the former

Newport Jewish Community

Newport, South Wales




Press Reports relating to the Newport Jewish Community 1849 - 1872

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle,
15 June 1849 , page 92
Donation to Swansea Hebrew Congregation. Samuel Polak, Newport Mon.£2.2.0

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1851
Sub to JC John M.Polak, Newport

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1852

Contribution to Merthyr Congregation. Jacob Druiff

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1859, page 1

The Members of the above small Congregation, having lately established a New Synagogue, and have also obtained a piece of land for the purpose of a Burial Ground, but as their means are also insufficient to complete their undertakings they earnestly appeal to the religious feelings of their brethren in faith for aid in their pious work.
Contributions will be thankfully received by Mr. A. Isaacs, President of the Newport Congregation, and at the Jewish Chronicle offices, which will be acknowledged in the Chronicle’.
[repeated 22 April 1859]
[amended 1 May 1859. Whole will not exceed £150. 7 contributions acknowledged. From Manchester Old Synagogue, 4 from Birmingham, Plymouth, and Bristol]
[3 June 1859. Further contributions, 6 from Birmingham, 1 Pontypool, 1 London.]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1860

Letter on religious topic from A. Harfeld, shohet of Newport.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1861, page 4

Another letter from A. Harfield [sic] on religious topic

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1862, page 1

Marriage. ‘On the 15th inst., at the Jewish Synagogue, Newport, Monmouthshire, by the Rev. A. Harfeld, assisted by the Rev. L. Harfeld, of Bath. Mr. Abraham Freedman, second son of Mr. S. Freedman, to Isabella, only daughter of the Rev. A. Harfeld, of the above place’.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1862, page 4

Mention of letter from Rev A. Harfeld

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1863, page
Sub to JC, A. Lewis, Newport

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1863, page 4

Sub to JC, Mr J. Druff [sic]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1865, page 6

Our readers will remember that unfortunate differences have agitated and divided the Hebrew congregation at Newport for a considerable time. Communications have from time to time appeared in our own columns on the subject. It is gratifying to announce that these difficulties are at an end. The opening of a new synagogue in Llanarth Street, on the first day of the year, by the Rev. Louis Harfeld, the new minister, was the happy occasion of reconciliation. The rev. gentleman, who has only just entered upon his duties, and who has fortunately succeeded in “pouring oil on the troubled waters,” addressed the congregation in an eloquent and erudite discourse, taking his text from the 24th Psalm. The rev. gentleman entered fully into the subject before him, and amplified his discourse by frequent references to the original text. - Star of Gwent

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1865, page 8

Appeal for funds to support a large family. The wife has recently given birth to twins and there is a family of 8 children, the eldest being 14. Contributions to Rev A. Barnett, New Synagogue House Great St Helen’s, London. Also Rev L. Harfeld, Synagogue Chambers, Llanarth Street, Newport and Mr J. Druiff, 1 Temple Street, Newport.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1865, page 2[?]
Board of Deputies, Holy Land Relief Fund
Newport Mon, per Rev L. Harfeld

  Rev L.Harfeld
M. Manoy, Esq
John Isaacs, Esq
Abraham Isaacs, Esq
M. Goldstien, Esq
Joseph Abrahams, Esq
H. Abrahams, jnr
William Druiff, Esq
Jacob Isaacs, Esq
L. Jacobs, Esq
B. Cohen, Esq
M. Davies, Esq
S. Sebonah, Esq
-. Boas, Esq
-. Lewis, Esq
A. Davies, Esq
Jacob Druiff, Esq
Mrs Bloom, Pontispool [sic]





The Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1865, page 5

Election of President, Morris Goldstein

The Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1866, page 7

Re-election of President, M. Goldstein

The Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1866
Board of Deputies. Dardanelles Relief Fund.
Newport, Mon. Hebrew Synagogue per Rev Lewis Harfeld (Sec) £2 2 0

The Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1867, page 3

Letter from L. Harfeld on religious topic

The Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1867, page 1

Board of Deputies. Fund re Conflagration in Brody
Newport Hebrew Congregation per Rev Louis Harfeld £4

The Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1867, page 6

The small congregation of Newport testified to its minister Rev L. Harfeld its satisfaction. At conclusion of Simhat Torah, Mrs Druiff of Llanarth Street, widow of William Druiff, invited the whole congregation to a splendid banquet in order to present Mr Harfeld with a purse of gold. Speech by Jacob Druiff the oldest member.

The Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1869, page 1


The congregation has been established ‘for a great number of years’, and divine service has been conducted in a temporary room since its establishment. The congregation has grown so rapidly that the synagogue, whose lease expires in a few months, is totally inadequate. Although numerically large the congregation’s expenses are defrayed by 7 paying members who have subscribed £200 for the new synagogue. The only plot of ground suitable has been obtained with much difficulty and as a contiguous spot is being used for building it is necessary to commence at once. The lowest estimate for the synagogue and a house for the Reader &c is £700. Contributions to A. Isaacs, President, 36 Commercial Road, and A. Druiff, Treasurer, 41 Llanarth Street. [repeated almost weekly until stone laying in May 1870, then advert changed but continued]

The Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1869, page 10

Editorial comment commends Newport appeal.

The Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1869, page 3

2 delegates from the committee for erection of synagogue in Newport were in London soliciting subscriptions. The lease of a hired om has expired. The community consists of many poor families. ‘They have a burial ground, preserved [sic]. presented?] by Lord Tredegar’.

The Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 1870, page 1

Board of Deputies. Jerusalem Relief Fund.
Newport, Mon., per A. Isaacs. £4

6 May 1870, page 4
Foundation stone of new synagogue laid on 3 May on a spot between Lewis Street and Francis Street, Pillgwenlly. Ceremony performed by Mr Rittenberg, Jacob Druiff and Abraham Isaacs. Last-named laid the stone and was presented with an inscribed silver trowel. The building will have a centre and two wings. In the centre an entrance through a T-shaped lobby, with stairs to a ladies’ gallery, over the west end of the synagogue. The synagogue proper forms the right wing, 37 feet long and 22 feet wide. Accommodation for about 100 on ground floor and 10 [sic] in ladies‘ gallery. Interior lit by 4 round-headed windows in each of the sides and a group of 4 smaller ones of similar character in the end. They are to be filled by embossed and tinted glass. The sanctuary will be to the east and will form a raised platform with an ornamental canopy over, having at the back a recess for Scrolls of the Law. The left wing will be the minister’s house. The style of the building will be round-arched Italian of simple character, built of black rock with Bodmer brick moulded dressings. The whole will cost £800. Architect B. Lawrence, Builder J. W. Chack.

The Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1870, page 1

Advert for funds, synagogue ‘now nearing completion’.

The Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1870, page 2

Letter from A. Druiff 41 Llanarth Street, correcting a note in previous week’s JC, that the synagogue has been consecrated. Unable to complete building for the holydays because of delay due to shortage of funds.

The Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1870, page 9

Synagogue well attended on Day of Atonement but correspondent speaks unfavourably of manner in which prayers were read. Also the sermon was in a ‘mixture of three language’.

The Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1870, page 1

Advert. Wanted by the Newport, Mon. Hebrew Congregation. A gentleman to act as Shohet, Hazan, and Teacher. £60 p.a. with house, rent &c free. Apply A. Isaacs, President, 35 and 36 Commercial Street. [repeated 4 and 11 November 1870]

The Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1870, page 3

Letter from A. Druiff, Secretary to the Congregation. Re report in issue of 14 October about the minister, Mr Rittenberg’s speech. He says that the prayers were read in a ’most devout and pleasing manner’. Lecture given by him was in Hebrew since he is not at home in English. ’Evidently your correspondent was not acquainted with Hebrew’.

The Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1871, page 1

List of contributions of building fund - first for some time. Include thanks to Mr Joseph Raphael, Howard’s Hotel, St James’s Place, Aldgate, for his help.

The Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1871, page 10

The new synagogue was opened for divine worship on Wednesday last [22 March]. Crowded attendance with many Christians present. Performed by Rev Dr Hermann Adler, minister of Bayswater Synagogue. Service was read by Rev H. D. Mars, Minister of the Great Synagogue, Manchester, assisted by Revs Cohen, Goldreich and Jacobs.
The ladies of the congregation have presented handsome curtains for the Ark. Mrs Simon Hyam of London presented an embroidered canopy and a cover for the Reading Desk.

The Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1871, page 13

After the consecration. A banquet was held at the Victoria Hotel, presided over, in the absence of the Mayor, by Mt J.B. Batchelor and vice-chairman Alderman Lewis. Many Jews and Christians present. ‘After the cloth had been removed’ there were the loyal and other toasts.

The Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1871, page 9

Chief Rabbi’s Pastoral Visitation. He and Rev Dr Hermann Adler met at station by minister, Rev Mr Goldreich, President A. Isaacs, and a large number of members. Went to President’s house for dinner. Then to synagogue where an examination took place. Expressed regret at their imperfect knowledge of Hebrew. The JC correspondent comments that this is a small community burdened by heavy debt therefore it is not in their power to provide the children with a school and competent teachers. He wonders if some organisation could be arranged so that funds could be annually raised by the congregations of the UK to provide them with ’this desirable requirement’.
The evening service was read by Rev Mr Goldreich then a banquet at the President’s house.
In the morning the Chief Rabbi visited the burial ground and was pleased with it as well as with synagogue. Hoped they would be able to liquidate the debt remaining on the synagogue so as to be able to provide a school.

The Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1871, page 10

Holiday services were well attended. Prayers by Rev Mr Goldreich assisted by Rev Mr Abrahams of London. On Friday new Sepher Torah and most of congregation invited to his residence. First and last verses were written by gentlemen present. Then they proceeded with Sepher to the synagogue. ‘A lecture in German was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Abrahams’.

The Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1871, page 13

Joseph Isaacs elected President, Mr Manoy Treasurer. Chatan Torah M. Manoy. Chatan Breshit Jacob Druiff

The Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1872, page 16

Board of Deputies, Fund for Jews of Shiraz in Persia.
Newport Mon. per Joseph Isaacs, President, £3 5 0

The Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1872, page 4

Reference to Joseph M. Solomons as member for Newport

The Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1872, page 2

‘FOR SALE, a good Paying PAWNBROKING BUSINESS. Established 20 years. Apply to P. Druiff, 41 Llanarth-street, Newport, Mon.’

The Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1872, page 16

Board of Deputies, Persia Famine Relief Fund
Newport Hebrew Congregation per Joseph Isaacs, President, 3rd collection £2 7 6

The Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1872, page 2

Board of Deputies. Secretary to Newport A.J. Jacobs

The Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1872, page 64

Funds for Norwich Synagogue. Mrs N. Manoy 10 6

The Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1872
Advert for a competent Reader and Shohet capable of instructing in Hebrew. Salary £80 p.a. with house rent and gas free plus perquisites. Apply Joseph Isaacs, President, 90 Dock Street.

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