Press Reports relating to the Aberavon and Port Talbot
Jewish Community
1874 - 2005
Compiled by
Harold Pollins
(with some later additions)
Information within square brackets is from the compiler
Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1874, page 71
Mr Hyman Freedman of Aberavon has been appointed an Overseer of the parish of
Margam. The first Jew in Wales appointed as overseer. He is the only Jewish
resident in the parish.
Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1893, page 1
Birth of son on 1 March at the Westgate House, Port Talbot, to wife of Jack Kahn
(nee Lilly Samuel).
[Ralph Kahn March 1893 Neath 11a 841]
Will of Michael Rosenbloom of High Street, Aberavon, general and fancy dealer.
Died 10 May 1893. Probate to John Morgan Smith Ironmonger and Henry Wood
Confectioner. Effects £492 17s 11d.
Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1904
The Rev. S. Fine, of Swansea, after having examined the children in
Hebrew, complimented the teacher, the Rev. S. Fogelnest, on the
progress the children had attained under him in the short period of five months.
Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1905, page 3
‘National Tribute for the Children of Dr. Herzl’.
Aberavon Hebrew Congregation 6s.
Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1905
Aberavon. A children's Zionist meeting was held at the Hebrew Class Rooms
on Sunday. On the motion of the teacher, the Rev. S. Fogelnest,
a society was formed under the name of "The Plants of Zion".
Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1905, page 4
Fund for Victims of Outrages on the Russian Jews
From members of the Jewish families at Aberavon, Bridgend, Neath, and Maesteg £4
6s 6d
Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1906, page 33
General Meeting of Aberavon Hebrew Congregation. Balance sheet satisfactory.
Elected: Sam Joseph, President; Nat Joseph, Hon Sec and Treasurer. C. Novick, I.
Finkelstein, S. Brooks, I. Factor, and
I. Rosenberg, Committee.
Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1907, page 1
Marriage on 16 January at Hope Place Synagogue, Liverpool, of Sam Joseph of Port
Talbot to Ray, youngest daughter of Mr & Mrs S. Amselem of Liverpool.
Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1907, page 2
Roumanian Relief Fund
Members of the Aberavon Synagogue 19s.
Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1907, page 2
‘WANTED, a young man, energetic, to learn the Scotch credit drapery booking
trade, must have experience in travelling and first class references. Apply, in
own handwriting, to Messrs. Joseph Bros., Aberavon, Port Talbot, South Wales’.
Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1908, page 1
Birth of son on 21 February at Springfield, Port Talbot, to Mr & Mrs Sam Joseph
(nee Ray Amselem.)
Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1908, page 27
Mrs L. Raphell [sic] has presented a silver pointer and Mrs C. Nowick [sic] a
curtain for the ark.
Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1908, page 3
Order of Ancient Maccabaeans. Meeting presided over by Mr L. Belman. A Lodge of
the Order was established with J. D. Rosenberg as Commander, Mr I. Freeman as
Deputy Commander, Mr L. Raphael as Treasurer, and Messrs Finkelstein, Norvick,
and Rabinowitz as Trustees.
Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1909, page 12
Chief Rabbi’s Visit to South Wales. ‘Deputations were introduced to the Chief
Rabbi en route, at the stations of Bridgend, Aberavon and Neath’.
Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1909, page 12
‘Conference of Anglo-Jewish Ministers’
Attended by I. Rabinowitz, Aberavon.
Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1911, page 16
Rev H.J. Sondheim [Swansea] examined the congregational classes which are under
direction of Rev I. Rabbinowitz [sic] - satisfactory. Afterwards he addressed
the members on the subject of the Census and made arrangements for the correct
enumeration of the Jewish residents.
Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1911
Visit of Dayan and Mrs Hyamson.
He examined 70 children.
Speeches of welcome by S. Joseph, President; L. Norvick, Treasurer; B. Newman, L.
Raphael, and Rev L. Rabbinovitz. Hyamson spoke of joy at returning to scenes of
early ministry. One old pupil now President of of Swansea, another Treasurer at
Llanelly, third president at Aberavon. Classes were best in S Wales, taught by
Rev I. Rabbinovitz and Mr Epstein. Urged congregation to provide better
accommodation for classes. Mr & Mrs Norvick entertained large party at their
house in evening.
Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1911, page 1
‘The members of the Aberavon Hebrew Congregation are heartily invited to the
reception which will be held in honor [sic] of Mr. B. Joseph being Chosan Torah,
and Mr. A. Carengold Chosan Bereshis, at 3 p.m., on the 15th inst, at 37 Ynis-street,
Port Talbot’.
Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1912, page 2
‘WANTED, for the Aberavon and Port Talbot Hebrew Congregation, Shochet, who must
also be good Hebrew teacher; salary, 80s. Per week. Apply, J. Freeman, 1 Cregoes-avenue,
Port Talbot’.
Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1912
Young Israel, page 2
Esther Goldberg, Aberavon, mentioned.
Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1912, page 7
‘WANTED sharp business man for the credit drapery, boot and general trade, to
canvass and collect on connections; must have previous experience; salary, 30s.
Per week, to rise to £2 per week. Apply, in own handwriting, stating age, with
references. Joseph Bros., Aberavon, Port Talbot, S. Wales’.
Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1912, page 26
General meeting of Aberavon and Port Talbot congregation. Elected: J.D.
Rosenberg, President; Maurice Rosenberg, Hon Sec and Treasurer; and Committee of
7. The congregation has accepted the services of Mr J. Lewis as hon. Collector.
Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1912, page 1
Forthcoming marriage on 26 December at Duke’s Place Synagogue. Annie 3rd
daughter of Mrs and late Israel Myerson of Cardiff to Daniel Joseph of Port
Talbot. [Daniel Joseph December 1912 London C 1c/Annie F. Myerson]
Jewish Chronicle, 7 February 1913, page 29
Last interment in Swansea old burial ground of Levi Raphael of Aberavon. The
burial ground is over 130 years old.
Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1913
Young Israel, page 2
Jenny Armstrong,159a Water Street, Aberavon Port Talbot, would like to
correspond with a Londoner.
Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1913
Young Israel, page 3
Reference to ’Bennie’ of Port Talbot.
Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1913, page 2
‘ABERAVON HEBREW CONGREGATION WANTED, a competent man to act as Shochet and
Teacher at the above; wages £1 1os per week. Address, all communications, giving
full particulars, first letter to Maurice Rosenberg, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer,
Port Talbot’.
Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1913, page 23
‘At a general meeting of the two congregations, Port Talbot and Aberavon, a
union was effected. Mr. A. Factor was elected President, and Mr. N. Stern,
Treasurer and Secretary. The Rev. A. Spenerock(sic) remains at Port Talbot as Chazan,
Shochet, and Teacher’.
Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1913, page1
Birth on 22 February [sic ie August?] at 35 Ynys Street to wife of Nathan Joseph
(nee Gladys Levien) a son.
Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1914, page 2
In Memoriam Rebecca Amselem, mother of Mrs Sam Joseph, Port Talbot. [Still
Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1914, page 25
Mr Nathan [sic] elected Chazan, Teacher and Shochet by Aberavon and Port Talbot
congregation in place of Rev A. Scheinrock [sic] who has resigned. Scheinrock
presented with testimonial by congregation and with a gift by pupils of the
Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1914, page 32
Rev Nathan Salas, late of Great Yarmouth, elected Chazan, Teacher, and Shochet
by the Port Talbot congregation.
Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1914, page 25
Chanucah party and entertainment for the children under presidency of Mr I.
£3 15s collected for the Jewish Belgian Refugees Fund.
Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1915, page 2
Advert. A Chazan, Shochet, Mohel, and Teacher wanted for Aberavon and Port
Talbot congregation. 35s per week and free . Application to President, Mr I.
Bomwna, Tydraw Street. Single men should not apply.
Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1915, page
Mr I. Bowman, President, appealed in synagogue on Rosh Hashanah for
contributions to Polish Jews’ Relief Fund, and on Sunday accompanied by Mr
Norwick [sic] collected £11.
Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1915, page
At Ammanford, for first time, services held on the New Year and Day of
Atonement, conducted by L. Freed of Aberavon and T. Rutter of Cardiff.
Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1915, page1
Death on 11 October at 13 Crown Street, of Jane Goldberg, aged 68, wife of S.
Goldberg. Mother of Ben, Johannesburg, Barnett and Sol, Maesteg, Nathan and
Dave, Port Talbot and sister of Benjamin of Port Talbot, late of Birmingham.
[Jane Goldberg December 1915 aged 68 Neath 11a 977]
Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1915, page 5
Fund for Relief of Polish Jews. Aberavon and Port Talbot Hebrew Congregation £7
Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1915, page 24
£2 5s from members of the Aberavon and Port Talbot Congregation to the Russian
Relief Fund.
Jewish Chronicle, 19 November 1915, page 28
Elected at Aberavon. N. Joseph, President, A. Carengold, Treasurer and
Secretary. Synagogue and Classes Committees also elected.
Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1916, page 3
Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
Aberavon Committee £6 6s.
Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1916, page
Gabriel Finkelstein aged 16, son of Mr & Mrs J. H. Finkelstein, 23 Station Road,
has been awarded scholarship to the Swansea Technical College for a course of
electrical engineering. Gets 3 guineas maintenance fees.
Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1916, page 3
Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of War in Russia
Aberavon Committee £5 10s
Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1917, page 3
Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of War in Russia
Aberavon Committee £3 3s.
Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1917, page 11
Mr W Barry of the County School, Port Talbot, writes to Mr L. Belman whose son,
Signaller Albert Moss Belman, Lancashire Fusiliers, has been killed in action.
Remembers him well. His name will be added to Roll of Honour.
Jewish Chronicle, 11 January 1918, page 14
Aberavon and Port Talbot Zionist Society has applied for affiliation to the
Zionist Federation. Accepted.
Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1918
New Year Supplement, page xi
Rev and Mrs H. Abrahams of Castle Street, Port Talbot, and Synagogue House,
Southport, send good wishes etc to members of the Port Talbot congregation and
the Southport congregation.
Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1918, page 4
New Year Greetings
Mr & Mrs M. Levitt, 15 Lewis Street, Aberavon.
Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1919, page 23
Largely attended public meeting under the auspices of the Port Talbot and
Aberavon Zionist Society, G. Norvick presiding. Dr J. S. Fox lectured on the
National Fund. About £40 collected.
Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1919, page 20
For Russian Jewish War Victims. £4 1s collected by A. Factor, Port Talbot.
Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1920, page 2
Advert for Shochet, Teacher, Reader, and Mohel. £4 10s per week and other
privileges. Apply, President, Dunraven Street, Aberavon.
Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1920, page 2
Advert. Wanted. Shochet, Teacher, and Reader for Aberavon & Port Talbot Hebrew
Congregation. No more details given.
Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1921, page 32
New synagogue in Tydraw Street consecrated yesterday week (31 March). Mr L. L.
Fine JP, Cardiff, presented with silver key and performed opening ceremony. Neir
Tamid kindled by Mr Rosenberg, Treasurer. Mrs L. L. Fine unveiled Roll of Honour
bearing 14 names of those who served and 3 of whom were killed/died. Reception
held in Constitution Hall.
Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1921, page 29
The Congregation have presented Rev H. Jerevitch of Cardiff with an inscribed
silver Kiddush cup for services rendered in connection with the opening of the
new synagogue. In addition to consecrating the synagogue he has helped to raise
substantial sums for the building fund.
Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1921, page 4
Federation of Ukrainian Jews. In Aid of the Pogrom Victims.
Aberavon & Port Talbot per B. Newman
Mr S. Joseph £3 3s.
£2 2s each from Messrs A & H. Factor, J. Freeman, J. Rosenberg.
£1 1s each from Mr B. Newman, Mr & Mrs C. Norvick, Mesdames M. Norvick, M.
Modiaca, Grun (and H. Lewis, Neath). P. Cohen £1.
