the former

Abertillery Jewish Community

Abertillery, Blaneau Gwent, South Wales




Press Reports relating to the Abertillery Jewish Congregation, Wales

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1882 page 3

Fund for Persecuted Jews of Russia
Geo Hollander Abertillery £1.1.0

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1893 page 1

Miss Rose Davies, Cardiff, to Samuel Samuels, Church Street, Abertilery.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1894 page 20

Meeting at Tredegar Synagogue of the Jewish Orphan Aid Society
A Vice-President is S. Samuel of Abertillery

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1894 page 1

Isaac Joseph, son of Mr Myer Joseph of Treharris, to Rose, youngest daughter of Rev L. Minski of Cardiff.
[Marriage. Isaac Joseph June 1895 Cardiff 11a 637/Sophia Rose Minski] In Abertillery 1901]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 March 1897 page 2

Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor
Collected by Mrs J. Simons, Abertillery, 6s.0d.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 February 1900 page 12

Boer War.
Mr M. Ash, Somerset Street, Abertillery, has given a balloon clock to be drawn in aid of the local branch of the War Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1900 page 14

Balloon clock draw. Proceeds of £6 given to the local Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Families Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1900 page 2

Fund for building of Brynmawr Synagogue and Schoolroom
J. Simons Abertillery £3.3.0
M. Ash Abertillery £1.1.0
Myer Davidson Abertillery £1.1.0
D. Harris Abertillery £1.1.0
A. Faulkman Abertillery 10s 6d [Joseph Falkman?]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1901 page 19

ref to M. Cohen Shochet at Abertillery. At opening of Brynmawr Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1901 page 29

Coventry congregation has appointed D. Caplan Chazan and Schochet. He came from Abertillery where he has resided.
[In 1901 Census of Abertillery he is described a ’Jewish Minister’]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1901 page 34

Meeting of the West Monmouth and Breconshire branch of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. Decided to reorganise. Among those elected was Michael Ash, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1902 page 1

Simon, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Simons of Abertillery, will read Portion of the Law at his home on Saturday 26 July.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1902 page 22

General meeting of the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society was held in Brynmawr. Mr J. Simons of Abertillery presided.
[Hereafter many reports of meetings of the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1902 page 3

Appeal for sufferers of fire at Tredegar at which the wife of the Mr S. N. Levene, Shochet, died. The Committee includes Michael Ash, Somerset Street, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 November 1902 page 2

List of Abertillery contributors to effects of Tredegar fire.
Michael Ash 10s 6d
Myer Davidson 10s 6d
J. Simons 10s 6d

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1903 page 28

Ref to Rev R. Cohen, Abertillery

Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 1904 page 30

Abertillery. The Jewish Ball was a great success largely due to Hard work of Mrs J. Simons, wife of the President and Mrs D. Harris, wife of the Treasurer. MCs were M. Hyams and G. J. Ballin. The Committee were the Misses Miriam Harris, G. Simons, and D. Samuel. And Mr J. Falkman, Treasurer.
:Primo .Simons, KGH PPGT, was elected Deputy Pro. Grand Primo for the Pro. Grand Lodge of Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1904 page 29

Monthly meeting of the Tredegar and New Tredegar Zionist Society. Rev R. Cohen of Abertillery gave lecture on ‘The Present Prospects of Zionism’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1905 page 1

Bernard, eldest son of Mr and Mrs M. Ash, Abertillery, will read Portion of the Law at Birmingham Synagogue on February 4.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1905 page 36

Rev S. Kahn, late of Huddersfield has been elected Chazan, Shochet, and Teacher of Abertillery congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1905 page 3

National Tribute for the Children of Dr. Herzl. 3rd List of Contributions.
Mrs M. Ash Abertillery 10s 6d
Ditto and Mrs L. l. Fine, Collections under 5s. £4.0.6
- Falkman Abertillery 5s 0
J. Wiselman Abertillery 5s 0

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1905 page 19

Letter from G. J. Ballin, Hon Sec Abertillery Hebrew Congregation, address Blaina, Mon. Protests at a contributor to the JC who said that Jews of South Wales were intermarrying a great deal. But agrees with him about the need for teachers.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1905 page 29

