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congregations throughout the British Isles and Gibraltar, both past and present.
Mildenhall is an
East Anglian town close to the Fens, with a population of some 10,000.
It is situated about 42 miles southwest of Norwich and 23 miles northeast of
Cambridge, with Newmarket just 10 miles to the southwest.
Mildenhall was a rural district (formed in 1894) in the county of West Suffolk.
In 1974, it merged with neighbouring areas to form the Forest Heath District
within the county of Suffolk (the respective counties of West and East Suffolk having merged at the same time).
A further merger took place in 2019, when Forest Heath merged with St Edmundsbury
to become the District of West Suffolk, administered from Bury St. Edmunds, still within the county of Suffolk.
RAF Mildenhall is the largest RAF station and commenced operations
in 1934. Despite its status as an RAF station, since 1950, it has
primarily supported US Air Force operations.
Synagogue at RAF Mildenhall |
Formation: |
Flight Lieut. Julian Misell, was the founder and hon.
president of the synagogue in about 1944.(ii)
Transfer to the US Air Force: |
Following the takeover of much of Mildenhall Station by the US Air Force,
in 1952 the synagogue at RAF Mildenhall was transferred to
RAF Stafford.
However, Jewish life continued at the Mildenhall base under the auspices
of US Air Force chaplains who were based there.
US Air Force Chaplains: |
The chaplains included:
Colonel Rabbi Sydney Hoffman, senior US Forces Jewish chaplain in Britain,
who was based at Mildenhall and Alconbury USAF bases in the early 1980s.
Rabbi Irvin S Ehrlich, from Georgia, USA, Jewish chaplain to all American military personnel stationed in the UK, who held the rank of Major
was based at Mildenhall in the mid 1980s. By that time Friday night services were held in a multi faith room, rather than a designated synagogue.
The room contained a small portable ark with one sefer torah. Rabbi Ehrlich was a graduate of the Hebrew
Union College, Cincinnati. His tour of duty in the UK ended in May 1985.(v)
Rabbi Brett Oxman, from about 1996 until 1999. From California, Rabbi Oxman was a trained paratrooper.
He held regular Shabbat services at the Mildenhall base which were attended by about 30 people. In 1999 he was transferred to Denver, Colorado.(vi)
(JC 30.7.99)
Registration District (BDM): |
Suffolk, since
2 November 2010(vii)
Link to Register Office Website. |
Notes &
Sources (↵
returns to text above)
List of Synagogues at RAF Stations
Jewish Congregations in Suffolk
Jewish Communities of England home page
Page created: 14 August 2024
Page most recently amended: 14 August 2024
Based upon research by Steven Jaffe
by David Shulman
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