Worthing & District Jewish Community

Worthing, West Sussex




Selected Press Reports relating to the
Worthing and District Jewish Community

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1939
WORTHING - Hebrew and Religion Classes under the superintendence of Rabbi M. Gordon, B.A., meet at 38, Clifton-road, near Worthing Central Station. Children will be enrolled on Sunday, Oct. 8, 10 am, to 1 p.m. Services on [Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah] and following Sabbaths will be held at St. John's Hut, Elm-grove at 9.30 a.m. All interested kindly communicate with:— Mr. Oscar Philipp, Leeward, Moat Way, West Worthing.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1939

WORTHING - A Congregation is being formed at Worthing. Services are being held temporarily at St. John's Hall, Elm Grove every Saturday morning at 10, and religion classes for children on Sunday morning at 10.30 at Clifton Lodge, 38, Clifton Road. Those interested are asked to communicate with Mr. H. Hames, Hon; Secretary, at 1, Heene Terrace, Worthing.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1939

WORTHING - The Worthing and District Hebrew Congregation was formed at a meeting of residents, held recently with Mr. H Gaventa in the Chair. Mr. Meyer Freedman outlined the work that had already been done by Rabbi Gordon, particularly in connection with the classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1939

WORTHING - Election of officers: Messrs. Meyer Freedman, President; P. Taylor, Treasurer; H. Miller, Warden; B. I. Beckman, Hon. Solicitor; Rabbi Meyer Gordon, Rabbi and Minister; Mr. H. Hames (1, Heene Terrace, Worthing), Hon. Secretary; Messrs. A. Aarons, B. Beckman, H. Gaventa, I. B. Goodman, P. Jacobs, and S. Woolf, Committee.
[Note: H Gaventa may be Harry Gaventa who was later president of the London Shechita Board.]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1939

WORTHING - At a meeting held last week at 65, Rose Walk, West Worthing (the residence of Rabbi M. Gordon), a Jewish social and literary society was formed. Any inquiries regarding membership can be obtained from Miss Z. Gaventa, Hon. Secretary 14, Grand Avenue, Worthing.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1943

Reference to Mrs. H. Phillips as Hon. Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1965

WORTHING HEBREW CONGREGATION SERVICES are held in Heene Hall every Friday at 8.15 p.m., followed by a kiddush. Residents and visitors cordially welcomed.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1967

WORTHING HEBREW CONGREGATION HIGH HOLY-DAY services at Heene Rooms, Worthing. Apply to I. Ashberg. 46 Montague St., Worthing.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1973

Efforts are being made to revive the Worthing Hebrew Congregation. A committee has been formed and has arranged for periodic Friday evening services to be held at the Heene Rooms and there are to be regular monthly social gatherings.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1997

WORTHING - The Worthing Hebrew Congregation now has a new chairman, Denzil Sutcliffe, and a committee which organises at least one social function every month. There is no synagogue but Progressive Rabbi William Wolff's Friday night outreach services, which rotate between Eastbourne and Worthing, continue to attract a good attendance. The Rev. Malcolm Weisman, minister to the small communities, visited the community at Purim and the committee is currently preparing for its first self-catered communal Seder. The activities of Sussex ORT are based in Worthing.

Return to Worthing Hebrew Congregation page

Page created: 9 March 2023
Page most recently amended: 10 March 2023

Research by Steven Jaffe
Formatting by David Shulman



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