10s 6d each from M. Rosenberg Mr & Mrs Milner, Mr & Mrs Marrienberg[sic],
J.Richmond, Stern, Hyman, J.& S. Aronowitz, Carrengold[sic], (Samuels, Maesteg),
H. Freeman, (Lutz, Neath), Mesdames B. Newman, J. Freeman, Lewis, Greenberg, (Norvick,
Briton Ferry), A. Factor, (Strool [sic], Neath), Mr S. Goldberg,
P. Pruss 15s 6d. Mr M. Cohen, 10s.
5s. Each from Messrs Ginsberg, (Zeiber, Neath), Miss G. Norvick, Miss R.
Rosenberg, and Mrs Raphael.
Rev M. Ticktein 3s 6d.Total £34 3s.
Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1922, page 29
Over £42 realised at a dance in aid of the synagogue building fund.
Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1922, page 35
Rev Mr Ticktin, late of Port Talbot, elected Minister and Shochet to Tredegar.
Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1922, page 1
Engagement. Jeannie, 2nd daughter of Mr & Mrs J. Armstrong, Water Street, Port
Talbot, to Louis Albert of Liverpool.
Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1922, page 1
Engagement. Florrie, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs J. Freeman of Odela House, Port
Talbot, to Jack Isaacs of Canning Town. [No marriage found]
Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1923, page 15
Ball organised by N. & S. Joseph and a Committee raised £75 [unclear] in aid of
congregational funds.
Collection made for Ukrainian fund.
Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1923, page 12
Board of Deputies meeting. Aberavon & Port Talbot represented by E. I. Freeman.
Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1923, page
‘Aberavon & Port Talbot Hebrew Congregation’
Congregation formed 19 years ago with 7 families. Only had a small room until
four and a half years ago ‘when we were forced to build a place of worship and
School rooms to educate our children in the Jewish faith.’
Cost was £1,660, part subsidised by the United Synagogue.
For many there is a heavy burden. There are large interest payments on the
outstanding balance. Debt has been reduced to £780.
There are only 22 members and 35 children. They employ a shochet and teacher.
They are affiliated to the Swansea congregation. They have a representative on
the Board of Deputies.
There is barely enough weekly income for expenditure let alone the heavy debt.
The Chief Rabbi has advised that they make an appeal.
A. Carengold, President J.D. Rosenberg, Trustee
N. Joseph, Hon Sec & Treasurer A. Factor, Trustee & Past President
Chas. Norvick, Trustee
S. Joseph, Past President
[Includes copy of the Chief Rabbi’s letter recommending they appeal to the
Jewish community.)
Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1923, page 10
Home for Aged Jews
‘Aberavon and Port Talbot Congregation, M. S., £2 2s.’
Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1923, page 27
At meeting of the Executive of the RSPCA held in Swansea, Mr N. Joseph,
Secretary and Treasurer of the Aberavon and Port Talbot Hebrew Congregation, was
unanimously elected their Secretary for the district.
Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1923, page 31
Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women.
Members of the Aberavon and Port Talbot Hebrew Congregation 15s.
Jewish Chronicle, 25 January 1924, page 25
At dance organised by N. Joseph, President, £18 raised for the Building Fund.
Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1924, page 1
Engagement. Alexandrine, youngest daughter of Mr & Mrs S. Arthur, Finsbury Park,
to Harry, eldest son of Mr & Mrs J. Freeman, Gloucester Road, Bristol. Late of
Port Talbot.
Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1924, page 3
Young Israel
Reference to Millie Armsron, 29 Halford Street, Port Talbot.
Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1924, page 31
General Meeting. President, N. Joseph, tendered his resignation on leaving the
town. Thanks accorded to him for his valuable services as President and
Secretary and in raising large sum for the Redemption Fund.
Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1924
New Year Greetings, page xxii
Mr & Mrs Max Corne and son, ‘Marsden’, George Street Port, Talbot. [Son, Leslie]
Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1924
New Year Greetings, page xxii
Mr & Mrs Corne, Aberavon.
Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1924, page 27
Annual meeting. A. Carengold, President, Stern, Treasurer, I. Goldberg, Hon Sec,
Rosenberg, Newman, Goldberg, A. Factor, Corne, Ginsberg, and Norvick, Committee.
Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1925, page 2
Engagement. Annie, elder daughter of Nr & Mrs Stern, Gwendoline Street,
Aberavon, to Philip, eldest son of Mr & Mrs Joseph, Waunllwyd, Ebbw Vale,
Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1925, page 26
Illuminated address presented to L. L. Fine JP of Cardiff for having opened the
synagogue. Nathan Joseph presented with silver cup for services to congregation.
Dance followed in aid of the Building Fund, and a substantial sum was raised.
£2 17s collected for the Ukrainian Jews’ Fund.
Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1925
New Year Greetings, page xxvi
Mr & Mrs A. Corne of Aberavon.
Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1925, page 1
Engagement. Dora, youngest daughter of Mrs S Lewis and late Mr Lewis, Tonypandy,
and Victor, youngest son of Mr & Mrs A. Corne, Aberavon [Marriage. Victor C.
Corme September 1927 Stepney 1c 686/Dora Lewis]
Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1925, page1
Engagement. Eva 3rd daughter of Mr & Mrs M. Harris of Merthyr Tydvil to Reuben,
youngest son o Mr and late Mrs A. Bloom of Port Talbot, late of Merthyr.
[Eva Harris December 1925 Merthyr T. 11a 1453/Reuben Bloom]
Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1925, page 27
Pupils of Classes examined by Rev M. A. Simmons BA of Cardiff. Satisfied with
progress. Complimented the teacher, Rev Mr Isaacs.
Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1926, page 22
Rev P. Isaacs, late of Port Talbot, elected Chazan, Shochet, and Teacher at
Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1926, page
Rev J. Eskin formerly of Limerick newly appointed minister of Aberavon
Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1927, page 1
Birth on 13 April to Mr & Mrs Max Corne (nee Miriam Sunshine) a son, Lionel.
[Lionel Corne June 1927 Neath 11a 1438 Mother Sunshine]
Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1927, page 1
Engagement. Esther (Essie) youngest daughter of Mr S. and late Mrs Goldberg, 13
Crown Street, Port Talbot, to Joseph (Joe) elder son of Mr & Mrs J. Armstrong,
53 Water Street, Port Talbot. [Esther Goldberg September 1928 Islington 1b
625/Joseph Armstrong]
Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1928, page 16
Rev Joshua Eskin of Port Talbot has been unanimously elected Shochet of the
Birmingham Board of Shechita.
Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1928, page 1
Jack, 2nd son of Mr & Mrs L. Stuppel, 22 Picton Avenue, Porthcawl, will read
Haphtorah at the Synagogue, Aberavon, on Saturday 2 July.
Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1928, page 1
Bar mitzvah of Charles, Only son of Mr & Mrs Joseph King of 32 Windsor Road,
Neath, at the Port Talbot synagogue.
Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1928, page 11
Board of Deputies meeting. Aberavon representative E. Snowman.
Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1928, page 16
Jewish War Memorial, Central Committee on Jewish Education.
One teacher now instructed the children at the Bridgend and Port Talbot Classes
and one grant was made by the War Memorial for both sets of classes.
Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1928, page 39
Annual meeting of congregation. Mr Rosenberg presided and submitted balance
sheet. Elected: I. Factor, President and Treasurer, E. Milner BA, 23 Crown
Street, Hone Sec, and a Committee.
Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1929, page 14
Chatan Torah A. Bloom. Chatan Bereshit A. Green
Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1929, page 33
Annual meeting. Balance sheet showed a substantial decrease in the amount owing
to the bank. I. Factor and E. Milner BA re-elected President and Hon Sec
respectively. Also elected a Committee and an Education Committee. £14 18s 6d
collected by officers for the Palestine Emergency Appeal.
Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1930, page 1
Lilly, 3rd daughter of Mr S. and the late Mrs Racuzin of Dublin, late of
Limerick, to Isaac, only surviving son of Mr S. and the late Mrs Goldberg of
Port Talbot.
Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1931, page 8
Obituary of Abraham Shinerock. Acted as shochet to various provincial
communities - Hull, Port Talbot, Maidenhead (during war), and Plymouth.
Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1931, page 30
Annual meeting. Elected M. Milner, President and Treasurer, I. Ginsberg, Hon
Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1932, page 12
Board of Deputies meeting. Aberavon representative E. Snowman.
Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1935, page 36
Newly-formed Jewish Social Club held a largely-attended Social Officials of the
Club are: Mr R. Garber, 8 Crown Street, Chairman; Miss R. Factor, Hon Sec; Miss
D. Rosenberg, Treasurer. Committee: Misses R. Rosenberg, E. Green, A. Litovitch,
Mrs A. Gilbert, Mrs E. Armstrong. Messrs M. Rosenberg, B. Aaron, M. Dennis, I.
Factor, J. Armstrong, B. Rosenberg, H. Factor, and M. Tann.
Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1935, page 20
United Appeal for Polish Jewry
Aberavon and Port Talbot £1 10s.
Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1936, page 12
Obituary of Rev Israel Litovitch, minister of Aberavon and Port Talbot
Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1936, page 42
Rev Morris Landy appointed Shochet, Teacher and Reader.
Jewish Chronicle, 4 December 1936, page 47
Annual meeting.
A. Factor, President, I. D. Rosenberg, Treasurer, I. Factor, 45 Victoria Road
Hon Sec. Vote of thanks to A Bloom for his services during the High Festivals,
Jewish Chronicle,23 July 1937, page
Herbert M. Adler, Director of Jewish Education, visited Port Talbot and examined
the children. Pleased with work done and awarded prizes. Received by President,
A[sic]. Factor, Treasurer, J. D. Rosenberg, and A. Blow[?Bloom], member of
Jewish Chronicle,6 August 1937, page
Congregation suffered loss by death of A. Bloom, member of the committee of
[Death. Aaron Bloom September 1937 aged 73 Neath 11a 662]
Jewish Chronicle,9 December 1938,
page 39
Rev M. Landy addressed local Methodist Young Guild on ’The Position of German
Jewry from 1933 to 1938’. Rev M. Freeman, chairman, expressed sympathy for Jews
of Germany.
Jewish Chronicle,13 January 1939,
page 29
Special meeting of congregation to discus plans for assisting refugees. Elected:
I. Factor, Chairman; B. Rosenberg, Treasurer; Rev M. Landy, Secretary; and a
Rev M. Landy addressed the Salem Guild on ’The Critical Condition of European
Jewry’. Rev M. Gould expressed sympathy.
Jewish Chronicle,15 December 1939
Jewish population of Aberavon 46.
Jewish Chronicle,3 August 1945, page
Southend. Rev Sydney Samuel Ginsburg ordered as Reader, Teacher and Secretary of
the Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Congregation. He was born in Aberavon in 1920.
[Birth. Samuel S. Ginsburg December 1920 Neath 11a 1874. Mother Stone]
[Note also. Birth. Elix Ginsburg December 1920 Neath 11a 1874 Mother Stone]
Jewish Chronicle,13 February 1970,
page 29
Mr Charles Arron elected President of Aberavon and Port Talbot Chamber of Trade.
Jewish Chronicle,14 March 1975, page
Obituary of Isaac Factor. Died aged 72. Last President of Aberavon and Port
Talbot Hebrew Congregation.
[Death. Isaac Factor March 175 Neath 27 2314]
Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1980, page 11
Roll of Honour for WWI containing names of serving members of the defunct
Aberavon and Port Talbot Hebrew Congregation has been re-erected in the
vestibule of the Swansea synagogue. The tablet was removed when the building was
sold. The last minister of Aberavon and Port Talbot was Rev (now Rabbi) Maurice
Landy of Cricklewood.
Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1996, page 21
Obituary of Rabbi Maurice Landy who died 12 May 1996 aged 82. Went to Aberavon
and Port Talbot congregation in 1936 and stayed 6 years.
Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 2005, page 26
Rev Alec Ginsburg died 7 January aged 84. Born Aberavon, twin. He was
chaplain to Jewish National Servicemen from 1945 to end of conscription in 1963.
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