of Jews, resident here, who are chiefly engaged in trade. The synagogue, which is rather small, is in Chapel-street, and the burial ground is what is called the Deans, one of the most agreeable and pleasant parts of the town: it obtained this name from its being supposed to be the place at which the Danes first landed when they invaded this country. I. Mordecai, Esq., is president, and the Rev. I. Sturnberg, reader.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1847, page 134

[Reprinted from the Norfolk News]
YARMOUTH JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. - On Monday last, at Great Yarmouth, the first stone of the Jews’ Synagogue was laid by Mr. D. L. Cohen, in the presence of Mr. Mordecai and Mayers, and the rest of the congregation. Psalms were read by their Rabbi. The building is under the superintendence of Mr. Michael Mitchell, and it is supposed, from that gentleman’s design, that it will be a great ornament to that part of the town.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1847, page 163

The Great Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation beg most sincerely to thank those kind persons whose names honour the accompanying List of Subscribers towards the funds for building a New Synagogue at the above place; the old one, from its dilapidated state, having been pulled down …
[repeated in subsequent issues]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1847, page 201

Number of individuals, in Great Yarmouth, 48.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1847, page 234

OPENING OF THE NEW SYNAGOGUE, YARMOUTH. - We have much pleasure in announcing that the New Synagogue at Great Yarmouth was, on Tuesday last, consecrated, the Rev. M. B. Levy, of Brighton, officiating. The Rev. Gentleman afterwards delivered a very able discourse in English, taking for his text Psalms xxvi. 8, "O Lord, I have ever loved the habitation of Thy house, and the place where Thy glory resteth." He dwelt on the advantages of offering prayers in public, showing that from time immemorial, the gathering of the children of Israel together in prayer. We cannot but congratulate the Reverend Gentleman for the very able manner and the very kind feeling he evinced in forwarding the interests of this congregation. Among the donations received were, a second one of £2, from Sir Moses Montefiore, who wrote, he was sorry he could not attend the opening, having to attend a wedding at Ramsgate on the 1st September, and from Fras. H. Goldsmid, Esq.. £5. The whole was most ably conducted by the officers, and was exceedingly well attended.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1848, page 7

To the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle
Sir, - I shall esteem it a favour if you will communicate to your numerous readers that Mr. D. L. Cohen has been elected Warden, and Mr. Isaac Mordecai, Honorary Secretary, to our Synagogue. A vote of thanks was given to both these gentlemen for their past services in that capacity. We also beg to tender our thanks to our new Rabbi (Mr. Cohen) for the talented manner in which he conducted the services for the holidays and for the two lectures he gave on the occasion.
I beg to remain, Sir, your obedient servant,
On behalf of the Committee.
Great Yarmouth Synagogue Vestry, Oct. 3, 1848.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 April 1850, page 222

Report of meeting on 7th inst ‘for the purpose of passing the accounts of the Charitable Institution Fund - which, with a laudable zeal, they have established for the relief of their indigent brethren’. The report notes that members of the Norwich congregation are subscribers as are the Mayor of Yarmouth and several members of the Town Council and other Christian friends.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1851, page 355

‘M. Michael Mitchell, of Great Yarmouth, has obtained the second prize for an improved life-buoy - an exhibition of life-boats and life-buoys having judiciously been engrafted on the annual regatta of that town. The committee, in awarding the second prize to Mr. Mitchell, to mark their sense of the excellence and completeness of the improvements, augmented the premium one-fourth over the sum originally announced to be awarded as a second prize, the whole of which Mr. M. generously distributed to the poor men who assisted to test the sustaining power of the buoy. Nor did his liberality end here; for on the day after the regatta, when a boat capsized near the jetty-head, and two men were unfortunately drowned, it was evident to all who witnessed the catastrophe that had there been a life-buoy at hand the men in all probability would have been saved. Mr. Mitchell, on hearing this presented the town with one, as improved by him, to be constantly kept at the jetty-head for use in case of accident.’

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1852, page 411

Attendance at Yarmouth synagogue very numerous during the 'sacred days', many strangers being present. The president, Mr Isaac Mordecai performed the three additional services. This is the 35th time he has done that, and his age is 75.
‘The other services were very respectably gone through by the Rev. M. B. Levy, the reader to the congregation, a gentleman who, in addition to many other qualifications is, we hear, a most profound Talmudical scholar’.
Mr Abraham Solomons has been elected Treasurer and several additional members have joined the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1852, page 79

Reference to ‘Reuben de Symons: a Tale of Modern Judaism’, By J. Jacobs. Yarmouth.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1853, page 183

Reference to presentation at Canterbury to Jacob Jacobs, formerly of Yarmouth for his work for Canterbury congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1853, page 3

Reference to Rev Isaac Marks, late Reader of the synagogues at Yarmouth and Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1853, page 32

Advert ‘To Epicures in Fish
Parcels of well-cured Yarmouth Herrings, in boxes of 100 each, are now ready, and will be forwarded to any part of England on receipt of Stamps or Post-Office Order for 6s. Address, Michael Mitchell and Son, Fish Merchants, 55 Quay, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.’

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1854, page 291

Board of Deputies return for January 1853-January 1854
Great Yarmouth. Row 42. President. A. Solomons. 1 female birth. No marriages. 1 male interment. 12 seat holders or members

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1857, page 1220

Subscriber to JC: Lewis Pyke

Jewish Chronicle, 9 July 1858, page 236

Subscriber to JC: D. Falcke

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1858, page 260

Subscriber to JC: A. White

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1858, page 1

Death on 4th inst at his residence 2 Market-row, David L. Cohen, Foreign fruiterer and tobacconist, aged 68. Resident in Great Yarmouth for 40 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1859, page 1

THE Synagogue of the above place requiring essential and necessary repairs, the Members being few and not in a position the effect the same earnestly APPEAL to their Benevolent Co-religionists to assist them in renovating the House of God, and rendering it worthy His sublime worship. The Rev. Dr. Adler has expressed his sympathy in furtherance of the above object, and has kindly contributed to the same … Donations received by the Rev. M. B. Levy, St. Alban’s-place; Mr. J.L. Pyke, 72 Great Prescot-street, Goodman’s -fields; and at the Jewish Chronicle Office, London; also by M. Pyke, Hon. Sec., 2, Market-row, Great Yarmouth.’

