JCR-UK is a genealogical and historical website covering all Jewish communities and congregations
throughout the British Isles and Gibraltar, both past and present.
Newspaper Articles relating to the
Merthyr Tydfil Jewish Community
29 May 1847 - Merthyr Police
Court An Amorous Israelite. "You Know." - Rachael Burke
28 June 1873 - Jewish
Wedding The marriage of Miss Annie Jane Jacob, daughter of Mr. A. B. Jacob, to Mr. Mark Lyons
September 1883 - Obituary One of the oldest inhabitants of Merthyr, Mr. Harris
18 October 1884 - Jewish
Wedding The marriage of Miss Jennie Levinson of Merthyr to Mr. Julius Gittlesohn of
26 October 1895 - Jewish Wedding The marriage of Mr. Marcus Levinsohn to Miss Alvira
24 August 1901 - Jewish
Wedding The marriage took place of Mr Louis Price, of Preston and Miss Sarah Annie
1 February 1902 - Jewish
Wedding The marriage of Mr Isaac Alswang, Isle of Wight, to Miss Jeannette Marks
18 September 1903 -
article in the Jewish Chronicle Jewish
Workmen at Dowlais
7 April 1906 - Jews Leave Dowlais About 120 of the Jews of Dowlais to emigrate to Canada
2 December 1906 - Jewish
Wedding The marriage of
Miss Sara Freedman, youngest daughter of the late Mr Lewis
17 December 1921 - Jewish Wedding The marriage of Dr. Hyman Jacob Levy, M.B., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Levy
30 September 1922 - Merthyr Jewish Ball The Treat of the Season! Lovers of Dancing and Whist would do well to
6 August 1927 - Well known Merthyr tradesman laid to rest Funeral of the late Mr. W. R. Cohen, jeweller, High Street
1934 - Merthyr
Wedding The marriage of Hyman Fine, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Levy
to Sallie Isaacs
2 November 1935 - Merthyr
Hebrews Consecration of New Cemetery at Cefn
June 1953 -
Merthyr Barmitzvah
Barmitzvah of Elliot Gerald Fine
15 January 1955 - Synagogue Reconsecration Synagogue Reconsecrated by Chief Rabbi of Commonwealth
18 November 2009 -
article in South
Wales Echo by Jackie Bow Merthyr synagogue in Thomastown set to be turned into flats
Merthyr Express, 29 May 1847
MERTHYR POLICE COURT, FRIDAY, MAY 21. [Before William Thomas, Esq.]
AN AMOROUS ISRAELITE. "You Know." - Rachael Burke, a
nymph of the pave, was charged by Lazarus Harris, (better know by his Jew
brethren as "Vinegar Merchant," from the exceedingly sour expression of his
countenance), with stealing a silver watch, his property, this morning. It
appears that Lazarus (naughty man) is in the habit of taking ladies of
this description into his house at very unseasonable hours, which was the case
this morning, when he had the misfortune to lose his watch. Harris being sworn
said _ I am a clockmaker, and live at Pontmorlais. Dis morning yer
Vership, dat vooman come to my door about two o'clock, you know, and shay she
could not get into her lodgings, you know, so I get up and let her in, you
know. Not for any ting else, you know. (Mr. Thomas said he did not
know). Vell vhen she came in she shay she vant some coffee, you know, and den
she go to de drawer vhere I keep me vatch, you know, and shay she couldn't
find no coffee, and dat she vash werry bad, you know, and must go home; so she
vent home, you know. I look in my drawer after she vash gone, and my
vatch vash gone too, you know (laughter). Den I go to the sergeant here,
you know, and go vid him to her lodgings, and der she vash in bed, you know,
and de sergeant did starch her {search her} - (roars of laughter) - but he
could not find my vatch. I put de vatch in de drawer not long before she
come in. - Sergeant Recs, proved the apprehension of the prisoner, and also
the statement made by her. He had been unable to find the watch. - The
prisoner put several questions to Harris, with a view of showing that other
girls had been in the house with him that night. This he stoutly denied.
She was committed for trial at the next sessions.
Merthyr Express, 28 June 1873
On Wednesday an interesting ceremony took
place in Merthyr on the occasion of the marriage of Miss Annie Jane Jacob,
daughter of Mr. A. B. Jacob, of this town, to Mr. Mark Lyons, of Birmingham, a
gentleman who has recently returned from the Cape of Good Hope, where he was
one of the few successful searchers after wealth at the diamond fields.
The ceremony took place at the Synagogue, which was densely crowded on the
occasion, the Rector of Merthyr and other gentlemen being present. A
most earnest and impressive address was delivered to the happy couple by the
Rev. Mr. Abelson, Hebrew minister, who officiated. The bride was attired
in rich blue satin and lace; she wore an emblematic wreath of orange blossoms
and a long white veil. Her jewellery was remarkable for its costliness
and beauty ....
