Reading Jewish Community

Reading, Berkshire




Press Reports relating to the Reading Jewish Community
primarily 1887 - 1914

compiled by Harold Pollins
(with some later additions)

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1887, page 12

‘A small congregation has been formed at Reading, and a Shochet has been engaged. Although this official’s stipend has been fixed at a moderate amount, the few Jews in Reading are unable from their own resources to collect more than 12 shillings weekly, and an appeal has been made to London Jews to assist them. Mr. Samuel Montagu, M.P., has subscribed three guineas. Mr. I. Ehrenberg, 13 Derby St, Reading, is the Honorary Secretary’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1887, page 1

Marriage on 28 June at synagogue, Park Row, Bristol. Edward J. Goldman of Reading, 2nd son of A. Goldman of London, to Florence Mary, only daughter of late Joseph Braham and granddaughter of M. A. Jessel of Bristol.
[Isaac [sic] Goldman June 1887 Bristol 6a 145/Florence Mary Braham]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1888, page 11

The few Jewish residents in Reading have held divine services during the past year in a house temporarily rented. They are indebted to the Castle Street Synagogue for the loan of their Sepharim. Last Sunday a new Sepher was dedicated by the Reader and Shochet, Rev M. Cohen. It was purchased from Mr P. Vallentine who charged a greatly reduced price and also presented a mantle. Members are anxious to erect a permanent place of worship and have been greatly encouraged by the generous offer of Mr W.I. Palmer of Huntley & Palmer to contribute £25 or £30 to the Building Fund.
Chatan Torah B. Woolf. Chatan Bereshith I. Michaels.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1888, page 16

Mrs Jewell, of Jersey, has presented in memory of her late husband, two tablets containing the initial words of the Ten Commandments, for the Ark.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1890, page 2

Federation of Synagogues Appeal for Greenfield Street Synagogue. Contribution from S. Ehrenberg, Reading, 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1890, page 1

Reward offered for the address of Mrs Sarah Zucker, lately trading as F. Benson of 35a King’s Road, Reading, who was a jeweller.
[Repeated several times]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1890, page 3

Federation of Synagogues. Funds for rebuilding the Old Castle Street Synagogue. I. Ehrenberg, Reading. 10s 6d

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1891, page 1.

Birth on 19 February at 62 Minster Road, Reading, daughter to wife of I. Goldman.
[Mary Constance Goldman June 1891 Reading 2c 369]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1891, page 4

Fund for Relief of Persecuted Jews in Russia. Reading Hebrew Congregation per S.Ehrenberg 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1892, page 1

Birth on 10 May at Cross Street, Reading, a daughter to wife of I. Goldman.
[Margery Daisy Goldman June 1892 Reading 2c 383]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1892, page 1

Birth on 11 June at York Lodge, Reading, to wife of Lewin L.Samuel, a daughter.
[Gertrude Dorothea Samuell [sic] September 1892 Reading 2c 326]
[NOTE. Death of Lewin Lazarus Samuell [sic] June 1893 aged 39 Reading 2c 212]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1892, page 16

During High Festivals prayers offered in memory of late Mr Jewell of Jersey, Mrs Jewell having presented the synagogue in 1888 with a set of tablets.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1893, page 1

Marriage on 28th February at the Great Synagogue, Leeds, of Lillie, daughter of M. Blackston of Leeds to Maurice Bernstein of Reading.
[Maurice Bernstein March 1893 Leeds 9b 598 to Elizabeth Blackston]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1893, page 1

Mrs Leah Ehrenberg, son and daughters, thanks for condolences for husband and father. 120 Chatham Street, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1893, page 18

Solomon Ehrenberg died 1st inst. Founder and President of Reading Hebrew Congregation. Also Founder and Treasurer of ‘The Pride of Reading’ Lodge of the Order of Buffaloes. Has resided in the town for 7 years. Originator of dinners for waifs and strays last winter. Buried in London.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1893, page 16

General Meeting on 29 October and adjourned on 5th. Hon Auditor submitted accounts for last quarter. Deficiency in General Funds of £2 16s and surplus in account for New Year and Day of Atonement of £2 15s 3d. I. Goldman in chair spoke of loss of S. Ehrenberg, his funeral being main cause of expenses, because of congregational representatives at funeral.
Election. I. Goldman re-elected Treasurer and chairman; S. Tencer re-elected Warden; Maurice Bernstein, Hon Auditor; S. Fooks, H. Cohen, A. Solomons, Committee; I. Ehrenberg re-elected Hon Sec; I. Goldman, S. Tencer, and I. Ehrenberg, Trustees.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1894, page 1

Birth on Friday 6 April at 248 Oxford Road, Reading, daughter to wife of Maurice Bernstein, nee Lillie Blackston.
[Gladys Mina Bernstein June 1894 Reading 2c 328]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1894, page 1

Death on 25 July at 95 Brooke Road, Stoke Newington, Lillie, wife of Maurice Bernstein (late of Reading).
[Elizabeth Bernstein September 1894 aged 26 Hackney 1b 233[283?]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1894, page 16

For the present festivals larger and more commodious premises have been engaged, situate at the late headquarters of the Liberal Association, 38 London Street. Rev Nathan Aarons conducted the services and delivered an address on the first day of New Year. He spoke of loss to congregation of 2 respected members, Messrs L. Samuels and S. Ehrenberg (founder and later President.)
[L. Samuels = Lewin Lazarus Samuell died 1893]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1894, page 1

Birth on 12 October at 34 Battle Street, Reading, a son to wife of I. Ehrenberg
[Solomon Ehrenberg December 1894 Reading 2c 343] [Died 1896]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1894, page 17

General Meeting at Synagogue Chambers, Anstey Road. Elected for 12 months; I Goldman, re-elected for 2nd year President & Treasurer; I. Ehrenberg re-elected for 8th year, Hon Sec; A. Geoffrey, Warden; Fooks, Solomons, Geoffrey, Committee; I.Goldman, I.Ehrenberg, and A. Solomons, Trustees.
‘The Chairman earnestly asked the members to unite in furthering the interests of the congregation, owing to their entering a crisis from which, unless they held together, they would not be able to emerge successfully’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1894 page 20

Special General Meeting. Elected Committee for ensuing year. Messrs Fooks, Solomons, Cohen, Miers, to act in conjunction with Mr Geoffrey, Warden and Hon Sec. Mr Prashnar (Maidenhead) elected Hon Auditor. A Funeral and Burial Fund was established, the Secretary being authorised to make enquiries as to what arrangements could be made with either the United Synagogue, the Federation, or the Oxford Burial Board.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1895, page 9

