Stoke-on-Trent & North Staffordshire Jewish Community





Press Reports relating to the Hanley (Stoke) Jewish Community 1851 - 2010

primarily compiled by the late Harold Pollins
[entries within square brackets received subsequently from other sources]

Comments in italics are from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1851, page 127
George Meyer, Hanley. Contribution to a new Manchester Hebrew Congregation

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1851, page 8

‘Wanted. FOR a Country Situation, a Young Man who thoroughly understands the Ready Made Clothing Business. Apply by
Letter, stating all particulars and what salary required, to Mr. Lazarus, George Hotel, Burslem, Staffordshire’

Jewish Chronicle, 7 February 1851, page 144

References to George Meyer and - Goodheim, Hanley

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1871, page 1

Death of Malka, on 6 inst, in Manchester. Relict of George Meyer of Hanley, aged 77

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1872, page 114

‘Hanley, Staffordshire’
26 Jews live in Hanley, some with families. Some time ago they applied to the Chief Rabbi for a shohet with which he complied. Announcement has been made to form a congregation and to open a synagogue. Sir Moses Montefiore has presented a Sepher Torah a week or two ago (with mantle, pointer, etc). They need help to establish a synagogue and a school. A building can be bought for £500. Many travellers pass through Hanley and therefore a synagogue will supply a long felt want.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1872, page 148

Advert. Appeal for funds, with first list of contributions. Names of those from Hanley: J. Solomon; I Aarons; E. Stainart; D. Pries; A. Liberman; J. Aaronson; H. Bairski; L. Barnett; S. Stainart; J. Goldbloom; H. Landl; A.G. Price; A. Gensberg; P. Berkinstadt; S. Aaronson; L. Fisher; G. Davis; J. Livingston; M. Sainer; J. Aarons; A. Solomon; B. Bertlestein.

(Frequent repetition of this advert)

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1872, page 384

This new congregation had a nice room fitted up for worship for the holydays as a temporary synagogue. Two members of the congregation officiated: Mr Price at Shacharith and M Goldberg, Musaph. The Ark was presented by Mr Marks on behalf of the Sheffield congregation. The Sepher presented by Sir M. Montefiore was used for the first time. ‘The Hanley Jews feel highly grateful to their coreligionists for being thus enabled to offer up their prayers in congregation. Formerly they had to leave their homes and families on the festivals; but now they are able to join their wives and children to worship their God in their midst’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1873, page 750

Hanley has not been able to raise sufficient funs to build a synagogue but has purchased a chapel to be converted into a school and synagogue. It would be a pity if they were to be burdened by mortgage debt. Very few members so the expense of maintaining a reader etc is a tax on this annual charge. The chapel will accommodate 100 and the schoolroom will be formed by a separating partition. There is a small house for the reader, teacher. It would be useful if Jews could be induced to settle there ‘and endeavour to gain a livelihood by the special work of the district’.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1873, page 17

Marriage on 2nd April at Hanley by Rev Prof Isaacs of Manchester of Sarah, daughter of Mr J. Solomon of Hanley to Mr A. Biurski of Burslem.   (Sarah Solomons June 1873 Manchester 8d 813 and Abraham Biurski)

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1873, page 16

First Jewish wedding at Hanley was held in the temporary synagogue in Foundry Street. In the afternoon provisions were given to 100 poor persons in Hanley by the bridegroom ‘’who preferred this charitable mode of celebrating his wedding to making the customary honeymoon trip’.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1874, page 288

‘We regret to learn that there has been some unpleasantness in the recently formed Hanley Congregation. We earnestly advise our brethren in the Potteries to make matters smooth, and not to present a spectacle of discord - especially in this month of renewed “comfort”.’

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1874, page 321

‘THE Hanley New Synagogue will be OPENED in a few weeks. A READER and SHOCHET is wanted. Salary £1 5s. per week with house adjoining the synagogue. Rent free. There is an additional small income for teaching the children. Apply to I. Solomon (sic), President, Upper Market-square, Hanley’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1874, page 411

Ref to Rev Mr Harris, formerly of Hanley, acting a hazan at Exeter.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1874, page 554

The Building Committee announce that the new synagogue and schoolroom are finished. The building alterations have cost £700 to which £600 (?unclear) have been collected, ‘but as the members are mostly poor and are already heavily taxed’
It is thought necessary that the building should be opened free of debt. The Committee request that those who have promised subscriptions to forward them at once. The consecration will take place soon.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 July 1875, page 234

Advert. Wanted shohet and reader. £ per week. House, rent free. Other perquisites (not specified).