At Abertillery schoolroom, Mr Hermann Harris of Newport, late of Blaina, was presented with an illuminated address. Mr J. Simons, President, referred to his excellent qualities and his generosity to the synagogue. Speeches also by D. Harris, Treasurer, M. Samson, Blaina, and A. D. Roskin, Beaufort, and from Abertillery, Rev S. Kahn, M. Davidson, and Falkman. The Illuminated Address referred to the services he had performed during the last 10 years, for 3 years as President. He conducted services on Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur. And the High Festivals. Also he has been a Trustee of the Montefiore Centenary Synagogue at Tredegar, and also its President. Strong supporter of Zionism.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 1905 page 28

Meeting of the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Society at Brynmawr. Announced that Mr Ash has resigned as Treasurer on his removal from Abertillery. Unanimously agreed to send 10 guineas to the JNF to have his name entered in the Golden Book.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1906 page 39

Meeting of local branch of ITO at Ebbw Vale. Elected G. Simons, Abertillery, as President.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1906 page 30

A largely-attended meeting of the Brecon and Monmouthshire Branch of the Ahm Israel Branch was held at the residence of Mrs Lyons of Ebbw Vale. Mr J. Simons, Abertillery, presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906 page 31

Holy day services at Dudley were held in the Public Hall and ’were again conducted’ by Mr Harris of Abertillery and Rev W. Hirshowitz.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1906 page 15

The British ITO Federation will hold its first conference of delegates from branches all over the UK. Rev S. Kahn of Abertillery has been elected to attend.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1907 page 22

Untimely death of Hon Sec of the Brynmawr and Abertillery Zionist Association, N. Israel aged 18(sic).
[Death. Nathaniel Israel December 1906 aged 16(sic) Newport M. 11a 177]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1907 page 28

‘Master Lionel Falkman has won the junior violin solo prize at the National Eisteddfod recently held at Swansea, in a contest in which 24 players competed and also the first prize in the senior violin solo competition (his compeer in this being also a promising Jewish player, Mr. Higham Freedman, of Pontycymmer, Rhondda Valley). The adjudicator, Dr. Walford Davies, in referring to this particular competition, made a flattering reference to the winners. Several of the London and provincial papers contained special reference to and photographs of this rising musician, and on his return home he was met by the Tillery Colliery Band and a large crowd of people; a trap was in readiness and young Falkman was put in it and driven through the strees, the band playing “See the Conquering Hero Comes.” Falkman, who is not yet fifteen, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Falkman, of Market Street, Abertillery, and a pupil of Mr. Arthur Angle, of Cardiff.’

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1908 page 18

At the Abertillery Centre Examination of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music, held Newport, Master Lionel Falkman passed in the advanced grade for violin paying with honours, having gaied 140 marks out of a possible 150. He is 14 years of age.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1908 page 30

At an inter-society debate between the Abertillery Literary and Debating Society and the Tredegar Literary and Social Society at the Co-operative Hall, Abertillery, a discussion took place: ’Should Alien Immigration be Unrestricted?’ ‘The debate elicited sympathetic attitude in favour of the alien immigrant as a valuable factor in the national life’.
[Unclear if these were Jewish or general societies.]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1908 page 24

At a meeting of the Abertillery Hebrew Congregation, Rev I.Domnitz was elected teacher, Shochet, and Reader.
[See 15 December 1989 page 28]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1909 page 12

At a meeting of the Abertillery Hebrew Congregation Rev A. Sandow(sic) was unanimously elected Teacher, Shochet, and Chazan.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1910 page 11

At a recent examination held in London by the Conjoint Board of the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians, Mr S. Simons, son of Mr and Mrs J. Simons, was successful in his first medical examination.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1910 page 2

Applications invited for the post of Chazan, Shochet, and Teacher to the Abertillery Hebrew Congregation. ’No application will be considered unless the applicant has been in England five years, and is able to teach according to the Code issued by the Chief Rabbi’. 25s per week. Single man preferred. Applications to the President, J. Simons, Esq., Bristol House, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1910 page 11

At a meeting held on Sunday Rev A. Snadow tendered his resignation. The best wishes of the congregation were expressed on his departure for Newport, Mon.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1910 page 21

Memorial service for King Edward VII was conducted by Rev A. Snadow.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1910 page 14