Federation of Synagogues monthly meeting of Board. Application from Reading Congregation for permission to use Federation’s Burial Ground was not entertained ‘as the congregation were not constituents of the Federation or members of the Burial Society’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1895, page 16

Committee Meeting. Resignation of Mr Geoffrey as Warden and Committee member on leaving for Portsmouth. I. Ehrenberg and Barnett elected to fill the offices. Mr Fooks, member of Committee, also removed from Reading and replaced by H. Goodman. J. Rosen elected to Committee. Mr Fooks presented synagogues with Megillah. Committee decided to give Purim treat to children and to start a Sabbath School after Purim. I. Ehrenberg, Hon Sec and Warden-elect, offered to give 2 prizes to scholars passing exams as inducement to attend regularly and punctually. I.Goldman, Chair and Hon Sec, reported that negotiations were still pending for the purchase of either freehold or long leasehold for a permanent place of worship where a minister’s residence and mikveh would be built.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1895, page 2

‘Society for Relieving the Poor on the Initiation of their Children into the Holy Covenant of Abraham’. Donation, per J. Ehrenberg Reading, 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1895, page 20

Committee of Hebrew Congregation gave children a Purim party. I. Ehrenberg, Warden and Hon Sec, provided his premises for the purpose. I. Goldman, President, gave magic lantern entertainment.
Sabbath school starts this week.
Rev Aarons, Barnett and Master Lipman sang Yigdal and Adon Olam. Ladies assisted Committee: Misses I. Goldman, Ehrenberg, C. Ehrenberg, and Cooper (a Christian friend).
Committee: I. Goldman, Ehrenberg, Solomons, Rosen, Miers, Barnett.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1895, page 32

Chatan Torah I. Goldman. Chatan Bereshith I. Ehrenberg

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1895 page 1

Services during the Festivals were held at the permanent place of worship, Anstey Road, and were well attended, conducted by Rev N. Aarons. Thanks to kindness of the Old Castle Synagogue through their President Mr M. Moses for the use of an added Scroll of the Law. [see 19 March 1897, page 35]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1895, page 18

Election of officers for 12 months.
I. Goldman and I. Ehrenberg having resigned as President and Treasurer, these were elected:
S. Prashner of Maidenhead, President; I. Goldman, Treasurer; S. Tencer, Warden; I. Ehrenberg, Hon Sec; Maurice Harris and J. Prashner, Auditors; J. Rosen, H. Solomons, H. Cohen, M. Jacobs and J. Barnett, Committee. J. Prashner, Hon Auditor, read Balance Sheet, showing General and Burial Branch [sic] (which are distinct) to be in very satisfactory condition.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1896, page 18

Special General Meeting. Mr S. A. Prashner (President) in chair. Letter from Chief Rabbi read, calling for mikveh. Has been under discussion for some time and unanimously agreed to approach executors of late Sir Julian Goldsmid with view to obtaining piece of land at Crocker’s Farm, Shinfield Green, for purpose of enclosing it as a burial ground and building a mikveh. In discussion hardship of poorer members mentioned through cost of conveying bodies on railway to London and elsewhere.
Several members joined the Shiva and Burial Fund. Annual subscription has been voted to Chief Rabbi’s Fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1896, page 18

As usual, owing to the place of worship used through the year being too small for the holydays, the Committee of the congregation have engaged the ‘Multo Parvo’ Room of the Queen’s Hall on very reasonable terms through the kind consideration of Mr R. Tompkins the proprietor. Also there is probability of acquiring from Mr Tompkins a piece of land for synagogue purposes at a very low figure.
S. A. Prashner is Chatan Torah. S. Tencer is Chatan Bereshith.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1896,page 22

‘At Home’ by Mr S. Tencer. Chatan Torah. Announced that steps had been taken to acquire a suitable site for synagogue. Hope to be completed by Passover. Chief Rabbi had volunteered to attend opening ceremony. I. Ehrenberg advocated establishment of a Ladies’ Society ‘for making presentations to the synagogue, and his suggestion was at once acted upon’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1896, page 20

Annual meeting. S. A. Prashner President in chair. Annual report showed increase of membership and surplus on year. Elected: S. A. Prashner, President; S. Tencer, Warden; I. Goldman, Treasurer; I. Ehrenberg, Hon Sec; Lefkovitch, Rosen, H. Solomons, Pulvermacher, H. Cohen, Committee; L. Jacobs, Auditor. I. Goldman having resigned Trusteeship, S. Tencer elected in his place, together with I. Ehrenberg and H. Solomons.
Outline of new synagogue, mikveh and school. Resolved authorising the Committee to act as Building Committee. Building Committee met end elected I. Goldman Chair; Sir Samuel Montagu MP and S. Tencer Treasurers; I Ehrenberg Hon Sec. Resolved to ask Mr Stuart M. Samuel JP to be Hon Chairman. Sir Samuel Montagu had accepted position as Hon Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1897, page 1

Tombstone for Solomon, youngest son of Mr & Mrs Ehrenberg, Reading, to be set at Edmonton.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1897, page 35

Old Castle Street Synagogue. Presentation to Marks Moses. Reference to 15 or 16 visitors from Reading.
[see above, 11 October 1895, page 1.]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 April 1897, page 1

Death in Glasgow of Kate Braham, mother inter alia of Mrs I Goldman, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1897, page 24

Quarterly General Meeting to pass accounts and to discuss desirability of ‘chasing’ an additional Sepher Torah. Accounts satisfactory. I. Ehrenberg Hon Sec said the Building Committee have under consideration 2 sites. Agreed to acquire Sepher Torah to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1897, page 28

Thanksgiving service (Diamond Jubilee). New Sepher Torah consecrated. A. Feldman BA, Jews’ College, gave discourse. Rev N. Aarons officiated.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1897, page 2

Appeal for new Synagogue in Leeds, the Central Synagogue. Contribution by Reading Hebrew Congregation
£1 1s 0d

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1897, page 26

Chatan Torah I. Rosen; Chatan Bereshith I. Ehrenberg

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1898, page

Letter from Sir Samuel Montague. The Reading synagogue and school will attract Jews from the East End. The 100 adult Jews in Reading are working class but have supplied £200. Reference to kindness and support by Christians of Reading. Amount required is about £3,000.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1898, page 2

Advert. Services will be held at the Queen’s Hall. Tickets from I.Ehrenberg 120 Chatham Road.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1898, page 24