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1875, page 377

The new synagogue at Hanley will be consecrated on 23rd inst by Rev D.M. Isaacs of Manchester. Further subscriptions are solicited so that the synagogue can be opened free of debt. J. Solomons (sic), President, Market-square, Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1875, page 394

Repeat of previous notice and list of donations.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1875, page 420

The new Synagogue at Hanley was consecrated yesterday (Tuesday). The usual dedicatory service was held. The Rev. Prof. D. M. Isaacs, of Manchester, officiated and delivered a sermon. As we have before mentioned, the synagogue has been completed about twelve months since but it was decided to open the building free of debt. In this the executive have not succeeded. It is a small neatly fitted building of unpretentious architectural features. It will accommodate about 100 person on the ground area and about 40 in the ladies gallery. There is a spacious school-room adjoining and a residence for the minister. The congregation is much indebted to Mr. Phillip Falk, who kindly undertook all the arrangements as to the purchase of the building and otherwise lent a helping hand to the young community. Hanley is a thriving place situated in the Potteries district. It would afford scope to Jews of the industrial class who are energetic’.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1875, page 499

Board of Deputies meeting. Reference to the case of a Jew in Hanley who was convicted of keeping a gambling house.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1875, page 555

Wanted, by the Hanley Hebrew Congregation, a Shohet, Hazan and Korah. Salary £50 per annum plus house rent free. Applicants able to teach children may earn extra 10s a week, as no teacher is kept. Applications to Aaron Price, President, 29 Hope St, Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1875, page 606

Board of Deputies. The president was authorised to certify C. Jacobs as Secretary for Marriage Purposes for Hanley Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1877, page 6

Jacob Segal writes complaining of the management of the Hanley Synagogue. There is seldom a minyan on Sabbaths. There are several single men but they seldom appear in synagogue. The president has given directions that none but members may enter the synagogue. This rule prevents formation of minyan. Recently a member had a yahrseit and a minyan was formed but non-members could not enter synagogue so that kaddish was not said.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1877, page 7

Further complaint from Jacob Segal. The rates of contribution are too high and non-members cannot buy kosher meat. Responded to by J. Solomon, President of the synagogue, denying Segal’s allegations.
Editorial comment: ‘We must … decline to publish any further statements or counter-statements, and can only hope that an end will be put to the petty disputes which apparently rend in twain the young, small and struggling congregation of Hanley. These disputes bring discredit upon the community; and especially upon the persons immediately concerned’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1878, page 7

At the recent festivities the Hanley Synagogue was crowded. Services were conducted by the local minister Rev Mr Spier assisted by Rev Mr Hirshberg of Manchester who delivered sermons in Hebrew on both days of the New Year and on the Day of Atonement.
Joseph Solomon and Charles Jacobs were unanimously re-elected President and Treasurer for the third year. ‘The correspondent who forwards these particulars adds: It may not be out of place to state that there is a prosperous field for Jews in this part of Staffordshire as all the residents are doing well’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1878, page 5a

Response from ‘A member of the Hanley correspondent.’
This story is absurd. There is a desperate state of trade in Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1879, page 1

Advert. Wanted a Hazan, Shohet, and Baal Korah. Salary £65 p.a. with free residence. Perquisites for teaching children over £25 p.a. A Mohel preferred. Apply to Mr Charles Jacobs, 40 Market Place, or Mr Joseph Solomon, Harley Street, Hanley.
(repeated 10.10.1879 p.13)

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1880, page 14

HANLEY.—At a meeting of the members of the Hanley Congregation held on Friday, the following were elected: President J. Freedman; Treasurer H. Jacobs; Hon Sec Rev M. Harris; Committee J. Goldberg, J. Alexander, E. Freedman, N. Pinkelston (sic), and Phillip Birnski (sic)

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1880,, page 7

At Hanley Town Council the burial board committee reported that Messrs Solomon and Alexander, representing the Jewish community, had asked if the corporation would set apart a piece of land at the cemetery for interments according to Jewish rites to provide a separate, and allow the ground to be fenced. Answer: the corporation had no power to fence off any part of the cemetery. The burial board committee had resolved that if the Jewish community would abandon its request for a special entrance and for fencing, the committee would be willing to set apart a piece of land for Jewish interments. Report of the committee was approved.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1880,, page 5

Letter from Mark L. Harris. Refers to last week’s report that the corporation did not have the requisite powers. But he has been told that if he can prove that any other Town Council had granted a Jewish community a ground with separate entrance and fencing they would reconsider the matter. Harris asks to be told of any such examples.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 November 1880, page 5

H.P. Moseley, late of Southampton (but writing from London) says that Southampton has done this - a portion of the general cemetery has a separate entrance and is railed off. A stone chapel has been built at expense of the corporation. Fees are paid for interments.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1881, page 7

Article on ‘The Hanley Congregation and the Burial Ground Question’
Refers to the 1880 Burial Act by which different Christian denominations have separate portions of cemeteries and this should apply to Jews. At present bodies have to be sent to Manchester. Quote from the Staffordshire Daily Sentinel, published in Hanley, which argued the same.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1881, page 12

The Hanley Town Council considered the application from the congregation. Resolved: ’That the Council set apart a piece of land for the burial of members of the Jewish religion, provided satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Jews for its use’.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 February 1881, page 6

Board of Deputies. Considered a letter from Rev Mr Harris that the Hanley Corporation were exacting fresh terms re the burial ground. Agreed that the Board would again use their influence if the conditions being imposed were unjust and unfair. (The Board had previously brought their influence to bear on local MPs.)