Rev A. Snadow gave farewell party to members of the Abertillery Hebrew Congregation on the occasion of his leaving for Newport, Mon. The President presented him with a silver cigarette case, suitably inscribed. The President referred to the services rendered by Rev Snadow and assured him that the good wishes of every member would accompany him. Reference was made to the high esteem they had for him.
At another meeting Rev D. Hornstein was unanimously elected Chazan, Shochet, and Teacher.
Mr C. Stettauer was unanimously elected representative at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1910 page12

Mr A. H. Jessel KC unanimously elected representative a Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1910 page 17

Board of Deputies. Among notifications of elections was that of Mr A. H. Jessel KC for Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1910 page 16

Laying of foundation stone for new synagogue. The synagogue will provide accommodation for about one hundred worshippers and the schoolroom has a like holding capacity. The total cost is estimated at £600. The site was given by Mr Joseph Simons, Chairman and Treasurer of the Building Fund and President of the congregation. The foundation stone was laid by Mrs Isaac Samuel of Cardiff who was presented with a handsome silver trowel by Mrs Simons and presented with a bouquet by Miss Zelda Caplan, daughter of Rev D. Caplan of Blackpool, former minister of Abertillery, and a granddaughter of Mr D. Harris, Treasurer of the congregation.
The Building Committee consists of Messrs J. Simons, Chairman, D. Harris, J. Falkman, M. Davidson, J. Podgur, M. Solomon, H. Stone, and Harry Harris and Harry L. Simons, Joint Secretaries.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1911 page 13

Letter from Hermann H. Roskin, Beaufort, Mon. [Re Tredegar Riots]
‘In Beaufort, Brynmawr and Abertillery it was the citizens themselves who prevented the looters from doing any damage’,

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1912 page 34

At a meeting of the Jewish Literary and Social Society of Newbridge, Mon., Miss Fanny Solomon (Abertillery) read a paper on ‘An Outline of the Theory of Evolution as observed in Living Organisms’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1912 page 43

Order Achei Brith meeting held at the Vestry Room of the Abertillery Synagogue on 6th for the purpose of establishing a Lodge of the Order, in the district. Elected pro tem: Messrs J. Simons (Abertillery), President; A. D. Roskin (Beaufort) Vice-President; M. Samson (Blaina) Treasurer; A. Dagutski (Abertillery) Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1912 page 3

Abertillery. Wanted Shochet and Teacher. 25s per week and perquisites. Must be under Beth Din authority. Single man preferred.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1912 New Year Greetings page xxxi

J. Simons and family, Bristol House, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912 page 28

Chatan Torah I. S. Marks Chaan Bereshith H. Bloom

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912 page 30

Order Achei Brith. Installation of the Louis Samuel Lodge No. 49 took place at Abertillery. Officers installed were J. Simons President, A. D. Roskin Vice-President, Harry Harris Secretary, Nat Roskin Guardian, I. Best and I.S.Marks Trustees, M. Barnett and A. Herman, Marshalls. And a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1913 page 25

4th annual Jewish Ball was held at the Drill Hall. 180 present including visitors from other towns. Proceeds to the funds of the congregation, about ten guineas.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1913 page 2

Wanted Shochet, Chazan Teacher. 30s weekly and perquisites Single man preferred. Apply President, J. Simons, Bristol House, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1913 page 3

As 4 May but includes: must be able to translate into English.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1914 page 2

Death on 20 January, Hermann Harris of Newport, Mon. Father of S. Louis Harris, Tredegar, Lionel and Marcus Harris, Newport, Bernard Harris, Blaina, Asher Harris, Abertillery, Mrs M. Ash, Mrs J. Pappe, Mrs S. A. Abrahams, Newport, Mon.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1914 page 1

Betrothal. Kate Lewis, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Lewis, 113 Somerset Street, Abertillery, to Sam Kopkin of 35 Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate EC.  [Marriage. Samuel Kopkin December 1914 Mile End 1c 746/Kate Lewis]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1914 page 24

At recent examination of the Society of Apothecaries of London Miss Rae Harris, daughter of Mr and Mrs D. Harris of 78 Oak Street, Abertillery, passed the Assistants Exam ation.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1914 page 2

Death on 21 August. At 18 Market Street. Husband of Annie. Father of Lionel and Leah.
[Joseph Falkman September 1914 aged 45 Bedwelty 11a 74]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1914 page 2

Death on 21 August. At Church Street, husband of Ettie, nee Annenberg.
[Reuben Cohen September 1914 aged 25 Bedwelty 11a 75]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1914 page 27