Merthyr Express, September 1883
Our obituary this week records the death of one of the oldest inhabitants of Merthyr, in the person of Mr. Harris Goodman, of Victoria-street. Mr.
Goodman died on the 28th ult. at the patriarchal age of 96. The
deceased was the father of Mr. Moses Goodman, of Victoria-street. He
came from Poland to England over 60 years ago, and spent nearly 50 years of his life in the town of Merthyr. He was one of the founders of the
original synagogue in this town, and an earnest member of the new
synagogue. He always bore the character of an honourable and upright
tradesman, and was sincerely respected by all who knew him
Merthyr Express, Saturday, 18 October 1884
On Wednesday afternoon was celebrated, with great eclat, the
marriage of Miss Jennie Levinson of Merthyr with Mr. Julius Gittlesohn of
Dowlais. The ceremony, the Rev. A. Abelson officiating, was celebrated
in the pretty little synagogue, which was crowded to excess, not only by the
friends of the happy couple, but by an eager and interested number of
Christians whose attention was divided between the strange ritual and the
handsome dresses of the bride and bridal party. The bride wore a dress
of rich ivory brocade, trimmed with orange blossoms and lace, from the
celebrated Peter Robinson of Oxford Street. The five little bridesmaids were
the nieces of contracting parties and their beautiful little dresses were the
admiration of everybody. The ceremony lasted about half an hour and
concluded by the bridegroom smashing into innumerable pieces a piece of glass
to symbolise that it is as impossible to sever the marriage bond as it is to
re-piece the glass. From the synagogue, the entire party of invited guests,
amid a shower of rice, adjourned to the Temperance Hall, which was tastefully
decorated and where a most recherché dinner was provided. The health of the
newly married couple were drunk with great enthusiasm, together with those of
their relatives and several near friends, also that of the venerable
philanthropist, Sir Moses Montefiore.
Merthyr Express, 26 October 1895
Considerable local interest was evinced in the marriage of Mr.
Marcus Levinsohn, High Street, Dowlais, and Miss Alvira Freedman, daughter of
Mr R. Freedman, Swansea, on Wednesday se'nnight. The bridegroom who is
Secretary and Registrar of Marriages to the Merthyr Hebrew Congregation, is
well-known and respected in the district by a host of friends of all creeds
and persuasions; and the bride, in her own circle enjoys the esteem of all.
The bride, who was given away by her father (Mr. B. Freedman) looked charming
in a dress of white silk trimmed with lace, and the bridal veil was attached
to a wreath of orange blossoms, whilst she carried an exquisite shower bouquet
of lilies and orchids, the gift of the bridegroom. She was attended by
the Misses Freedman, Swansea, (sisters of the bride), who were attired in
white silk with hats to match; Miss Maud Gittelsohn and Miss Beatrice
Gittelsohn, Cardiff, (nieces of the bridegroom), prettily costumed in pink
silk with hats to match, who acted as bridesmaids. They also carried
handsome bouquets, gifts of the bridegroom. Mr W. R. Cohen, Merthyr, (uncle of
the bridegroom), fulfilled the duties of best man. The marriage ceremony
was performed by the Rev. P. Wolfers, and the Rev. Miron, of Swansea, and very
impressive addresses were delivered by the rev. gentlemen. At the
conclusion of the service, the newly-wedded couple received the hearty
congratulations of those present, and best wishes for their future happiness.
Amongst the relatives and friends present at the function were:- Mrs.
Levinsohn, Merthyr (mother of the bridegroom); Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, London;
Mr and Mrs Mendilsohn, Merthyr; Mrs Morris Cohen, London; Mr H. Gittlesohn,
Union Street Dowlais; Mr. H. Isaacs, Horse-street; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones,
Church-street; Dr. John R. Evans, Union-street Surgery; Mr, and Mrs. W.
England, Victoria Inn; and Mr. J. H. Hyman, Union-street. A reception
followed, and in the evening a banquet was succeeded by a ball. Mr. and
Mrs. Levinsohn have been the recipients of numerous handsome and valuable
presents, and we join with pleasure in the congratulations and expressions for
a bright and prosperous future. The honeymoon is being spent at London
and the South Coast.