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1881, page 7

Board of Deputies. Reported that the Duke of Sutherland had offered a piece of ground. Also reported that some years ago the Duke had presented the Jewish congregation of Hanley with land which was much larger than was necessary for their wants.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 April 1881, page 13

‘The Burial Ground Question at Hanley’. Long article

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1881, page 6

The congregation are unable to accept the offer of the Corporation. The Duke of Sutherland, having consented to sell the congregation some land at Newcastle under Lyme on liberal terms, it was decided to purchase an acre and erect the usual wall and mortuary hall at total expenditure of £600. Messrs Rothschild had contributed £200 towards this sum.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1881, page 8

General meeting of congregation. Elected: Warden. J. Solomon; Treasurer, J. Alexander; Committee, C. Jacobs, H, Jacobs, H. Harris, M. Epstein.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1881, page 7

The Hanley Synagogue was crowded for New Year services, including Jews from neighbouring towns which have no synagogues. Conducted by Rev M.L. Harris and Aaron Price.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1882, page 12

On 9th a Town meeting was held regarding the persecution of the Jews in Russia, under presidency of the Mayor. Resolutions passed, similar to those at other comparable meetings. A fund was opened.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1882, page 16

A branch of the Anglo-Jewish Association formed at Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1882, page 12

Services conducted by Rev M. L. Harris and Hyam Jacobs.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1883, page 7

At a meeting of the Stoke Town Council held on the 18th, a letter was read from the minister of the Hebrew congregation asking for permission to sell a plot of land, adjoining the workhouse cemetery, purchased from the Duke of Sutherland, for a burial ground. Granted.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1883, page 5

Owing to a misunderstanding some 18 months ago between several Jewish residents of Hanley, a schism took place and resulted in the formation of two distinct congregations with separate ministers and honorary officers. Mr Charles Jacobs of Burslem interested himself to restore harmony and as a result of his efforts Mr William Aronsberg JP visited Hanley last Sunday in response to a requisition signed by the honorary officers and member of both synagogue, in order to arbitrate. Mr Aronsberg went to the Mayor’s Parlour in the Town Hall - the free use being provided by the Mayor despite its being Sunday - where he heard the statements of both sides. He addressed them all and urged unity. As a result ‘the Jewish residents of Hanley … decided to return in a body to the synagogue’. Mr Aronsberg accepted the office of President.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1883, page 1

Advert. Wanted by the Hanley Hebrew Congregation a Gentleman to act as Shochet, Hazan, Baal Korah and Teacher. £75 plus house free of rent and remuneration from teaching and other perquisites amounting to over £150. Apply Charles Jacobs, 40 Market Place, Burslem.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1883, page 7

A special meeting of the Hanley United Congregation was held on Sunday last, when the following gentlemen were elected as the Executive: President, William Aronsberg JP, Manchester; Vice-President, Aaron Price; Hon Sec. M. Epstein; Registrar, Adolph Alexander. Auditors, Blumeberg and Tawchan Committee, G. Livingstone, L. Goldberg, Finn, H. Finkelstone, S. Goldstone, Doffman, Graham, C. Tawchan

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1883, page 2

Mr W. Aronsberg begs to acknowledge receipt of the following donations in aid of the Restoration of the Hanley Jews’ School. (Various sums from eg Sir Julian Goldsmid, N.M. de Rothschild MP …)

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1883, page 2

Repeated, sums from 2 Rothschilds and 1 Sassoon.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1883, page 2

Appeal - Jewish Synagogue and School, Hanley.
For some time they have been seriously injured through mining operations. Immediate steps had to be taken to prevent the whole building from falling. Cost, a little over £200. The congregation is very poor but have managed to raise, including money collected by the President, some £70. List of contributors.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1883, page 7

Letter from Charles Jacobs, 40 Market Place, Burslem. So far £190 raised of which £60 raised by congregation. The contractor is pressing for payment of £70 and is threatening to take proceedings. The Chief Rabbi has contributed towards the liquidation of the debt.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 February 1884, page 6

Letter from ‘ A Hanley Reader’
Hanley had an English-Jewish minister, Rev M. L. Harris, who was competent etc. Foreigners came into the district in sufficient numbers to cause trouble. However, the congregation extended privileges to those who could not speak the vernacular and were unaccustomed to the ways of the country. Mr Harris could not be retained and on his leaving a foreigner was engaged to attend to the duties of shohet, hazan, etc. ’The result is that the synagogue is almost a foreign institution. Russians carry the day on the taking of any vote, and the Jewish synagogue is no longer regarded as a resort of civilised Englishmen’. There are about 60 children but no instruction in religion. The foreigners elect themselves to all the posts and if they could get their hands on the trust deeds they would lock the doors on the unfortunate English Jews who are few in number.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1884, page 9

Annual General Meeting. Elected: President, Samuel Goldstone (in place of Charles Jacobs of Burslem, resigned); Treasurer and Hon Sec, Aaron Price; Committee, C. Jacobs, I. Finn, A. Tanchan, M. Epstein, N. Finkelstone, I. Blumberg.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1884, page 7