Cardiff. Concert at the Jewish Institute. Among the performers was Dolly Simons, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1914 page 15

Meeting of the Jewish Refugee Committee held at Newport. Offer of a weekly subscription from the Abertillery Hebrew Congregation was gratefully accepted.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1915 page 19

Mr Jack Lewis of Abertillery collected £7 for the Relief of Polish Jews fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1915 page 1

Death of Jane Goldberg, Port Talbot, mother, inter alia of Mrs Falkman of Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1915 page 30

For Russian Fund. Collected at Pidyon-ha-ben and bris milah at Mr and Mrs Kopkin’s, £8.9.0

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1916 page 3

‘Abertillery and Newbridge United Hebrew Congregation’
Wanted Shochet and competent Teacher to teach according to the Chief Rabbi’s methods. £2.10 weekly with perquisites.
Apply, J. Simons, Bristol House, Abertillery.
[No other reference to this united congregation]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1916 page 10

Russian Fund. Abertillery congregation £1.17.6
13 July 1917 page 7
Abertillery has 12 seat holders.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 January 1918 page 2

Death on 15 January in Newport, Annie Falkman, widow of Joseph, mother of Lionel, Caversham. And Leah Falkman, 18 Market Street, Abertillery.
[Death. Annie Falkman March 1918 aged 45 Newport M 11a 262]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1918 page1

Forthcoming Marriage. Florence Mathilda, elder daughter of Mrs and the late Mr H. A. Barron, Dublin, and Dr S. Symons, late RAMC, of St Michaels, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 Octobet 1918 page 19

Installation of Worshipful Bro J. Simons, PRGDC as Worshipful Master of Gwent Lodge took place at the Masonic Hall, Abertillery. He is a Mason of 20 years standing.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1919 page 4

Russian Fund. 1st monthly contribution from Abertllery £2.4.6
[and subsequent contributions]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1922 page 1

Engagement Edith, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Joseph, 164 Richmond Road, Abertillery. To Myer (Micky) third son of Mr and Mrs W. Rose of Cardiff.
[Marriage. Edith Joseph or Marl March 1923 London C 1c 65/Myer Rose]
[In 1901 Census Edith’s father is Marl; in 1911 Census he is Morell]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1922 New Year Greetings. J. Simons and family Abertillery.

26 September 1924 New Year Greetings. Dr and Mrs Simons, ‘Lynwood’, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1925 page 8

Engagement. Harry L. Simons, Bristol House, Abertillery, 2nd son of Mr and Mrs J. Simons, ad Miss Sarah Janner, of 23 Richmond Road, Cardiff, 2nd daughter of Mr and late Mrs J. Janner.
[Marriage did not take place. Instead Harry L. Simons married Janet Goldlove December 1927 Leeds 9b 947. Sarah Janner married Isaac Goldman March 1929 Hampstead 1a 1237]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1925 New Year Greetings page xxix

Mr and Mrs Simons, Bristol House, Abertillery.
Dr and Mrs Simons, ‘Lynwood’, Alma Street, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1926 page 36

Dr S. Simons installed as Worshipful Master of the Gwent Lodge of Freemasons,

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1927

New Year Greetings. Mr and Mrs J. Simons.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1927 page 12.
Contributions to Federation of Ukrainian Jews from ‘A few Jewish people of Abertillery’: J. Simons, £2.5s; Dr S. Simons, 21s.; A. Harris, 10s 6d; A. Isaacs, 10s 6d; H. L. Simons, 10s 6d; L. Joseph, 2s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1928 page 4 Young Israel

Connie Marks 22 Church Street, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1929 page11

Federation of Jewish Relief Organisations. From members of the Abertillery Hebrew Congregation. J. Simons, £2.2.0; S. Simons, £11.11.6; H. L. Simons, 10s 6d; Ph. Godlove (Leeds), 10s 6d; M. Barnett, 10s 6d; A. Dayan, 10s 6d; A. Harris, 5s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1930 p.36 Young Israel

Miriam Marks

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1930 page 2

The tombstone in memory of the late Joseph Simons of Abertillery will be consecrated at Newport Cemetery on July 27th.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 December 1930 New Year Greetings page xx

Mrs Priscilla Simons and daughter, Bristol House, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1931 page 10