Merthyr Express, 24 August 1901
On Wednesday, at Merthyr Synagogue, the marriage took place of
Mr Louis Price, of Preston and Miss Sarah Annie Freedman, daughter of Mr
Harris Freedman, Miriam-buildings, Dowlais. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev J. Abelson, Bristol; Rev Mr Bloom, rabbi; and the Rev Mr Levene,
Tredegar. The bride looked charming in a dress of white ivory satin,
with transparent yoke and sleeves, trimmed with Brussels lace, with a court
train and veil, and real orange blossom. She also wore three diamond
rings and a diamond necklet, and carried a lovely shower bouquet, the gifts of
the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss Lena Freedman (sister of the
bride), who wore a dress of white china silk lined with gold satin, with
transparent yoke and sleeves, and picture hat to match; Miss Freyda Roseman
(niece) of Plymouth, who wore white silk trimmed with gold lining; and Miss
Annie Roseman, who was similarly dressed; and the page was Master M. Harris of
Dowlais. The bridegroom's best man was Mr A. Newhouse, of Preston. Mrs
Freedman wore a dress of black brocaded silk, trimmed with blue chiffon and
cream lace. The visitors were Mr and Mrs Roseman (sister and brother-in-law of
the bride), the Misses Freedman, London; Mrs Sherwinter, Edinburgh; Mrs Saul,
Swansea; Mr and Mrs Goldstone, Aberdare; Rev J. and Mrs Abelson, Bristol; Mr
and Mrs Jacobs, Aberdare; Mr and Mrs Harris, Tredegar; Mr and Mrs Levene,
Tredegar. The canopy under which the bride and bridegroom stood was
specially made for the occasion by the bride. It was composed of white satin,
with ribbon streamers, the poles being trimmed with red and white ribbons.
At each corner were forget-me-nots, and the roof was surmounted by a large
artificial sunflower. The canopy was afterwards presented to the church
by the bride. Miss Lena Freedman, wore a pretty gold necklet set with
pearls, and the other bridesmaids had gold bracelets set with pearls, all the
gift of the bridegroom, who himself wore a large cluster diamond ring, the
gift of the bride. After the ceremony a reception was held at Miriam
Hose, and the happy pair departed upon their honeymoon. They were the
recipients of handsome presents.
Merthyr Express, 1 February 1902
On Wednesday week, 22nd January, the marriage of Mr Isaac
Alswang, Isle of Wight, to Miss Jeannette Marks, daughter of Mr Jacob Marks,
Merthyr, was celebrated at the Synagogue in the presence of a large
congregation. The bride was given away by her parents and her brother,
Jos. Lionel Marks; the bridegroom by his sister, Mrs Lewis (London), and the
Rev S. N. and Mrs Levine (Tredegar). The officiating clergymen were the
Rev E. Bloom (Merthyr) and the Rev S. N. Levine (Tredegar), brother-in-law of
the bride. The bride was daintily attired in white satin trimmed with
Honiton lace, and wore a veil with orange blooms, and carried a fine shower
bouquet, the gift of the bridegroom. She was attended by Miss May
Joseph, Miss Annie Isaacs, and Miss Sophie Levene (niece of the bride) as
bridesmaids. The young ladies looked charming in white silk, and carried
baskets of flowers. She was also attended by her sisters, Misses Sophie,
Ray, Nellie, Bessie, and Gertrude, who looked extremely well in their
costumes, which lent an appreciable colour to the interesting spectacle.
After the ceremony a reception was held at the schoolroom, tables being
decorated with artistic style and a recherche luncheon was served.
The bride and bridegroom subsequently left their honeymoon with many hearty
congratulations from their many friends. The presents were also numerous
and costly. The following were the guests:- Mrs Lewis, London; Rev
S. N. and Mrs Levene, Tredegar; Rev A. Abelson, Merthyr; Rev E Bloom, Merthyr;
Mr. Gittlesohn, pres Hebrew congregation; The Misses Gittlesohn, Dowlais; The
Misses Isaacs, Dowlais; Mr and Mrs M. Levensohn, Merthyr; Mr and Mrs I. Fine,
Merthyr; Mr and Mrs A. J. Freedman, Dowlais; Mr. Mrs and Miss Prag, Merthyr;
Mr and the Misses Goodman, Merthyr; Mr and the Misses Freedman, Penydarren; Mr
and Mrs G. Freedman, Dowlais; Mr and Mrs H. Freedman, Dowlais; Mr. J. Hyman,
Dowlais; Mrs. L. and T. Freedman, Dowlais; Mr and Mrs H. Harris, Dowlais; Mr
and Mrs K..nopky, Merthyr; Mr and Mrs M. D. Goodman, Merthyr; Mr and Mrs C
Isaacs, Merthyr; Mr and Mrs Bennett, Merthyr; Miss H. Hyman; Mr and Mrs
Mendelsohn, Merthyr; Miss L. Abelson, Merthyr; Miss S. Baron, Treorchi; Mr and
Mrs Barnett, Pontypridd; Mr Roller, Swansea; Mrs Jacobs, Aberdare; The Misses
P. and L. Jacobs, Aberdare; The Misses E. and S. Fine, Aberdare; The Misses A.
and J. Roskin, Aberdare; Miss Harris, Aberdare; Mr. Mrs and Miss Goldstone,
Aberdare; Mr H. Levene, Tredegar; Mr. M. Fine, Tredegar; Mrs and Miss
Bernstein, Tredegar; The Misses Fine, Troeyrhiw; Mrs Abrahams, Brynmawr; Mrs
Baddiel, Brynmawr; Mrs Schwartz, Penydarren; Mrs Mathews, Abercynon; Mrs
Barnett, Abercynon; Mr and Mrs Isaacs, Merthyr; Miss Isaacs, Brynmawr.
Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1903

Merthyr Express, 7 April 1906
Thanks in a large measure to the efforts of Mr. Marcus Levinsohn, of Merthyr, arrangements have been made
for about 120 of the Jews of Dowlais to emigrate to Canada. By far the majority of those exiles have found their
way to Dowlais during the last twelve months having come from Russia. They have been hospitably treated at
Dowlais, but owing to work being slack they have experienced considerable difficulty in making a living. One
of their number - Mr. B. Rabbinowitz - who called at the "Express" office the other day, had nothing but praise
for the Dowlais people. Asked how they have been treated here he replied "A thousand times better than in Russia
This is the land of freedom. They would have killed us if we had remained in Russia." Mr. Levinsohn, who is
president of the Jewish community in Merthyr and Dowlais, took the matter in hand in conjecture with
Mr. A. L. Freeman of Dowlais. The circumstances of the Jews, were brought tot he notice of the Jewish Board
of Guardians in London, who sent an agent down to make enquiries. As a result arrangements were made for
the first batch, forty-four in number, to leave for Canada last Thursday, when they sailed from Liverpool by the
s.s. "Canada." Another batch of 80 will leave on the 19th inst. In these arrangements preference was given to
single men, or married men who had no children, the Board of Guardians declining to defray the cost of large
families emigrating. Mr. B. Rabbinowitz, who has six children, was particularly anxious to go to Canada, but for
the reasons stated the Board could not find the money. Mr. Levinsohn, however, decided to raise the necessary
funds, and he succeeded in collecting £35, with which tickets were bought for Mr. Rabbinowitz who, with his
family, will leave for Canada with the next batch. Naturally the Jews are greatly indebted to Mr. Levinsohn, and
as a mark of their appreciation of his kindness have presented him with an address, the text of which is as follows:-
To "Marcus Levinsohn, President of the Jewish Community in Merthyr and Dowlais. Dear Sir - We, the
undersigned workmen at Dowlais, desire to express our heartfelt gratitude to you in this small token. We are
under a debt of obligation to you for your practical sympathy and services in our times of depression, also for
representing us to the Jewish Board of Guardians, for is help in getting us to Canada. Having spent sufficient time
here now, we can testify that the bonds of friendship have been drawn closer between us. We trust that Divine
Providence will give you and Mrs. Levinsohn and your children the blessings of health, happiness and prosperity,
and that you may continue your good works in time to come" - The address was signed by over a hundred Jews in
Dowlais and district.
Merthyr Express, 2 December 1906
The marriage of Miss Sara Freedman, youngest daughter of the late Mr Lewis and
Mrs Rachel Freedman, Penydarren, to Mr Hermann E. Fine, Treharris, was
solemnised at the Synagogue, Merthyr, on the 28th ult., the officiating
ministers being the Revs. E. Bloom and L. Aarons. The Bride, who was given away
by her eldest brother (Mr. J. Freedman, of Birmingham), wore cream Oriental
satin, draped with lace and clusters of grapes, which made a most effective
garniture, lace veil and orange blossoms, with a shower bouquet. Mrs Ash,
married sister, was attired in black silk trimmed with green panne velvet; Miss
Rose Freedman, younger sister, vieux rose silk; Mrs. J. Freedman, sister-in-law,
green chiffon velvet. The bridesmaids were attired in white, pink and blue
silks, respectively carried floral muffs and wore pearl and gold brooches
presented by the bridegroom. Miss Cissie Gittlesohn, dressed in palest blue and
pink, looked a veritable Dresden shepherdess. Mesdames Fine, Tanchan, and
Gordon, with the Misses Kittie, Anne, and Mary Fine, sisters to the bridegroom,
were most becomingly dressed in grey, blue, brown, and green taffetas, the whole
wedding party forming a striking "coup d'oeil." After the ceremony, the wedding
party drove to the Drill Hall, where a sumptuous dinner was provided. A
reception and dance followed, which was attended by nearly 200 guests. Dancing
was kept up spiritedly until 3.30 a.m. The happy couple are spending their
honeymoon at London and Brighton.