Letter from Joseph Solomon. ‘The Needs of Small Provincial Communities’
The JC has many times pleaded the cause of the provincial congregations including the facts that there may be no minister, children growing up in ignorance, and - with no minister - no consultation for men and women.
In North Staffordshire there are about 40 families, a synagogue, a burial ground in Newcastle-under-Lyme, and a commodious school. There are 100 children, but no one to teach them. It is now over 12 months since Rev Harris left and the congregation has been unable to secure a suitable minister, and his duties have been performed by a man ignorant of English. The congregation is made up of poor people and many are foreigners and therefore the power of engaging ministers should not be entirely vested in the congregation. Towards the building of the synagogue Jews in London and other towns subscribed £600, £600 to the burial ground and £300 to the schoolroom. Now need further help. The foreign minister at Hanley is leaving and there will be no one to lead services at the forthcoming holidays.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1884, page 11

Special service on centenary of Sir Moses Montefiore . A large attendance of Christians is expected. The sermon will be preached by Francis L. Cohen of Jews’ College. Proceeds of the collection will be handed over to the North Staffordshire Infirmary.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1884, page 8

Hanley Synagogue was tastefully decorated with flowers etc. Decided that the proceeds of the service will be divided, one part to the North Staffordshire Infirmary, the other to the establishment of a prize to be called the ‘Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., Commemoration Prize’ to be awarded annually to the best scholar in Hebrew in the Hanley Jewish Schools. The Reader was Rev .A. Rosenberg and the sermon was by Francis L. Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1885, page 5

Under the Jewish Provincial Ministers’ Fund, Rev A. A. Green, recently appointed minister at Sheffield, will visit Hanley once a month to preach and conduct classes in Hebrew and religion.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1885, page 12

Editorial. ‘…the question of provincial Jewish teaching…’ ‘The case of Hanley must be a desperate one indeed when, as we announced last week (sic), a minister is engaged by the Provincial Jewish Ministers’ Fund to proceed thither from Sheffield once a month to preach and hold religious classes. When a monthly lesson is an improvement on the existing state of things, the latter must be represented by zero. But what is to become of the pupils of the Hanley Class in the interval between the lessons? … The Ministers’ Fund which has gallantly stepped into the breach at Hanley ought not to be left to engage in such forlorn hopes’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1885, page 12

On Sunday last the Hanley Congregation for the first time had a special service on ‘Hospital Sunday’. ’The main portion of the assembly were Christians’. The preacher was Rev A. A. Green of Sheffield.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1885, page 7

Special meeting of the congregation. Rev A. A. Green presided by invitation. ‘The financial position of the congregation, which was in some complication, was entered into, and suggestions by Mr. Green, solving the difficulties presented, were eventually carried’.
Elected: President, C. Jacobs; Treasurer, G. Woolf; Hon Sec, N. Ornstein.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1885, page 7

Letter from Charles Jacobs, 268 Waterloo Road, Burslem.
Refers to recent correspondence about help to be given to provincial schools.
In this poor, struggling congregation there are about 40-50 children, the majority of the parents being poor. We have established a school but have no trained teacher. The minister and a few lay members try to ‘train the minds of the children in such a manner as to eventually make them good and true members of our faith’. Rev A. A. Green comes once a month to examine them. If we had funds we should get trained teacher. He suggests that the Anglo-Jewish Association should support schools at home as well as in the East.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1885, pages 5-6

Editorial. Charles Jacobs’s suggestion is not practical. Helping schools at home has always been outside the AJA‘s sphere. In fact home provision is the province of the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge which has made some small progress in promoting religious education in the provinces. But should not replace local with central management which might pauperise congregations. ’Local self-help should be stimulated not destroyed’.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1885, page 3

Pastoral tour of the Chief Rabbi
On Tuesday Dr Hermann Adler arrived at Stoke from Nottingham and was received by Mr C. Jacobs, President, Mr N. Ornstien, Hon Sec, Mr Alexander, Mr Goldstone and Mr Solomons. He was taken direct to the school and examined the children, ‘and left instructions for the system of tuition in the future’. Then he visited Messrs Minton’s china works and afterwards attended evening service in the synagogue. He spoke of the great advantages of sending children to the religious classes. Afterwards, at the suggestion of Dr Adler, a fund was started for building a wall round the cemetery.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1885, page 3

Acknowledgement of donations sent to Charles Jacobs in answer to his appeal for funds for building a wall round the Burial Ground. Lord Rothschild £20. Maurice Beddington £3 3 0. Joseph Sebag £2 2 0.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1885, page 12

Mr Charles Jacobs has been instrumental in collecting about £60 from Jewish and Christian donors, for the purpose of completing the building of a wall round the Burial Ground.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1886, page 13