Chatan Torah Percy Cohen. Chatan Bereshith Abraham Solomons.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1898, page 28

The Berkshire Chronicle published a detailed account of the festivities of Simchat Torah. The Bridegrooms of the Law entertained the congregation at the Queen’s Hall. I. Ehrenberg said that there were 250 Jews in Reading and were the only denomination without a permanent place of worship.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1898, pages 27-8

AGM. Elected A. A. Prashner (re-elected, 4th year) President; Samuel Tencer re-elected, Warden and Treasurer; I. Ehrenberg (re-elected 13th year), Hon Sec. Committee, Abrahams Solomons, Israel Rosen, Harris Solomons, David Rosen, Jacob Lapitchsky. Barnett Woolf. Samuel L. Cohen and L. Jacobs, Auditors.
Application from School Committee for £19. 10s to engage rooms of the Reading School Board for 12 months n which to educate children. Discussion over illegality of advancing congregational funds Resolved that £5 be granted and that remainder be obtained from voluntary contributions provided a competent teacher be engaged.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1899, page 27

The Building Committee have at last secured a site for the proposed synagogue, school house, mikveh etc., in heart of the town. They have convened a meeting for next Monday for enlisting support of the local and country residents. The Mayor has promised to speak as have several influential gentlemen. Local and county MPs are expected and Sir Samuel Montagu will preside.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1899, page 28

Editorial. ‘Public Meeting at Reading’.
Included non-Jews. ‘supported by the kindly and enthusiastic utterances of the Mayor … the Rev. E. A. Voysey (son of the well-known Unitarian Minister), and another local gentleman, who informed the meeting that he had been instrumental in introducing into the town, some fifteen or sixteen years ago, a goodly number of our co-religionists’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1899, page 22

Report of meeting. Presided over by Sir Samuel Montagu Supported by the Mayor (Mr W. G. Wellman), Mr Hermann Gollancz, Alderman A. Beale, J. W. Martin, Rev E. A. Voysey, Rev N. Aarons, S. A. Prashner, S. Tencer, J. Bowman, I. Ehrenberg, Percy Cohen, and John Solomons. Mr Bowman said that he was the first man to introduce Jews to the town some 15-16 years before
Jews have contributed £40 and outsiders about £90.
[1891 Census. James Bowman, ‘Wholesale Clothiers Manager’.]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1899,page 25

Federation of Synagogues meeting. Sir Samuel Montague referred to his opposition to Yiddish. At Reading the Jews speak English.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1899, page 28

Mrs Nathaniel Montefiore has give £300 to the Building Fund in memory of her brother the late Sir Francis Goldsmid who represented Reading in Parliament 1860-1878. N. M. Rothschild & Sons and Sir Samuel Montagu have given £100 and £52 10s respectively.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1899, page 3

1st List of contributions to building fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1899, pages 8-9

Letter from I. Ehrenberg, chairman of Building Committee.
Reading congregation was founded by late Solomon Ehrenberg on 18 December 1886 with 13 members, 5 married, 8 single., then fell to 7, 3 married 4 single,’ and until seven years back held a very precarious existence, although always retaining services of a shochet (with the generous subsidy for 12 months from Sir Samuel Montagu) and having a Minyan every Shabbos’. Since then numbers have increased, now about 36 families and population of about 200. There is no regular place of worship. Picture a situation where 30 worshippers are in a 9 or 10 feet square room,, as on 1st day of Passover - uncomfortable so many did not return for 2nd day. The Executive could not spend £5 for a place as on the High Festivals. More than two-thirds of members were brought from London, mostly doubtless had been receiving relief from the Board or other charitable sources.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1899, page 3

Wanted. A good Baal Tefillah [in Hebew] for the ensuing Holydays. Apply S.A. Prashner, King St, Maidenhead.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1899, page 1.

Marriage 6 August at the Great Synagogue, Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs Samuel Tenser, 43, Pell Street, Reading (Warden and Treasurer of Reading Synagogue) to David Rosen of Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1899, page 28

Chatan Torah Rev N. Aarons Chatan Bereshith A. Abrahams
I. Lefkovitch I . Pulvermacher

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1899, page 28

Services on Day of Atonement at 70 London Street, ‘in a spacious room fitted up as a synagogue’. Rev H.Levine of London and Mr J. Davis officiated. Both delivered a discourse.
On Yom Kippur services were conducted at the Queen’s Hall by Rev N. Aarons assisted by Mr A. Horovitz of London. Rev N. Aarons officiated on days of Tabernacles.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1899,page 20

The services of Misses H. Lefkovitch, F. Solomons, and T. Lipman were enlisted in the decoration of the Succah attached to the improvised synagogue at 70 London Street.
[Theresa Lipman, [?] Fanny Solomon, daughter of Harris [Lefkovitch not found]]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1900, page 18

Foundation stone and corner-stones of new synagogue will be laid on 21st inst. ‘The railway authorities have, at the instance of the Reading Synagogue Executive, granted special facilities for those intending to travel from Paddington Station. By presenting at the ticket-office the card of invitation which admits more than one, both ladies’ and gentlemen’s return tickets will be issued at single fare and a quarter’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1900, pages 20-21

Laying of foundation stones of new Reading synagogue. There will be accommodation for 106 males, 6 officials and 12 choristers and 128 ladies in gallery. There will be ladies’ rooms and committee room at gallery level. Architect W. G. Lawton and builder G. Dixon, both of Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1900

I am informed that the present congregation arose from very small beginnings in December 1884. It had then a very small income, having but eleven members, and was known as the Reading Hebrew Burial Society. Since 1881 it has been reconstructed four times, having had many ups and downs; so much so that for a time the expense of maintenance upon the shoulders of two of its members. At the present hour there are between thirty and forty families residing here, and although the annual income is by no means large, yet it represents an amount of self-sacrifice and devotion on the part of the members, which larger congregations might do well to emulate. There are thirty children now being taught, and about twice that number waiting to receive instruction in Hebrew and Religion, as soon as suitable accommodation will be provided. Hitherto a large Hall had to be engaged in which to hold Divine Service on the High Holidays; but this year there will be no means of even doing this, as the only Hall available, and which was formerly hired, has now been bought by a firm of printers. This in brief is the history of the rise of the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1900, page 1

The consecration of the new synagogue, Junction Road, Russell Street, Reading, will be on Wednesday October 31. Hon Sec, John Solomons

