the former

Reigate and Redhill Jewish Community

Reigate and Banstead, Surrey




Press Reports relating to the
Reigate and Redhill Jewish Community

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1969

The newly formed Reigate and Redhill Jewish community has arranged a fortnightly Torah study group. The first meeting of the group is to be held on April 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Borchard.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1969

Families and friends of the Reigate and Redhill Jewish community met at the home of Mr and Mrs J. Kempner to hear a talk by Mr Arnold Flax, director of the Youth and Hechalutz Department of the Jewish Agency, on Anglo-Jewry and Israel

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1969

Reigate: The Reigate and Redhill Jewish Society was given an evening of slides and talks on Israel by Miss J. Kempner and Mr P. Karpeles, two of their members who had recently been there.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1969

Reigate: Members of the Reigate and Redhill Jewish community met at the home of Mr and Mrs Simon to hear a talk by the Rev Malcolm Weisman on Jewish music, illustrated by records.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1969

Reigate: Members of the Reigate and Redhill Jewish community met at the home of Mr and Mrs Langford and were addressed by Rabbi Dr S. Goldman, of the St. John's Wood Synagogue, London, on the history of the Jewish people.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1970

The Reigate and Redhill Jewish community met at the home of Mr and Mrs F. Simon to hear the third lecture in the series on "4.000 years of Jewish history" given by the Rev Dr N. Gale, of the Ealing and Acton District Synagogue, on the period "From Temple to Talmud".

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1970

Reigate: The Reigate and Redhill Jewish community heard the last in the series of lectures on "4,000 years of Jewish History" by Rabbi J. J. Kokotek. The meeting was held at the home of Mr and Mrs F. Simon.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1970

A one-day seminar entitled "Our Jewish heritage" was held at Hillel House, Brighton, on Sunday. The organiser was Dr Joe Newmark for the combined Surrey B'nai B'rith lodges. Special guests were members of the newly formed Reigate and Redhill Jewish community

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1971

The Reigate and district Jewish community raised over £100 for Israel at a bring-and-buy sale and tea held at the home of Mr and Mrs K. Borchard. 

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1971

The Reigate and district Jewish community held its first Shabbat services, conducted by Mr Alan Greenbat.
REIGATE Jewish Community: Dr F. Neumann, chairman; F. Simon, vice-chairman; H. Bernstein, treasurer; Miss B. Langford, secretary. 

Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1971

The death occurred last week of Dr Franz Neumann, chairman and founder of the Reigate and district Jewish community. Dr Neumann gave unsparingly of time and energy, following [the example of?] his father, who was head of the Jewish community of Neukirchen, Austria, writes Miss B. Longford. With his great personal warmth he succeeded in harmonising, the diverse Jewish standpoints into one friendly flourishing community.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1972

More than 70 members of the Epsom, Reigate and Guildford communities were present at a service held at the Epsom Synagogue last week attended by Chief Rabbi Jakobovits.... speakers at the reception included: "Mr B. Kemper, chairman of the Redhill and Reigate community".

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1976

Judge Charles Lawson, QC, was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Guildford community in conjunction with the Reigate community. 

Jewish Chronicle, 08 June 1979

Reigate and District Jewish Community will be holding their June meeting on Wednesday, June 13 at the home of Mr and Mrs C. Langford, White Oaks, 7 Beverley Heights, Reigate. It will be a post Shavuot Gathering at which traditional food will be served. Rev M. Weisman, MA. will be giving a talk on the Sources of Jewish Law and the message of Shevout. This will be followed by a short service

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1979

We greatly appreciated the comments about the Reigate community in the Colour Magazine...
C. I. LANGFORD 7 Beverley Heights, Reigate, Surrey

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1983

REDHILL and REIGATE: Fifty years after the rise of Nazism was the theme of an address by the Rev Malcolm Weisman at a meeting held by the Redhill and Reigate Jewish community. The gathering was presided over by chairman, Mr Julian Kemper.

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Page created: 12 August 2022
Page most recently amended: 12 August 2022

Research by Steven Jaffe
Formatting by David Shulman



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