Rev A.A. Green reports that the Hebrew Classes are in a state of utmost proficiency owing to the exertions of Rev A. Rosenberg. Otherwise the congregation is not in a satisfactory condition. There is much difference of opinion of a personal and aggressive nature although of a trivial character. There have been several defections from the congregation and withdrawals of children from the Classes through the disposal of Mitzvot on the Day of Atonement.
Rev Green in a sermon referred to the outbreak against Jews of Dublin. It was not serious but followed dissension among the Jews there. Advised Hanley congregation that if they wished to acquire the good opinion of fellow townsmen they should cease the dissension.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1886, page 15

Nottingham. At a meeting of the Nottingham Hebrew Philanthropic Society Mr Charles Jacobs late of Hanley was elected Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1887, page 15

Jubilee Service will be held on 22nd. Rev A. Rosenberg will conduct service and Rev A.A. Green will deliver a sermon. ’The improvement in the congregation has been steadily maintained under the management of Mr. Epstein and Mr. J. Finn, President and Treasurer’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1887, page 11

Rev Mr Sternberg (Sumberg?) elected minister and conducted services during holidays.
Haran Torah, Adolph Alexander. Hatan Bereshit, S. Goldstone, President.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1888, page 11

General Meeting. S. Goldstone re-elected President. Elected, L. Goldberg, Treasurer; M. D. Price, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1889, page 3

Pastoral Letter from Chief Rabbi on ’Jewish Provincial Ministers’ Fund’. He issued Pastoral Letter five years before pleading for funds to relieve the spiritual destitution of small ad more necessitous provincial communities. As a result subventions have been granted to Cardiff, Great Grimsby, Leeds, Middlesbrough, Newport (Mon), Sheffield, Sunderland, Swansea and Tredegar to secure competent ministers, an indispensable condition being mastery of English language. Provision also for visiting ministers to Darlington, Hanley, North and South Shields, Stockton, and West Hartlepool. But funds almost exhausted yet still needed. Old congregations have declining finance and new communities are being formed and require aid for teachers. From Bath (?), Canterbury, Hanley, Hull, Leicester, Merthyr Tydvil and Nottingham in England & Wales, Dundee in Scotland, to Cork and Limerick in Ireland, all ask for aid for their efforts.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1889, page 15

General meeting. Rev S. Sumberg unanimously re-elected minister. He had been elected to Leicester by owing to dangerous illness of his wife had had to relinquish that appointment.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1890, page 12

Memorial service for late Chief Rabbi. Rev I. Aarons of Wolverhampton preached. ‘The service was well attended, many Christian ladies and gentlemen being present’.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1890, page 19

Rev A. Rosenberg, minister of Longton, Staffs, conducted service last Saturday. At general meeting on Monday was elected minister of Stroud congregation. To commence when engagement at Longton expires.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1891, page 3

Advert. ‘WANTED, Smart Man with good address to TRAVEL in Tailoring business. Weekly payment system. Good wages to a suitable man. Apply M. Price, Kempson-street, Hanley’.  (In 1891 Census given as Empson-street)

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1891, page 17

Rev Dr B. Salomon visited Hanley to examine boys and girls of the ‘Jews’ School’. Highly satisfied and high praise for the teacher who though only 12 months in England instructed them in Hebrew and Biblical knowledge ‘in the vernacular and not in the Polish jargon’. In the afternoon he preached in the synagogue and at conclusion made an appeal on behalf of the Jews’ Orphan Asylum ‘to which the congregation heartily responded’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1891, page 2

Urgent Appeal, to pay off mortgage of synagogue.
At present the Hanley synagogue is threatened with proceedings from the mortgagee which would mean being without a place of worship. This is serious for the congregation which is gradually increasing. Need £150. The congregation have subscribed as much as they can and have received sums from Sir Julian Goldsmid £10, Mrs Lucas £5, F.D. Mocatta £5. The Chief Rabbi has agreed to receive contributions as will L. Goldberg, President, 7 Grove Place, Shelton, Hanley, and S. Gershon, Treasurer, 93 Lichfield Street, Hanley.
(Repeated 29 .5.1891 p. 2)

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1891, page 17

Mr Alfred A. Marcus of Boston has presented to the Hanley Congregation a Sepher Torah and Mantle in memory of his late wife.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1891, page 2

The Russia Fund in aid of Russian-Jewish refugees.  Collections are being made in many provincial communities including Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1891, page 2

4th list of subscriptions to the Fund for the Relief of Russian-Jewish Fugitives. From Hanley: L. Goldberg, M. Epstein, Marcus Epstein, S. Greenberg, J. Alexander.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1891, page 15

Annual General Meeting. L. Goldberg, President, in chair. The Treasurer of the Congregation and the Burial Board presented the accounts. Passed as satisfactory. Elected to serve on Committee: A. Alexander, M. Epstein, M. Rotenberg.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1891, page 3

10th list to Russian Fund
‘Christian Friends (Hanley)’ £2.4.6; and George Livingstone.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1892, page 8

Levin Bequest: Hanley £100

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1892, page 17

A largely attended meeting of the Jewish residents of Stoke, Longton, and Hanley at the Hebrew Schools in Hanley on the 17th in response to an appeal from the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. Lewis Goldberg, President of Congregation, presided. Unanimously resolve to establish an Orphan Aid Society. Adolph Alexander, Louis Goldberg, And Samuel Gershon elected respectively President, Treasurer and Hon Sec of the Hanley and District branch of the Aid Society in connection with the Norwood Institution.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1892, page 19