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1900, pages 12-14

Long report of consecration.
Building Committee:
Israel Ehrenberg, President, (Chairman)
Samuel Montagu, bart.}
Percy Cohen }Treasurers
Hermann Gollancz MA, D.Litt
Samuel Tencer (Warden)
Israel Rosen
David Rosen
Israel Pulvermacher
Lewis Levinsohn
John Solomons, Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1900, page 2

Advert. Wanted Hebrew Teacher, also to act as Shamass. Wages not to exceed £70. Apply, H. Lipman 17 William Street, Reading.
[?Harris Lipman, son of Abraham]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1900, page 8

Letter refers to Rev Gollancz’s great interest in Reading, collected £300 for the new synagogue. ’…it was freely acknowledged on behalf of the congregation by the President, Mr. Ehrenberg, that but for the tireless energy and perseverance of Dr. Gollancz, that they would have doubtless had to wait many more years ere this synagogue would have been opened’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 January 1901, page 15

Long article by Morris Joseph on Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1901, page 29

Quarterly meeting of congregation, I. Ehrenberg, President, in chair. On recommendation of Dr M. Friedlander, Mr R. Tribich of Jews’ College has been appointed to act as minister. Chief Rabbi has obtained private contribution of £50 towards salary and Provincial Ministers’ Fund approached to augment this.
Arrangements are in progress with several Burial Authorities with view to obtaining special facilities, as there was no burial ground in town. Abraham Solomons, late of Hambro Synagogue, elected Chathan Torah, and Michael Solomons Chatan Bereshith. Percy Cohen’s election by Committee as Treasurer was confirmed as was that of M. Solomons as Secretary. The balance sheet for the quarter shows a deficit.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1901, New Year Greetings, page 4

Mrs Solomon Herz. 30 Grange Avenue, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1901

Mr. S. Alfred Adler has been invited to become Visiting Minister of the Reading Hebrew Congregation for at least twelve months.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1901, page 3

Situation wanted as Lady Housekeeper in small family, or companion, by English Jewess. Reads Hebrew. No menial work. S. J. , 41 Friar Street, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 February 1902, page 30

Rev Reuben Tribich was acting as Minister and Assistant Chaplain at Aldershot.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1902, page 2

‘AN ENGLISH JEWESS, age 30 thoroughly domesticated, desires situation as HOUSEKEEPER or Companion in small family; no objection to travel. Address Sadie. 41 Friar-street, Reading, Berks.’

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1902, pages 28-9

The Rev. S. Alfred Adler, Visiting Minister, preached his farewell address on Sabbath morning, and in the afternoon his farewell address to the children, both services being well attended.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1902, page 22

Presentation at Jews’ College Union Society to Rev S. Alfred Adler. Minister-elect of Hope Place Synagogue, Liverpool. Inter alia has been Visiting Minister at Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1902, page 22

Presentation of illuminated address, at the Limehouse Synagogue and Religion Classes, to Rev Reuben Tribich, the new minister and preacher at reading, for his assistance to Limehouse.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1902, page 27

Rev Reuben Tribich has been appointed minister of the Reading Hebrew Congregation. He preached farewell sermon at Aldershot.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1902, page 10

Letter from I. Ehrenberg, President of Reading Hebrew Congregation, 208 Oxford Road. Headed: ‘Visitation Committee of United Synagogue’.
Refers to JC report of annual conference of Visitation Committee and to comments of chairman who spoke of a small provincial congregation and its president and attempts to interfere with the arrangements between Home Office and Visitation Committee. The congregation was Reading and he was the present. Wants to give the facts. The spasmodic visits of Rev E. Spero to Reading Gaol were not helpful and Ehrenberg had got permission for their Reader to visit the Gaol during the past 9 years. The election of the Reader as Visiting Minister was obtained through the Governor of the Gaol.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1902, page 29

Passover services. Services read by Rev N. Aarons. The Minister Rev Reuben Tribich in one of his sermons referred to loss to congregation of death of Mrs Nathaniel Montefiore ‘who had done so much for the Reading Synagogue’, A novel feature was the choir which although trained by the minister for only a few weeks gave much satisfaction.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1902, page 29

‘READING. - Kosher Boarding House, near train, tram, and synagogue; terms very moderate. Apply A. Solomons, 14 Beresford-road, Reading, Berkshire’.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1902, page 17

Conference of Jewish Literary Societies
Representatives of Societies at the Conference.
Reading Jewish Communal League: Rev R. Tribich, Rev N. Aarons. Mr N. Simmons.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1902, page 22

Councillor Harry S. Lewis of Toynbee Hall delivered lecture on ‘Alien Immigration’ before members of the Communal League and friends. Rev Reuben Tribich presided. The Committee Room at the synagogue was crowded.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1902, pages 25-6

Sunday last consecration of Sepher Torah presented by Rev S. Alfred Adler prior to his departure for Liverpool, as well as intercessory service for recovery of the King. The synagogue was decorated with flowers and plants lent by Mr S. B. Joel. Rev N. Aarons officiated. Circuits made by Revs S.A. Adler and R. Tribich and Samuel Tencer (Warden). Adler had made journey to Reading specially for the purpose.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1902, page 28

Last Sunday the Reading Jewish Communal League had a boating excursion on the river Thames. The majority of members were present. Arrangements were carried out by the Hon Sec, Mr N. Simmons.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1902, page 32

‘SITUATION required by English Jewess as COMPANION to lady invalid or otherwise, or any place of trust. Address, 181 London-road, Reading’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1902, page 25

Re consecration of Walthamstow & Leyton Synagogue.
This is 3rd synagogue which Rev Prof Dr H.Gollancz ’has practically founded’. He was one of the founders of the Hackney Synagogue ’while the erection of the Reading Synagogue was due almost entirely to his exertions’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902, page 31

The sudden and unexpected resignation of Rev R. Tribich who by combining his ministerial duties with the office of Hon Sec and has completed all arrangements for the High Festivals caused great disappointment to the Committee. At the last moment, however, the services of a member of the congregation were ‘requisitioned’ to assist Rev N. Aarons who read Musaph and acted as Baal Tokeach, the member reading the Morning Service.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902, page 32

Rev Reuben Tribich called to Bradford Hebrew Congregation to be Minister. Has been minister at Reading since March and has made himself popular with the congregation. In May he formed the Reading Jewish Communal League with the object of stimulating interest in the synagogue and communal affairs. He was its first president. Also instituted fortnightly children’s services. ‘Many non-Jewish visitors to the town have usually spent their Saturday mornings in the synagogue and listened with marked attention to the sermon.’ Has taken steps among working class to ensure keeping of Sabbath. Also made arrangements for visitation of Jewish families throughout Reading and surrounding districts. Had many friends among non-Jews and Christian clergymen.
[19 June 1908, page 26. Rev Reuben Tribich has resigned as minister at Bradford.]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1902, page 14