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1862, page 4

Subscriber to JC. M. Newman

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1863, page 7

Amateur concert on 19th inst. In aid of Lancashire Relief Fund. Organised by David Falcke. Vocal and instrumental performances by Miss Isaac, Mrs Klaber, and Mrs Falcke (sisters).

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1863, page 5

Three nominated to magisterial bench, one being David Falcke. He ‘amassed a considerable fortune in the colonial trade, and has lately built a splendid mansion in his native town, to which he has retired from active life’. Liberal in charitable and other institutions in Yarmouth. Strong Liberal.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1864, page 5

From the Yarmouth Independent. ‘Mr. David Falcke has this week, with his usual generosity, distributed 25 tons of coal among the poor of the town; Mr. Falcke has also distributed 200 quartern loaves. The recipients have included the poor of all denominations’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1866, page 1

On 1st inst. at Boulogne-sur-mer David Falcke Esq., J.P., of 64 Gloucester-place, Portman-square, London and Sutherland House, Great Yarmouth.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1866, page 2

Will of David Falcke, proved by widow Emily and brother Isaac Falcke. Personalty under £60,000. Various organisations were left money, including Yarmouth Hospital, Yarmouth Sailors’ Home. [But not for Yarmouth synagogue]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1867, page 7

Obituary of David Falcke. Native of Yarmouth. Annually spent almost one-third of income on charity. He established the Sailors’ Home.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1872, page 5

In a letter about the problems of Norwich congregation:
‘…the congregations of Lynn, Cambridge, Yarmouth, and Ipswich have all died out.’
[repeated many times in the newspaper in the 1870s]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1872, Page  304

‘At Great Yarmouth there was formerly a Jewish congregation, but, unfortunately, the members have, with but a single exception, removed from the town. There is a very good synagogue there, but six years have elapsed since service was held there. It was, however, temporarily reopened for Divine service on the New Moon of Ab and on the Fast of the Ninth of Ab, and the Chief Rabbi attended, the visitors forming Minyan. The Chief Rabbi’s residence being at a considerable distance from the Synagogue, service was held every Sabbath at his house, and all the Jewish visitors at this sea-port attended.
It is a great pity that several Jewish congregations in the Eastern Counties have ceased to exist - such as Yarmouth, Lynn, and Cambridge. The Jewish residents remove either to the metropolis or the manufacturing districts…’

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1877, page 6

Meeting of Board of Deputies
‘Letters were read from the Registrar-General and Mr. Mitchell,, of Great Yarmouth, with respect to the disused synagogue in that town. The Registrar-General pointed out that as the synagogue was now disused there could be no advantage in any longer retaining the name of Mr. Mitchell as the certified Secretary for marriage purposes…’

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1879, page 11

‘UNDER the heading of “Jewish Benevolence,” the Yarmouth correspondent of the Norwich Argus
Says: “On Wednesday afternoon, from 3 to 6 p.m., Miss Mitchell of Regent Street, distributed among the poor of this borough 500 loaves of bread, and the sight of the poor old people participating in this charity was not one easily to be forgotten. The ticket distribution was entrusted to several well-known ladies and gentlemen. We hope others will follow the example of Miss Julia Mitchell, who enjoys the
respect of the whole town.” ‘

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1888, page 6

SIR, - We are pleased to inform you that we have at length succeeded in forming a nucleus of a congregation here in Yarmouth. Your readers might be aware that this town boasted a synagogue some 20 years - now, alas, converted into a mission hall; and it also contains two Jewish cemeteries. Although at present we must content ourselves with a “Minyan,” and we trust that we shall receive enough support from our coreligionists to build a synagogue. We are about engaging a minister and teacher, who we fear will only just be able to be supported by the limited means at our disposal. Services were held last Saturday and during Selichoth, and will be continued during the High Festivals and then regularly every Sabbath. We trust that an organised Jewish congregation will induce more of our brethren to select this town as their seaside resort.
Yours obediently,

130 King Street, Great Yarmouth; 3rd September, 1888.’

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1890, page 1

Death of Michael Mitchell at Holland House, Great Yarmouth, on 7 January in his 89th year

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1890, page 20

Obituary of Michael Mitchell.
‘The late Mr. Michael Mitchell, of Holland House, Great Yarmouth, was one of the Founders of the Synagogue, being a joint lessee with other members. For several years the late Mr. A. White of Liverpool, and he were left to defray the expenses of the Synagogue and subsequently Mr. Mitchell being the sole survivor paid the whole of the rent and incidental outlays until the expiration of the lease. As there was no hope of another congregation being formed the building passed from Jewish hands. Mr. Mitchell resided in Yarmouth over 60 years and was very highly respected by both Jewish and Christian friends. He was invalided several years from old age, ending a long life in the utmost peace.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1890, page 5

SIR, - I have much pleasure in informing you, that it is intended to hold religious services in this town during the ensuing holidays. Mr. M. Lewis has kindly offered a convenient place for the occasion and has also provided the accessories needed. We shall be most happy to make welcome any Jewish visitors to Yarmouth.
It has been proposed to make this a permanent congregation, the need of a place of worship being keenly felt, there being several Jewish families in Yarmouth and the prospect of an increase in their numbers makes this want the more imperative. A committee has been formed for the purpose of organisation, and a fund has been started to which subscriptions are much needed.
Thanking you in anticipation for inserting this, I beg to remain
Yours obediently,
32, St. Peters Road,
Gt. Yarmouth.
To whom all communications must be addressed, and also will thankfully acknowledge all subscriptions.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1890, page 6