Bridegroom to Bride, pearl and diamond pendant necklet; Bride to Bridegroom,
fitted suit case; father of Bridegroom, cheque; Mr. J. Freedman, Birmingham,
Irish linen bed spread; Mr and Mrs Ash, Cardiff, case of fish eaters (silver);
children of Mr and Mrs Ash, silver tea tray; Mr David Freedman, (brother of the
Bride), pair silver candelabra; Mr. S. Freedman (brother of the Bride), black
and copper curb.. suite and screen; Miss B. Freedman (sister of the Bride), pair
of silver hair brushes and mirror and comb; Mr. and Mrs. Abelson, Bristol,
asparagus dish and server; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tanchan, Bristol, early English
silver gravy spoon (W-M); Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Tonypandy, brass bedstead; Mr.
and Mrs. Fine, Abergavenny, silver goblet; Mr. Sam Fine (best man), pair silver
pepperettes; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fine, Bristol, cheque; Miss Kitty Fine (sister
of the Bridegroom), satin eiderdown; Miss Annie Fine (sister of the Bridegroom),
Angora table cloth; Miss May Fine (sister of the Bridegroom), skin rug; Mr. and
Mrs. O. Freedman, Dowlais, tea spoons and tongs (silver); Mr. J. Freedman,
Dowlais, cake basket (silver); Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Freedman, Dowlais, manicure
set (silver); Mrs. Sophia Cohen, Cardiff, silver epergne; Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Jacobs, Swansea, Austrian centre piece; Mr. and Mrs. Sol Barnett, Newport,
silver bread boat; Mr. and Mrs. B Goodman, Cardiff, French vases; Mr. and Mrs.
S. Schwartz, flower and fruit centre piece; Miss H. S. Goodman, Merthyr, plated
tea pot; Mr. H. Abelson, Bristol, epergne; Mr. Isaac Abelson, Bristol, modern
Derby afternoon tea set; Miss Bessie Abelson, Bristol, hall brushes and glass;
Mr. H. Israel, London, marble clock; Mr. and Mrs. Gittlesohn, Merthyr, silver
soup ladle; Mr. and Mrs. Barny Isaacs, Tonypandy, silver time-piece; Mr. H.
Marks, Tonypandy, sugar bowl scoop; Mr. and Mrs. A. Roseman, biscuit box; Mr.
and Mrs. J. Woolf, Cardiff, silver syphon stand; Mr. and Mrs. S. Harris,
Merthyr, sugar and cream stand; Mr. and Mrs. Meredith, preserve jar; Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ford, London, silver sweet basket; Miss R. Cohen and Mr. Levinsohn,
cruet stand and pickle jar; Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, pair of salt cellars; Mr. and
Miss Roskin, silver sweet dish; Mr. and Mrs.Geo. Nathan, Birmingham, silver-top
pot; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Levy, Birmingham, silver encriere; Mr. F. L. Beddoe,
silver stand and pickle jars; Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, Cardiff, toast rack and
butter dish; Mr. P. Seal (brother), pair of silver sweets; Mr. M. and Miss
Goodman, Merthyr, plated bread boat; Misses Sellie and Ellie Gittlesohn,
silver-mounted scent bottles; Mrs. Cook, Penydarren, plated toast rack; Miss
Cissie Gittlesohn, silver card case; Mr. S. Wallen, silver bread fork; Mr. and
Mrs. G. Humphreys, Tonypandy, sifted sugar and cream stand; Mr. and Mrs.
Abrahams, London, silver sweet dish; Mr. B. Joseph and sister, silver-mounted
marmalade dish; Miss Maggie Jones, butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. E. Cohen, Cardiff,
silver tea spoons and tongs; Mr. J... ...., .....ydd, preserve dish in stand;
Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen and daughter, fruit eaters in case; Mr. and Mrs. J. Prag,
silver ...... and knife (butter); Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hyman, silver photo frames;
Miss M. Abrahams, London, five o'clock tea spoons; Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin,
London, fish servers; Miss Shunklin, silver mounted carvers; Mr. J. A. Jenkins,
Treharris, military brushes and comb; Mr. B. Isaacs and daughters, silver hand
mirror; Mr. Davies, Trenharris, butter dish; The Misses Marks, hand painted
table centre; etc., etc.
Merthyr Express, Saturday, 17 December 1921
On Wednesday, December 7th the wedding took place at the
Jewish Synagogue, Merthyr, of Dr. Hyman Jacob Levy, M.B., eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Levy, Ivor-street, Dowlais, and Muriel, only daughter of the late Mr.