United Synagogue. Letter from New Synagogue asking to be allowed to present the old marriage canopy to the Reading Hebrew Congregation. The canopy has long been discarded. Request complied with.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1903, page 23

Meeting of Congregational Committee. Deficiency on year’s working. Agreed that subscribers of 1s a week were after six months to be entitled to 2 free seats and the franchise at general meetings. K. Tencer elected member of Committee in place of A. Solomons, resigned. H. M. Silverstone Elton, provisionally Hon Sec, made permanent Hon Sec.
Chanucah social gathering held by the Jewish Communal League. H. M. S. Elton presided at the piano.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1903
‘The Alien Immigration Commission’, page iv

Synagogues in outlying districts had been built, partly to supply the needs of people already there, but also as an attraction.
‘The synagogue in Reading had, for instance, been erected as an attraction and a number of foreign Jews were now living there’.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1903,page 31

Address by Miss K. Halford, Secretary of the Union of Jewish Women, who came at the invitation of the Reading Jewish Communal League. It was decided to form a kindred society in Reading. President, Mr Ehrenberg, Rev H. Aarons and Hon Sec, H. M. S. Elton took part in discussion.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1903, page 30

At the recent school examination of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music, Marie Solomon aged 12 of Reading, pupil of A. W. Moss obtained a Pass certificate.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1903, pages 16-17

‘Alien Immigration Commission’
John W. Martin, formerly Mayor of Reading and now Alderman and JP. His first recollection of Jews in Reading was in 1892 and he had ’received’ several Jews who were either foreign born or near descendants and welcomed them to the town. Since then the foreign Jewish colony had increased greatly in number and in business prosperity. There was opening and scope for the particular branches of trade in Reading which foreign Jews took up - clothing and tailoring, cabinet making, antique furniture dealing, and cigar shops. There was no objection to the presence of foreign Jews in Reading, and there was plenty of work for them there.

Evidence of J. Ehrenberg, 218 Oxford Road, Reading, chairman of Synagogue Building Committee, Senior Trustee, Marriage Registrar of Reading Synagogue. He went to Reading in 1886 when there were six families there. Since then now prosperous and alien Jews had subscribed liberally to local charities. There was no overcrowding, no undercutting and no sweating. They were on amiable terms with neighbours. Had had several collections for local public institutions - three for the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1904, page 30

Marie Solomons aged 13 of 96 Wokingham Road has successfully passed the School Examination of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music in the higher division.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1904, page 1

Henri (Onri) eldest son of Mr & Mrs I Ehrenberg 218 Oxford Road, will read portion of law at the Reading Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1904, page 8

Editorial, ‘Dispersion’
‘The example of the Reading community shows that Jewish operatives are not hopelessly wedded to London’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1904, page 29

Presentation of letter to I. Ehrenberg on occasion of son’s bar mitzvah.
‘We wish to place on record the great obligation which the Jewish community of Reading owe to you in the establishment of the beautiful synagogue which adorns this Borough of Reading’. Also reference made to his help, always at disposal of members of congregation.
Signed: S. H. Cohen ,P. Cohen (Joint Hon Secs), Hermann Adler (Chief Rabbi), H. Gollancz, S. A Adler, L. Aarons, A. H. Ball, Mrs Percy Cohen, Mrs M. H. Cohen, Mark Cohen, H. M. S. Elton, O. D’Avigdor-Goldsmid, Charles Henry, Rufus, D.Isaacs MP, Mrs L.Lucas, M.J.Lewis, L.E.Lynn, D. Lesser, L.Levison, Alderman J. W.Martin, Claude Montefiore, Mark Moses, H. Matthews, I. Pulvermacher, L. Pisar, D. Moses, Mrs L. L. Samuell, Abraham Solomons, Sol Solomons, S. Tenser, K. Tenser H. Weisberg.

Annual Hospital Service held. Some non-Jews present. Rev S. Alfred Adler delivered address.
Including A. H. Ball ex-Mayor. S. B. Joel, London, Mark Moses London..

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1904, page 27

On Sunday the Committee apportioned the results of collections for hospitals. £25 to Royal Berkshire Hospital, £10 to Royal Victoria Nursing Institution, and £4 10s to Reading Dispensary.
Annual Meeting. Quarterly balance shows surplus of nearly £40.
Elected. I. Ehrenberg, President; S. Tenser, Warden; P. Cohen, Treasurer; M. Cohen, Secretary. S. H. Cohen, K. Tenser, I. Pulvermacher, D. Lesser, I. Pizer, and S. H. Elton, Committee. S. Tenser and S. H. Elton, Auditors.
Rev and Mrs Aarons and Mr and Mrs I. Ehrenberg have been invited to the Mayor’s, banquet. First time that the Mayor has issued invitation to the minister or officials of the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1905, page 25

Jewish population of Reading, 250.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1905, page 10

Seventieth Birthday of Mrs (Helen) Lionel Lucas. Eldest daughter of late Frederick Goldsmid MP. She takes warm interest in congregation at Reading which was represented in Parliament by her late uncle Sir Francis Goldsmid. She lent £1,500 free of interest for building of synagogue. At the consecration she asked them to regard the indebtedness to her to be £1,400 not £1,500. She also defrayed the cost of a visiting minister.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1906, page 38

Wanted by Reading Hebrew Congregation a Baal Korah, shochet. Chazan [all in Hebrew] and Teacher with credentials from the Chief Rabbi. Salary to commence £65 p.a. Cohanim not required. Expenses to successful candidate only. Apply H. Springer, Hon Sec, Synagogue Chambers, Goldsmid Road, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1906, page 1

Death of Rebecca Cowan, London, sister of Mrs Rendell, Bank Side, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1906, page 3 [see 15 June 1906, page 43, below]

Rev Nathan and Mrs Aarons thank their late congregants and Dr Gollancz for presiding. 28 Salisbury Road, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1906,page 43

On Sunday, the presentation of an illuminated address and a purse containing a cheque for a substantial sum was made to the Rev. N. Aarons, who has held ministerial post to the Reading Congregation for nearly fourteen years, and who has resigned with the object of finding a larger sphere for his labours.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1906, page 46