Writer is glad to see that the residents of Yarmouth are bestirring themselves to re-establish the congregation. On a recent visit the writer was surprised to learn that while they can muster more than a minyan they had no place of worship.
Writer suggested that they met to discuss the matter.
‘A meeting was held on Sunday the 24th ult., over which I was called to preside, and I am pleased to say before the meeting terminated, satisfactory arrangements were made for services to be held on Sabbaths and Festivals at 130 King Street. The further step to be taken towards the re-founding of this ancient congregation is the engagement of a Schochet, but I am sorry to say that this cannot be accomplished unless a few additional Jewish families can be induced to settle there and contribute their quota towards the expense, which would thus be increased’.
Hopes this letter will encourage such settlers.
Also draws attention to the poor state of the disused cemetery.
(signed) A. B. SALMEN
2, Upper Montague Street,
Russell Square, W.C.
September 8, 1890.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1890, page 12

‘During the festivals services were held in Yarmouth with gratifying result. The temporary synagogue was located at 130, King Street, and Mr. Lewis efficiently acted as Chazan. On September 27th Master Solomon Jones was Barmitzvah, and read a considerable portion of the Sedrah for the day. Several visitors from London were present. The Jewish residents intend making every effort to obtain the services of a professional Reader and Schocket [sic]’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1891, page 14

‘GREAT YARMOUTH, 130, KING STREET. Visitors to Yarmouth will find comfortable apartments with Board at Mrs. Lewis’s; also dinners supplied at moderate terms.’

Jewish Chronicle, 187 September 1891, page 16

PRIME NORFOLK FOWLS at 1s. 10d. Per head, DUcKS at 2s. 6d.
Sent (packed free) to any address, P.O.O. to
32, Great St. Peter’s Road, Gt. Yarmouth.
Can be sent killed and dressed, if required. Special terms for large quantities.’

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1891, page 9

Letter from A. B. Salmen (London)
He drew attention last year to the state of the disused cemetery at Yarmouth, hoping to raise money from relatives of those buried there for the purpose of renovation. No result. He raised the matter at the Board of Deputies. They had not funds but they made a collection. As a result the boundary walls of the cemetery have been restored, the tombstones renovated and the ground put in proper order. Thanks to ’Mr. Jones, the only surviving member of the old congregation, who was good enough to superintend the work’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1891, page 23

‘Fifty years ago there were Jewish congregations at Bedford, Exeter, Falmouth, Penzanace, Ipswich, Yarmouth and Jersey. All these have ceased to exist’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1892, page 22

Instructions have been given to Messrs. Spelman to sell by auction on Monday next, at the Star Hotel, Yarmouth, the building known as the Synagogue in Row 42. The present synagogue was erected in 1847, on the site of a former one, but for some time past there has not been a sufficient number of Jewish male residents in Yarmouth to form a minyan. The late Sir Francis Goldsmid attended the opening of the synagogue and in the same year he contested the representation of the borough, although the then form of oath prevented Jews from sitting in Parliament. Sir Francis was, however, defeated. On the site occupied by a former synagogue in Row 108, a Masonic Hall was erected, and it was in this hall, that in 1834 a deputation from the Chartists’ Convention held a meeting, owing to the then Mayor having refused them the use of the Town Hall.’

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1892, page 10

As announced in our last issue, the building known as the Yarmouth Synagogue in George Street, was sold by auction on Monday. The Synagogue has long been used as a store-house for nets and other fishing gear. The premises, including the Synagogue and a cottage adjoining, fetched only £150.’

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1892, page 13

‘The Rev. Mr. Dainow, of Leicester, being on a visit to Yarmouth, conducted the service on Sabbath last’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1895, page 8

Letter from N. GOLDSTON, 12 Ivydale Road, Nunhead, S.E.
Comments on Michael Adler’s article of 13 September.
Adler got list of ministers wrong. After Rev I. Cohen came S. Levy, then M. Hirsch. Then Levi Levenberg who was the last minister. In 1863 the writer‘s father was Assistant Reader when synagogue densely packed. In 1877 synagogue closed and the remaining 3 or 4 families would have striven to uphold the synagogue ‘had it not been for the then authoritative Mr. Michael Mitchell, who claimed the synagogue and its appurtenances as his own‘.
Present. Jewish population is about 8 families ie about 40 people. ‘I understand (in fact I was present on Shobbos morning when services were held in a small room belonging to one of the inhabitants) that they are striving to form a congregation once more in that ancient town, and services will be held there during the coming Festivals’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1896, page 10

Board of Deputies meeting.
‘Mr. A.B. SALMEN handed in a letter from the Corporation of Yarmouth, in which it was stated that the wall in the Jewish cemetery had been repaired at the expense of the Corporation. Mr. Salmen suggested that the Corporation should be thanked, but the matter was deferred for further inquiry as to whether the wall in question was, or was not, a town wall’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1896, page 1

SERVICE will be held for the coming Festivals at Mr. LEWIS’s BOARDING HOUSE, 22 REGENT STREET. Any visitors staying at Yarmouth will be made welcome at the Services.
[Note. Singular ‘Service’ at start of advert]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1896, page 10

On Saturday week a boy of 12 named Brady was charged at Yarmouth Police Court with stealing money from Mendel Lewis. Lewis was offered a Bible to take the oath ‘but he declined to swear upon the volume, stating that he required the Old Testament alone. The Magistrate’s Clerk: That contains the Pentateuch and the Five Books of Moses, and hundreds of thousands of Jews have sworn in that way without objection. Lewis: Not a single one in London’.
No other book available and case was struck out.
‘The Norfolk Daily Standard describers the dismissal of the charge as a sample of Justice’s justice, and urges that a rate paying and honest Hebrew might have been treated with courtesy and consideration’.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1896, page 7

Letters on the Lewis case.
1. From Mendel Lewis. There should be a Hebrew Bible in all country courts where there is none at present.
2. The prosecutor (Lewis) should have been advised to take the oath in ‘the Scotch form, by simply raising his hand’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1896, page 10

Board of Deputies meeting
As a result of the Board’s communication to the Magistrate’s Clerk at Yarmouth a Hebrew Bible has now been procured.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 1897, page 8

Letter re ‘Teaching Foreigners English - Technical Classes’. Classes at various schools in the East End. One such trainee ‘calls herself “Court Dressmaking” and has a splendid business in Yarmouth” .’

Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1897, page 15

Advert by E. Barnett & Co.
Headed: ‘On Board my Uncle’s Fishing Smack. From the Sea to the Frying Pan’.  Depots at Lowestoft, Grimsby, Yarmouth, and Margate.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1899, page 3

WANTED, by the newly-formed Great Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation, a gentleman to act as CHAZAN, Shochet, and Teacher. Applicants must have the sanction of the Chief Rabbi; preference given to a married man. Applications must be made in the first instance, in writing only to A.B. Salmen, Esq., 2, Upper Montague-street, Russell-square, W.C.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1899, page 12

Letter signed ‘D’. He looked at the disused cemetery. It was in a terrible state. ‘it gave the impression of being a builders’ rubbish yard’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1899, page 21

Board of Deputies meeting.
Mr A. B. SALMEN reported that he had visited the disused Jewish cemetery at Yarmouth about two months ago, and he had found the ground to be in excellent order. It has quite recently been renovated, and the gates repaired at a total cost of 25s. The meagreness of the cost would indicate to what a small extent the ground was in need of repairing’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1899, page 10

Letter from Mendel Lewis (‘Twenty years’ residence’).
He accompanied ‘D’ to the cemetery and his letter is ‘only too true’. He cannot understand Mr Salmen’s report to the Board of Deputies.

Letter from ‘D’.
SIR, -Since reading Mr. Salmen’s report to the Board of Deputies, it has dawned upon me that he has been the victim of a practical joke. When in Yarmouth, he no doubt was taken to some cemetery, but evidently not to the old “Beth Haim.” He has expended 25s. in repairing the “gates”; but there are no gates there. He found the ground in “excellent order,” and although a cart load of miscellaneous refuse has been removed since my last letter, it is still in a most revolting condition …
If Mr. Salmen wishes conscientiously to carry out his laudable undertaking, he must personally see that the money he is entrusted with is applied for the purpose intended, and that the recipient should not be some degenerate specimen of an extinct congregation …
After the manner of professional mendicants who exhibit their deformities to arouse the sympathies of the beholders, the burying ground has been the deformity by which large sums of money have been extracted from willing and unwilling victims. Still, when a pauper funeral occurred a few weeks ago, the whole of the funds had vanished and a collection had to be resorted to, to defray the cost’.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1899, page 10

‘SIR, - It would require an Israel Zangwill to give you anything like an adequate description of the indignation meeting that was called here last Sunday. It was ostensibly held to protest against my letter in your last impression, and I was on expectation to hear that some of my charges would be partially or wholly refuted, but this was not the spirit of the meeting. After a babel in different dialects of jargon had subsided my genealogy was investigate …
After various family matters had been gone into it was unanimously decided to contradict all and everything “D” had stated, and everyone present, consisting of four or five resident, and a few lads, some persons who were temporarily residing here, were requested to attach their signatures to a letter that had been previously drawn up. My purpose in writing to you is to warn the public for the future.
AN appeal is shortly to be made for some hundreds of pounds for the purpose of a synagogue. There are but seven or eight permanent residents here, and a room can be engaged for the purpose when required. There are about 30 children here and a competent Hebrew teacher is sadly needed. The few Jews are unable to maintain one. Could not the Provincial Ministers’ Fund or the Jewish Religious Education Board make a grant towards the stipend of a gentleman approved by the Chief Rabbi’.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1899, page 16

Letter sent in by Lewis Jones, Hon. Secretary. [summary]
Continues: ‘D’s’ letter said that a pauper funeral had taken place recently. There have been 2 funerals since June. A child of Mr. Mendel Lewis and a child of Mr. Bloom. The President Mr. Goldstone paid and was repaid in small instalments.
They say that ‘D’ is Israel Solomons and his uncle is Mendel Lewis and the report of A.B. Salmen about the state of the cemetery is correct.
Signed: A. Goldstone (130 King Street); H. Rosenthal (5 Market Place); William Bloom (52 North Howard Street); H. Moore’ P. Rosenthall; M. Sampson; H. Braham; L. Niman; S. Stone; S. Stone; D. Braham, Norwich; H. Jacobs; Louis J. Harrison; J. Nimun; S.D. Harrison; John Jones; John J. Sexton; A.M. Harrison.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1899, page 9

Letter from Burton & Son re letter in last issue. Their client, Mendel Lewis. ‘As our client is a respectable tradesman in the town we need not point out to you that the statement that he repaid in small instalments the cost of a funeral of an infant of a few months old, is an absolute and mischievous fabrication, and without a vestige of foundation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1899, page 9

Letter from ‘D’.
‘I think you will be amused to hear that, at present there is no “Great Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation,” although I willingly admit that there is a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.’
Again asks for help for children to get Hebrew lessons.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1899, page 24

‘At a special committee meeting of the Great Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation, held on Tuesday, it was decided to acquire the old synagogue for twelve months, with the option of a three years’ agreement with purchasing clause. An agreement is to be at once drawn up and signed.’

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1899, page 28

‘At a meeting of the Great Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation it was reported that the old synagogue has been acquired on a lease with a purchasing clause. The work of repairs is now all in hand. It is the intention to apply shortly to the Chief Rabbi for a Shochet and Reader’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1899, page 23

Board of Deputies
‘Letters were read containing copies of resolutions passed at meetings held at Yarmouth last month expressing confidence in the Board’s honorary Superintendent of the disused cemetery at Yarmouth, and a letter was read from Mr. A.B. Salmen stating that at his most recent visit to the cemetery at Yarmouth he had found it in a perfectly satisfactory condition of repair’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1899, page 24.

