the former

Winchester Jewish Community

Winchester, Hampshire




Selected Press Reports relating to the
World War II Jewish Community in Winchester

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1940

HOSPITALITY IN WINCHESTER - May I be permitted, through the medium of your columns, to express my sincere appreciation of the hospitality extended to me during the recent Festivals in Winchester by the only Jewish family in that city, that of Mr. and Mrs. Clynes [sic], of 100, St. Cross Road. They threw open their doors to all members of the Jewish faith... We were a very motley crowd, consisting of several refugee ladies, a few young " Yeshiva " boys, and seven of us in khaki. - WOLF SILVERMAN, Intelligence Corps, Southern Command.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1942

The Winchester home of the Rev. M. L. and Mrs. Gordon (of Southampton), and of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Sydney Weintraub, has become a centre where Anglo-Jewish and American-Jewish men and women of the Forces in the district find a warm welcome and a Jewish atmosphere. Mr. Weintraub (who is lecturer in physics at University College, Southampton) and his wife have decided to act as hosts to Jewish members of the Forces every Sunday night at 8 at the house, and last Sunday they started there the Winchester Jewish Circle for discussions on Jewish affairs.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1944

WINCHESTER - Under the auspices of the Jewish Hospitality Committee, religious services are held on Sunday afternoons at 2, Hyde Street (by permission of the Rev. M.L. and Mrs Gordon). They are conducted by the Rev. A. da S Pimontel, C.F., and Chaplain Irving Tepper, of the U.S.A. Forces. Servicemen will be welcome on Sunday afternoons. Further particulars can be obtained from the Secretary. Mrs. S. Weintroub, at 2 Hyde Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1944

It was reported that 500 Allied forces received hospitality for Passover in Winchester.

Return to Winchester Jewish Community home page

Page created: 9 May 2023
Page most recently amended: 9 May 2023

Research by Steven Jaffe
Formatting by David Shulman



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