Rev S. Fogelnest who has succeeded Rev N. Aarons as Chazan, Shochet and Teacher at Reading, has founded a Hebrew Juvenile Society. Officers: Leslie Cohen, President; Rose Levinsohn, Treasurer; Deborah Pulvermacher, Secretary; Janie Cohen, Collector. Membership by weekly payments, proceeds at end of year to go to Royal Berkshire Hospital and other charitable institutions.
[See also 2.11.1906 page 39]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1906, page 1

Death on 14 August at 16 Western Elms Avenue of Simeon Cyril [Haim Zvi, in Hebrew] youngest son of Mendel Silverstone-Elton and the late Leah Elizabeth Oriel Silverstone-Elton.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1906, page 2

Mr & Mrs Mendel Silverstone Elton nee Annie Corbet thank all for condolences during the week of mourning for their late son and stepson, 16 Western Elms Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1906, page 34

Naturalisations in August
David Lesser, 2 Salisbury Road, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1906, page 7

‘About six years ago a synagogue was established at Reading, in Berkshire, though we regret to learn that owing to trade conditions the numbers of this community have diminished’.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1906, page 39

Annual meeting. President I. Ehrenberg in chair. Elected: Percy Cohen President; H. Springer, Hon Sec; S. H. Cohen, I. Pulvermacher, D. Lesser, L. Springer, H. Cohen, H .M. S. Elton, and L. Levensohn, Committee. Balance sheet shows small surplus. Education Committee’s Report and their arrangements for visit of Chief Rabbi were adopted.
Last week the Jewish lads founded a Club called the Reading Hebrew Juvenile Social Club. Elected: B. J. Fogelnest, President; H. Springer, Hon Treasurer and Secretary. The Club is for lads above the age of 13.
Rev Fogelnest has instituted a fund for buying appurtenances for Sepher etc. Fund is contributed to by ladies and is controlled by Mrs Arbus, Hon Treasurer and Miss A. Pulvermacher, Hon Sec and Collector. [See also 22.6.1906, page 46]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1906, page 31

Long report of ‘The Chief Rabbi in Reading’.
Congregation held annual service for Royal Berkshire Hospital and other local charitable institutions. Sermon by Chief Rabbi. Visitors included Mr E. E. D’Aivgdor-Goldsmid as well as local Non-Jews and also Rufus Isaacs, local MP.
Chief Rabbi said that ‘For family reasons Mr. Goldsmid took a deep interest in the Reading Congregation’.
Mrs L.Lucas examined children in presence of teacher, Rev S.Fogelnest, and wrote in visiting book, ’Much pleased by the intelligence of the children by which can be seen how well they are taught. The progress is wonderful in five months’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1906, page 16

Jewish Congregational Union; Meeting of the Dispersion Committee
Letters read ‘from Dewsbury, Darlington and Reading offering employment to workmen’.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1907, page 28

On Sunday the pupils of the religion classes had a successful outing, funds for which were subscribed by various friends.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1908, page 35
Death of Israel Ehrenberg. Buried at Edmonton. President for nearly 14 years. His father had been President. Great efforts in getting synagogue built. Ardent worker for numerous friendly and other societies and instituted annual service for local hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1908, page 28

General Meeting.
Vote of condolence to Ehrenberg widow. Three vacancies on Committee filled by L. Levinsohn, S. Shiller, and M. Cooperstein. Decided not to fill ’permanent’ post of President until November elections so Percy Cohen Treasurer to take on duties of President pro tem. J. Album and I. Pulvermacher elected Trustees.
A Benevolent Fund, by contributions, was instituted.
Percy Cohen writes re Ehrenberg. He did many good works including obtaining the right of the minister to visit prisons and asylums. He left widow and 7 children ‘totally unproved for’. Appeals for help.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1908, page 24

Death of Sam Cohen, a Trustee of the synagogue. He was greatly interested in football and swimming and was a supporter of Reading Football Club. [Samuel Hermann Cohen September 1908 aged 55 Reading 2c 188]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1908, page 1

Death on 10 September at the Royal Berkshire Hospital of Joseph Album, only son of Mr & Mrs J. Album, 26 Howard Street, aged 10
[Joseph Album September 1908 aged 9 Reading 2c 404]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1908, page 11

On Sunday the annual service in aid of the Royal Berkshire Hospital and other charities will be held. Rev J. F.Stern will preach the sermon and Mr Angelo Asher will preside at the organ. Service will be attended by Rufus Isaacs, MP, the Mayor and Mayoress and other civic authorities.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1908, page 13

Special Chanucah service conducted by Rev S. Fogelnest. Through the generosity of Rufus Isaacs, KC MP, tea was provide for the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 January 1909, page 28

Last Sunday concert in aid of the funds of the Reading Distress Committee, at the Committee Rooms of the congregation, by N. Pizel, Rev S. Fogelnest, D. Levy and M. Cohen. Including string quartet from the Palace Theatre Orchestra under direction of N. Pizel. Also Vera Cohen, Lilian Wilkins, Miss D. Pulvermacher, Miss Green, Jack Davis, Miss Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1909, page 1

Tombstone for Samuel Cohen of Western Elms Avenue to be set at Edmonton on 23 May.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May1909, page 30

Election of Rev A.Cohen BA to be minister of Higher Broughton Synagogue, Manchester. He was born in Reading in 1887.  [Father Jacob]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1909, page 1

Death at 41 Anthony Street, Commercial Road, E, of Sarah Aarons, wife of Nathan Aarons, late of Reading, aged 37.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 November 1909, page 28

At concert held last week at the Town Hall, Reading, in aid of local charities, Louis Arbus, eldest son of member of Hebrew congregation, played piano solos - Rachmaninov, Chopin, Mendelssohn. He intends to take up pianoforte as a profession/

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1909, page 13

Rev Prof Dr Gollancz will preach the Hospital sermon, at the Reading Synagogue, next Sunday afternoon, in aid of the funds of the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1910, page 13

Entertainment in aid of Reading Distress Funds, organised buy a Jewish committee consisting of Percy Cohen (President), A. Solomons, and I. Pulvermacher. Artistes were Misses A. Cohen, M. Brown, G. Mitchell, J. Cohen, J. Brown, and D. Pulvermacher. Messrs M. Cheshire, N. Arbus, R. P. Cohen (Stage manager), L. Arbus and Master L. Kreger. The room was lent by A. Phillips.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1910, page 11

Marriage on 27 February at the Reading Synagogue by Rev Hermann Gollancz MA, D. Lit, assisted by Rev S. Fogelnest, Annie, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs Israel Pulvermacher of 2 George Street, to David, eldest son of Mrs and late Jacob Rosenberg of Warsaw and brother-in-law of Rev S. Fogelnest.
[Marriage. Annie Pulvermacher March 1910 Reading 2c 737/David Rosenberg]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1910, page 13