‘At a special Committee meeting, Mr. Harrison reported that he had seen the Chief Rabbi, who sanctioned the opening of the synagogue for divine services, and who on his return from his holiday would officially visit Yarmouth to open the synagogue. It was resolved to open the synagogue tomorrow for divine service. Service therefore will now be held in the synagogue, Row 42, Howard Street, every Friday evening and Saturday morning. The President, Mr. Goldstone, of 130 King Street, was instructed to interview a butcher with the object of arranging for a supply of kosher meat’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1899, page 2

‘WANTED KNOWN [sic] THAT the GREAT YARMOUTH HEBREW CONGREGATION have made arrangements with Mr. W. Debbage, Family Butcher, 51 and 52, Market-place, Yarmouth, for the supply of KOSHER MEAT.  Those visiting Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, can rely upon being served with the best quality of meat at a reasonable price. Any information will be gladly furnished by the President, A. Goldstone, 130, King-street.  The Synagogue is in Row 42 and Service is held Friday night and Sabbath mornings.’

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1899, page 16

Re re-establishment of the synagogue
‘With a zeal which is beyond all praise a handful of people have engaged a Chazan, Shochet and teacher, acquired possession of their old synagogue, which had become converted into a mission hall, renovated it at considerable expense and re-established public service’.
An unprecedented number of Jewish visitors to Yarmouth this summer has resulted in synagogue being full Friday evenings and Saturdays.
There is congregational singing, classes started for regular practice.
What will happen after summer visitors leave? Congregation is practically supported by two families.
Minister receives only £1 a week with free residence. Not enough. Perhaps Provincial Ministers’ Fund could help.
Re the cemetery. In the 43 years it was opened about 25 burials.
Appeals for Jewish workingmen to go to Yarmouth from the congested areas.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1899, page 17

Revival of Yarmouth Congregation
For 30 years there was no congregation. Last member by whom it was sustained was Mr Mitchell who died 11 years ago. Synagogue became mission hall. But about 18 years ago A. Goldstone settled in Yarmouth and he has held prayer-meetings in his house for past 10 years. Last December another Jew settled, L. Harrison, who had held clerical positions at Norwich and Dunedin, New Zealand. The two men got together and decided to re-establish the community. They got permission from Chief Rabbi and obtained possession of the old ‘shule’, a Chazan, Shochet and teacher was engaged. Synagogue reopened 5 weeks ago when Rev S. Pearlstein of Exeter entered upon his duties.
The writer interviewed Goldstone, President. The synagogue is in Row 42 a turning off Market Place
Synagogue is 53 years old. Adjoining is minister’s house. It is small, for 60 people.
Has cost £70 to put in order. Rent is £15 a year. Owner is Mr Buxton. Received many presents - Harrison family very generous, including from his nephew Saxton from Norwich. Also from Mrs S. Fink of London. Money from S.H. Harrison of Norwich, A.B. Salmen (President of South Hackney Synagogue) and others.
When Goldstone came to Yarmouth the only two members left were Mitchell and Jones. The only time it was opened was 25 years ago when the sister-in-law of Mr Jones visited to return thanks after illness.
They have the right to buy the synagogue outright for £230. There were about 10 Jewish Families in Yarmouth and the synagogue supported by 5 or 6 individuals and there were promises of support from 2 or 3 more. Cost: Chazan £52, rent £15, rates, gas and cleaning £10 per annum.
Chazan acts as killer, porger and shomer and gives Hebrew and religious instruction to over 30 children.
Have not applied to Provincial Ministers’ Fund as advised the Fund would be unlikely to help.
Visiters help with funds. Yesterday there were 35 people downstairs and 25 upstairs. Income from tax of 1d a pound on kosher meat.
Want working-men to settle - tailors, bootmakers, (bespoke), upholsterers, cabinet-making, wood-carvers, carpenters, paper-hangers, watchmakers and jewellers.
Cemetery. Earliest burial 1803, latest was Joel Isaacs who died 6 February 1846. Since 1846 Jews have been buried in Corporation’s burial ground.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1899, page 18

Letter from Mr Sampson. Warns Jewish tailors against going to Yarmouth unless assured of permanent employment at remunerative wages. Although rent is low, kosher and other provisions are dearer than in London.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1899, page 24. [Start of very long report, remainder not noted]

‘Reconsecration of the Yarmouth Synagogue
The Chief Rabbi visited Yarmouth on Sunday last [sc 22nd October] and reconsecrated the Synagogue situate in Row 42 (known also as “Jews’ Row”) - between George Street and Howard Street. The circumstances which led to the ceremony were explained in the JEWISH CHRONICLE of the 8th ult, and the Chief Rabbi in his Sermon on the occasion also briefly alluded to the past history of the congregation. The present building dates from 1847, but there was a Jewish congregation at Yarmouth antecedently to that year, though little is known of its history. The Service on Sunday marks a resuscitation; for the congregation became moribund a generation ago, though the Synagogue was occasionally used for divine service; one of these occasions was sixteen years ago (about 1883), when the late Chief Rabbi was staying with his family at Yarmouth. Minyan has been held for about ten years past in the house of Mr. A. Goldstone, who has made every endeavour to revive the congregation. The actual revival was, however, chiefly due to Mr. L. Harrison, who came to reside at Yarmouth last December and had formerly held clerical positions at Norwich and Dunedin, New Zealand. Possession was obtained of the old Synagogue, which had been diverted to the purposes of a mission hall; a Chazan and Shochet (the Rev. S. Pearlstein, of Exeter) was engaged and the place of worship reconstituted as a synagogue. The building is a very humble structure of limited capacity; it is probably the smallest synagogue in England, its entire seating accommodation limited to about 60 worshippers. The repurchase of the synagogue and the minister’s house adjoining and their renovation will cost about £350, towards which only about £90 has yet to be collected’.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1900, page 9