A. I. Freedman and Mrs. Freedman Penybryn Villas, Penydarren.
Exceptional interest was taken in the event as both parties are well-known in
the district, the bridegroom being in partnership of Dr. R, S. McClelland,
Dowlais. He arrived at the Synagogue with his brother, Mr. Isaac Levy,
as best man. The bride, who looked charming in white satin with veil and
wreath of orange blossoms, was given away by her uncle, Mr. L. L. Fine J.P.,
Cardiff, and carried a bouquet, the gift of the bridegroom. She was
attended by Miss Joe Freedman, Penydarren, Miss Silverman, London, Miss Betty
Fine, Merthyr, Miss Olive Freedman, Dowlais, and Miss Ena Freedman, who were
picturesquely attired in primrose dresses, and each carried a bouquet, the
gift of the bridegroom. The officiating ministers were the Revs. E.
Bloom and - Jerevitch, Cardiff.
Merthyr Express, 30 September 1922
The Treat if the Season! Lovers of
Dancing and Whist would do well to reserve Wednesday October 18th, 1922 for
the Whist Drive and Dance to be held in connection with the newly-formed
Jewish Institute. Arrangements are being made for the engagement of one
of the finest Dance Orchestras in Wales, and who have not yet appeared in
Merthyr. There will be valuable prizes for whist. Application for
tickets (Gents, 7s. 6d. Ladies, 6s. 6d; refreshments inclusive) should be made
to Mr. Moses Bloom, 1, Castle Street, Pontrebach, Merthyr.
Merthyr Express, 6 August 1927
Amid manifestations of sorrow and respect, the mortal remains
of Mr. W. R. Cohen, jeweller, High Street, whose death was recorded in our
last issue, were laid to rest at the Jewish Cemetery at Cefn on Wednesday.
Mr. Cohen came to Merthyr over 60 years ago, and with a few others immediately
set to to the task of obtaining the necessary funds to erect the Synagogue,
and for almost 60 years he was a prominent member, and also a life president.
Distinguished for his sterling character, respected for his exemplary life,
admired for his abilities, and beloved for his geniality and modesty, he was
well known and esteemed by all sections of the community. To all
charities he was always a most liberal subscriber. Mr. Cohen was a
Freemason, being a member of the Loyal Cambrian and other lodges, and also a
well known member of the Chamber of Trade.
The service was conducted by the Rev. E. Bloom, and the Rector
of Merthyr conducted the Masonic service, each brother dropping sprays of
acacia upon the coffin.
The mourners were Mr. H. Gittelsohn (and sons), Mr. Harry
Isaac (and son), Mr. Levinsohn, Mr Charles Tyler, Mr. J. Gibbon (and sons),
Mr. M. Abrahams, Mr. B. Abelson, Mr. Alf. Martin (London), Mr. King, Messrs.
Isaac and Edward Levi (Swansea), Mr. M. Lowensohn (Llandaff), Mr. Levinsohn
(Cardiff), Mr. Lipsett (Merthyr). Among others present were Dr.
Llewellyn Jones, Rev. E. Davies, Mr. V. A. Wills, Mr. Gay, Mr. Jones (tailor),
Mr. Bellham, Mr. Millward and others.
Merthyr Express, 1934
Mr. Hyman Fine, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Fine,
Tredegar, was married at the Merthyr Synagogue on Thursday to Miss Sallie
Isaacs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Isaacs, of Merthyr.
The Rev. E. Bloom officiated.
The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of
ivory …... ripple satin, which was moulded to …… figure from a net shoulder
yoke, embroidered in crystal and diamanté. Her head-dress was a swathed roll of
ripple satin matching her gown, banded with crystal and worn at an angle over
the forehead. From this fell a lovely net veil.
The bridesmaids were the Misses Doris Fine, Renee Fine and
Bertha Cohen, while the Misses Sybil Fine and Zelda Fine were flower girls.
The bridesmaids wore gowns of white taffeta with picture
hats of white net, and they carried bouquets of clove carnations. The flower
girls were dressed …… organdie and carried posies of pink rosebuds.
Mr. M. Fine was the best man.
After a reception at the Miners’ –hall, Merthyr, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Fine left for the East Coast.
The bride wore a turquoise linen tweed ensemble with a navy
and white hat and silver fox furs.
The bridal gown and many of the ensembles worn by the
guests were designed and supplied by Messrs. Potter Gilmore, Ltd. of 24, St.
Mary-street, Cardiff.
Newspaper and text kindly provided by
Elizabeth Dorfman
Merthyr Express, 2 November 1935
Consecration of New Cemetery at Cefn
The new extension of the Hebrew Cemetery at Cefn Coed
was formally consecrated and declared open
on Sunday in the presence of a large gathering. The new section adjoins
the old portion of the cemetery,
which has been in existence upwards of 70 years or so, and the ground has been
prepared and greatly
improved by the inclusion of concrete paths and terraces overlooking the main
road to Brecon. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. Bloom, the minister of the
local Hebrew Congregation, who
referred to the fulfilment of a very necessary want in the acquisition of the
plot of land which was converted
into the new portion of the cemetery. He paid a tribute to the work of the
committee, and especially to
Mrs. Raina Grwsener (formerly of Treharris) who had handsomely subscribed
towards the project and had
thus helped them to realise their ambition.
