Oxford Jewish Community





Page created: 13 June 2003
Latest revision or update: 16 September 2016

From the Oxford Chronicle, 31 August 1844 and The Times 3rd September 1844

(provided by Harold Pollins)

Oxford Chronicle

A JEWISH WEDDING - The nuptials of Mr. Nathan Jacob (son of the late unfortunate Rabbi who, in March last, with his daughter, was burnt to death in St. Ebbe's) and Miss Hannah Wolf, daughter of Mr Isaiah Wolf, of St. Peter-le-Bailey, were solemnized in the garden of Mr. Kemp, mercer, Queen Street, on Wednesday last, and as invitations had been sent to large numbers of respectable inhabitants, the garden, as well as the neighbouring ones, was crowded chiefly by ladies.  Around the canopy where the marriage ceremony was performed we noticed the lady of Dr. Buckland and family, Mrs. Hall (widow of the late Dr. Hall) and family, the Lady of Dr. Simons, Warden of Wadham College, the Misses Good, and many other ladies. The ceremony was highly interesting and was performed by the Rev. Dr. Aaron Levi, of London, successor to the late Dr. Herschell, assisted by Mr. Pulver, reader of the Cheltenham Synagogue. The service was performed in the Hebrew language. Many of our readers (particularly the fair sex) will, we have no doubt, read with interest the following details of the ceremony, which have kindly been handed to us and which commenced as follows: - The bridegroom was brought under the canopy created for the occasion by the Rev. Dr. Levi and the father of the bride, when the bride, accompanied by two ladies was introduced, and walked round the Bridegroom three times, during which the reader chaunted "Who is mightier than the Lord our God, he shall bless the bride and bridegroom; who is more praised that the Lord our God he shall bless," &c: the Rev. Gentleman then took a cup of wine and blessed it, whilst the bride held forth her hand, and the bridegroom took a gold ring and put it on her fore finger, exclaiming, "Thou art betrothed to me by putting on this ring according to the laws of Moses and Israel."  The Rev. Dr. then read the document of marriage which had previously been prepared - viz: "On the fourth day in the week being the 13th day of the month of Elul, in the year 5605 a.m. Nathan, the son of Aaron Jacobs said to Hannah, the daughter of Isaiah Wolf, though shalt be my wife according to the law of Moses and Israel, and I undertake to maintain, support and honour you, my wife, as the custom of the Israelites, who maintain, support and honour their wives in truth, and I hereby promise to give you the dowry of your virtue, 200 pieces of silver sterling, which is awarded to you by our Holy Law, and your maintenance, support, clothing," &c: and Hannah the bride consented, and agreed, and became his wife: and Nathan, the bridegroom undertook to become responsible for the payment of the said sum from all the property he is possessed of, or what he may hereafter buy (even from the garment on his back) during his life, or become possessed of after his death, from this day forth: and further, this document shall have the full power according to our law, which was made in our presence and signed by the bridegroom. The bride and bridegroom having partaken of the wine which had been blessed by the Rev. Gentleman, and after having had the usual blessings of the congregation (a great many Jews being present) bestowed upon them, a glass was placed on the ground, which the bridegroom broke with his foot, in imitation of what is recorded in the Talmud, on the Wedding of the son of a learned man "the people were rejoiced to such an extent that he took a valuable glass and broke it before them, to show that when we are full of our enjoyment we must not forget that our lives are as uncertain as this glass, which is broken in a moment, and by that means we must be mindful of our actions every moment of our lives, that whenever we are called by our Maker, we shall be ready to appear before him." After the bride had retired several very handsome presents were given to her by many ladies who were present at the marriage

From The Times 3rd September 1844


It having been rumoured for several days previous that a wedding would be solemnized between Mr Nathan Jacob, a Polish Jew, and son of the unfortunate High Priest, who with his daughter, was burned to death in St. Ebbe's, in this City, in March last, and Miss Hannah Wolff, a fair Jewess, who, with her friends, has resided in Oxford for several years, upward of 300 respectable citizens, chiefly females, attended to witness the imposing ceremony, which was performed yesterday in the garden of Mr. Kemp, mercer, of Queen-street, by the Rev. Aaron Levi, of London.  Immediately on the introduction of the fair bride, the ceremony commenced, and although the chanting and service were in the Hebrew language, the company was most attentive.  Amongst them we observed the lady of the Professor of Geology and family; Mrs Hall, widow of the late Dr. Hall, Master of Pembroke College, and family; Mr. T.R. Fisher, Mrs. Hobdell, &c.  This being the first Jewish wedding that had every taken place in Oxford, it created an unusual degree of interest. - Banbury Guardian


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