Obituary of Mrs Neumegen of Kew. Died in her 89th year, maiden name Belinda Lee, father Isaac Lee of Yarmouth, mother Sarah Micholls. Husband was Leopold Neumegen who had school at Highgate then Kew. He died April 1875. Boys’ school given up and girls’ school continued by Mrs Neumegen and her daughter

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1900, page 30

General meeting presided over by Mr A. B. Salmen. His appeal for funds for buying synagogue and minister’s house had been liberally responded to and but for the war he would have had the necessary funds. Decided to postpone any further appeal but to negotiate with vendor and pay a deposit.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1901, page

Special meeting of congregation. Harrison, Treasurer, said time now opportune to obtain permanent place of worship, because at present could be turned out at any time. Resolution passed that members pledge themselves to do their utmost. To issue an appeal and to communicate with A.B. Salmen ‘who has always taken an active interest in the Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1901, page 22

Mr & Mrs Friend of Bow, on visit to Yarmouth, presented curtains for the Ark.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1901, page 29

Mr Bernstein of Ilford presented Perpetual Lamp in memory of his father.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1901, page 25

Services were conducted by E.J. Harrison [sic] who read Musaph and Rev J. Miller who also acted as Baal Tokeah.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1901, page 2

‘MR. B. MESSIAS returns THANKS to Rev. J. Miller, Minister, Mr. I. Goldstone, President, Mr. J.Rosenthal, Vice-President, Mr. L.J. Harrison, Treasurer, Mr. A. Jones, Hon. Secretary, and the members of the Yarmouth Hebrew Congregation for their kindness to his daughter Leah Silver, of 8, Archway-cottages, Turner-road, on the loss of her child, and for their assistance to her whilst her husband is in the hospital with fever’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1901, page 27

Chanucah service on Sunday for the children conducted by L.J. Harrison Treasurer. Rev. Mr. Miller delivered an address. At conclusion all sang the National Anthem. Each child was presented with fruit and sweets by Mrs. A. Goldstone wife of the President.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1902, page 35

The first marriage since the re-establishment of the congregation took place in the synagogue last Sunday. Bride was Rebecca Marianowitz (a cousin of A. Goldstone, President) and Mr Hyman Lewis. Several Christians were present. Wedding was solemnised by Rev. J. Miller.  L. J. Harrison, Treasurer, delivered an address and presented the bride with a prayer-book suitably inscribed.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1902, page 24

In the parish church of St Nicholas, Great Yarmouth, there is a small Megillah with coloured drawings.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 Sept 1902, page 20

Death of Matthew Mitchell on 27 July in Melbourne. Born in Yarmouth 70 years ago. Went to Melbourne nearly 40 years ago. A trustee and member of Board of Management of Melbourne Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1902, page 32.

General meeting of congregation on Sunday. A. Goldstone in chair. Elected, A. Goldstone, President; H. Rosenthall, V/Pres; I. Jones, Treasurer; W. Bloom, Hon Sec

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1902, page 8

Obituary of Horatio Jones in London. For over 50 years was dentist in Shrewsbury. Born at Yarmouth but parents went to Liverpool soon after. Father David Jones, a son of Hannah Hamilberg, and thus connected to Godefroi, the Dutch Minister of Justice. His mother was Leah Micholls. [Died aged 79]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1903, page 1

Philip Victor Harrison, 3rd son of Mr & Mrs L. J. Harrison, 71 Regent Road, will read whole sedra and maftir in Yarmouth synagogue on 10 Jan 1903

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1903, page 1

On 29 March at Great Yarmouth Synagogue, marriage by Rev B, Ginsberg, Bertha eldest dr of Mr & Mrs Bloom of Yarmouth to Adolf 2nd son of Mr & Mrs Harris Silverman of Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1905, page 32

On Saturday Mr. M. J. Falkenberg of Wilna, a pioneer of the Yarmouth herring trade, attended synagogue. Expressed dissatisfaction with its surroundings and position and promised to subscribe £50 personally and to collect another £50 among his friends, if the congregation would obtain a suitable site and build on it a synagogue and schoolroom.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1905, page 32

Special meeting of congregation, Mr H. Rosenthal, president, in chair. Thanks to M.J. Falkenberg for offering £100 towards building new synagogue and schoolroom. Falkenberg promised that he would do all he could among the fish trade, Jewish and Christian alike, to raise the necessary funds. Resolved to approach the Town Council with view to procuring a suitable site. Falkenberg elected an Hon. Vice-President.  [No more references to this matter]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1905, page 26

At general meeting of congregation Rev I. J. Super unanimously re-elected Shochet for 3 years. Also thanks to Isaac Goldston of the Dalston Synagogue for the services rendered during his stay. [Note at marriage on 10 June 1906 I. J. Super solemnised a marriage in Great Yarmouth Synagogue.]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1906, page 1

Marriage at the synagogue, Great Yarmouth on 10 June by Rev I. J. Super assisted by Mr J. L. Harrison. Ray only daughter of Mr & Mrs J. Woolf of 1 Rainbow Corner, Great Yarmouth (late of London) to Jonas 2nd son of Mr & Mrs Jacobs of 60 North Howard Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1906, page 23

Board of Deputies
Rev I Super appointed Marriage Secretary of Yarmouth

Jewish Chronicle, 7 Sept 1906, page 2

GREAT YARMOUTH HEBREW CONGREGATION WANTED at once Chazan, Shochet and Teacher, salary 65 pounds and perquisites. - Apply to the President, L.J. Harrison, 71, Regent-road, Great Yarmouth

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1907, page  21

Board of Deputies
Rev I. Levine, Marriage Secretary at Yarmouth

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1908, page 9

Election of I.J. Super (late of Yarmouth) as Chazan & Teacher to Croydon Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1908, page 13

A new Zionist society called the Agudath Zion of Yarmouth was formed at a public meeting held recently. Presided over by S.I.Citron, one of Yarmouth’s most prominent citizens. Elected: S.I. Citron, President; J. Whitehouse, Vice-President; Rev P. Levine, Correspondent Secretary; D. Finkelstein, Treasurer