Mrs. Grwsener, in declaring the place open, said she hoped the ground
would not be used for many years.
It was her pleasure to render this service to the community.
Mr. Sol. Freedman presented Mrs. Grwsener with a silver trowel, suitably,
inscribed, on behalf of the
members of Merthyr Hebrew Congregation.
A reception and tea followed at the Lesser Drill Hall. Mr. Sol. Freedman,
who presided, was
supported by the Rev. E. Bloom, Mr. Isaac Hamilton, Mr. E. M.. Cohen, Mr.
A. Moscovitch, Mr. B. Shelower,
Mr. Harris Schwartz, and others.
The Chairman made touching reference to the recent passing away of Mr.
Hermann Gittllesohn, their honourable
member and one of the founders of the congregation, whose demise they all
greatly deplored. The speaker
called upon the audience to stand in memory of their departed friend and
Mr. Freedman then paid a tribute to all those who had worked so well for
the noble cause, and especially
mentioned Mr. A. Moscovitch, the president of the burial society, who had
devoted a considerable amount
of his time towards the supervision of the work connected with the renovation of
the new cemetery.
In responding to the toast of the visitors, Mr. Elkan, Pontypridd, said
the Merthyr Congregation was, without doubt,
the finest in South Wales. They had an admirable leader in the Rev. E.
Bloom, who had served them so faithfully
for the past 35 years. He hoped they would all continue to prosper.
Responding, Mr Isaac Hamilton (treasurer) said they had an ideal
congregation and felt proud of its members.
Mrs Grwsener had done the right thing in making her gifts during her lifetime, a
matter which afforded gratification to
the giver when one saw the fruits of one's endeavours.
Mr. Harris Schwartz said that as one of the promoters of the new cemetery
he felt delighted to witness the
completion of their efforts. Mr. Moscovitch and others also spoke.
Mr. G. A. Swallow proposed the vote of thanks
to the ladies' committee, who had worked so ably for the cause.
Jewish Chronicle, June 1953
FINE - Elliot Gerald,
younger son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fine, “Luctonia,” The Walk, Merthyr, will
read Maftir and Haftara at Merthyr Synagogue on Saturday, June 27.
Synagogue Re-consecrated by Chief Rabbi of Commonwealth
Merthyr Express, 15 January 1955
The smaller Jewish Communities were an inspiration
and an example to the larger communities where their institutions tended to be
taken too much for granted, said the Very Rev. Israel Brodie, Chief Rabbi of
the United Hebrew Congregation of the British Commonwealth and Empire, at a
dinner held at the Miner's Hall, Merthyr Tydfil, on Monday.
The dinner was in honour of the Chief Rabbi's visit
to Merthyr on the occasion of the reconsecration of the Synagogue.
After the Cantor of Merthyr, Rev.
A. Cohen, had expressed the hope that the Chief Rabbi's visit would put new
life and vigour into their spiritual affairs, the Chief Rabbi said he was glad
to feel that, as a result of his visit, the Synagogue might start a new
chapter in its history as illustrious as that in the past.
"I see a handful of people," he
said, "who might come what might, persist in their endeavour to maintain the
Jewish way of life in all its variety and in spite of the
financial sacrifice which is entailed."
The Chief Rabbi was responding to
a toast proposed by Dr. S. Bloom and seconded by the Rev. A. Cohen.
"We in Merthyr are a small
community and a slowly dwindling one," said Dr. Bloom. "We hope that the
Chief Rabbis' visit will intensify our feeling of the need for more communal
A toast to
the Merthyr Hebrew Congregation was proposed by Rabbi B. Rogosnitzky, Rav of
Cardiff. Responding Mr. A. Sherman, treasurer of the Merthyr Hebrew
congregation, said that although the local community had dwindled considerably
in the last 25 years, and although they were comparatively few in number,
their strength lay in the fact that they were united.
The Chief Rabbi was welcomed by
the chairman, Mr I. Hamilton, president of the Merthyr Congregation.
"Praise for the Welsh people is inexhaustible in my heart," said Mr. Hamilton,
who stated that when Jews first came to Merthyr a hundred years ago and looked
into the homes of Merthyr where there was a Bible on every sideboard, they
said, "How good they are; we must build a shrine in their midst - and that was
how the Synagogue was built," said the speaker.
Mr. Ben Hamilton, secretary of
the Merthyr Congregation, proposed a toast to the Merthyr Corporation/
"The Corporation had a regard for the young of the Borough, and Merthyr was
the pioneer of free education in this country," he said
The Mayor of Merthyr Coun. M.