S. Gershon has been elected Treasurer of the Hanley Congregation for the third year.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1893, page 2

Appeal on behalf of widow of late Joseph Alexander of Hope Street, Hanley. He lived for many years there and died a few weeks ago leaving a widow, an invalid, and 11 children unprovided for. Hope to raise enough to put her in some small way of business. List of contributors, totalling £6. C. C. H. Goodwin, jeweller, Hope Street, Hanley, has consented to act as Treasurer.
(In the 1891 Census there were 7 children. The father died early in 1893 and his widow was in Manchester in 1901 with a child born in 1891. An Ester Alexander, born 1892, is in the Hanley 1901 Census, as the adopted daughter of Samuel Sumberg, Clothier (probably the minister at Hanley). Thus the total number of children was probably 9)

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1893, page 15

Rev Philip Wolfers has been appointed minister. Last Sabbath he preached his inaugural sermon.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1893, page 3

Appeal for Mrs Alexander. List of contributions, mostly non-Jews. £3.17.0 totalling £9.17.0

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1893, page 3

‘The Widow Alexander’s Fund’. Mostly Jewish contributors £1.6.0 totalling £22.3.0

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1893, page 17

General meeting on 16th. Unanimously resolved to establish a Mutual Improvement Society, ‘the main object of which will be to arrange for the periodical delivery of debates, papers, and lectures on Hebrew subjects. At the first meeting Rev Philip Wolfers read a paper on ‘The Language and Literature of the Israelites’.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1893, page 19

Pastoral Tour of the Chief Rabbi. At Hanley on 3rd inst he was met at the railway station by L. Goldberg, President, M. Epstein, Treasurer, Messrs Goldstone, Alexander, Cohen, Rotenberg and Revs P. Wolfers and S. Sumberg.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1893, page 14

Rev Wolfers elected to Swansea.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1893, page 3

Advert. Wanted Minister and Teacher. Salary £100 p.a. (including £50 from the Provincial Ministers’ Fund). Apply L. Goldberg, Market Street, Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1893, page 18

Rev M. Rosenbaum appointed minister. Educated at the Jews’ Orphanage and Jews’ College.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1893, page 18

Revs S. Sumberg and M. Rosenbaum officiated on Kippur, the latter also delivering a sermon. Mr Lewis acted as Baal Tekiah after Neilah as well as on the New Year.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1893, page 2

Donation to Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians from Adolph Alexander, Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1893, page 17

The annual examination at the Glass Street Board School having been fixed for Shemini Etseret, the Jewish children would not have been able to attend and they might have had to remain in the same class for another year. The Revs Sumberg and Rosenbaum succeeded in obtaining a special exam for Jewish children on the preceding Friday. The headmaster and mistress told the minsters that they would regret it if the Government Inspector did not consent to some such arrangement. The Jewish children, they said, were the cleverest in the school and were at the head of every class.  A similar concession for Miss Mary Levine, who was to undergo an exam for entrance as a pupil teacher under the School Board - which was to be held on the Day of Atonement - as a separate exam was held for her on the following morning.
‘The Hanley Hebrew Congregation is to be congratulated on the good feeling existing between them and he public authorities in the town’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1893, page 16

Annual meeting for the election of officers and committee.
L. Goldberg unanimously elected President for the 6th time and M. Epstein for 2nd time.
Committee, A. Alexander, M. Rotenberg, I. H. Cohen, S. Goldstone, I. Myers.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1893, page 20

On Sabbath last Rev H. Silverblatt of Manchester delivered a sermon in Hanley Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1893, page 16

Special Chanucah service on Sunday last including consecration of a Sepher lent by Mr & Mrs Leventhal. Service conducted by Rev Sumberg assisted by a choir trained by him. Mr Rosenbaum preached a sermon. Mr & Mrs Levinthal (sic) afterwards entertained members at their residence.
The children attending the Hebrew Classes were entertained (including tea) last Thursday. The girls performed a cantata entitled ’The Queen of Choice’. Expenses defrayed by the ladies of the congregation. The girls were instructed in the cantata by the Misses L. and C. Goldberg.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1893, page 20

A Jewish Benefit Society has been formed with more than 60 members. For 3d members are entitled to medical attention and shiva benefits. Provision is also made for the due carrying out of all religious rites in the province of a Chevra Kadisha.
A new departure for the Hebrew Classes. The Hanley School Board has placed 2 rooms in a centrally-situated school at the disposal of the congregation where the children are now taught Hebrew and Scripture from 9-10 every morning besides meeting at the synagogue for 2 hours on Saturday and Sunday. Thus all evening teaching is avoided. There have been no difficulties in obtaining the consent of the Board.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1894, page 20