Engagement. Solomon (Solly) son of Mrs and the late Mr R. Rosenberg, Leeds, to Esther Rose (Hetty), 2nd daughter of Mrs and the late Mr J. Simons, Bristol House, Abertillery.
[No marriage found but see entry for 27 September 1957 page 35]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1935 page 56

Young Israel. David Linekar, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1938 page 1

Engagement. Kate, youngest daughter of Mrs (Joseph) Marl of Cardiff and the late Mr(Joseph) Marl of Abertillery, to David, son of Mr and the late Mrs Gould of Tooting, SW17.
[Marriage. David I. Gould June 1938 Hackney 1b 1117/Katie Marl]
[See explanation of name, above, entry for 22 September 1922 page 1]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1941 page 3

Death of Priscilla, widow of the late Joseph Simons, on 1 September at Bristol House, Abertillery.
[Death. Priscilla Simons September 1941 aged 75 Bedwelty 11a 96]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1942 page 20

Young Israel. Peter Pinnick, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1942 page 13

40 Jewish evacuees in Abertillery. Half are sent to church or chapel. Efforts are being made to provide a Jewish environment for them.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1942 page 11

Mr A. M. Pinnick has been conducting special services for evacuee children at the home of Mrs Cohen, High Street, Abertillery. Classes are held on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at Powell-Tillery Institute.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1943 page 9

Malcolm, only son of Mr and Mrs H. L.Simons of ‘Brynhilda’, Alma Street Abertillery, will read Portion of the Law at Brynmawr Synagogue on 16 January. There will be no festivities.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1945 page 11

Daughter born at Connaught Nursing Home, Cardiff, to Mary nee Hart, Salford, wife of Dr B. Fishout, Bush Hotel, Abertillery.
[Birth. Valerie F. Fishout March 1945 Cardiff 11a 407 Mother Hart] [Married 1944 Salford]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1945 page 2

Birth of son, Michael Samuel, on 24 July, at Nursing Home, Birmingham, to Mirrie Marks of Abertillery, wife of Gerald Brown RAF, Birmingham.
[Birth. Michael S. Brown September 1945 Birmingham 6d 76. Mother Marks] [Married 1944]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1947 page 16 Young Israel

Helen Rubens, Abertillery.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1950 page 7

Engagement. Norman, youngest son of Mrs R. Joseph and the late Mr S. Joseph of Cardiff, to Carole, only daughter of Mrs S. Marks of 8 Church Street, Abertillery.
[Marriage. Carole E. Marks September 1950 Newport M 8c 599/Norman Joseph]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1952 page 21

Abertillery congregation is defunct.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 December 1952 page 7

Silver wedding of Mr and Mrs H. L. Simons (nee Janet Godlove) of ‘Brynhilda’, Alma Street, Abertillery, held at the Belgrave Street Synagogue, Leeds, on 27 December 1927.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1957 page 35

Obituary of Hetty Talbot of Abertillery who died recently at a Newport Hospital. Aged 63. Daughter of late Joseph Simons who gave Abertillery a public hall for OAPs. She was the ’Fairy Godmother of Abertillery’, active in the Red Cross in the Monmouthshire Valleys.
[Esther R. Talbot September 1957 aged 64 Newport 8c 177]
[This was Esther Rose Simons. Probably married Ber Teitelbaum in December quarter 1932 Stepney 1c 543. Perhaps he changed name to Talbot]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1963 page 10

Bar mitzvah. Michael Alfred, only son of Mr and Mrs Ben Fishout of Norcroft, Farm Road, Abertillery, will read Maftir etc at Newport Synagogue on 12 January.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1969 page 3

Death at Bournemouth of Henry Lewis Simons, late of Abertillery, husband of Jean and father of Malcolm.
[Henry Lewis Simons June 1969 Bournemouth 6a 474. Born 7 April 1892.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1969 page 37

To mark the silver wedding of Dr and Mrs Ben Fishout, they came to Cardiff from Abertillery to entertain the residents of the Jewish Home for the Aged.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1977 page 37

Wanted. Musical Menorah. ‘Norcroft’, Farm Road, Abertillery. [Fishout]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1989 page 28
Obituary of Myer Domnitz aged 80. Born Abertillery where his father was minister for short period. For 30 years was secretary and education officer of he Board of Deputies.


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List of all JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

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Page created: 12 January 2010
Page most recently amended: 10 November 2024

Formatting by David Shulman



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