Osborne, J.P., said that the Children of Israel were among the best
law-abiding citizens in the town. "In the depression we always received
financial help from our Jewish friends," he said.
Lt-Colonel R. Freedman, proposed
a toast to the Guests, and Mr. S.O. Davies, M.P. for Merthyr, and Mr. George
Thomas, M.P. for Cardiff West responded.
Presentations were made to Messrs
I. Hamilton, A. Sherman and S. Simons.
The loyal toast was proposed by
Dr. S. L. Isaacs, and Mr. H. Sherman proposed a toast to the State of Israel.
Dr. M. Bloom proposed a toast to
the chairman.
Grace was chanted by the Rev. A.
As the Scrolls of the Law were
brought to the doors of Merthyr Synagogue on Tuesday evening, the Very Rev.
Israel Brodie acclaimed in Hebrew, "Open unto me the gates of righteousness; I
will enter then and praise the Lord." This was the prelude to an
impressive service in which the Chief Rabbi re-consecrated the 80 year old
Synagogue after its re-decoration. Also officiating were Rabbi B.
Rogosnitzky, Rav of Cardiff, and Rev. A. Cohen, Cantor of Merthyr Synagogue.
In the presence of a large
congregation the Synagogue was opened by Mr. A. Sherman, treasurer of the
Merthyr Hebrew Congregation.
It was a dramatic moment when the
embroidered curtains were drawn back revealing the Ark. After the Scroll
Bearers had made a circuit of the Synagogue the Scrolls of the Law were placed
in the Ark, and a prayer for the welfare of the State of Israel was changed.
The Ark was then closed.
In his
address to the congregation, the Chief Rabbi referred to the persecution which
made Jews leave the lands of their birth and how they had found freedom of
worship in Merthyr.
The Chief
Rabbi said that the founders of the Merthyr community had built the Synagogue
for the congregation who were privileged to continue the Jewish tradition.
"This has been a Synagogue," he
continued, "where people have not only prayed and studied, but have deepened
their sense of association as a Jewish community, part of those dispersed
throughout the world. There exists here an underlying friendship, a
mutual regard, and a readiness to help not only the members of the
congregation but to respond to the cry for help reaching these friendly shores
from lands of darkness. "Happy are you who dwell in this House," he
said, "successors to those departed who kept our sacred faith. May you
in your happiness, in your sense of gratitude to the Almighty, resolve that
Jews will continue to praise the lord as long as there are Jews here."
The Chief Rabbi said he was glad
to see the children present.
synagogue in Thomastown set to be turned into flats
by Jackie Bow
(provided by
Harold Pollins)
South Wales Echo, 18 November 2009
The oldest remaining
synagogue building in Wales looks set to get a new lease of life with plans to
convert it into apartments.
The deteriorating Grade
II-listed former synagogue is a historic landmark near Merthyr Tydfil town
centre and located in the Thomastown conservation area.
Built in the 1870s by
Merthyr’s Jewish community, and dominating the view up Church Street, little
remains inside the synagogue, which is built in Northern Gothic style.
Since 1983, it has been
used as a Christian centre and a gymnasium but is now redundant and suffers
continued vandalism.
Previous proposals to
revive it as a gym and for offices proved unviable, councillors have been told.
The company behind
proposals to convert the building into nine flats, Warwickshire-based Choice
Circle Ltd, whose director is Valleys-born Ken Evans, is applying for full
planning, change of use and listed building consent for the development.
Considerable internal
alterations would have to be carried out but externally the building, which
contributes a significant historic landmark, will remain “largely the same”.
A nine-space car park
is also proposed, accessed off Church Street, and two off-road parking spaces
would be created for the adjoining Primrose Hill, a Grade II-listed house in
multiple occupation.
It is proposed to
convert part of its forecourt as an access road to the new car park.
As one of 12 conditions
attached if planning approval is granted, the synagogue’s existing Star of David
stained glass window would have to be repaired, rather than replaced with a new
design as proposed by the developers.
A roof void and louvre
opening would have to be maintained in perpetuity to allow continuing use by
legally protected roosting pipistrelle and brown long-eared bats.
In his report due
before councillors today, planning manager Norman Davies recommends approval of
the application.
He says: “The building
is in need of urgent renovation and it is considered that bringing it back into
beneficial use will not only improve the character of the building itself but
restore a key element to the Thomastown conservation area.”
He also says the car
park scheme is acceptable and work will not affect the setting of the listed
Primrose Hill house to a great extent with mitigation measures in place.
Cadw must be notified
if the council approves the listed consent application and could call it in for
further consideration and reserve the right to alter the decision or conditions.
Merthyr Tydfil Jewish Community & Congregation home page
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