Rev M. Rosenbaum preached last Sabbath in celebration of ‘Resettlement Day’. ‘…the preacher explained the duties which Jews of foreign birth owe to their adopted land, laying special stress on their learning to speak and write in the vernacular, so as to give no cause for arousing popular opinion against them’. The sermon concluded with an address to a bar mitzvah, the son of Mr. M. Epstein, the Treasurer.
(sc Saul Epstein born 1881. ‘Sydney’ in 1901 Census)

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1894, page 19

First quarterly meeting of the Hanley Jewish Benefit Society was held at the Synagogue Chambers. L. Goldberg, President, in the chair. The Treasurer, M. Epstein, gave an encouraging review of the financial condition of the Society and the Hon Sec reported there were 60 members.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1894, page 20

‘The Jewish community has been brought into greater prominence by the performance of Miss Rosa Goldberg, daughter of the President of the Congregation, in the Gilbert-Sullivan Opera, “The Yeoman of the Guard,” which was given three times last week in aid of a local charity’. She is not yet 17 but sustained the principal female role and ‘won golden opinions on all sides’.
At an examination at the Higher Grade School, entrance scholarships were won by Eva Myers and William Levine.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1894, page 19

Newcastle. Rev Morris Rosenbaum of Hanley elected minister and ’head school-master’

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1894, page 22

Advert. Wanted Minister and Teacher. Single man preferred. £100 p.a. including £50 from the Jewish Ministers’ Provincial Fund. Apply L. Goldberg, 45 Market Street, Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1895, page 20

Well-attended meeting of the ladies of the Hanley Hebrew Congregation was held last Sunday for the purpose of forming a Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Mrs Goldberg, wife of President of congregation, and promoter of the Society, in the chair. Elected: President, Mrs Goldberg; Treasurer, Mrs Epstein; Hon Sec, Mrs Goldberg (sic); Committee, Mrs Greenberg, Mrs Myers, Mrs Friezner, Mrs Sumberg.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1895, page 15

Board of Deputies. Secretary for Marriages at Hanley, Mr Samuel Sandberg (Sumberg?)

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1895, page 17

The synagogue has been renovated and partially reconstructed and on Sunday was reopened for public worship, by L. Goldberg. Rev Harris Cohen of Nottingham preached a sermon. Afterwards all adjourned to the schoolroom for refreshments L. Goldberg expressed the hope that all present would always work in harmony and in unison. The work of restoration had been in the hands of Mr S. Jacobson of Longton.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1896, page 22

Rev Harris Cohen of Nottingham appointed Visiting Minister to Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1896, page 21

Rosa Goldberg made further appearances last week in ‘The Yeoman of the Guard’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1896, page 23

Wanted. A Hazan, Shohet, Mohel, Baal Korah, and Teacher. ‘fair knowledge of English indispensable’. £100 plus perquisites and fees for teaching. Apply, L. Goldberg, President, Pall-mall, Hanley.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1896, page 21

‘As a result of services held over the festivals at the Ragged School, for the working classes of the congregation, a Beth Hamedrash and Talmud Torah haf (sic) been established. The offerings at the services will provide the means of purchasing the fixtures of the Beth Hamedrash’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1896, page 19

AGM of the Hanley Congregation. Elected for the ensuing year. President, M. Epstein; Treasurer, M. Rotenberg; Committee, S. Greenberg, J. Cohen, H. Harris, K. Jacobs; Hon Sec, U. Shapiro.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 November 1896, page 24

Mr M. Epstein, President of the Hanley Hebrew Congregation, and Mr M. Rotenberg write:
‘It has come to our knowledge that a few seceders of the Hanley Hebrew Congregation have issued appeals to the benevolent of our community for the establishment of a Beth Hamedrash. It is with regret that we hear that the appeal is made in the name of “The Jewish Community of Hanley.” We therefore have to say that it is done entirely in opposition to the old-established congregation in this town for the last twenty-five years under the jurisdiction of the Chief Rabbi, and is provided with a synagogue, schoolroom, and all necessaries quite large enough to accommodate the handful of Yehidim in the pottery district’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1896, page 29

‘HANLEY BETH HAMEDRASH AND NEW FREE SCHOOL THE PUBLIC is informed that the drawing of prizes is postponed until February 22nd. 1897, on account of duplicates not being returned. Winning numbers will be published on Friday, February 26th’.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1896, page 24

On Sunday the Committee of the Beth Hamedrash and Free School provided a tea for the children attending the new school attached to the Beth Hamedrash. Rev S. Sumberg read the afternoon service and lit candles, Hanerot Halalu and Ma’Oz Tsur were sung by a trained choir. After the service the children, about 60 in number, retired to the school room for tea. Some of the children gave a variety entertainment. Vote of thanks to Mrs I. Myers, Mrs J.B. Blain, Mrs S. Sumberg, Mrs E. Friesner, Mrs S. Savitz and Mrs I. Shilkoff for their assistance.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1901, page 30

Tabernacles services conducted by Rev S. J. Levy. On Sunday Mr Colman Sumberg (Chosen Torah) entertained members at the Hall in Glass Street, formerly used as a place of worship by a dissenting party but now under the control of the congregation.
President S. M. Goldberg proposed the health of the Chosen Torah. Also a gold ‘Shield of David’ was presented to Mr S. Sumberg who acted as honorary minister. It was presented by the Treasurer, Mr Ratenberg (sic).