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1909, page 14

Letter from a visitor. He and friends went to synagogue on a Friday evening. Enough for minyan and minister among them. Door was locked. Minister said there would be no service as President had the key.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1909, page 14

Letter from Mr Levy, 5 Kent Square, Yarmouth. Resident for 10 years. It is not the President (Mr Williams) who holds the key but the Trustee (Mr Goldstone). Congregation was started 11 years ago and Mr Goldstone and late A. B. Salmen were appointed Trustees; other officers were elected. Refers to another meeting on a Sunday when Goldstone refused to come with the key, and synagogue is in a ‘hooligan-infested’ area (therefore dangerous for those outside synagogue). The 20 people found other means to get into building and found seats in a filthy condition. Mentions that one person had wanted synagogue opened for Jahrzeit [sic] but was refused on ground that he did not contribute, but in fact he did.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1909, page 14

Letter from M.C. Williams, 20a Regent Road, Yarmouth.
As President he does not hold the key, ‘as the Trustee (Mr. Goldstone) does not trust anyone else with them. I was one of the party which, as Mr. Levy stated in your last issue, had to wait outside the Shool on a Sunday morning until we forced our way in. Unfortunately the Trustee considers the synagogue and all appertaining to it to be his property’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1909, page 15

Rev I. J. Levine invited by the Mayor to be present on platform at opening of the Crippled Girls’ Exhibition in the Town Hall.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1909, page 20

Letter from ‘A Nonentity’.
Refers to the meeting when Mr Levy and Mr Williams said they were locked out. The purpose was to put the Shochet on a firm basis as he was owed a sum of money. Several men subscribed for immediate requirements and expressed willingness to contribute regularly. A President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Fund were appointed. Since then he has approached Secretary to find how things were working. The Secretary was unable to tell him, nor could the Treasurer or President. No books were kept, no rules, everything is in a muddle. ‘Can one wonder that the congregation cannot be carried on successfully’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1909, page 37

Long letter from Alfred Lurie-Lever, 120 Wellesley Rd, Yarmouth
In March this year he took up residence in Yarmouth and his father-in-law, L. J. Harrison, asked him to become a member. Harrison explained that the congregation numbered 25 or 30 members but there were two parties - pro-Goldstonites and anti-Goldstonites. The writer discovered that Goldstone was the sole Trustee and has been managing the synagogue’s finances, thus: the property of the congregation consists of a building used as a synagogue, and a cottage adjoining leased to a non-Jewish woman who acts as caretaker. She pays rent of 3s a week. There is a mortgage on the property of £150 and the rent pays the interest on the mortgage with a little over for cleaning. At the first meeting he attended chaos ruled. There was no chairman, no secretary, no rules, no books. He asked for clarification. Mr Levy and Mr Goldstone tried, but with little success. The meeting had been called for the purpose of raising money to pay arrears of salary to the minister. It was resolved to hold another meeting and he was asked to be Hon Sec pro tem. At the next meeting he came with Mr Harrison but the doors were locked. Admission was gained via the caretaker’s cottage and thence to the ladies’ gallery. Meeting was then held under chairmanship of Williams. A scheme was drawn up, some to pay 1/- a week, others 6d, boarding-house keepers 21s per annum, and £8 p.a. to be paid by the butcher for the privilege of selling kosher meat. It was hoped thus to raise enough to discharge the liability to the minister and to pay his salary weekly. It was resolved to inform the Chief Rabbi that the congregation has decided to take action against the Trustee, to discover their legal status. Mr Williams elected President, S.D. Harrison Treasurer, and the letter-writer Hon Secretary.
However as it was the Chief Rabbi’s 70th birthday celebrations he refrained from troubling him. In the meantime the President and the Treasurer undertook to see the Trustee who asked that his liability should be take over by new Trustees ‘and the loss that he had sustained by the sale of the cottage should be made good to him, when he would be willing to surrender the key to the synagogue’. The interviewers could not accept this, result deadlock. Mr. M. Moore undertook to collect the weekly subscriptions and for 2 or 3 weeks he submitted to the writer a list of subscribers but then said he could not continue. Then Rev Levene [sic] undertook these duties. But he has only brought the list on 2 occasions.
He thereupon resigned but Mr Williams (President) has not acknowledged it.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1909, page 19

Board of Deputies.
President (D. L. Alexander) has intervened and the parties have agreed to accept his arbitration.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1909, page 12

Letter from Alfred Lurie-Lever
D. L. Alexander wrote to the minister Rev Mr Levene [sic] asking him to obtain the consent of the members to accept his arbitration and award. This was done and Alexander visited. At the meeting nearly all the congregation attended. Crux of whole matter is this. The Trustee, Goldstone, contends that the synagogue was purchased by £100 lent by the late A.B. Salmen to him personally and for which sum he says he is liable to the executors of Mr Salmen’s estate. L.J. Harrison however contends that the money was a gift, not from Salmen but collected by him for that purpose. But Harrison has no documentary evidence although in the opinion of nine-tenths of the members that is the fact. Alexander promised to see the executors of Salmen’s estate.
This he did and wrote to Levene regretting his inability to make an award.. He also advised the members to leave the synagogue in the hands of the Trustee and to seek another place of worship. Extraordinary advice as Alexander had insisted that the members adhere to their original place of worship. At a meeting held to consider the letter it was decided to act on his advice and asked him to visit again with Carl Staettauer, the member foe Great Yarmouth[*]. For the purpose of establishing a constitution and if possible to publish an appeal. He wrote to Alexander on the 16th but has had no reply. The position is now worse than ever. There is no place of worship and the members wonder about discontinuing their subscriptions. The money is now not enough to pay the minister.