Reference to wedding of Pulvermacher/Rosenberg. States that Israel Pulvermacher was one of original founders of synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1910, page 16

‘The Dispersion of the Ghetto’ re the Jewish Dispersion Committee. Interview with J. E. Blank, Secretary of the Federation of Synagogues, in charge of administrative work of the Committee.’ Among other places which received our families were Reading, Blackburn, Chatham, Chester, Wrexham, Huddersfield, Dover, Durham, Stockport, Dewsbury, Darlington, Blackpool, Leicester, and Oxford’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1910, page 31

Concert at Reading Town Hall in aid of the Health Society, ’Mons.’ Louis Arbus played Beethoven, Liszt, and Chopin.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1910, page 15

Committee of congregation elected Rev Prof Dr Hermann Gollancz as representative at Board of Deputies/

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1910, page 15

Mr B. Posener presented congregation with silver Kiddush cup in memory of brother Marks Posener.
The Education Committee gave classes children their annual outing, to Bracknell. After tea, sports with prizes by committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1910, page 12

Mr H. Springer presided at meeting held for purpose of forming a young men’s Jewish social club.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1910, page 17

Annual meeting held in he Vestry Room. Elected: P. Cohen, President and Hon Treasurer; H. Solomons, Warden; B. Posener, Hon Sec; N. Cohen, Auditor. Vote of thanks to J. Conreich on his retirement as Warden after a number of years. Rev Dayan A. Feldman, BA, will preach on Hospital Sunday November 27th.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 December 1910, page 8

Obituary of Rev S. Alfred Adler, only son of Chief Rabbi. His first ministerial appointment was in Dublin then Visiting Minister in Reading, ’where he greatly consolidated the congregation and established Hebrew and religion classes’.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 December 1910, page 16

Rev Dayan A. Feldman visited last Sunday. In morning examined Hebrew and Religion Classes and congratulated Rev S. Fogelnest on progress made. In afternoon he preached at service on Hospital Sunday. The Mayor and Sir Rufus Isaacs were present.
A handsome plush mantle for the Sepher Torah and a set of books for the Reader’s desk presented by wives of members. A lady member presented a brass lectern.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1910 page 13

Result of annual collection at synagogue: Royal Berkshire Hospital, £30, Queen Victoria Nursing Home £11 9s 2d.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1910, page 22

Rev Morris Joseph, at Reform Synagogue. ’I have not been invited to preach elsewhere (except at Oxford, Cambridge and Reading)’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1911, page 2

Tombstone for late Sarah Solomons, wife of Harris Solomons, 24 Queen’s Crescent, Reading, will be consecrated at Edmonton on March 5th.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1911, page 21

Entertainment for children last week. Tea and refreshments provided by P. Cohen, President. After tea D. Solomons gave conjuring exhibition and ventriloquist show. Messrs A. Cohen and N. Kruger [sic], Mrs D. Pulvermacher and Misses N. Green and I. Gilbert took part in concert. Each child given a bag of sweets and a toy, the latter a gift of Mrs P. Cohen.
A silver pointer for the Sepher Torah was presented by members’ wives.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1911, page 40

Rebecca Marjorie Isaac aged 6 passed Trinity College Examination (Preparatory) at University College, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1911, page 24

Congregation will hold annual Hospital Service on 26th. Rev A. A. Green will preach. Promises to attend from Mayor, Sir Rufus Isaacs (Attorney-General), and Sir Charles Henry MP.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1911, page 32

Children of Hebrew Classes were entertained to tea by Education Committee in the Committee Room. D. Solomons gave ventriloqual entertainment. Sir R. Isaacs sent prizes for children who had made speeches on 26th and were responsible for collection among themselves by weekly contribution to Royal Berkshire Hospital. Prize winners were Misses C. Alexander, M. Pulvermacher, and A. Album, and Masters I. Chalfen, and A. Alexander. Each child was presented with a bag of sweets.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1912, page 31

Case at Reading County Court. David Lesser, master tailor, applied for injunction against Percy Cohen, President, and members of the Committee of the Reading Jewish Synagogue to prevent them from expelling him. Also that a resolution of the Committee to expel him be declared null and void.
Plaintiff alleged that recently he wished to have his infant daughter named and he desired a Minyan to be present and gave notice to the local rabbi. Lesser attended synagogue but only one member present. Thereupon he sent to London to have daughter named and resigned from Committee, alleging that the members’ actions had been purposely levelled at him. He also reduced his weekly payments from 2s 4d to 1s 4d. When the matter was discussed at a subsequent meeting he alleged he was refused a hearing and he was reduced from member to subscriber thus losing many privileges.
Defence - he still enjoyed all the privileges except that the licensed slaughterer did not go to his house to kill his poultry. Rev S. Fogelnest denied that the plaintiff had given him notice.
The judge said that the matter should have been resolved without recourse to litigation. Satisfied that notice had not been given and that Lesser was not given opportunity to explain his case to the Committee. Held that plaintiff entitled to a declaration that he was still a member and to contribute 2s 4d. Refused injunction and each side to pay own costs.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1912, page 18

Miss Doris Irene Joel daughter of S. B. Joel of Maiden Erlegh, Reading, find £10 and £8 costs for driving a motor car at a dangerous speed and for failing to to stop when require by the police. She said it was 20 mph and did not understand the constable was signalling her to stop.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1912, page 27

Mr David Rosenberg, formerly of Warsaw, now resident with his brother-in-law, Rev S. Fogelnest, has been commissioned to paint life-size portrait of Mayor, Alderman J. W. Martin JP. Rosenberg, 30 years old, is a talented artist, studied at School of Art, Warsaw, the Berlin Royal Academy, and Reading University School of Art.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1912, New Year Supplement, page xxxi

Mr & Mrs M. Sampson, 162 Caversham Road, Reading, formerly of 80 Rutland Street, Stepney, wish relatives, friends and officers and members of the Master Ladies’ Tailors and Mantle Makers’ organisation a happy and prosperous New Year and well over the Fast.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1912, page 29

Next Sunday Rev Prof Dr H. Gollancz will preach in aid of Royal Berkshire Hospital and other local charities. Si Rufus Isaacs and members of the Corporation have promised to attend.
Sir Rufus Isaacs has presented £100 to the Reading Insurance Committee to assist persons suffering from consumption. He lost a brother to this disease.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1912, page 20