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1901, page 29

Rev Harris Cohen of Nottingham (visiting minister) preached in the synagogue last Sabbath. In the Afternoon he examined the Classes conducted by Rev S.J. Levy
On Sunday A. Liberson, Chosen Bereshith, entertained members at his house.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1901, page 32

Annual General Meeting of congregation.
President, S. Greenberg, said the income had been higher this year. Treasurer M. Rotenberg.

President. M. Rotenberg
Treasurer J. Rich
Hon Sce Colman Sumberg
Committee S. Sumberg
M.J. Epstein
J. Jacobson
J. Jacobs
S. Savitz
Auditors S. Steaple
-. Berman

Rev David Kohn Zedek delivered a discourse on Sunday.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1901, page 27
Rev J.B. Menkin preached last Sabbath on definition and application of peace.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1901, page 30

At a general meeting Mr M. Bensky of Jews College was elected minister.
A school committee was formed.
Rev Harris Cohen of Nottingham preached his farewell sermon as visiting minister

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1919, page 1

Advertisement. Hanley Hebrew Congregation
Required, gentleman to act as Hazan, Shochet, Mohel, Baal Korah and Teacher. Remuneration £175 per annum, the income from the school, and other perquisites. - Apply to Mr. J.B. Blain, 2, Victoria-square, Hanley

The Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1960, page 10

STOKE ON TRENT JUBILEE by Barnett Stross (click here for the full article)

Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1960, page 19

Barnett Stross, ‘Stoke-on-Trent Jubilee.’

Celebrations held to mark the golden jubilee of the merger of the six pottery towns began last week. Towns were Stoke, Tunstall, Hanley, Burslem, Longton, Fenton.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1995, page 12

‘First wedding in 40 years as Glasgow man keeps promise’


‘Stoke Synagogue’s first marriage for decades will take place on Sunday when Glasgow-born Edwin Lucas fulfils his long-standing promise to hold his wedding in the tiny community. Mr Lucas spent two years in Stoke during the 1970s, when he was a trainee manager with Marks & Spencer in the town. He told Community Chronicle that he had been so grateful for the hospitality shown to him by the local community, which numbers only 20 families, that he promised that when he tied the knot he would do it in Stoke.
“They were a very welcoming community. I was never before a regular synagogue-goer, but while I was in the town I attended every week.”  Mr Lucas, who proposed to his fiancée, Linda Stern, in Stoke’s synagogue, will be bringing some 150 people for the celebrations, which will included a bagpiper. This will cause synagogue president Sidney Morris an unusual problem. “The synagogue holds only 170, so we could have an overflow.”  He added that in his capacity as the marriage registrar of the synagogue, he had been out of work since 1956, so Sunday’s wedding would be doubly special.’

[Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1996

Stoke-on-Trent - The following were elected: Mr. M. Epstein, President; Mr. M. Rottenberg, Treasurer; Messrs. S. Greenberg, J. Cohen, H. Hams, and K. Jacobs, Committee; and Mr. I.T. Shapiro, Hon. Secretary.]

[Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1999

Stoke-on-Trent - The following were elected hon. officers and members of the Committee: - President, Mr. S. Greenberg (re-elected); Secretary, Mr. I.T. Shapiro (re-elected); Committee, Messrs J. Cohen, Hirsch, M. Epstein, I. Jacobson and I Rich. The election of Treasurer was adjourned for one month.]

[Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 2006

An 84-year-old synagogue’s deconsecration is to be marked with a special service later this month. The Hanley Synagogue, which has served the Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire Hebrew Congregation since 1922, is too big for the community now. A smaller venue is being built in Newcastle-under-Lyme from the proceeds of the building’s sale, and is due to be consecrated in August. President of the congregation, Harold Sydney Morris, told the JC: “It’s rather sad to see it go, but rather exciting to see something new starting from scratch.” In its 1930s heyday the community had 175 families. There are now just 22 members of the congregation and it has not had its own minister for 40 years. Mr Morris and an Israeli congregant, Noam Livne, take the services. The new building, whose construction began about a month ago, will replace the prayer hall on the congregation’s cemetery, which is close by the current Hanley synagogue. It will be single-storey and hold 38 people. The old building has been sold to developers who will demolish it to make way for a shopping precinct. The synagogue’s deconsecration will be marked with a final service and reception on March 29, which can be attended by invitation only. Reverend Malcolm Weisman, the minister to small communities, will officiate.]

[Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 2010

The last time a couple walked up the aisle at Stoke on Trent Hebrew Congregation was in 1995. The time before that was 1956. There were a few barmitzvot in between, but not many. This is because Stoke, once a thriving congregation with 175 families, is now one of the smallest in Britain. “We have 22 members scattered over about 200 square miles of north Staffordshire,” said Sydney Morris, 84, president of the synagogue since 1982.]

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