[* That is, as the member for Yarmouth of the Board of Deputies of British Jews}

Jewish Chronicle, 3 December 1909, pages 12-13

From Alfred Lurie-Lever. He received letter from Alexander enclosing letter from Carl Stettauer. He wrote acknowledging them and said he was calling a meeting to consider them. At the meeting there was much dissatisfaction at lack of ‘inclination’ of Stettauer to help. In that case meeting decided to dissolve the congregation and that Rev Mr Levene be given 3 months’ notice to terminate his appointment as Minister and Shochet.
Copies of letters
From Stettauer to Alexander saying unable to help.
From Alexander to Lurie-Lever saying that congregation will have to raise money from among themselves.
From Lurie-Lever to Alexander saying that the congregation will be dissolved.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1909, page 10

Obituary of Isaac Falcke, born Yarmouth

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1910, page 14

Board of Deputies.
D. L. Alexander explains why unable to give award, because not all parties were present.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1910, page 14

Jewish residents of Yarmouth presented Rev S. Joseph of Norwich who is leaving for London with a testimonial in recognition of his services as Mohel for the last 15 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1911, page 14

‘YARMOUTH. A meeting of the Jewish residents of the town was held last week at the synagogue, under the Chairmanship of Mr. L.J. Harrison, at which it was unanimously resolved that the congregation be re-formed. Mr. Natham Salasnick, of London, has been appointed Minister and Shochet, and has already taken up his duties’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1914, page 32

‘The Rev. Nathan Salas, late of Great Yarmouth, has been elected Chazan, Teacher and Shochet to the Port Talbot Congregation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1915, page 25

‘At a special meeting of the Aberdare and Aberaman Congregation held on Sunday, the Rev. S. Freedberg, of Great Yarmouth, was elected Chazan, Teacher and Shochet’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1917, page 18

Board of Deputies. Report of Law & Parliamentary Committee
‘Your Committee learns that no trustees can be traced of the disused cemetery at Great Yarmouth, the property of the Corporation, and that the latter proposes to take it over as an open space. Your Committee thinks that it would not be consistent with Jewish sentiment that this should be done, and that provision should be made by Community to prevent the secularisation and desecration of disused Jewish cemeteries, and it therefore recommends that immediate steps should be taken for collecting a substantial sum, as an addition to the small amount held for the Disused Cemeteries’ Fund, and that two or three persons should be appointed as Trustees of disused burial grounds. Mr. S.E. de Haas has kindly offered to view the state of the Yarmouth ground’.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1919, page 3

‘WANTED, A strictly Orthodox middle-aged woman as Cook or Help; plenty of help given; good house and wages no object. - Apply with references and full particulars, to Mrs. Harrison, “Eastholme”, Euston-road, Gt. Yarmouth’.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1919, page 22

Board of Deputies Law & Parliamentary Committee
‘The Committee has learnt from the Clerk to the Yarmouth Corporation that the City Council when the question of the sale or letting of the disused cemetery to Trustees to be appointed by the Board was brought up, refused to entertain either project’.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1921, page 2

Death on 14 November of Louis Julius Harrison aged 61. Late Rabbi of Norwich and Dunedin, New Zealand.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1923, page 10

Obituary of Abraham Goldstone. In 1899 he founded the synagogue and was its president the whole time that it existed. For over 40 years lived in the borough. Death of 2 sons in Great War, one earned the MM.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 February 1924, page 2

Death on 24 February at 74 Sutherland Avenue, Maida Vale, Mendel Lewis, late of Gt Yarmouth.
[He also lost two sons in the war].

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1924, page 33

Notice. Instructions from Mr S.D. Harrison to sell by auction the modern residence known as “Eastholme”, Euston Road.
4 reception rooms, 8 bedrooms, bathroom and offices, adjoining are a fernery, motor garage and garden with small croquet lawn. ‘The above would be exchanged pro rata For a house in Willesden or Finchley district containing 3 reception and 6 bedrooms, garage’.

‘Also with possession the valuable FREEHOLD RIVERSIDE PREMISES occupying an island site between Yarmouth Haven and the Union Railway, covering an area of about 24,000 sq, ft.’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1926, page 21

Max Michaelis Scholarship awarded to Arthur Saul Super of Melbourne. 18 years old, born Great Yarmouth, went to Australia with parents 14 years ago.
[Jewish Year Book 1974, born 1 July 1908] Later a minister.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1933, page 2

Death on Monday 20 Marcy at 67 The Ridgeway, Golders Green, late of Great Yarmouth, Saul D. Harrison, wife Rebecca, father of Alfred, Lionel, Harold, Bernard, Beatrice.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1936, page

Death of William Bloom 28 January 1936. Daughters Rose, Ether, Louise, Alice, son Harry.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1936, page 10

William Bloom at Great Yarmouth, was the ‘last member of the original Jewish congregation’ which he helped to found and where he lived for forty years.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 July 1937, page 12

Letter re a visit to a Convalescent Home in Great Yarmouth where there are about 11 Jewish children, boys and girls from 3-10 years. They come from different parts of London.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1939, page 50

‘A meeting of Jewish residents in Great Yarmouth was held at the residence of Dr. S. Rodker, in connection with the Norfolk and Norwich Fund for Refugees. A Committee was formed in the town, with Dr. Rodker as Chairman, Mrs. J. Bishop, Treasurer; and Messrs. Mark Goldstone and Henry Jacobs, Hon. Secretaries. Refugee boys have been placed in comfortable homes in the town, and the Committee have received applications to place domestic servants in local homes. The address of the Hon. Secretaries is 7, Regent Road, Great Yarmouth’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1956, page 19

Harold Soref, East Anglian Retrospect. Norwich as an Outpost of Judaism’.
‘By the middle of the nineteenth century the Jewish population of Norwich was 75. There was a similar number in Yarmouth and 50 in King’s Lynn’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1970, page 38

The old Jewish burial ground in Yarmouth to be made into a park. The Board of Deputies has been paying two guineas a year to maintain the graves. Has not been asked to increase the payment’.
‘The cemetery has not been used for many years and no Jewish residents of the town are recorded today’.

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