Interview with Rev H. Gollancz.
‘Reading, the synagogue of which town I was privileged to establish with the help of good friends like Mrs, Lionel Lucas’.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1912, pages 31-2

Report of Hospital Sunday including Gollancz’s sermon. Synagogue decorated with flowers and plants lent by S. B. Joel.
Deputy Mayor said Jews were law-abiding and ’he hoped England would always welcome them to these shores’. Gollancz said that relations between non-Jews and Jews of Reading were most cordial.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1912, page 31

Report of Hospital Sunday. Hon Treasurer, Percy Cohen, has handed over to Royal Berkshire Hospital, £22 1s 4d.; to Queen Victoria Nursing Home, £8 8s, to Reading Guild of Help, £3, and to Reading Blind Aid Society, £2. Total £35 9s 4d.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1913, page 30

Annual Meeting. Elected: P. Cohen, President and Treasurer; H. Solomons, Warden; N. Cohen and M. Cohen, Auditors; D. Solomon [sic], Hon Sec. Thanks to B. Posener on his retirement from office of Hon Sec for a number of years. Resignation of Rev S. Fogelnest, minister, was accepted with regret.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1913

Reading The resignation of the Rev. S. Fogelnest, the Minister, was accepted with regret.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1913, page 2

‘READING HEBREW CONGREGATION WANTED, a Minister, Shochet, and Teacher, must translate into English fluently. Salary 25s. per week. Augmented by grants from the Provincial Minsters’ Fund if approved. Apply D. Solomons [sic], Secretary, 40, Queen’s-crescent, Reading’.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1913, page 1

Betrothal. Marie, 3rd daughter of Mr & Mrs A. Solomons of Bayswater Road, Stoke Newington (late of Reading) to Aaron, eldest son of Mrs R. Marks and late Iley Marks of Stoke Newington.  [Marriage. Aaron Marks March 1914 Hackney 1b 690/ Marie Solomons]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1913, page 29

Reception at Bolton in connection with departure to Reading of Rev Louis Woolf [sic].

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1913, page 24

Reception and entertainment for purpose of introducing the new minister Rev L. Wolfe and Mrs Wolfe. Entertainment by the Misses Gilbert, Mr B. Moss, Harold Cohen, and the Hon Sec, David Solomons.  [Wolfe from Bolton, previously Bridgend?]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1913, page 40

Margate Hebrew Congregation. Meeting held 16 February, led to establishment of congregation. ’The Minister, who acted in a similar capacity at Reading, has since been engaged as Reader, Shochet, and Shomer’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1913, pages 27-28

Mr & Mrs Percy Cohen celebrated 25th wedding anniversary. He is President of congregation. They entertained adult members of congregation in the Reading Assembly Rooms. On Tuesday in same Rooms they entertained Jewish children, about 200 of them.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1913, page 21

24 girls and 2 teachers from Myrdle Street school [East End] had visited Reading as guests of Mr & Mrs Percy Cohen. During visit they were taken for brake drives and other excursions. On Saturday they were guests for tea of Lady Isaacs at her residence. On leaving each child was recipient of a souvenir from Mr D. Solomons and Mr Arthur Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1913, pages 24-5

Order of the Covenant. Amalgamated Order Achei Brith and Shield of Abraham.
Lodge formed at Reading. Class rooms placed at disposal of new Lodge. Secretary, J. Solomons, 40 Queen’s Road, Reading.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1913, page 2

Marriage on 28.8.1913 by special licence Harry A. Bernstein, Middlesbrough, to Vera, only daughter of Georgetta Cohen, ’Rosemary’, Reading, and late Henry E. Cohen of Glasgow. [Marriage. Harry A. Bernstein September 1913 Hendon 3a 800/Vera P. J. Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1913, page 10

Lord Chief Justice and Lady Isaacs have signified intention to attend the special Hospital Sunday service at Reading Synagogue on 30th inst at which the Chief Rabbi will preach the sermon.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1913, pages 25-6

Report of Reading Hospital Sunday. Many non-Jews present.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1913, page 30

At examination held at Reading College Ada Album, 14, gained the first certificate for piano and Eva Gilbert, 11, the certificate for violin with honours.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1914, page 27

Mr I. Goldston of London delivered lecture at the Hebrew Study Circle and Debating Society. Rev L. Wolfe and Messrs D. Lesser, J. Gluck, and J. Rosen took part.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1914, page 28

Rev L. Wolfe lectured to members of the Hebrew Study Circle and Debating Society on ’Historical Half Shekel and its Effects in Forming a True and Equal Brotherhood’. Lecture followed by debate on ’Should a modern Ghetto be encouraged?’ Speakers were Messrs D. Lesser, L. Cohen, I. Cohen and A. Pulvermacher.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1914, page 35

Pupils of Hebrew Classes under tuition of Rev L. Wolfe acted a Purim sketch, ’The Jewish Festivals’, by Ruth Levy. D. Solomons, Hon,Sec, acted as conductor of the day.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1914, page 2. Marriage on 10 June at East London Synagogue of Nanny Oster of Germany to Harry Solomons of
Reading. [his 2nd marriage?] [Marriage. Harry Solomons June 1914 Mile End 1c 710/Nanny Oster]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1914, page 22

Jacob Wolfe aged 11 has passed entrance scholarship for the Reading Kendrick Grammar School. Myer Wolfe aged 13 has won higher certificate and medal for fast swimming in competition recently held by the Reading Swimming Club.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1914, page 18

‘For the Belgian Jewish Refugees. Shilling Subscription’. Collected by a few members of the Reading Hebrew Congregation 21s.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1914, page 25

Special Chanucah service. Master Myer Wolfe, son of the Rev L. Wolfe, conducted service and led the choir. Master I. Pulvermacher kindled the lights. A number of boys read part of the Maccabean history bearing on the festival. After the service tea and fruit were served.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1920

Reading. A Chanucah Service was held last week. The Rev. A. Samet, late of Stockport, officiated.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1923

Reading. The Rev. S. Fogelnest, of Surbiton, has been elected Chazan, Teacher, and Shochet to the congregation. Mr. Fogelnest previously held the same post in the congregation for seven years.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1931

Reference to Rev. S. Fogelnest as Minister and Secretary to Reading Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1947

Reading. A farewell reception to the Rev. I. Dvorkin, who was leaving to take up an appointment in South Africa, was held at the Sir Hermann Gollancz Hall, Reading. In presenting an inscribed silver salver and cheque to the Rev. Mr. Dvorkin, the President, Mr. M. Kosky, paid tribute to his services as Minister and Secretary to the Congregation for the past ten years.

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